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There Are No Enemies: A Practical Philosophy of Life
There Are No Enemies: A Practical Philosophy of Life
There Are No Enemies: A Practical Philosophy of Life
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There Are No Enemies: A Practical Philosophy of Life

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There Are No Enemies explores a Practical Philosophy of Life for humankind based upon reverence for life and The Science of Being Altogether first offered by Aristotle, the Philosopher. Human beings are all deemed to share a common spirituality which can be accessed by the individual conscience and is divine, operating in the field of understanding. The field of science shares the same source asthe field of spirituality Written by an artist-scholar, the artistic suspension of disbelief is offered to effect a vision of humanity participating harmoniously in the Life Force of the universe itself and using as a touchstone for their common spirituality, their own religion, their own God, Allah, Yahwah, called by any name or no name. Following the philosophy applications of it are offered concerning Iraq, Israel, Terrorists, the Money God, Hatred, Diplomacy, the War Machine, Australian Aboriginal Spirituality, Native American Peace Examples as well as poetry excerptedfrom the author's other books: ThuGun and Natasha, The Round Table, Maria and the Comet and Anzac to Understanding.
Release dateJan 9, 2007
There Are No Enemies: A Practical Philosophy of Life

Mary Anneeta Mann

Mary Anneeta Mann was born in Rockhampton in Queensland, Australia Her formal education ended after two years of High School. She obtained her B.A. degree with honors in English from Sydney University, the M.A. in Theatre from the University of California at Berkeley and the Ph.D. in Communications and Drama from the University of Southern California. Her book HUBRIS: The Construction of Tragedy, based upon Aristotle's Poetics and his Science of Being Altogether, explores the world view of tragic dramatists in plays from the Greeks to the present day. Her three plays for youth and family are Maria and the Comet on the life of Maria Mitchell, The Round Table which moves between the knights and ladies ofKing Arthurand theUnited Nations at the dawnof the 21st.century, (published as TWO FAMILY PLAYS)and ThuGun and Natasha, a drama with rap, moving beyond guns and violence, written forinner cityyouthin the United States of America. Science and Spirituality, co-authored with Rev. Leland Stewart of Unity-and-Diversity and other compilers, clarifies the common origin of both Science and Spirituality and, through the understanding of spirit is one, paths are many,shows how people of all faiths and belierfs can celebrate their common humanity. There Are No Enemies begins with the Philosophy of Lifeand includesarticles on its practical ethics and poemsas well as "The Right of the Womb - post 911". Mary has a son Attica Andrew and a grandaughter Destiny.

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    There Are No Enemies - Mary Anneeta Mann

    © 2007 Mary A. Mann. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 4/27/2007

    ISBN: 978-1-4259-7097-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4259-7096-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6072-3 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2006909538

    July 2006. Rage - rage in the morning, rage at noon time, rage in the evening and rage all through the night. My rage burst through my brain. I could not control it any more. Sixty seven years is long enough to keep that genie contained. It is out now and I will accept its consequences.




    A Philosophy of Life for Humankind

    Reaching Humanity’s Philosophy of Life

    The Science of Being Altogether

    The Understandings


    The Ancient Covenants of Belongingness

    Spirituality to Ethics

    The Conscience - in - Action:

    The Court of the Wise

    What is a working definition of a human being?

    The Covenants of Ethics

    The Global Ethic


    Philosophy in Action

    Science and Spirituality -

    a philosophical discourse

    (From Science and Spirituality)

    Seeking Global Harmony

    (From Science and Spirituality)

    Symbolism - Setting the Example

    The Reinforcement of Reverence for Life

    Profile of Enemy - Hatred in Motion

    Shakespeare Today - Portia’s Sense of Justice

    The Art of Diplomacy

    The Religion of Money - It’s Effect on Community

    The Bullhorn of 911 in another dimension

    July 2006 - How can it be described?

    Can anything relieve the pain of it?

    Requiem to Love

    You are All Terrorists to Me

    The Rights of Mother Earth

    The War Machine in Spiritual Terms

    Root Causes in Another Dimension

    Contemporary Responsibility

    to the Sacred Texts:

    Where Artists Dare To Roam.

    Iraq - in Another Dimension

    Australian Aboriginal Spirituality

    Native American Peace Examples

    The Right of the Womb - Post 911 - Excerpts

    The Womb

    Paradise and the Dreamtime

    Uluru Revisited

    The Right of the Womb


    Please Stand Up

    The Weeping Women

    The Real Terrorists

    The Rehearsal

    The New Dominators

    But the Land Belongs to God

    Armistice - Veteran’s Day 2001

    Jerusalem - The Pause

    Hanukkah - Hubris on the Run

    Pearl Harbor - 2001

    The Battle of the Somme - Again

    The God of All our Gods

    The Right of the Child - Holy Week 2002

    Eye on the Prize - Good Friday 2002

    Passover/Easter 2002 - The Return from Mecca

    Whirlee’s World

    The Presentation

    Ground Zero May 30, 2002 - My Passing

    Struggling To Be Born

    The Second Coming

    1948 - The State of Israel

    Israel 21 and Palestine 21

    Character and Dollar Worship

    Athena in the 1980s

    Grandmothers Examining America in 1997

    If you are not for me - you are against me

    in Athena’s Dimension

    Through The Lens of Art

    ThuGun’s Declaration in 2002

    (from ThuGun and Natasha)

    Pal’s Prayer

    Mother Earth’s Prayer

    Death’s Declaration

    Nyme’s Song

    The Lady of the Lake

    Maria’s Universe

    The Song of Venus - The Evening Star

    Maria’s Comet

    Maria’s Advice to her Students

    Song of the Comet

    Merlin’s Explanation

    War For the People -

    The 20th Century

    Winston Churchill

    Dardanelles Expedition

    Jessica’s Explosion

    Iris’s Desperation

    The Gallipoli Landing 1915

    Jessica’s War

    Mrs. Dunbar’s War

    Kate’s War

    Women Everywhere

    Young Pal’s War

    Millicent’s War

    Conclusion of The Round Table

    War In Obsolescence

    The Parallel Life of the Returned Soldier

    (From Anzac to Understanding)

    World Peace

    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to Attica Andrew Mann

    and his descendants, beginning with Destiny

    I would like to acknowledge the assistance given to me by Rev. Leland Stewart, B.S.E.,S.T.B. and Rev. Elizabeth Stewart from Unity-and-Diversity World Council, and the fellowship of members particularly Rene Crawford. The monthly meetings of this group over the past sixteen years have encouraged me and inspired me to continue with my work into philosophy and to move beyond my artistic endeavors. When we published Science and Spirituality at the end of 2004, it was not enough to address the issues of the twenty first century but in July 2006 it seems that I received the strength to send There Are No Enemies, A Practical Philosophy of Life out into the world.

    I would also like to thank my colleague Dr. George Berberich, Jr. for his invaluable assistance in editing this book at very short notice.

    I am only one,

    But I am one.

    I cannot do everything,

    But I can do something.

    And what I can do,

    That I ought to do.

    And what I ought to do,

    By the Grace of God

    I WILL DO!

    Willie Augustus Mann, Anzac (1895-1981)


    This hasty little collection has determined its own birth and compelled me to accomplish it. The philosophy itself, The Science of Being Altogether, is the result of a lifelong journey and has only just been completed. The articles in the Chapter Philosophy in Action are instantaneous outbursts which I may wish to revise later, together with a few articles taken from Science and Spirituality, published in 2004. The Right of the Womb - post 911 had several readings in the NoHo district of North Hollywood, California under the auspices of the Synthaxis Theatre Company. I had not considered it finished but nothing has been written in it since Ground Zero was cleared on May 30, 2002. The Chapter Struggling to be Born consists of a few recent difficult articles which I may wish to revise later and a few others which have presented themselves to my mind and demanded to be included. During the editing, I noticed that several articles explore the same subject. I found something unique in each one however so they are all included . I did set a page limit long enough to deserve a spine for the book but short enough so as not to bore you, the reader.

    This book is written in love and delivered in love. There are some recommendations that may be considered impossible. Let me assure you they are not if, collectively, we use all the human resources available to us such as the artists of the world and the women of the world, all of whom have been under-represented to date.

    We know that the planet can survive without humankind but it won’t have to if each one of us in our individual and collective heart can recognize the truth of the title There Are No Enemies and ACT upon it.

    We know too that the greatest gift we have as human beings is our language. The War Machine has nothing on it. Our language is our most understudied resource. Let us study it. Let us study it’s role and let us use it now as we have never used it before so we can push back the tide of violence that threatens to engulf us all.

    A Philosophy of Life for Humankind

    Some of us seem to have forgotten that we are human beings first of all, that our first responsibility in this world is to each other. If as a civilization, we continue to try to destroy each other as has been done for over 2000 years someday, perhaps soon, we will succeed.

    It is time to re-think our life’s philosophy and see if we can live as the rest of the universe does, in harmony with the great organic nature that surrounds us.

    Let us remember not to judge our civilization by what has gone before. From it’s beginning up to and into the 21st century, decisions that affect the lives of hordes of millions of people have been made by representatives of only one half of our population, men. In our imaginations, let us open wide the doors to the thoughts, feelings and strengths of the other half, our women, the bearers of our children, the nurturers of our children, the so-called weaker sex, women. These who, through their ability to love not wisely but too well, have sacrificed their lives, their children’s lives to that dominating trait in the heart of males who rise to such prominence where they have the power to affect the lives of others and have, by choosing wars to resolve their differences, already destroyed so much and will destroy so much more if the mirror of truth is not held up to the world so that everyone can see and judge for themselves

    Within these few pages, there is a clear mirror, a bright shining light. It was passed to me by those who have risen up from the earth to guide us into full participation in the Life Force of the universe where humankind has the potential to become the conscience of this planet and its members, harmonious participants in the ebb and flow of the cosmos itself.

    It is called THE SCIENCE OF BEING ALTOGETHER. It is a philosophy of inclusion that goes before and beyond knowledge and is not limited as we as humans are limited but offers a vision of what we as humans might aspire to, in order to realize our full potential of living out our lives.

    Following the philosophy there are what may be considered, practical applications for today’s world. The events of July 2006 demonstrate this lack of a meaningful philosophy of life. It has caused so many unnecessary human deaths, even those of children, degradation of lifestyles, degradation of goodwill, elevation of levels of hatred, destruction of ancient and revered cities and degradation of the land, the environment and all the accompanying characteristics of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    The articles about current affairs are followed by other writings relevant to the concept of one world, one human family, one planet and one great world vision of harmony with the Life Force of the Universe, the Intelligent Designer, the Moving God, God, called by any name or no name.

    Reaching Humanity’s Philosophy of Life

    People’s immediate decisions are based upon the directive of the conscious mind at the moment of critical choice. This requires that a philosophy of life has to be in place long before that critical decision is made.

    However all of the inner directives to assist human beings in their choices have already been set out in the tomes of the great religions. They have agreed on one thing primarily, thou shalt not kill, which is reverence for life.

    Reverence for life is the directive from the conscience which acknowledges and respects THE RIGHT TO BE which is the divine right of all animate and inanimate things including human beings.

    In the 21st century, the concept of reverence for life needs reinforcement. With all of the atrocities that occurred in the 20th century and with movies and televisions world wide concentrating on destruction, people of GOODWILL world wide need to insist on equal time for CREATIVITY that takes its example from nature itself which overcomes oil spills, grows coral on sunken battleships and births children who know only love and caring for each other until they are taught otherwise.

    There is one very important thing to remember in reading this philosophy. It is not written by a philosopher. It is written by an artist-scholar, a writer of plays and poems who was drawn into philosophy by the need to write more meaningfully. The artistic temperament can more easily take whole concepts and find simplicity in them when they are not simple. This requires a suspension of disbelief which philosophers usually will not allow. However, the insights obtained by this method appeared to me to be worth the literary and philosophical criticism that is bound to ensue if this book is even taken seriously by many I would like to reach.

    The Science of Being Altogether

    The Science of Being Altogether combines both science, operating in the field of knowledge which is human, and spirituality operating in the field of understanding which is divine.


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