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Riding from the Seat of Your Soul: A Spiritual Journey to a Better Life
Riding from the Seat of Your Soul: A Spiritual Journey to a Better Life
Riding from the Seat of Your Soul: A Spiritual Journey to a Better Life
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Riding from the Seat of Your Soul: A Spiritual Journey to a Better Life

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About this ebook

Riding from the Seat of Your Soul came about after I had read Wayne Dyers book about the wisdom of the Tao. After living with horses for over forty years, I experienced the power that they have to change lives on a day-to-day basis, not only my own but also the lives of my students. I will never forget the transformation of a little boy who was eight years old and who had never spoken a word. He garbled, and every therapy that had been tried failed to elicit speech. I was teaching Special Olympics equestrian at the time on my farm in Jamaica, and one day, I thought I heard him say the name of the horse he liked to ride. His teacher and I were sure we were mistaken, so we asked him again: What did you say? He repeated the name of the horse. It was the first word he had ever spoken! Of course, we were all in tears of joy, and it was an experience I will never forget. After reading Dr. Dyers Living the Wisdom of the Tao, I thought to myself that some of the philosophical ideas could be related to not only the way we live our lives but also the way we treat our horses as well. This book has something for everyone, and you dont have to be involved with horses to get the idea.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 28, 2018
Riding from the Seat of Your Soul: A Spiritual Journey to a Better Life

P. Ann Turner

Born in Jamaica of Scottish/English descent, Ann is a mixture of both cultures. The West Indian influence creates a freedom of spirit, a boldness of expression that is both captivating and humorous. Being raised by a British mother, she makes a great cup of tea. Her writing style is easy and free-flowing, and you will definitely feel that you are having a conversation with a good friend, while enjoying a good cup of tea. Ann has faced many challenges, and her love of horses and proactive thinking has led to her a unique philosophy about life, love and relationships. She really does believe we are all connected to each other, and every living thing upon this earth. This belief leads her to a deep love and respect of all creation, the earth and a very close connection to life itself.

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    Riding from the Seat of Your Soul - P. Ann Turner

    Copyright © 2018 P. Ann Turner.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0717-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0716-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/26/2018


    Chapter 1 Follow your true Nature

    Chapter 2 Become curious about your fears.

    Chapter 3 Living with no attachment

    Chapter 4 Trust – no need for control

    Chapter 5 No sense of Entitlement – stay humble – the Divine Feminine

    Chapter 6 Detach from Possessions

    Chapter 7 Move from Stiffness to Flexibility

    Chapter 8 Move from interference to Non-interference

    Chapter 9 The more Rules you create, the more Rule breakers you have.

    Chapter 10 Think small, not big – A Journey of a Thousand miles begins with a single step – Tao Te Ching.

    Riding from the Seat of your Soul – chapter outline. My Lakota name given to me by a friend as the woman who talks to horses: Tsunka waaglake win. P. Ann Turner.

    Chapter One: Follow your true Nature

    What is the true nature of the horse? Wild spirit, running free, sense of family, leadership, freedom, strength, balance, journeys, spiritual freedom and understanding, love for Mother Earth, connection, oneness with all creation.

    The physical aspects of the horse: Eyes, feet, hearing, food, environment – what do they really need to be happy?

    Chapter Two: Become curious about your fears.

    What do you fear? What does your horse fear? The living Mirror, how can you work through this together? Where did the fear start, where did it come from, this life or past lives? Or present day experiences?

    Chapter Three: Living with no attachment

    Learn to detach from your possessions, emotions and you will be more in harmony with your horse. They do not regret the past, nor fear the future. Live in the present moment, live in it fully present, and this moment will last forever.

    Chapter Four: Trust – no need for control

    By relinquishing control, we gain control. First trust yourself, your reactions and your emotions. Then trust the horse as being one with you, for fear comes from lack of trust in yourself and the ability to react as you need to in any given situation.

    Chapter Five: No sense of Entitlement – stay humble – the Divine Feminine

    The horse knows his strength and does not abuse his power, can we say the same? Find the strength there is in extreme calm and silence. It is a place of power above the din of the crowd. The greatest leaders are the humblest – Ghandi, Mother Teresa. The lead mare in a herd will part the crowd just by walking through it, no need for defence, her power is a given.

    Chapter Six: Detach from Possessions

    When you can do this, winning a ribbon or a cooler at a show becomes an empty victory. If you treat your horse like a vehicle to gratify your own ego, you will never achieve success. Have an attitude of partnership, of oneness and you will win more if it's about the ride, the relationship and not the winning. IN the eyes of God you are always a winner. There is a way to train for success in the show ring without the interference of the ego and all that comes with it.

    Chapter Seven: Move from Stiffness to Flexibility

    We need to become like water, soft and yielding but extremely powerful. Water is emotion, and horses are all about emotion, they live by what they feel and are heart centered beings. If you could sit on a horse with no tension whatsoever, then your movements created by the movement of the horse would become your aids – no restriction, just flow.

    Chapter Eight: Move from interference to Non-interference

    From the Herd: ride us with kindness, gentleness and silence.

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