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The Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First Day Sabbath
The Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First Day Sabbath
The Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First Day Sabbath
Ebook254 pages2 hours

The Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First Day Sabbath

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The Lord’s Day (First Day Sabbath), is a comprehensive study containing detailed biblical evidence supporting the New Testament’s account regarding the changing of the 7th day Sabbath to the 1st day of the week. The book is easy to read, and filled with hundreds of Biblical passages that are written out for your convenience.
The book is designed to assist any that are confused or misguided, and it will also provide insight to those that are observing the first day Sabbath but are unaware of the Biblical facts involved.
Therefore, the material presented in this book will give you the confidence and assurance of knowing “that it’s biblically correct to honor and give reverences to the first day Sabbath (Sunday)”
I guarantee any that reads this book will definitely be impressed with all the constructive biblical data presented, and it also contains a bonus lesson on the Holy Trinity.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 13, 2017
The Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First Day Sabbath

Penton C. Lewis

Penton Lewis is a retired Real Estate Specialist employed by the Redevelopment Authority for 13 years. His interest in the Bible started in1980, and he quickly developed into a strong desire to both read and study God’s word, which later resulted in a position in the church as a Sunday School Teacher and ushered him into a life occupied with the joy of teaching God’s word. In 1986, he became part of a Bible teaching ministry at the Philadelphia Youth Study Center, which is a detention institution that housed juvenile youth offenders. For 16 years with joy he gratefully taught the Bible to the young inmates. Penton has been studying and teaching the Bible for over 30 years, and he is confident, capable and ready to share any Biblical knowledge that he accumulated over the years, of which is demonstrated in his first Book: “The Lord’s Day”.

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    The Lord’s Day - Penton C. Lewis

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    Chapter 1 Sunday the Sabbath

    Three Days and Three Nights: Is Matthew 12 Giving Us a Time Frame of Christ’s Burial?

    The First, Second, and Third Day Study

    Friday + Preparation = The Day before the Seventh-Day Sabbath

    Chapter 2 A Yearly Sabbath?

    The First Factor

    The Second Factor: Is the First Day of Unleavened Bread a Yearly Sabbath?

    The Third Factor: The Difference in the Feast Days and the Seventh-Day Sabbath

    Chapter 3 Double-Sabbath Theory

    Chapter 4 The Third-Day Study

    Seventy-Two Hours?

    Chapter 5 The Resurrection Comparison

    Connecting and Merging the Four Gospels

    Chapter 6 Heart of the Earth


    God Initiates the Change

    Heart: A Literal Approach and the Spiritual Connection to Earth and Heart

    Earth: Physical Association between Earth and Heart

    Association between Heart, Earth, and Man

    Parable of the Sower: An Allegorical Message

    More of Man’s Association with the Earth

    Chapter 7 Jesus’s Entrance into the Heart of the Earth

    Calculations of the Entrance into the Heart of the Earth

    Four Biblical Facts

    The Importance of the Resurrection Overview

    Chapter 8 The Day to Worship: Christian Worshiping on the First Sabbath

    Chapter 9 A Sabbath Rest—Part One

    A Sabbath Rest—Part Two

    Chapter 10 Christ and the Law

    Christ Is Our Only Hope

    More Conflict

    Till All Be Fulfilled

    What About the Commandments?

    Chapter 11 Jesus Gives Us a Broader, Revised View of the Commandments

    New Testament Commandments

    Comparison: Christ’s Commandments

    The Doctrines of the Apostles

    The Seventh-Day and the First-Day Sabbaths

    Sabbath: A Sign for National Israel

    Rest = Life / Work = Death

    Additional Things We Should Know about the Seventh-Day Sabbath

    Chapter 12 Collective Information on Both Sabbaths

    The Work Allowed on the Seventh-Day Sabbath

    More on Sabbath and National Israel

    Activities Required on the First-Day Sabbath (God’s Holy Day)

    The Misconception of Constantine’s Connection with the First-Day Sabbath

    Biblical Proof

    On the First Day of the Week

    A New Covenant (The New Testament)

    Chapter 13 Is the Seventh-Day Sabbath a Moral or Ceremonial Law?

    Moral Laws

    Ceremonial Law

    The Bible’s View of the Seventh-Day Sabbath as a Ceremonial Law

    The Seven Feasts of Israel

    The Seventh-Day Sabbath Is Introduced as a Ceremonial Law

    Leviticus 23:1-2 & 3

    God’s Disgust [Seventh-Day Sabbath Separated but Grouped In]

    The Seventh-Day Sabbath Is Definitely a Ceremonial Law

    Closing Comments




    Introduction (Trinity)

    The Trinity

    Deity of Jesus Christ

    The Restoration

    Jehovah as Creator

    Jesus as Creator

    By the Word of God

    God as the Rock and Jesus as the Rock = God

    God as Savior

    Jesus as Savior

    Lord God Almighty

    The Holy Spirit: A Person

    The Omnipresence of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit

    Holy Spirit’s Activities in Salvation

    The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)

    Upcoming Books

    Upcoming Lessons

    Scripture Index

    To the fond memories of my

    Departed friends:

    Officer: Quinn Rose

                           David Fields (Dave)

                           Wilson (Sonny) Flowers

                           Andrew Thomas (Andy)


    T he Lord’s Day: Miracle of the First-Day Sabbath is an intense study containing detailed biblical evidence that supports the fact that Sunday is the New Testament’s Sabbath (The Lord’s Day). It’s extremely important for every Christian to know exactly what biblical day they are to set aside for the Lord.

    Unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion, doubt, and questions pertaining to this subject. However, this study will provide you with the necessary biblical data that will answer many of your questions, and as you continue with the study, you will gain the confidence of knowing that we’re on the right track.

    The study is also particularly important to those who believe that Sunday is the day of worship, but due to lack of knowledge, they are unable to respond to the subject biblically. Some may say it’s not really that important, but I say it’s extremely important, especially for the Sunday worshiper.

    The material presented in this study will surprise most Christians, because through it they will not only discover the great blessing found in the biblical data presented, but also they will also gain insight from the various biblical facts relating to how the first-day Sabbath intertwines beautifully with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the meat of this study.

    The study will also provide you with essential information pertaining to some of the doctrines held by those who support the seventh-day Sabbath. Several inaccuracies are biblically examined and corrected.

    I was once challenged with referenced to this subject (Sunday, the Sabbath/Lord’s Day) by someone who was well versed in the scriptures. The individual claimed that Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath, was still active and should be observed by today’s Christians.

    I have to confess: the facts were presented clearly and convincingly, and I must admit that I was baffled. Even though, years ago I taught a Sunday school lesson on the subject of Sunday the Sabbath. However, at the time I was unaware of the various doctrines held by those who hold to the seventh-day Sabbath. Therefore, I was taken aback by the detailed presentation.

    Although, I was both stumped and perplexed by the comment, I just couldn’t accept the fact that the seventh-day Sabbath was still active and effective for the New Testament’s era, so I rolled up my sleeves and started an in-depth study on the subject.

    At that time, I had no idea or intention of writing a book, but due to a poor memory, I started taking notes. Subsequently, as the biblical details involving the relationship between the first-day Sabbath and the gospel of Jesus Christ started to unfold and intensify, which later resulted in a stronger desire to share my finding with others, the concept of a book began to develop.

    However, in order to properly absorb and comprehend the results of these findings, it’s imperative that you read this book from cover to cover. By reading the book from cover to cover, you will gain both insight and knowledge pertaining to this important subject. Therefore, you will be better equipped to grasp and maintain the scriptural message presented. In addition to that, you will be captivated by the unfolding of the various biblical facts pertaining to the first-day Sabbath and the connection it has with gospel of Jesus Christ.

    I started the study by researching some of the doctrines held by those who hold to the seventh-day Sabbath. My main objective was to see how they measured up against the Bible. The results of my research are provided for you in this book.

    In the beginning of this study, I became extremely disenchanted with the answers and conflicting views I was receiving from the various commentaries. Therefore, I put them away and focused mainly on the Bible. To my amazement, I discovered that the Bible was the best source to use for this type of study. It took me over three years of biblical research, along with some aid from outside reliable sources, to complete this study. In addition to that, I’ve spent another two or more years gathering together the data and finally putting it into book form.

    The data presented in this study has been biblically researched and confirmed by the word of God. The scriptures referred to are all written out and displayed for you. This will make it easier for you to both grasp the biblical facts presented and aid you with the flow of the study. I’ve also frequently repeated vital information to refresh your memory and keep you up with the enormous data presented. In addition to that, chapter 2 can be a little technical, so take your time and carefully read over it.

    However, at times I may appear to be a little redundant or off track, but I guarantee you that as you continue with the study, you will begin to see how the details all fall into place, resulting in a better understanding of both the facts and message presented. Remember: the book is designed to be read from cover to cover. Do not jump from one area to another, which could cause confusion and misunderstanding. Furthermore, to get an even broader understanding, take time out to read all the scriptures that are given but not written out for you.

    The intent of this study is only to enlighten those who are either confused or seeking knowledge relating to this important subject, and not to put down or attack any religious organizations or none of the individuals involved with them.

    The greatest blessing involved with this study is the biblical connection it has with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is herein incorporated, displayed and confirmed by the word of God. I also attached an additional study on the Holy Trinity, which is a simplified but detailed short study pertaining to this important subject.

    Finally, and most importantly, I must thank God who gave me the will, fortitude, and insight to both research and complete this study. Believe me: without Him, it would have been impossible for me to obtain the biblical discernment or knowledge to accomplish such a task.

    I would also like to thank my sister, Pensacola Lewis, for both her support and input as she continually stressed the importance of striving for simplicity, and also, advising me with necessary recommendations for clarity.

    Thanks also to Bill Maddox, Joshua Lewis who assisted me earlier with the editing, which was prior to the final completion.

    I pray that those who read this book will be greatly blessed.


    Sunday the Sabbath

    Which day (Sunday or Saturday) is the New Testament’s Sabbath? Why did God change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? Where in the Bible did God change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? Exactly what is the heart of the earth, and how do you get three days and three nights from Friday 3:00 p.m. to Sunday morning, and what day of the week was Christ crucified?

    T hese and other questions are biblically answered for you in this study. It’s amazing how much information God has provided for us in his word (Bible). Through the Bible, we can eliminate a lot of biblical misconceptions and confusion.

    Therefore, with both God’s enlightenment and an intense biblical study I have reached a biblical conclusion that Sunday is the New Testament’s Sabbath (the Lord’s Day). Additionally, through this study God has given me an even broader view of his miraculous plan of salvation.

    By using the Bible, I’ve discovered and corrected several biblical inaccuracies involving many of the doctrines held by those who hold to the seventh-day Sabbath, as well as the theory of a Wednesday crucifixion and death. However, it is imperative that you read this book from cover to cover.

    Let start our study with a careful look at Christ’s statement in Matthew 12:40.

    For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three day and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    Although, the Sabbath is not mentioned in the previous scripture, I selected it because it contains essential elements pertaining to our study. In addition to that, the verse has been used by some scholars as biblical proof to the timing of Christ’s entombment, which some claim to be three, complete, twenty-four-hour days, or seventy-two hours.

    However, let’s focus our attention on the latter part of this verse, three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Is this statement giving us a time frame relating to Christ’s burial? Is the heart of the earth the grave/tomb? If not, then what is it, and how do we get three days and three nights from Friday a little after 3:00 p.m. to Sunday morning? Finally, what day was the first of the three days (Wednesday or Friday) involved with Christ’s crucifixion? Well, I have researched these and other questions pertaining to the subject, and you will be amazed at the biblical answers.

    This was a very difficult study for me, because I just couldn’t accept the answers that I was receiving from both the commentaries and some known pastors. Therefore, I decided to study it for myself. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not a Bible scholar, nor do I claim to be intellectually astute, or one of the greatest Christian in the world. Nevertheless, with God’s blessings, along with good biblical research. it was possible for me to obtain the necessary data to complete this study. Even though, there are complexities involved with this subject, I am confident in both my research and the biblical facts presented.

    Three Days and Three Nights: Is Matthew 12

    Giving Us a Time Frame of Christ’s Burial?

    Let’s start our study with a serious examination of the biblical phrase three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). In order to obtain a solid foundation to build on, we must first analyze this crucial piece of passage. Now, if we calculate the time involved with a complete three days and three nights, it gives us a period of seventy-two hours. However, the first questions we must cover are, what were the three days and nights involved, and do we start our calculations from the burial to the resurrection? By determining the days involved, we can gain valuable insight pertaining to our study.

    On several occasions, Christ stated that he would rise on the third day. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to conclude that his resurrection took place on the third day, which also indicates that the third day was the last of the three days involved. However, remember: it’s extremely important for us to determine what three days were involved (Wednesday to Saturday or Friday to Sunday).

    The First, Second, and Third Day Study

    The scriptures will definitely reveal to us the events surrounding Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. However, if we could possibly

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