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Invisible Connections: A Guide to Using Systemic Constellations in Families and Organizations to Create the Personal and Professional Relationship You Want
Invisible Connections: A Guide to Using Systemic Constellations in Families and Organizations to Create the Personal and Professional Relationship You Want
Invisible Connections: A Guide to Using Systemic Constellations in Families and Organizations to Create the Personal and Professional Relationship You Want
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Invisible Connections: A Guide to Using Systemic Constellations in Families and Organizations to Create the Personal and Professional Relationship You Want

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How to recover from confusion, depression, anxiety, and conflicts is more than something just about you. It is also about the relationships you have and have had in life.
May you already know that we are all connected with each other through a big World Wide Web that connects the information that crosses our brains all the time.
And also, we are intimately connected to our family members.
In fact, we are all connected somehow.
Reading this book will be easier to comprehend how families, couples, friends, social lives, and even nature are intrinsically connected, turning some complex terms and concepts in psychology. Systemic constellations and quantum physics are easily understandable in order to improve your daily life simply by tuning your conscience in to everything that you created (or even must be repaired) in your relationships in order to gain more peace of mind, freedom, and self-love from now and forever.
Your fears about questions as how life works, why you are here, why you are with these people around you, and where you are going will finally start to be answered as soon as you read this book. You will think and understand your life through a completely different point of view than everything that you ever thought of or read but that I’m sure that you always felt, and I’m here to show you that is possible to experience all the love that you want. And I guess that you already possess it just right now with this book in your hands. Go ahead!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 30, 2018
Invisible Connections: A Guide to Using Systemic Constellations in Families and Organizations to Create the Personal and Professional Relationship You Want

Daniele Tedesco

Daniele Tedesco is more than a contemporary psychologist. With a unique and integrative approach, she can teach you how your problems are closed related and intimately connected with the relationships that you have had in life in many circumstances and contexts. She is able to understand the good and the bad encounters that we have in life and tell us how and why each of them is important to understand who we are right now. As teacher and mentor in systemic constellations and creator of a aclamed intuition development training, with this book she will carry you along a beautiful and transforming journey inside yourself. She is a generous soul that know how to take people to new worlds, helping us to reflect and feel better, sharing lots of information to connect people with the best that they can be as human.

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    Invisible Connections - Daniele Tedesco

    Copyright © 2018 Daniele Tedesco.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical,

    including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written

    permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    Vinicius Montenegro Rebeca Machado Rosany Rodrigues

    Cover art and concept: Vanessa Viegas

    Graphic design and composition: Monvie –

    English translation: Mariana Bandarra

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403


    The author does not advocate the non-use of medication for the treatment of phy- siological and psychiatric

    issues, which should always be diagnosed and followe- d-up by a medical professional.

    The guidelines contained in this book aim to contribute to harmony and pea- cemaking in human

    relationships, as a way to improve the reader’s emotional/ psychological balance and quality of life.

    The reader is entirely responsible for how the information contained in this book is used, as

    well as for seeking professional help with emotional and psychological issues.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed

    since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do

    not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0598-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0599-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018906818

    Balboa Press rev. date:  04/21/2021


    This book is dedicated to all my beloved

    ancestors, brother and sister, husband and

    relatives, to my team, teachers, true friends,

    patients, students and to all those who

    appreciate and seek to experience inner

    harmony and gratitude for their life and family.

    Our ancestry is the cradle of the power that

    makes our life possible, from the day we arrive

    in this world until the time we leave.







    Family Myths & Rites And Scientificity





    The effectiveness of different techniques for the same purpose: reconnecting people and systems to inner guidance, wisdom and self-regulation


    Optimizing work through consciousness and creativity





    Writing a book is an art form: the art of knowing, the art of feeling, the art of experiencing, the art of communicating, the art of being moved... The art of the soul, ultimately.

    A book is worth more for the soul of its author than for its contents. The theme of this book is extremely interesting for what it introduces.

    It explores and offers a new outlook on Systemic Constellations. With a fresh, original approach, this work is a unique contribution for anyone interested in the topic.

    A book’s excellence depends directly on the soul of the person writing it: Daniele Tedesco’s soul is soft, inspired, sweet, intelligent, highly professional and overflowing with great love.

    I first met Daniele in 2007, when she decided to go to Portugal for a one-year course in Organizational Constellations. She did not know how she would finish the course, but something deep inside her told her she would: it was the voice of her passion, strength and devotion.

    The young psychologist arrived in Portugal and integrated with a group of considerably older people. To our great surprise, what we witnessed was a mature, willing energetic and wise human being.

    She completed the course with honors, while constantly traveling to England to earn a living and look for professional alternatives.

    It wasn’t long before she was fully integrated in English society and among Brazilian expats. She started working as a psychologist–the profession she loves– and writing for quality journals and magazines. She became a benchmark in her field, despite her young age.

    Years later, Daniele returned to Brazil, driven circumstances she always faced with positive energy, courage and an unparalleled sense of purpose.

    I have followed her professional and personal path throughout the years and I have been consistently delighted to witness everything she has done. She has a way with manifesting her dreams into materiality, introducing new perspectives and innovations in her work, all with the honesty and coherence that are marks of a great woman.

    The young woman I met in 2007 has transformed into a great woman of immense soul–a soul that touches everyone around her: teachers, students, clients, friends and everyone who has the chance of feeling her presence and learning from her.

    This was the immense soul who wrote this remarkable book.

    It is worth reading it to feel this grand soul that transports us into new worlds, helping us think, providing valuable information connecting us with the best in ourselves.

    It is up to each of us to enjoy this gift and take the opportunity to let our own souls touch the soul of Daniele. It will make us all wiser, and armed with this wisdom, we too can offer great contributions to this world.

    Thank you, Daniele, for having such a beautiful soul…

    Cecilio Fernández Regojo

    Director of Talent Manager Constellations Sistêmicas Europe


    Confused, agitated, sad and emotionally lost. This is how I felt when I was about to unknowingly come into contact with family constellations for the first time.

    Confusing, difficult times in our life seem designed to show us we are endowed with deep inner strength (or even outer strength). When motivated by courage and persistence, this strength helps us overcome and survive the challenges in our path.

    I imagine it was,

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