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The Reality of God’S Love
The Reality of God’S Love
The Reality of God’S Love
Ebook49 pages30 minutes

The Reality of God’S Love

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About this ebook

As Christians, we have become a community of believers focused on our needs and what God can do for us; were convinced were in good standing with the Lord. The concept of Gods love is woefully misrepresented throughout the corporate church, and weve effectively altered Gods character and diminished his holiness and sovereignty. As a result, weve become complacent about others salvation.

In The Reality of Gods Love, author Carol Sparks explores our beliefs about godly love by examining the spiritual truth in scripture. A small study packed with thought-provoking insights, it challenges some of the long-standing concepts held by the Christian church about Gods love, and it addresses the validity of some of our beliefs. Sparks discusses how the many misconceptions about the subject have altered the gospel message and diminished the effectiveness of the church.

Deeply spiritual, The Reality of Gods Love shares scriptures as well Sparks personal observations related to godly love, which is at the core of faith. It serves to give Christians a greater appreciation for Gods holiness and sovereignty and a renewed desire to bring the lost to Christ.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 21, 2018
The Reality of God’S Love

Carol Sparks

Carol Sparks has been an avid student of the Bible for the past thirty years. She has taught numerous Bible studies and Sunday school classes, spoken at womens retreats, and preached for a jail ministry. Sparks is married and has three sons and four grandchildren and lives in a small town in New Jersey. This is her second book.

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    The Reality of God’S Love - Carol Sparks






    Copyright © 2018 Carol Sparks.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2674-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2673-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018904844

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/3/2018


    Over the decades, much has been preached, taught, and written about God’s love, but very little scriptural truth has been revealed about it.

    The Bible is where God’s character and the basic concepts of godly love are revealed to humankind. For the most part, Christians are comfortable with the beliefs that have developed about this feature of God’s character.

    Christians often claim that because God is love, he loves everyone; he loves us because he created us, he loves us from birth, he loves us equally and unconditionally, and he will never stop loving us.

    We in the Christian community do not question any aspect of these principles and reject any argument to the contrary. We reason that our beliefs are

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