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Hope’s Dream: Be Inspired to Imagine
Hope’s Dream: Be Inspired to Imagine
Hope’s Dream: Be Inspired to Imagine
Ebook55 pages13 minutes

Hope’s Dream: Be Inspired to Imagine

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About this ebook

Hope’s Dream is about a nine year old girl who is frustrated because she feels powerless in the world. She wishes upon a star one night and is taken deep into the subconscious reality of her own dream. Through her dream, she finds the key that she needs to help solve her problem. She eventually realizes that the key had always been with her, she just needed to open her eyes to that reality. Hope’s Dream shows readers that they, too, hold the key to their own reality. The intention of this book is to open readers’ eyes to the power that each one of them holds, thus becoming masters of their own world.
Release dateJul 12, 2018
Hope’s Dream: Be Inspired to Imagine

Will Hill

William Hill has been a poet and writer for many years. He studied psychology and theology at the University of Colorado, where his love of the study of human potential blossomed. His passions include philosophy, art, Earth awareness, and health and fitness. He enjoys long nature walks and experiencing other cultures and ways of being. Through his poetry, he strives to show people a unique way of viewing the world. William is the uncle of seven children and enjoys participating in the promise of their creativity.

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