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One Wylde Ride: The Road to Ecstasy & Love
One Wylde Ride: The Road to Ecstasy & Love
One Wylde Ride: The Road to Ecstasy & Love
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One Wylde Ride: The Road to Ecstasy & Love

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Book 1 from the Tales from the Wyldsidz series takes you on the journey of Darian Wylde. His dream is to find his best friend, soul mate, and true love all in one. Darian decides to set out on his motorcycle, taking him on a wild and adventurous ride in search of all the missing pieces. His stimulating ventures lead him across the states, where he runs into a female he thinks may be the one. Follow his raw and detailed sexual encounters as he pursues his dreams of happiness. However, not all things are easy for Darian. It becomes a learning experience, as well as a struggle. This is only the beginning of the exotic events of Tales from the Wyldsidz.
Release dateMay 19, 2018
One Wylde Ride: The Road to Ecstasy & Love


Darian Wylde is a handsome 32 year old that was born and raised in the mid-west of rural Illinois. Standing at 6 foot tall, his blonde hair and blue eyes makes him every womans dream. Growing up in the country and working hard all of his life, his muscular and slender build highly contributes to his overall appearance. Seven years ago, Darians parents were killed in an auto accident, leaving the family estate to his younger sister Dana and himself. Though his life hasnt been real tough, Darians luck with finding his soul mate and the love of his life has been a challenge. At this stage in life, his goals are to find happiness with his one and only true love.

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    One Wylde Ride - wyldsidz

    © 2018 Wyldsidz. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/18/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4028-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4027-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018905197

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    Special thanks to the people who helped from the beginning and who believed in me.

















    Chapter 1     The Journey Begins

    Chapter 2     Secluded

    Chapter 3     No Tell Motel

    Chapter 4     Thoughts

    Chapter 5     The Asian Goddess

    Chapter 6     Like Mother, Like Daughter

    Chapter 7     The Wild One

    Chapter 8     Sin City

    Chapter 9     Sin City - Part 2

    Chapter 10   Sin City - Part 3

    Chapter 11   The Eleventh Hour

    Chapter 12   On The Road Again

    Chapter 13   The Los Angeles Rally

    Chapter 14   A Pleasant Surprise

    Chapter 15   The Game of Seduction

    Chapter 16   Caught In The Rain

    Chapter 17   Spin Cycle

    Chapter 18   Candlelight

    Chapter 19   The Chamber

    Chapter 20   Black

    Chapter 1


    It was 6am on a Saturday morning when Darian Wylde woke up to the sun peeking through the shades of his bedroom window. He could still smell stale cigarette smoke and alcohol from the pile of clothes on the floor from the night before. He laid in bed, his naked on/off girlfriend, Sarah, was still passed out. Scratching his head, he thought about the night before.

    Darian worked as a self employed construction worker during the day. This type of work made him a very muscular guy with a slim, but solid build. Standing at 6 feet tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular arms, and a six pack to match, made this thirty-two year old a combination that would make a woman take a second look. Darian liked to party and was always looking for adventure. He was raised in the country and grew up to be a rather handsome man who never had any trouble getting the ladies. Well mannered and always polite. Sometimes shy, but for the most part, ready to go for the action. Darian lived in a modern ranch style house in rural Illinois. He shared the house with his sister, Dana, who was a few years younger than he. Dana was a tall, slender brunette that carried on the family traits of good looks as well. She also had her wild streaks too. Let’s just say that the family had good genes!

    As he began to recall the night before with Sarah, they had met up with friends at the local bar, drank, and had a good time. Sarah liked to drink and sometimes didn’t know when to stop. That night, she had passed out and needed to be carried to the car. Darian was a little more responsible. He was fine in the morning without a hangover. But this particular morning was different. Darian wanted more for himself. Something was missing in his life. Something he was not sure of but knew it was somewhere outside the life he was living now. Was it adventure? Or was it an unknown dark side inside himself? Maybe the search for his real soulmate? All he knew was that on this particular morning something inside told him that a change was drastically needed and he was going to follow his instincts. It was time for him to just take off and find whatever came his way. It was his calling, his journey.

    By now, it was 9:30 a.m. and Darian had made up his mind. He was going to pack a few things in a duffel bag, jump on his Harley and see what was out there waiting for him. He was excited as well as a little reserved. But nothing was going to stop him. His mind was made up.

    Before leaving, Darian let Dana know he was going to be gone for a while. Not sure how long, but for a while and that she need not worry. If he needed anything, he would call and knew Dana would be there for him. Darian would leave it up to his sister to explain to Sarah when she woke up, that he was going to be gone for a while. Darian laughed to himself knowing that the shit would hit the fan when Dana told her. But Dana would handle it and Darian would deal with her when he got back.

    By 10:15, Darian was packed up and heading down the driveway. It was a beautiful sunny day in June, not a cloud in the sky. As he rode through the countryside, Darian would soak up the surroundings and be very observant. Never missing a thing. That was always a good thing because in his mind, when opportunity arises, you need to spot it and take it.

    While on the road, Darian was enjoying the cool wind in his face and the scenic view of the countryside. Growing up in the country made him sort of an outdoorsman with somewhat of a rugged side to him. A couple hours had passed and thirst started to set in. Maybe I should stop somewhere and get something to drink, he thought to himself. It wasn’t long after that thought when he noticed up ahead someone on a riding lawn tractor, mowing a huge yard. As he got closer, he slowed down a bit to get a good look at the person on the garden tractor. To his surprise, it was a very well developed female wearing a bikini top and a pair of Daisy Duke cut-offs. Her long, blonde wavy hair blowing back from the breeze. Darian couldn’t help but look at her and the fine looking feline just so happened to look up to notice him too. Then all of a sudden, a loud backfire sounded out and a puff of smoke came from the rider. The girl quickly jumped off, partially scared and confused, her mind in question. Darian quickly thought that this was an opportunity!

    He quickly pulled over, parked his bike, and ran over to the sexy little farm girl. Is everything alright? he asked.

    I don’t know, it just made this loud pop noise and it stalled on me, she replied. By this time, Darian could see her tan body and delicious curves. A slight layer of sweat covered her skin to give it a hint of shine. This started to arouse him.

    Can I be of some help? he asked.

    Yes, she said with a big smile. There is no one here but me. Maybe you could help me get this thing up to the garage. So Darian proceeded to help her push the machine up to the garage. Once there, the young woman thanked him and asked if he wanted anything for helping.

    Darian said, No, but maybe something to drink would be nice. Oh, and by the way, my name is Darian.

    The young woman looked at him and said, I’m sorry, my name is Kaitlyn. My parents are out of town and I’m the only one here for a few days. I just finished college and my boyfriend dumped me for someone else so I’ve just been hanging out here being bored. Would you like some iced tea?

    Yes I would, thank you.

    As she left to get the drinks, Darian couldn’t help but notice the perfectly round breasts and the sweet little ass cheeks that were sneaking out the bottom of Kaitlyn’s skimpy cut off shorts. He could feel some excitement as his member started to thicken.

    A few minutes later, Kaitlyn came back out with two glasses of iced tea. They stood in the garage, drank the tea, talked, and got to know each other. As they talked, Darian couldn’t keep his eyes off her perky breasts. He could see that her nipples were starting to harden. That was beginning to get him a little worked up. She must have sensed this because she began to talk about her break-up with her boyfriend and that it had been awhile since she had been with someone. She then mentioned that while riding on the lawn tractor that the vibration of the engine would get her a little worked up.

    Darian asked, Do you miss the sex? Are you missing something? As soon as he had said those words, he could see Kaitlyn’s nipples stand at full attention, hard and clear.

    Actually, I do miss the sex and after being on that lawn tractor for some time, I am very horny and wet. Would you care to come see?

    Darian wasted no time. He moved toward her, taking the glass from her hand and setting both glasses on the work bench behind them. Then he grabbed her, pulled her into him tightly, and his lips met hers, embracing her, and locking into a deep kiss. Darian could feel the blood rushing to his member, as it quickly grew hard. It began to throb. As they kissed, their hands began to roam each other’s bodies. Darian had Kaitlyn’s ass cheeks held firmly in each of his strong hands. As he would squeeze them, Kaitlyn moaned with want. She brought herself even closer to him, grinding her body into his, trying to become one. She could now feel his hard, throbbing cock bulging from his jeans. She was now turned on and she knew there was no holding back. It had been too long and she knew what she wanted and she wanted it now!

    Darian slowly moved his lips from hers and began to kiss her cheek. Then he slowly worked his way to her neck. This made Kaitlyn’s body tense and break out in goosebumps. He could taste the faint salt from her sweat. He was turned on by this. As he kissed and licked her neck, he could feel Kaitlyn’s hands rubbing all over his back, his buttocks, and legs. By now his throbbing member was so hard he thought it was going to burst through his zipper. Darian slipped his hands inside Kaitlyn’s shorts to feel her soft, tight ass. He couldn’t resist. He had to have more of this hot, fired up little number. As he was kissing her neck, she lifted up his t-shirt so she could lick and kiss on his chest. She wanted more as well. She began licking and kissing more and more, slowly lowering herself to his stomach. Her hands now made their way to Darian’s snap on his jeans and with a simple flick, she had his jeans open. Kaitlyn’s face was now in direct sight of his throbbing pistol. She grabbed his zipper and with no effort, it came right down, unleashed his manhood. She quickly pulled down his jeans to get the full view of his meat. It was like a kid in a candy store. She wanted it. Wanted to taste it. Wanted to lick it. Wanted to suck it! With both hands, she held his hard throbbing cock. She stroked it and then with her left hand, she began to massage his ball sack. She could hear Darian moan with delight. His hands were now on the back of her head, pressing firmly.

    Kaitlyn slowly began to lick the head of Darian’s cock. She could feel the pulsing, the heat, and the passion. This is what she needed and wanted. And now it was hers! She began to lick and suck on his cock while caressed his balls to give him total enjoyment. Darian could tell she had experience in what she was doing! Then she slowly took the tip of her tongue and slid it up and down his shaft. Up and down, then from side to side. She knew what she was doing and she was doing it well. After a few minutes of this teasing, she finally slid her mouth over the entire head of his tool and took the whole thing in. His whole member went deep into her throat. His nut sack was resting on her chin. She began to suck fast and hard. Darian was now moving his ass so that his cock would pump her mouth. Her soft lips and velvet tongue were like heaven. By now, Kaitlyn was so worked up she was shaking. She was sucking his hard member liked a starved animal. She could feel his throbbing cock getting so rock hard, it was soon to erupt. She began to stroke it with her right hand, massage his sack with her left hand, and suck with her mouth. She was good. REAL GOOD, Darian thought to himself. The next thing Kaitlyn wanted was to taste his cum. She wanted his cum in her mouth and on her face.

    It didn’t take long when she could feel Darian begin to tense up. It was time. Time to erupt! Within seconds, his massive pistol shot hot, creamy cum deep into Kaitlyn’s throat. She licked and sucked like a wild child, not letting a drop escape. But before he was done squirting his love juices, she pulled his cock out of her mouth to get the remaining squirts to shoot on her face. As the globs of cum hit her face, she took his cock and gently rubbed the cum into her skin. She couldn’t get enough.

    By now, Darian was so hard and worked up that he had to have more of Kaitlyn. Now he wanted to taste her. His curiosity was to the limit. He needed to see what was under those shorts. Kaitlyn finally slowed down a bit from her frantic suck session and Darian pulled her up, grabbed her by her waist, and picked her up to set her up on the workbench just behind them. Once he had her set up on the bench, she kicked off her tennis shoes and Darian was pulling those hot Daisy Dukes down her legs. Once he had them off, he was looking at one of the hottest, wet pussy’s he had ever seen. Kaitlyn’s love hole was neatly trimmed and she was a true blonde at that. He could see that she was needing some love. Her opening was wet, her pussy lips were swollen, and a shiny sweat coated her. Darian knew he had to taste her and knew she would be sweet. As he leaned her back on the bench so her head could rest against the wall, he slowly spread her legs. He started to kiss her knees and slowly worked his way up her thighs. He firmly held her legs so he could take control. She seemed to like that. As Darian got closer to her hot little box, she began to moan and move her hips toward him. She wanted his tongue to pleasure her. She wanted him to show her his magic.

    Now that Darian had her in position, he slowly began to massage her outer legs as he brought his head in between them. Gently kissing the left inner thigh, then the right inner thigh, moving his head in circular motions. Darian could tell the anticipation was eating away at Kaitlyn. He could hear her whimper under her breath. Her breathing became more rapid and she began panting. As he kissed and licked on her inner thighs, he could see her hot little pussy starting to drip with desire. Kaitlyn’s pussy lips started to swell. Her hips began to move closer to his dancing tongue. She was ready and wanting it to happen. Darian could tell by her reactions that he needed to get down to business. As he spread her legs wider apart, he brought both of his hands up to her hot, wet, dripping pussy lips and began to gently rub them between his index finger and thumb. The feeling was hot and sticky. Her juices were flowing like a faucet and she began to quiver. Darian finally had to go in for the attack. With his fingers, he spread her love nest wide open to expose her pretty pink hole. His tongue quickly slipped in to give her what she was patiently waiting for. First, he slowly took the tip of his tongue and ran it up and down her slippery slit. From the bottom of her opening to the top. Up and down with his tongue moving back and forth. Darian zeroed in on Kaitlyn’s clit, knowing that would make her cum. He located her clit, stopped there, and began to suck ever so gently on her swollen organ. She let out a loud squeal of acceptance.

    Darian started to suck and lick a little harder and faster. He could tell that this is what she wanted by the way she was thrusting her hips into his face. Her hands were now on the back of his head, pulling him in even closer. She couldn’t get enough.

    He sucked even harder on her clit, causing her body to break into a cool sweat. Kaitlyn’s pussy was soaked with her love lotion and her body began to tense. Darian knew she was getting ready to explode se kept on licking and sucking, a little faster and a little harder. Then Kaitlyn’s back arched backward, her legs tightened up, and she started to convulse.

    Oh yes! Oh yes! Kaitlyn screamed out. Then with a sudden jolt, she violently spewed her hot creamy cum.

    OOOhhhhh yessssss, she yelped loudly. She began bucking wildly as she came all over Darian’s face. Darian began to lick up her juices as fast as they flowed out of Kaitlyn’s horny little box.

    She was shaking and trembling with satisfaction, but that was not enough. Kaitlyn had been starving for some good, hard cock. She wanted the whole package. She quickly gained her composure, pushed Darian’s head back, and slid off the work bench. She could see Darian’s hard boner, rock solid, standing at full attention. She turned around, facing the bench and put her arms and head down on it. She reached around behind her and grabbed Darian’s love muscle. With her sweet cheeks spread wide, she guided his hard shaft inside her.

    Give it to me! Give it to me good and hard! she demanded.

    Darian placed both hands on Kaitlyn’s hips, pulled her cheeks wide apart, and slid his long, hard shaft deep into her dripping hole. He thrust himself in and out of her, pounding himself hard against her body. That big, hard member sliding with ease between her tight pussy muscles. He pumped her for a good five minutes while she screamed and moaned for more. The heat and the desire kept building to hit climax. It was now time to fill little Kaitlyn’s pink hole full of his hot, sticky goo. Darian could feel his rocks ready to blast. He reached up with his right hand to grab onto Kaitlyn’s hair, pulling it toward him. Then with a hard purge, Darian let loose an explosive orgasm that shot a big load of hot, sticky cum deep into Kaitlyn’s man tunnel. Kaitlyn was going wild with lust. Grinding her ass into Darian’s tool. Her ass was moving so fast the friction was about to start a fire. This meant she was about to cum again.

    Darian was pumping her good and hard. He wanted her to cum again real hard. He wanted to leave an impression that she would never forget. One that would make her come back for more. Once again, Kaitlyn arched her back, her fingers digging into the top of the bench.

    Fuck me! Fuck me! she cried out. I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Oh, yes! Nowwwwww!

    Then her body got real stiff, her pussy tightened, and beads of sweat trickled down her back. She let it all go.

    Fuuuucccckkkkk, she yelled. Her hips began to move so fast Darian almost slipped out of her. He pulled her in tight and pounded her vigorously. Their love juices were flowing to the point it was running down their legs. Kaitlyn half collapsed on the bench. Darian drained as well, slowly pulled himself out of her and wrapped his arms around her. The both of them rested themselves against the bench to begin recovering from their explosive, dual orgasms. You were fantastic, Kaitlyn!

    She turned and looked up at him, Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself! She smiled. Would you like to join me in a quick shower? I think we could use one about now.

    Sure, he replied.

    So they gathered up their things and went into the house to shower up. They had passionate sex in the shower for the next hour and became well acquainted. Kaitlyn knew that Darian had to go. They talked for a while and he headed for the door.

    You know where I live. Will you come back again? Would you call me? I’d like that! Kaitlyn said with a promiscuous smile.

    I’d be lying if I said no! I really enjoyed your company and hospitality but I must go. I am on a journey to find myself and see where in life I am supposed to be. But you will see me again. I will call. I promise!

    So they said their goodbyes and he took Kaitlyn’s number. Darian in return gave her his home number, got on his bike, and rode off down the road. By now it was getting late in the day and he was getting a little hungry. He headed west as he followed the sun. As he rode, he had a smile on his face and thought to himself, This has been a good day. But for some reason, I feel it’s going to get better. Much better!

    Chapter 2


    The sun felt good beating down on Darian’s face as well as the wind. He liked the feeling of freedom that let his mind breathe. It also let him think about what had happened just hours before. His head was filled with those visions of Kaitlyn. Her long blonde hair, her well perfected breasts, and that tight little pussy. It began to get him hard just thinking about it. But he had to clear his head and find a place to eat. His stomach was growling.

    It wasn’t too much longer when Darian crossed the state line into northern Missouri and came across some greasy-spoon diner that caught his eye. The sign said OPEN and just below it was their slogan, Everything is Cheap Here! This didn’t bother Darian because some of those cheap little diners could serve up some of the best food a person could ever imagine. He was always up for trying out a new place or something different.

    Once inside, Darian gave the place a once over, checking out the layout, the employees, and where to sit. The place wasn’t very busy with only a few customers seated. He spotted a booth over by the window so he could get a view of the outside and keep an eye on his bike. Darian took a seat in one of the available booths and waited for a waitress.

    Not long after he sat down, a waitress came up to his booth to introduce herself. Hi! My name is Mindy and I’ll be your server. How can I help you? Can I get you something to drink? she asked.

    As Darian looked up at her, the first thing he noticed was Mindy’s big brown eyes. She also had a slight accent that sounded southern, which he thought was very sexy. She was wearing a tight, white button up blouse and short blue shorts. The outfit fit her well and he could see her God-given curves.

    I’ll have a coke please. He gazed into her eyes.

    Ok. I’ll be right back with that. Here’s a menu to look at.

    As she walked away and disappeared behind the counter, Darian got a good look at the back side of her. She had dark brown, shoulder length hair, an athletic build, and stood about 5 foot 6.

    Minutes later, Mindy came out with a glass of water and a coke. So what can I get you to eat? she asked in a friendly kind of way.

    Just a burger and fries for now, thank you. Darian was looking at her uniform and how it fit rather tight. It gave her a sexual look and it made him wonder what was underneath it. Something about her demeanor sparked Darian’s interest. The way she talked, the way she looked at him, and the way she moved. It was almost like she was slightly teasing him. Or maybe he was just thinking crazy thoughts. He wasn’t sure, but for the time being he was hungry and he was going to eat!

    Mindy came out with his food, set it in front of him, bent over close and asked, So where are you from? Never seen you in here before. Couldn’t help but notice that bike of yours.

    I’m from Illinois and I’m just on a ride to nowhere. Got up early this morning and decided I needed to get away for awhile. Have no plans. No destiny. Just whatever comes my way!

    I like that, she replied with an eager smile. I sure do like bikes myself. I always like a ‘good ride’ on one. But don’t mind me, I’ll let you eat. I’ll be back to check on you.

    Now Darian began to wonder about the comment she just made. What kind of a good ride was she talking about? Was she coming on to him or just hinting for a ride on his bike? He was determined to find out more about her. Curiosity killed the cat but not this time!

    After finishing his dinner, Mindy brought his check.

    So where are you going from here? she asked.

    Nowhere in particular. Just heading west. Why? he replied.

    Well, I get off in about 10 minutes and was wondering if I could get a ride on that bad ass bike of yours. Maybe you could give me a ride home so I wouldn’t have to call for a ride.

    I think I could handle that. Oh, by the way, my name is Darian. Nice to have met you! Darian said with a smile.

    Mindy took his money and soon they were out the door and she was strapping herself on the back of his shiny chromed out bike.

    Where to? he asked.

    That way. I’ll let you know when to turn and where to go, she said with a smirk.

    Away they went as they rode down the road. Mindy wrapped her arms around Darian to hold on. The vibration of the engine coming through the seat felt good to her. She liked it. Liked it a lot. And it wasn’t long before she began to tingle between her legs. It was almost like sitting on an enormous vibrator, she thought to herself. She could feel herself getting wet as the ride was really turning her on.

    Mindy tapped on Darian’s shoulder and motioned for him to take a left turn. When she brought her hand back down, she rested it on his leg. The sensations were getting intense and she was getting so worked up, her panties were soaked. She began to stroke his leg, sliding her hand up and down, from his knee to his crotch. Then both her hands were working his legs in unison. Darian could tell she was getting turned on. He began to get excited, too, as she stroked his legs, she moved in closer to his crotch. She wanted to feel his package. She was curious.

    But Mindy had now come up with a plan of her own. She was going to take the long way home! Up ahead, Mindy could see a familiar road to the left. She motioned for Darian to turn down it. As they rode, Mindy wasn’t wasting any time with her hand motions. Gently and purposely gliding her hand up and over his bulging jeans. She was getting eager. Between the vibrations of the bike and what she could feel beneath her hands, that was enough to make her cum right there, right now! But she was holding it back. She wanted to save it. She knew what she wanted!

    Up ahead, Mindy spotted her final turn. She pointed for him to turn in. It was an old lane with grass grown over the gravel. Something that wasn’t used very often. They drove back about a quarter mile to the end of the lane, riding up on an old abandoned house. A nicely mowed yard and a picnic table out front. The place was surrounded with trees to make it a very secluded spot. Darian was getting excited. He stopped his iron horse and they both got off.

    "This was my grandfather’s place. No one lives here now but my

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