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Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe
Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe
Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe
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Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe

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Vaccines are not safe. A US Supreme Court justice has stated vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. Written by an emergency physician, Who Can Parents Trust? takes the opposite viewpoint, sharing reasons for parents to consider vaccines as both avoidable and unsafe.

Doctors often fail to report serious illnesses and deaths following vaccinations. Thus, evidence for vaccine safety cannot be verified, given that it is predicated upon such a small reporting sample. With a paucity of adverse event reports, vaccine makers and physician advocates have gotten away with using coincidence rather than consequence as explanations for autism and SIDS. Over the past thirty years, in conjunction with an escalation in vaccination numbers, millions of vaccine-related injuries have gone unreported. Consequently no one has any right assuming vaccines are safe. Whats more, parents have a right to know vaccine risks and potential benefits. If a parent or caregiver perceives risks outweigh benefit, that person has a right to say no.

In this treatise, a physician seeks to build an ethical and moral case favoring reasons that parents should not trust anyone but themselves in the matter of vaccines and their children.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 26, 2018
Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe

David Denton Davis MD

David Denton Davis, MD, is a Vietnam veteran and a charter member of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), established in 1968. He served as an elected board member during the creation of emergency medicine (EM) as a specialty. He practiced emergency medicine in Boston and later in San Diego. He is also the author of Dancing Cats Silent Canaries and Pollys Promise. He currently lives in La Jolla, California.

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    Who Can Parents Trust? - David Denton Davis MD


    Evidence of Vaccine Harm Abounds

    Once I learned there could be vaccine induced adverse events, I began to see everyday evidence. Adverse event expectations became part of my history taking for every child with a fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, lethargy, irritability or seizure. A correlation between illnesses and recent shots became immediately evident. At the very least my medical records now had additional information and a child’s parents would know I was aware this might also be their concern. I was soon amazed at the numbers of illnesses which qualified as possible vaccine related adverse events.

    A short time after my son’s pediatric encounter, I entered an urgent care exam room where a young febrile boy experiencing uncontrollable face and neck movements was waiting. I asked his mother whether her son had received any recent vaccinations. Surprised by my question she replied, Three days ago. Recognizing his uncontrollable tics were seizures, I questioned when they started. In church on Sunday, two days after his MMR, was her reply. I immediately contacted their pediatrician. What followed was shocking. After I suggested her patient was suffering from an adverse event, she reprimanded me by saying it was not due to his vaccine. She added that her office did not do reports. I asked if she could tell me what VAERS actually meant. My phone went silent.

    I was thrown back onto my prior journey in search of truth about what I had been witnessing, but apparently missing for more than twenty five years. Years earlier on a flight, I remembered talking with an anesthesiologist, who mentioned his fifteen year old son had Tourette’s syndrome while we were talking about vaccine induced adverse events. He realized his son had experienced a sudden major exacerbation in tics following his DPT booster prior to summer camp. He asked if it was a coincidence, although he was now certain it was a likely DPT consequence without possibility of proving a correlation.

    During subsequent years many more examples have occurred convincing me beyond any doubt causes for our current troubles have been subjected to a continuing cover-up in the name of society’s greater good. Our best opportunity to alter course in the name of infant and childhood safety passed by when a group of our most intelligent leaders met and, perhaps, reluctantly agreed the consequences stemming from any admission vaccine products might be unsafe were far too great. There could be no continued legal protection from liability for our pharmaceutical industry, if so called peer reviewed scientific articles proving safety, were shown to be fraudulent.

    Rather than deal with evidence and likely consequences vaccine makers were given a free pass. Over the next ten years an unfolding tragedy has continued with a further doubling in our nation’s autism rate and no decline in unexplained infant deaths. In 2003 our prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) likely had contrary evidence, but chose to ignore it by silence. Any admission worldwide vaccine programs were, perhaps, causing more harm than good would have to wait. With a statement that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between exposure to multiple vaccinations and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), our IOM hoped would put any lingering questions about vaccine safety to rest. Several known studies that suggested a temporal relationship existed between vaccines, SIDS and autism in a certain population subset would need to be ignored.

    The United States remains number one in the world in infant deaths and first year vaccinations. This cannot be just a coincidence. Is it possible members of that select committee meeting in secrecy became frightened? Was it possible members were warned about legal risks associated with any admission a significant percentage of more than one million SIDS cases worldwide were possibly caused by vaccines? Or, is it plausible they actually knew vaccine dangers, but concluded there would be no immediate forthcoming proof for a mechanism of injury? After that meeting some members suggested there needed to be a study to determine existence of a more vaccine vulnerable subset of infants, although nothing would be done. Without admitting internal discussions favored a more definitive statement, IOM members agreed to silence.

    Unsurprisingly many participants refused to sign their committee’s conclusion to do nothing. It is unlikely they did not know there was a lack of science behind vaccine safety or our CDC’s acclaimed Danish study showing no link between vaccines and autism was fraudulent. Nevertheless, they wanted everyone to believe no further safety studies needed to be done. Their titanic decision was full speed ahead, perhaps, suggesting a few babies’ lives don’t matter. Reasons favoring rejection may have been influenced by strong possibilities newer studies would add to already accumulating evidence of vaccine harm. Their recommendation that no further studies should be done was likely an admission there was fear about what would be found.

    Meanwhile, where do we as parents, grandparents and physicians currently stand? Where can well meaning doctors go to learn the truth? When will doctors, who have conducted studies purporting there is no correlation between vaccine contents death and disability, come forward and acknowledge their conclusions may have been wrong, or performed for the wrong reasons. We already know where our leadership stands. It is more apparent than ever to understand parents can only trust themselves. Parents must become informed enough to resist being bullied by medical doctors or our media. Causality will eventually flow from a series of correlations.

    Following an email link, I watched a video depicting a story of a healthy vibrant twenty month old boy who died a week after his tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (TDaP) shot. His mother, a registered nurse, spoke out blaming the vaccine. She reported he was not himself in the days following, but seemed to be rallying only to be found face down cold cuddled up dead in his crib. I cried. I had previously been vilified by a pediatric pathologist for suggesting on network news there was nothing natural about unexplained infant deaths. I knew there had to be a correlation between SIDS, environmental toxins and especially vaccines and their

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