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Messages of Love Light & Wisdom: Daily Guidance from a Messenger of Divine Consciousness
Messages of Love Light & Wisdom: Daily Guidance from a Messenger of Divine Consciousness
Messages of Love Light & Wisdom: Daily Guidance from a Messenger of Divine Consciousness
Ebook291 pages1 hour

Messages of Love Light & Wisdom: Daily Guidance from a Messenger of Divine Consciousness

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About this ebook

Messages of of Love Light and Wisdom are loving and caring messages received daily for three years from the Christ Consciousness known as Lord Maitreya. He is a member of the Council of Light, here to guide, direct, instruct and prepare us for the changes of the earth. These are given with love and caring. Our work is to be done in the energy of love while cleansing those ideas, thoughts, actions, words that separate us. It is time to dream the new dream for all to live in joy, peace, harmony and abundance. The simple gift from our hearts of gratitude helps us to elevate into the new energies to create a new world, first within each of us and then to radiate the loving energy out into our surroundings.
Applying the loving directives daily eases our journey among the changes.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 20, 2018
Messages of Love Light & Wisdom: Daily Guidance from a Messenger of Divine Consciousness

Huguette Castaneda

Huguette Castaneda is an ordained minister in the Church of Wisdom she has a doctorAte in Metaphysical Healing and a BA in Transpersonal & Psychospiritual Art from Delphi University, a BA from Thomas A. Edison State University She is also an Avesa Coach, Reiki Master, Ceremonial Master and Sound Healer She is the author of Autumn Leaves dancing in the Wind, Mariella s Gifts from the Sea, and Sophie s Gifts from the Fairies. She lives in Naples Florida to enjoy nature, the sea, music and creative expression.

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    Messages of Love Light & Wisdom - Huguette Castaneda

    Copyright © 2018 by Huguette Castaneda. 544334

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2018904372

    ISBN:   Softcover       978-1-9845-2129-3

                 Hardcover     978-1-9845-2128-6

                 EBook            978-1-9845-2130-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 05/11/2018



    This book is

    dedicated to all my grandchildren who are a source of love and delight.

    To all the children coming to earth with a mission of light and love, may you be able to awaken, use all your gifts and talents freely that the light of wisdom, knowing, creativity, and joyful enjoyment may shine everywhere.

    As we remember we are not alone, we know we are all here journeying towards a path of unity and oneness.



    The Gift of Peace

    Release and Be Open

    The Key is Within

    How Do You Resonate?

    Let Light Flow

    The Heart in Harmony

    Waves of Energy

    Bountiful Love

    Can You Remember When…

    The Gift of NOW

    Transformation of You and the Planet

    Observe the Resistance

    Many Light the Way

    Life Is a Continuum

    Transmute with Light

    Be Grounded in the Loving Core of Being

    Perspective in Unity

    Claim Your Wisdom

    What is Your Direction

    Harmony in Oneness

    The Path of Light

    Rainbow Ethers

    Observe the Play of Events

    Your Work in Expression

    All is Energy

    Energies Birth Light

    See the Abundance

    The Road to Discovery


    Blessings for Today

    Children of Light

    Divine Feminine

    Messages from the Divine Heart

    Awakening Hidden Forces

    The Music in the Stillness

    Like Running Water

    The Heart Pulses with Love

    Spirals of Energies

    Gifts of Love and Light

    Mother Earth’s Embrace

    A Centered Heart

    The Golden Light

    Shifting Patterns

    Gift of the Heart

    Dream Peace and Love

    Heal Yourself, Heal the Earth

    Changes in Awareness

    Heart Filled with Gratitude

    Caves of Treasures

    Joy is a Gift

    Spring Plants, New Seeds

    Bloom Daily

    Playground of the Earth

    A Light Switch

    Merge the Light

    Timely Patience

    The Map of Your Journey

    Affirmation of Love

    Manifest New Seeds

    Cleansing Light

    Moving Energies

    Your Pole of Light

    In the Stillness

    Clear the Obstacles

    In the Quiet of Life

    Your Wisdom is Within

    Let the Heart Sun Rise

    Rejuvenate Life

    Awaken Light Bearers

    Love Supports

    Power of Manifestation

    Nature’s New Birth

    Golden Light

    Bloom into Light

    Fertile Earth Within

    Rainbow Lights

    Energy is Dynamic

    The Beauty of Earth

    Secrets of the Ancients

    Clear the Old, Bring in the New

    Move in Creative Light

    Slow Down for the Earth

    Codes of Light

    Rays of Light

    Motherly Energy

    Flow of Energy

    The Flow of Love

    Everything is Energy

    Light of Spring

    Fill the Heart

    Nurturing of Mother Earth

    Ascend Children of Earth

    Love and Joy of Mother Earth

    You are the Flowers of the Earth

    Observe the Heart and Mind

    The Earth is Abundance

    Change Shatters Illusion

    Be Vigilant, Be Aware

    Your True Being

    Energy is a River

    Words are Energy

    The Weeds of Old Beliefs

    The Presence of Light

    Light Fills the Heart

    Joy and Delight

    Fill the Heart with Joy

    Children of Light

    Cycles of Energy

    Journey of Evolution

    Circle of Growth

    Messages of Love

    Organize Thoughts and Feelings

    Remembrance of Wholeness

    The Soul Has Knowledge

    Waves of Light

    Celebrate Freedom

    You Are So Loved

    Dissolve Resistance

    Weather Patterns

    Rays of Light

    Mind and Imagination Are Your Tools

    Parallel Energies

    Message from Lord Maitreya


    Define Your Journey

    Raise Level of Awareness


    Let the Heart Take Flight

    Joy of Freedom

    Descent of Spirit

    Freeing the Soul

    Receive Your Gifts

    The Power of Being

    Find the Stillness

    Guidance Directs

    Live in the Present

    All Is One

    Above and Below

    Divine Plan

    Perception and Perspective

    No Wrong Way to Journey

    Ancient Knowledge

    Reflection of the Universe

    Open Hearts


    Sound of Life

    Messages of Light

    Words from the Heart



    The Essence of the Sea

    Divine Goddess

    Opportunities Call

    Your Light Vehicle

    Nothing is Static

    Power of Intent

    Process of Growth

    Choose your way

    Guiding Directives

    Sands of Time


    Sister Venus

    New Beams of Light

    Unified Force

    Unified Purpose

    Thoughts, Words Are Creations

    Be Consciously Aware

    Within the Center

    Force of Creation

    Centered Heart

    Beams of Light

    Dove of Light

    The Treasure Hunt

    The Tree of Life

    Embedded Stirrings

    Let Go and Be


    Truth is not a Dream

    Living Sun

    The Gift of Unity

    All Activities Are Co-related

    Remember and Heal

    Experiences Are Like Flower Petals

    Divine and Sacred

    Connecting to Gaia

    Light and Sound




    Time Out

    Learning and Teaching

    Share Your Gifts

    Work of Light

    Songs of Joy

    Flow of Energy

    Magnetic Energies

    Your Vehicle of Travel

    Remove Old Programs


    Many Dimensions

    Unity in One

    Music of the Spheres

    Music as Movement

    Beam the Light

    Many Lands

    Believe in Yourself

    Multidimensional Beings

    Limitless Possibilities


    Unite All Parts

    Climatic Changes

    Higher Self is a Guide

    Beautiful Beings of Light

    Create in Harmony

    Master Within

    Neutral Observation

    Gift of Light

    Ignite Loving Energy

    A Big Heart

    Creative Minds

    Longing for Starry Family

    Caves of Ancients

    Align with Truth of Being

    Cycles of Energies

    Light & Shadow

    Essence of Being

    Align to Wisdom and Love

    Rise to Unity and Oneness

    Message of Love

    Descent of Light on the Earth

    Choice of Free Will

    Cycles of Growth

    Peace Abides in the Stillness

    Glorious Day

    Reconcile, Unify

    Healing and Strength

    Key to Connectivity



    Traveling my spiritual journey, I was awakened to be a channel, to reveal messages of light and love. Lord Maitreya asked to form a Light Council on planet Earth.

    His instruction was to receive and write, his information, guidance, wisdom, love and directives for the preparation of the inhabitants of the earth. His daily message is always of love and caring. For those who listen there is information on the energy shifts of the earth and the galaxies, as well as in the individual bodies. It is a time of change.

    To ease that transitional change, he guides to clear the non-serving energies in oneself, and the surroundings. The clearing is achieved by observation, and awareness to our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.

    His message is received as follows:

    "Dear Ones

    I am here to guide, to educate, to direct.

    Many masters are working to move the minds and the spirit of leaders forward without restrictions.

    In the density, in the concrete existence of your world, the movement needs to soften the existing stubbornness to create a lighter more flowing form of existence.

    The shifting of the earth, of the weather and of ideas is designed to occur as the movement begins to flow.

    Your vision of the new dream anchors the divine plan and reveals itself as the opening of a flower. In every layer is revealed a beauty of what is to be taught and remembered. Discover the hidden treasures."

    Great Love, Lord Maitreya

    Lord Maiteya is a member of the Council of Light. He brings in the energies of the Christ Consciousness. He directs the energetic instructions for ease in transition and to balance the forces of light. He helps us to re-align with the energies of love, wisdom, compassion and understanding in the diversity of human existence while directing us to be in the unity and peace of divine Light and Love that creates a concert of harmony of all as one.

    Our Mother Earth, known as Gaia, has consciousness. It is her time to ascend into energies of peace, love, caring, uplifting and joy. No longer are we to be shackled by disruptive, destructive, warring, uncaring energies that allow famine, hate, pollution and deceiving energies that rule our earth. There is a change coming in the educational, social, financial, physical, and spiritual systems to be effected by our own conscious awareness and desire to bring into manifestation the divine plan of peace, love, harmony, and unity that is our birthright.

    Align your bodies, your minds and your souls to the guidance to allow change to come forth. The new children have much to give in talents and abilities that resonate with the highest good of all. They wish to be free of all the un-serving energies that cause discordant chaos.

    Dream the dream of the new earth. Let it manifest within the core of each heart and soul. Breathe it in and breathe it out that all may partake of the blessings of joy, abundance, peace and love.

    The Gift of Peace

    Peace is a gift you give each other as you center in the oneness of who you are. Out of your heart flow light, love, trust, and acceptance. Out of your mind flow wisdom and understanding, bringing all search for the light in unity and oneness. Honor the beauty of your inner self.

    Release and Be Open

    The energies are shifting. The time is now. Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and thinking patterns. Release those old beliefs that are binding. Let the river of light flow through the core of your being. Let the pure flame of love purify us all. Be one.

    The Key is Within

    Portals open to various dimensions like doorways to creation. The key to these portals lies deep within your heart, which is also a doorway that triangulates into form. Hence, it is essential to keep the heart clear and open. It is a place of love. Let love flow outward. Those who receive it will awaken, heal, and grow. Be love and light. Live in loving delight.

    How Do You Resonate?

    The universe is created of light and sound. Each creation, whether minerals, vegetation, animals, hue-man, or celestial bodies, has a resonance. Together, they create harmony

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