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The Real Events Industry: My Story
The Real Events Industry: My Story
The Real Events Industry: My Story
Ebook63 pages43 minutes

The Real Events Industry: My Story

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About this ebook

The Events Industry is so diverse, from community and sporting events to arts and music festivals. During the last decade Philippa Richardson has experienced firsthand what it is like to be a part of dozens of events around Australia. She shares her journey through volunteering to paid work in events, to finally becoming her own boss as an Event Manager. Discover how to develop your career in the Events Industry and follow her journey through starting out from high school to being an Event Manager for Etheriala Events.

Philippa Richardson lets you in on how to volunteer at events, where the industry can take you and the best ways to gain entry into the field of Event Management. She also explains how education is key and what you can expect as an event staff member. The variety of roles she has experienced is astounding and inspirational.

Release dateSep 26, 2016
The Real Events Industry: My Story

Philippa Sue Richardson

Living and working in the Events Capital of Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Philippa Richardson has completed an Advanced Diploma of Events and has been active in the industry for 10 years. Travelling all over the country for event work and volunteering, she has gained valuable experience in all levels of the event industry.

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    The Real Events Industry - Philippa Sue Richardson

    Copyright © 2016 Philippa Sue Richardson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0442-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0443-6 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/23/2016

    I would like to dedicate this book to everyone in the Events Industry,

    particularly those starting out.

    It’s a wonderful industry and thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey.


    1. Straight Out of High School

    2. Volunteering experience

    3. A bit of travel

    4. Paid roles

    5. Gaining qualifications

    6. Expanding experience

    7. Furthering education

    8. Events! Events! Events!

    9. Event capital of Australia

    10. Becoming an Event Manager



    I graduated from Wyndham College in 2004, finishing Year 12 in NSW, Australia. I had worked hard the past 12 months to gain a final result good enough to get into a lot of different courses from a range of Universities. The options available were abundant and I was overwhelmed by the choice. My marks were not quite that of a Doctor or Lawyer, so that was not the path for me, but I had studied Science, Mathematics, Health, Business and Art. These were my choices, and at the time I had no idea where they were going to take me.

    I had grown up with a love of animals, being surrounded by pets my whole life; I knew how to care for them. I was actually intimidated by the thought of heading straight to University into a 3 year course, or more! So my first step was to try get into the animal care industry. I enrolled in TAFE in a 6 month Statement of Attainment, with the option of completing a Certificate III in Captive Animal Management. This would get me a job at a Zoo or Wildlife Park.

    I loved music all through my teens, singing in the car along to any song I knew the words to, and my step father even sent me to guitar lessons. I knew I would never be good at it, comparing myself to my muso friends. I had sung in a choir

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