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Funny how things are remembered differently by persons who share the same space, the same air and even the same pillows and blankets that are tangled and wrapped around legs, arms and bodies; my memories, like fine wine, have been sweetened with time enjoy
Release dateMay 11, 2018

Vicki Diane Westling

Vicki Diane Westling lives with her dog Sam in Dunkirk, New York a city of less than 12,000 population. She is the widow of Richard who was the love of her life, and her always Number One fan.

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    Ramblings - Vicki Diane Westling

    © 2018 Vicki Diane Westling. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/08/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3946-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3944-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3945-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018905047

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    King James Version (KJV)

    Scriptures were taken from The King James Version for The Bible - Public Domain.


    PART I: On the Road to There

    The Highway

    Harrison 4-4344 or was it Harrison 4-3073?


    From Monticello and the Sangamon River to the Gulf of Mexico

    Arizona and Beyond

    No Walls on Nashville Road

    PART II: Families! Even the Dysfunctional Ones



    Mother’s Sleigh Bells

    We’re a Carload


    Sister Love

    When I Was Young

    Bread and Water

    Gingham and Flannel

    Opposites – Oh Really?

    Roy Douglas

    PART III: Shared Journeys

    The Porch

    Welcome Home


    My truck and you


    You’re my Everything

    A Day Not Unlike the Others

    Did you Whisper?

    A Self Portrait

    Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

    PART IV: The Faces of Learning

    Anywhere but Here!

    So … I Teach!

    Young Love, so Perplexing!

    Teenagers Today

    A Caravan … of Sorts

    Believe in You

    A Rite of Passage

    As I’ve Grown Older

    PART V: Loving, Longing and Loss

    I thought of you today

    Two Ships

    The Cost of it All

    She’s Not 59

    His Suitcase

    I’m Washing My Hair

    You Walk In

    What is There?

    Chocolate Eyes

    Hello to the Dog

    It is only through Others

    I never hit her… too hard

    This Minute

    You are Gone

    Fix This

    The Skylight

    PART VI : Dogs and Potpourri

    My Visit with Mr. Kolmes

    Sam the Dog


    It Ain’t No Fun Living in the Basement

    Vision, Courage, Tenacity


    Talk About Love!

    The Four Seasons

    What Has Happened to Our World?

    Mothballs and Cobwebs


    Please Stay Out of My Kitchen

    First Kiss

    Chocolate Cake and Potato Chips

    Happiness Is

    PART VII: To There …Maybe

    Mothers and Sons, and Oh Yeah, Daughters

    My Window



    This book and all of its contents is the result of my life spanning some six decades. I have been fortunate to share forty plus years filled with fun, laughter, love and happiness with my one true love and soul mate, my husband Richard; he was truly the love of my life and my number fan; he made me who I am today.

    Special thanks and recognition must also go to my brother, Curtis David Vick; he was more than a brother to me. He was a teacher, a confidant, a friend and someone I miss daily. Without his generosity of effort, time and his editing, this book could never have been published.

    I will be forever grateful to these two exceptional men for having loved me; it is to them that this book is dedicated, this little book, this book of Ramblings.

    Author’s Note: Any similarity between characters in this book and any person living or dead is merely a coincidence. The stories, poems, prose and vignettes written herein are written for the sole purpose of entertainment and not to be construed as factual representations of any time, place or person.


    I can’t say when I actually started writing, but it was a very long time ago. As with anything, time moves on while I sometimes think I am standing still. When I was a child I enjoyed listening to my father as he read something he had just written. I marveled at his ability to put such fancy words on paper and then make them sound as if they should be etched in stone in the town square as he read them aloud to my sisters and me.

    In a family of seven children, there was always someone reading or writing something. While my father encouraged each of us to write, my mother was the reader, and it was she who encouraged us to read. She would read every book she came across and made sure that we loved them as much as she did. She would speak to us of the importance of turning the pages carefully so as not to tear them, and never to fold them over. She spoke of books and the characters within as if they were her very best friends, and indeed in many cases they became just that. The words were important to her, and she ran her fingers over them as if caressing every vowel, consonant and syllable as though she could feel their meaning somewhere deep inside her very core.

    Mother, a daughter of a farmer growing up in the hills of Kentucky, spoke frequently of her dream to become a school teacher, something that five of her seven children managed to achieve. She was a dreamer, a hardy soul, and one who would sit with a good book for hours whenever she had the chance. But it was Daddy who would put pen to paper and the one most able to hold our attention in the palm of his hands as he read the melodic, and seemingly sophisticated, words to us that he had written.

    The many poems, prose, vignettes, short stories and just stuff that make up this book of Ramblings is like a kaleidoscope of my life. In this book you will see glimpses of the many colors, rhymes, tears, and laughter that have all helped me to be who I am today. These things I share with you with the hope that you will understand they are things that I have seen, some I have experienced, some I wish I had, some I wish I hadn’t, and some are just plain old memories – my memories! These are my memories and recollections, fantasies and dreams that have escaped from both deep and shallow parts of my inner self. Much of what is written here has been faded, jaded, and embellished with the good parts made better and the not so good parts left out, for that is what happens to our memories as they are allowed to mellow with age and sweeten with time.

    I hope you enjoy this little book – this little book of just little stories, interludes and non-essential things, this little book of Ramblings.

    Part I – On the Road to There


    The Highway

    Funny how things are remembered differently by persons who share the same space, the same air and even the same pillows and blankets that are tangled and wrapped around legs, arms and bodies. I can’t attest to the memories of others, but as for me I can see it as clearly today as if I were right back there again – living in that moment.

    We were a family of nine moving along the highway with but one purpose, just to get There. Wherever There was. I was in the back seat with four of my sisters all twisted and curled about one another as we sat and lay in the back of the big old car. My father drove with his elbow out the window and a cigarette between his fingers; he was like a god to me in those days. Mother sat in the middle of the front seat holding the baby, and my brother sat on the other side of her clutching the door as if he might jump out at any minute. And, on we went. No grumbling, crying or whining allowed.

    Mother, always worried that we might make too much noise and upset Daddy, would periodically call back to us, You babies start reading those signs, see who can read them first. This was her way of trying to keep our minds occupied and off of the knots in our stomachs due to hunger and thirst. We would stop now and then along the highway when she would commence to nag Daddy to the point of near anger.

    Daddy, it seemed, could drive for hours and never need to stop, but little girls needed to get out now and then. Once the nagging by mother would commence, one could see the muscles begin to work in Daddy’s temples just above the arm of his dark glasses. He would toss the cigarette butt out of the window and begin to slow the vehicle. Giving Mother a quick look of dissatisfaction, he would mutter, "Aw right, then, we’ll pull over up here as soon as I see a place to pull off. I don’t want to have to try and back up

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