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Faani: Perished
Faani: Perished
Faani: Perished
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Faani: Perished

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About this ebook

Rose is a strong and independent woman who is in the midst of another hectic day as a pharmacist when she suddenly collapses at work and realizes her legs are not working properly. After being rescued by her loving husband, Yaar, and taken to a hospital, Rose begins to reflect on everything in her lifeher marriage, her work, and her own quest for perfectionism.

As a true leader who is still in charge even during her most challenging moments, Rose is not accustomed to surrendering to weakness. Still, she knows that it is time to admit she is drained from life. As she embarks on a yearlong healing journey that opens her heart and soul to a new awakening, Rose finds inspiration in her art, poems, spiritual leaders, and within herself as she slowly works her way toward a breakthrough that will change everything.

In this tale inspired by a true story, a young pharmacist sets out on a quest to understand her past, present, and future with the hope that it will lead her to a new beginning.
Release dateJan 15, 2018
Faani: Perished

A. Rose

A. Rose was born in Mashhad, Iran, and migrated to the United States when she was nineteen. She holds a doctor of pharmacy degree from University of Florida, works as a pharmacist at retail pharmacy, and serves as president of HAPP Construction Company. A. Rose resides with her husband and two sons in Dallas, Texas.

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    Faani - A. Rose

    Copyright © 2018 A. Rose.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3712-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3713-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017917196

    iUniverse rev. date: 01/12/2018

    To the most loving and caring man

    I have not only been blessed to know

    But to live with

    And to create

    Two amazingly improved versions of

    As gifts to his being and mine

    And this beautiful world.

    Once upon a time

    Amongst all Beings

    There was a Rose,

    Whose life was held upon Hope.


    The Rose loved Hope

    And Hope respected her in return.

    In this world with such scarcity of companionship,

    They became ancient acquaintances

    Since them both were worshipers, liberals, and lovers.


    The Rose reached the alp of heart,

    Became swooned

    And saw nothing but love.

    Free from self’s obligations and limitations,

    She opened her wings up high towards apex.

    Out of kindness and loyalty,

    Or maybe her pure and true love,

    She fondled her Hope with her wings

    Yet didn’t see flying in him.

    She thus tumbled on the ground…


    Below the ground.


    She inquired Hope about her heart,

    What he did to her heart!

    But she didn’t hear anything

    Nor did she find any tracks of him.


    One day, Hope

    Checked on the lonely Rose

    He saw her in such feelings

    That made him open his lips.


    He finally said the words of his heart

    In disgrace of his poor circumstances.

    He said:

    "Your acquaintance became difficult on me.

    Freedom did not give me wings.

    At last, you became swooned!

    Without boundaries, you became dauntless!

    But I am left here

    In my self-woven cocoon.

    You are going without companion

    And I have chosen living…"


    The Rose didn’t say anything anymore

    Didn’t cry, didn’t weep.

    Hope didn’t hear any sound

    Nor any complaints from her.

    He left

    And attended to his life.


    He didn’t have any choice.

    He left the Rose alone

    He was gone

    And never saw the Rose again!


    However, if that boy

    Out of kindness and not intention

    Would have fondled the face of

    The girl of the story,

    His hands would have told him the reality

    The reality of that girl.

    He would have seen

    That there is no soul left in her

    Left alone any power to confront.

    He would have seen that the Rose had died

    And that she had not taken her Hope with her!


    Chapter 1     The Rose

    Chapter 2     The Thorns

    Chapter 3     The Wounded Doves

    Chapter 4     The Deceived Dove

    Chapter 5     The Victorious Dove

    Chapter 6     The Green Masculine Male

    Chapter 7     The Red Alluring Female

    Chapter 8     The Flying Spirits

    Chapter 9     The Universe

    Chapter 10   Perished


    The Rose


    Her thirsty eyes were begging her exhausted, beaten, heavy eyelids to open up and once more assist her in acting her roles, her complex choices of being.

    Her partner, her best friend in adventurous rides of life, her husband slowly opened the door and peaked at her while his eyes were desperately looking for answers. He was hesitating to wake her up and was hoping she had at least a few minutes of rest.

    Finally hardly opening her eyes, she first noticed the slight warmth and gentle breath of Mother Nature shining through the soldier window blades as though sun too is carefully and lovingly waking her up.

    The beaten blades of ceiling fan, proud to have kept the breeze on her cheeks all night, were worried not to have dried too many tears.

    Her breaths were weakly passing through her in despair. Her heart, overbeating from exhaustion, makes the only sound in her ears. She quietly and apathetically has been languishing for eternity.

    As always, he approached her with hope, offered help, and begged her to ask to be excused from work this morning for her own sake.

    Even though she typically denies, surprisingly, she picked up her phone and texted her boss. She mentioned that she is dragging her body to work just because she promised yesterday; however, she did not believe she could hold on all throughout her shift.

    While she was getting her body ready for another hectic, demanding, soul sucking day at work, he made her breakfast. As usual, she refused to have anything and grabbed her keys and phone and headed out.

    He would never let her drive when she felt like that. He was too caring and protective to let her drive herself. She didn’t mind the protection today as though deep inside she knew there was not much left. So he drove her to work.

    Her eyes were glaring out the window with despair, her body was not willing to accompany her, and even her thoughts had left her alone this morning.

    It was only a few minutes drive. He brought her attention back by stopping the car. It was time for her to get inside the building. The patients were waiting and the technicians were anxiously looking at their phones for her message as to where she is.

    Trivially and languorously, she walked in through the door, greeted the techs out of habit, set the alarm off and, stepped into the store, into the pharmacy. Patients were impatiently waiting behind the gates looking for someone to complain.

    As soon as they walked in, techs ran for their lab coats to quickly set up the pharmacy and start to serve customers before streams of anger slaughters their slightly fresh morning enthusiasm. As she reached for her white declaration of peace, her legs wiggled!

    She breathed the thick heavy air deep into her lungs and used the last drops of her physical strength to put on the white coat. And right then, she realized the withdrawal of her legs.

    An utter reality reached her brain and rushed her blood through the branches of life throughout her skull. Her ears lifted up, her eyelids opened the view wide, and her breaths got rapid. She raised her arms to the sides of her head and nurtured and calmed herself to surrender.

    On the floor, her eyes caught a black step stool that looked like a reasonable friend at the moment. The adrenaline supported her drained sculpture to reach that friend and escape the possible fall.

    The panic attack had passed and now she needed to be excused for a while as the leading pharmacist. So, she notified her crew to get their acts together and manage to excuse her.

    Not helpful that one of the techs was a floater filling in from another pharmacy and the other one was a part timer who hardly got a chance to work because of school. Yet, she knew there was no other way but to give her body some time.

    Serene! she called with a whispering tone. Would you please come to the back for a moment? she desperately asked. Once Serene looked behind the medication isles, she realized that something was not right with Rose!

    What’s wrong, Rose? she kindly asked. It looks like I need to sit here for a few minutes. I have already notified my supervisor and have asked for a substitute; meanwhile, I need you to take charge of the pharmacy. By the way, please bring me my phone my dear?

    Serene kindly followed her order. She also brought her some drink to boost her blood pressure in case that was the problem.

    As impossible as possible, she just sat there touching her legs with no worries or sense of rush which she always had as soon as she stepped into her pharmacy. No guilt about not being able to stand at the pharmacist station and lead this orchestra of madness either. She was done!

    She texted her worried husband and informed him of what happened. She had to…the legs were not coming back!

    Her mind started to panic again but this time she reacted quickly. She opened her phone photo gallery and looked at his eyes!

    The more she looked, the less she knew!

    Blunt confusion; no signal connection in her brain data; she was stunned.

    She had to go back to their

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