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Spirit of Earth: Exploring the Sacred Landscape of Earth
Spirit of Earth: Exploring the Sacred Landscape of Earth
Spirit of Earth: Exploring the Sacred Landscape of Earth
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Spirit of Earth: Exploring the Sacred Landscape of Earth

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In Spirit of Earth, author Kirsty E. Green shares her spiritual journey as a healer through the forests in her home state of Victoria. Many visions of earth mother were presented through meditation and reflection as she travelled through the various landscapes and experienced the spirit of earth. This included meetings with mountain divas, elementals, animal totems and sacred spirit energy. Green tells how she was guided and pulled toward meetings with animal totem energies during her spiritual quest for healing and merging with lost parts of the self.

Green narrates how, through quiet and reverent practice, you, too, can surrender to a timeless quality of conscious awareness and deep peace that is your birthright. From this deep peace, you can reawaken and redirect your potential. She reminds you of the fragile state of rich ecosystems and the abundance in many forms of life within old growth forests.

A thoughtful summary of a fascinating and ongoing deep relationship with sacred Mother Earth, Spirit of Earth alerts you to the sacred treaty of unconditional love and protection of forest and ocean areas that are essential to survival of all life on this planet.
Release dateJun 21, 2018
Spirit of Earth: Exploring the Sacred Landscape of Earth

Kirsty E. Green

KIRSTY E. GREEN dedicates her life to the use of philosophies that redirect, reawaken, and transform the heart and consciousness. Green has worked for many years in the alternative therapy realm. She is the author of Pathways to Restore the Feminine and currently lives in Melbourne, Victoria.

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    Spirit of Earth - Kirsty E. Green

    Copyright © 2018 Kirsty E. Green.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1331-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1332-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/07/2018

    Table of Contents


    Peaceful Sky

    1. Earth Place

    2. Earth Soul Treaty

    3. The Spirit Within

    4. Inviting Mother Earth in

    5. Sacred Heritage – Land & Sea

    6. Trees and Faerie Realms

    7. The Power of Animals

    Transcendent & Sacred Landscapes

    8. Moving through Time

    9. A Mysterious Landscape of Portals and Gateways

    10. Sacred Places - Memories in the Forest

    11. Walking in Harmony with the Energy Lines

    12. Holographic Fields

    Ancient Societies & Earth Worship

    Light of the Spheres

    13. Ancient Societies and Earth Shifts

    14. Awakening the Earth Soul Connection through Intuition

    15. Earth Solstice &


    16. Earth Song meditation

    17. Working with essences


    This book is dedicated to my father Colin who in a gentle and quiet way showed me how to respect and have a never ending curiosity for all life, and my mother Patricia who taught me about compassion, love, the poetry of life and to dream. Love.

    Peaceful Sky

    I mapped my heart on to the sky and

    Watched the clouds float on by

    Soft voluminous peaceful sway

    My heart, it balanced to the heavenly way

    I breathed in deeply, this mighty dream

    Of blue and white and silvery streams

    I dreamt of far off cities and times

    My inner space was redefined

    Grand cities, wise sages

    Inventive desires

    Dreamed and forgotten

    In the heavenly skies

    I pulled the sky into my heart

    The heart, the sky,

    The sky, the heart

    The dream in place and now I knew

    I was of the heavenly hue

    I became the sky, its peace, its grace

    Inner, outer, inner space.

    Kirsty Green 2011


    Messmate Stringybark



    Earth Place

    T his book has been written in response to many calls from friends and others, to share what has been a rather fascinating and inspiring journey delving into the spiritual and physical landscape of earth.

    This book is for those people who are curious about the mystery of earth’s multi dimensional nature. It’s a book for those who have a deep reverence for Mother Earth and all life.

    When you explore life according to the natural laws of cycles, seasons and elements, rise and fall of life, ebb and flow of tides, the night sky and the transit of stars above, a deep fascination and appreciation starts to claim your heart and soul.

    You learn about your own nature through these connections.

    We have a unique opportunity and choice to connect with this great planet, and to be involved in the experience of her multi faceted nature and expression. The cities, people, animal life, unique ecosystems, the sea and the land, all offer insight into our place here on earth.

    Along the way we realize our inter connectedness to all kingdoms: human, animal, plant, mineral. We have choices to love and care for this planet, and trust in an earthly evolution, its sacred and timeless mystery.

    Having spent many years pondering the mystery of the earth physically and spiritually, I began to feel more connected to earth and the sanctuary she offers to each of us. This instilled in me a desire to understand the life at my disposal a little more.

    It is fairly natural to see that inter connectedness between all things when acceptance and grace slip in.

    The love and trust of animals both domestic and wild amazes me, their evolution tied into ours. Their complete acceptance, loyalty and trust in human company even in the most trying situations. Bless them.

    I have tried to include interesting ideas, approaches, various healing techniques, energy practices and meditations, to take you the reader on a progressive and indeed fascinating path.

    The practices, whilst very simple, will benefit you in many ways, if you put your total awareness into them. Be patient and work through the heart. The reason practice is simple, is because it’s the only way to have right contact with the soul.

    It looks like we live in a 3D world but honestly there is so much more to it. There are many ways to observe life. When you look into a body of energy or even a forest of energy you see light and energy frequencies - all form disappears. A holographic nature appears, light fields, tunnels, whorls and movement that tantalizes the curiosity.

    If you want quiet dignity and knowing, and want to walk hand in hand with spirit then give up what and who you think you are and opt for the inner journey into your truth.

    • Walk through time in the forest and by the sea.

    • Talk to the earth and its creatures.

    • Explore her spiritual mystery.

    • Commune with the elements.

    • Know the cycles.

    • Learn to find ways to be inspired.

    • Learn to dance with life.

    You start to align with a natural movement and flow within the heart. A natural spontaneity kicks in and you become more at one with the inner part of you.

    Too often we exclude feminine practices in our life, when we should notice them more:

    • Ritual ‘to bind back’.

    • Ceremony ‘to celebrate’.

    • Meditation ‘to deepen’.

    • Communing ‘to know’.

    • Creating ‘who am I’.

    Mother Earth can offer so much to us in establishing a deeper earth-soul connection. At our finger tips is the magic, the mystery, the knowledge and creative wisdom that sits within waiting to be illuminated. Through persistence and quiet practice you get in touch with an appreciation of life.

    Grace is sweeping the earth, in cycles, ushering in a new force of love, prompting those in honest service to follow through in trust and love.

    The magic and the benefits that result when you travel the land will take you through into a greater vision and awareness. The path is not easy, and mastery of life is an interesting subject. We all have our own evolution. Along the path we are faced with our own reflection, over and over it seems, until you find yourself at the door of choice. At some point you have to ask yourself do I stay and step up? or do I remain blissfully shallow forever?

    There is a lot of fear and manipulation in the world. It is up to those people who are creative, wise and mindful, the teachers, the healers, elders and leaders, to work with integrity and vision. To push forward with the practices that support the truth of our language, poetry, music, the arts, earth keeping, healing and brotherhood of man. We need to maintain a reverence for all life on this planet.

    Be the love, and cherish

    your place in this world.

    Know your earthly soul.

    Take care of your earth place.



    Earth Soul Treaty

    The way of truth, peace & love

    W e

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