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For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Renewal and Joy
For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Renewal and Joy
For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Renewal and Joy
Ebook114 pages1 hour

For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Renewal and Joy

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At one time or another, we all feel as if we are the only people experiencing hardships and that no one understands what we are going through. And yet we do not experience these struggles for no purpose. Life is meant to be a changing experience. In For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Joy and Renewal, author Barbara Tolbert explores this idea through a series of sermons.

Tolberts experiences with the birth of her children and the loss of her loved ones made her realize that life can be both hard and sweet. She discovered that no matter what she experiencedhappiness, sadness, laughter, or tearsshe was never alone. God was continuously by her side. She began to reread and meditate on His Word, and she paid more attention to the lives of the people in the Bible. Knowing that she was not alone in her struggles made her stronger and better equipped to endure what this life had to offer.

In For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Joy and Renewal, Tolbert explains that God allowed her to go through the difficult times to strengthen her relationship with Him. We are not here for ourselves but to help encourage one another and revel in the good deeds of God.
Release dateJun 21, 2018
For Such a Time as This: Sermons of Renewal and Joy

Barbara J. Tolbert

Minister Barbara J. Tolbert holds a masters degree in theology, a BA in accounting, and a dual master of business management and occupational health degree. She currently serves as an educator, working with adolescents with disabilities. She lives in Columbus, Georgia, with her daughter, son, son-in-law, and two granddaughters; she is actively involved in her calling at her local church.

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    Book preview

    For Such a Time as This - Barbara J. Tolbert

    Chapter 1

    Are You Ready?

    One of the greatest challenges leaders face is replacing themselves by training others to become leaders. Many outstanding accomplishments started when the life or career of some with great ability ended before his or her vision became reality. The fulfillment of that dream then became the responsibility of that person’s successor. Death is the ultimate deadline for leadership. One of the best tests of our leadership is our willingness and ability to train another for our position. Moses made an excellent decision when he chose Joshua as his assistant. God Himself later confirmed that choice when He instructed Moses to commission Joshua as his successor. Joshua played a key role in the Exodus story, introduced as the field general of Israel’s army. He was the only person allowed to accompany Moses partway up the mountain when Moses received the law. Joshua and Caleb were the only two among the twelve spies to bring back an encouraging report after being sent into the Promised Land the first time. Other references show him to have been Moses’s constant shadow. His basic training was living with Moses, experiencing firsthand what it meant to lead God’s people. This was modeling at its best! Who is your Moses? Who is your Joshua? You are part of the chain of God’s ongoing work in the world. You are modeling yourself after others, and others are patterning their lives after you. How important is God to those you want to be like? Do those who are watching see God reflected in every area of your life? Ask God to lead you to a trustworthy Moses. Ask Him to make you a good Joshua.

    As the book of Joshua opens, the Israelites are camped along the east bank of the Jordan River at the very edge of the Promised Land, and they are completing the mourning period for Moses, who has just died. Thirty-nine years earlier, after spending a year at Mount Sinai receiving God’s law, the Israelites had had an opportunity to enter the Promised Land, but they failed to trust God to give them victory. As a result, God did not allow them to enter the land but made them wander in the wilderness until the disobedient generation had all died. During their wilderness wandering, the Israelites obeyed God’s laws. They also taught the new generation to obey God’s laws so that they might enter the Promised Land, known as Canaan. As the children grew, they were often reminded that faith and obedience to God brought victory, while unbelief and disobedience brought tragedy. When the last of the older generation had died and the new generation had become adults, the Israelites prepared to make their long-awaited claim on the Promised Land.

    Joshua succeeded Moses as Israel’s leader. What qualification did He have to become the leader of a nation?

    1. God appointed him.

    2. He was one of only two living eyewitnesses to the Egyptian plagues and the Exodus from Egypt.

    3. He was Moses’s personal assistant for forty years.

    4. Of the twelve spies, only he and Caleb showed complete confidence that God would help them conquer the land.

    Because Joshua had assisted Moses for many years, he was well prepared to take over the leadership of the nation. Changes in leadership are common in many organizations. At such times, a smooth transition is essential for the establishment of the new administration. This doesn’t happen unless new leaders are trained. If you are currently in a leadership position, begin preparing someone to take your place. Then operations can continue to run efficiently when you leave or are promoted. If you desire to be a leader, learn from others so you will be prepared when the opportunity comes.

    Joshua’s new responsibility consisted of leading more than two million people into a strange new land and conquering it. What a challenge—even for a man of Joshua’s caliber! Every new job is a challenge. Without God, it can be frightening. With God, it can be a great adventure. Just as God assured Joshua He would be with him, He is with us as we face our new challenges. We may not conquer nations, but every day we face tough situations, difficult people, and temptations. However, God promises that He will never abandon us or fail to help us, regardless of how we feel. By asking God to direct us, we can conquer many of life’s problems.

    Many people think prosperity is based on power; influential, powerful contacts; and a relentless desire to get ahead. However, the strategy for prosperity that God taught Joshua goes against such criteria. He taught Joshua that strategy in order for him to succeed. The same thing is required of us today. God taught Joshua that he must

    1. be strong and brave because the task ahead would not be easy,

    2. obey God’s law, and

    3. constantly read and study God’s Word.

    To be successful, follow God’s words to Joshua. You may not be successful by the world’s standards, but you will be a success in God’s eyes, and His definition of success refers to forever.

    How strange to equate success with obedience. For man, success is controlling others; for Joshua, it meant being controlled by God. God told Joshua that to succeed he must obey the rules for living found in God’s law. Often we cannot see what the results or future benefits of following God will be like in our future. When we are not certain what to do, obedience to the things God has revealed in the scriptures is the only sure step we can take. Resolve to set aside time each day to read and think about God’s Word. Remind yourself of God’s Word day and night. Act today on what you know God has said, and God will assure your success in carrying out His purpose. Consider the following people named in the Bible and the blessings they experienced through their faith and obedience to God. Their lives demonstrate that what God did for them, He can do for you and me, regardless of our circumstances.

    • Abram, later renamed Abraham, was promised to be a father of a great nation, receive a land, and bring blessings to nations. He chose to wait on God.

    • David sinned, repented, and was promised that one of his sons would always be on throne. By believing on God, David experienced success by his connection to the lineage of Jesus.

    • Elijah raised a widow’s son from death, called down fire from heaven, and was taken to heaven by a whirlwind. His success was based on his faith.

    • Elisha revived a dead man after touching his bones. Elisha received a double portion of anointing.

    • Elizabeth and Zechariah became parents of the predecessor of Jesus, John the Baptist, who would prepare the way for Jesus. They both demonstrated faith and obedience.

    • Peter saw a vision of a sheet of animals descending from heaven. The vision was explained as meaning that whoever does what is right and acceptable in God’s eyes can expect to go to heaven. Although Peter denied Jesus three times, he was successful in demonstrating his love for Jesus through his preaching to the nation.

    • Gideon won a war or battle with jars, torches, and trumpets; he confused his enemies, the Midianites. He was asked to be a ruler, and he declined. Gideon was successful because he used what God had given him, no matter how strange or small.

    • Hosea married Gomer, a prostitute, or woman of ill repute. He was successful because of his obedience.

    • Isaiah was preserved by God as part of a remnant of Judah because of his obedience, as proof of God’s faithfulness. Isaiah prophesied that a child would be born named Immanuel, which means, God with us. He told the people not to fight, because God would protect them. He was successful because he let

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