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Write or Die: If I Couldn’T Write, I’D Die
Write or Die: If I Couldn’T Write, I’D Die
Write or Die: If I Couldn’T Write, I’D Die
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Write or Die: If I Couldn’T Write, I’D Die

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These words are to inspire and set your world on fire, starting at the bottom, then the middle, going higher. Dont be quiet about the knowledge you acquire. Your thoughts sing melodies and harmonize like a choir. This world needs people like us more than ever, so dont die. Its dire. When I write or die, I ride or die. Id rather die a trier. The only thing more important than intelligence and creativity is having motivation and desire.
Release dateJul 5, 2018
Write or Die: If I Couldn’T Write, I’D Die

Vincent Jones

Vinnie Jones is a US Army war veteran and has a degree in Communications and Business Management. Although this is his first project, he has been writing poems, songs, and blogs for twelve years. This book is not just him, getting his story out there, its his passion, purpose, and love.

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    Write or Die - Vincent Jones


    Classy Stimulation

    S ince we’ve met, I’ve been trying to decide on how to determine, whether or not you’re a snake in the grass and figure out why you’re still complaining, about the same damn thing and stuck on thinking, about why I haven’t supremely satisfied you, by taking you out to the ball game, told everybody we’ve been talking about having kids, getting married, and how for the past couple weeks I’ve been head over heels and we haven’t even had sex, but I’m still trying to F like a tank full of gas. And how I’m all the way in with someone, who was only supposed be a friend and after jumping through the hoops, I’m finally dating your ass. And you get on my nerves more and more every day with the trash, because I have to keep explaining that if I don’t keep it on the low, we won’t grow because the people you thought, were your friends are going to slow your pace and you’ll crash. Landing on your face will come fast. They want to break us up, so they’re trying to hold you back, keep you sad, and make you hate dudes again, so they bring up the past with your dad. They want to get close to you, so they can look you in the face when they laugh. They also want to know, why I’m talking to you on my wrist like this, like there’s no risk and what’s that thing that rings and tells time at the same time I keep on and keep on taking to class? These haters waiting patiently anxious, for the perfect time to break in the glass, like it’s an emergency to get you to retreat from our suite. They know you’re sweet. You can’t beat your enemy unless you know them well, so they play games, they’re fake, and sometimes even in your face. So I’m building the wall and yelling fuck them all, as I keep raising the flag. You have no real friends, because when you’re not intimidating them, it’s still intimidating. They’re afraid of your swag. I shopped you a photo a while ago, when I told you women weren’t pushing my buttons or flashing their ass, until you came in the picture and you still don’t get the picture. So, if you really don’t want the fame but cash, then get in the right light, stop being uncomfortable about feeling vulnerable, and let me take the bigger picture real fast. I can’t believe what I’m hearing and what you want me to see. That’s why I can’t breathe, I leave with speed, and keep my foot on the gas. You could’ve then and you can now, have any man now. Make him get up and stand down, so excuse me if I’m baffled, as to why you would sleep on yourself, push snooze, and choose a loser like me. What a drag. Go for what you want, take what you deserve, don’t wait to be served, and stop passing up the good for the bad. You’re always sleep and that’s sad. Envisioning yourself with a good man isn’t bad. I’m trying to get you in the sack, like a grocer and then I’ll do something grosser to bring us closer. I hit a growth spurt and one hand’s in your pants and the other’s under your low shirt. It’s nice that I’m no jerk. I can’t be mean to a beautiful queen that’s intelligent and got the whole hood in a bag. You’re too good for me, so good looking, and looking super good in the back. I wish somebody would and they’ll get these hands that I have. I least expected being with someone that was a beast that could beat me second and or be requested, better, or equal to me that I’m able to have stimulating conversations with, take vacations with, or a woman that I seen as a true queen and at least respected. I didn’t know I had one, so when you made me have a heart attack, it was something I least expected. I’m underneath your white tee inspecting. Are we expecting, to lean in thee direction, of being together forever and if so, am I the suspect she’s suspecting? I’m not about to go around with you about condom use, when I’m on my knees saying you’re all I need, don’t leave, and we’re bringing the Nina too. Between me and you, it’ll be the reason we believe in protection. It’s not a bad thing, to get a D in your class and be in detention, until the day doctors are trying to put a C in your section. Discipline me as you see fit. Your baby a bad boy. Mommy beat me. Teach me a lesson. I’ve been with women in the past, but I’ve never felt this strong, about doing the right thing for someone so wrong, so if you leave or deceive I’ll be so evil trying to get you, get even, and isolate alone in my own misery, until I’m sinking my feet deep in absent-minded aggression. I’d dwell in the well of the past and pain for weeks, until my bodies as weak as smoking weed in depression. I’m missing you and hoping I don’t miss you. I’m praying these three shells hit you, because when I’m loading the Smith, it’s only three in the Wesson. I’m shooting at your coupe, like I’m filming a movie in the west. It’s a Western. Let’s celebrate and take shots, two for you and one for the groom. I swear I don’t care, if I have to live and burn in hell with you forever, but I hope we’re in Heaven. I hear what you’re saying, but I ain’t playing about you taking me away from the game, these gangsters be playing. She’s saving me from you Satan. I’ve been awakened by waken and waiting for you, to stop praying for a dead basket case in a casket that’s barely holding your weight but wait, because even though I’m dead weight, I still don’t want you leaning over me Reverend. When I met you I was torn. Now I’m reborn. I was trying to be you, so if every spirit gets a new body then when I return, I’m using what I learned from you, against you, and coming back as you in the form, wearing a gold jersey, and your old uniform. You got me twisted like a tornado, if you think we won’t always be together, staying through changing weather, and uniting like NATO. I’ll fight you in the middle of July, after I come inside the funnel cloud and look you dead in your eyes. Don’t be scared. I’m prepared but are you ready to die? I can see you’re surprised. You didn’t see this on my mind the whole time, but I knew you were like the rest just resting like the pause in a song, taking a breath until I gave it up and then you got the rest. You were warned so don’t get mad, because I was hiding behind this huge lie and now that I’m on fire burning mad, I think it’s the right time for you to know it’s all eyes on you and I’m the eye of the storm. I’ve already cried twice to Christ over my wife, like why’d you lie to me Lord? What’d you think you were accomplishing, trying to conquer the King of Conquering? Nobody can help you now and they still couldn’t, even if you wouldn’t listen and you hit the wall, kicked your foot, or tried to knock again, while I got you by your dreadlocks trying to get you to bend. It’s a pretty good start of a nice headlock, but I’m having difficulty getting a grip of it and locking it in. This particular position is impossibly puzzling and so incomprehensibly complicated that even if you looked to God for help He’d say, It’s odd and completely out of my control like whoa. This has got to be sin. He’s wondering why you’re holding your head high, believing, or even kind of thinking I’d lie and make you think I’m thinking, of how to find the time to come and rescue the blind? You’ve got it all wrong. I’m not that strong but when I did slide in some kind of common sense, the first thing that popped into my mind was, you’re in some deep shit that I cannot comprehend. The Devil’s really alive and you’re on your own so believe you’re finished. Overpay one of your snakishly fake friends, to babysit your kids. You’re diminished. I’d be full of shit, if I didn’t whisper or lip it to you. You’re eternally damned, because to you he’s condemned. I’m not absolutely certain, but I’m pretty sure you’re holding on to a small strand of rope, about to fall into the fiery pits of Hell and I’d just like to wish you well. It’s finished. You have limits, because now you’re at the end and you won’t be replenished."


    Publicity Scheme

    I t doesn’t take a genius. Its simplicity. This whole scheme is for publicity. They’re just trying to get your attention. It’s not informative and there’s no real message. They’re just bias to a minority race or ethnicity. They’re spreading hate and if you support that then you must, want it to happen in this city. There was no point in watching this. It’s missing specificity. I shouldn’t have to concentrate this hard. It’s like solving a mystery, because they don’t speak explicitly. The election was full of confusion, different tricks, and grimy gimmickry. There was probably a lot of brainstorming with the propaganda committee. I can picture the members, trying to think of something unique that they think is witty. Who’s with me? One of the names of the political parties should’ve been Pity. A lot of the news is entertainment and its only purpose is to get viewers. They fool us, by sounding convincing or acting like they have all the answers, but they keep repeating the same information. They don’t give you anything differently. We pick our president, hoping all these promises transpire instantly. None of them had any intention, on doing what they said they could do, because it was just marketing. They only wanted more people, to support their cause and it was all for publicity.



    Swimming With Sharks

    T his ain’t a journey that you want to embark. If you don’t listen, to the warning signs or pay attention to the indications, you’ll end up with your body in parts. I’m low down and dirty, like a viciously trained and savage pit bull, playing in the dirt and about to bite you deep. I thought all dogs, were supposed to alert you or bark. You won’t see this coming. I’m not your friend and what you’ve just untimely taken notice of, is a dorsal fin. God won’t be able to save you, when I think you’re chicken of the sea or tuna fish sticking out the can with no label. You’re not on a relaxing vacation cruise and this isn’t Noah’s Ark. Don’t take this the wrong way or get me wrong, when I say you’re swimming with sharks. I’m waiting for you to do or say the wrong thing, so I can tear you apart. Use your mind and I’ll go for your heart, because I have no heart. I’ll go out on a limb, to take any one of your limbs, even if you make all the right moves and you’re playing it smart. You didn’t stand a chance, when you thought you had me romanced, like a slow dance talking about how, you were a gangster and the unconceivable way you throw hands. It was too late then, so it’s definitely too late now. This was the plan from the start. I’m taking my time, to come up with better ideas, on how to turn your edible and inevitable death into a masterpiece, frightened onlookers will explain as a magnificent work of art. Don’t get smart. You’ll be next in line for lunch, if you push me like carts. It could be free or from a la carte. My sights

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