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The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia
The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia
The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia
Ebook77 pages43 minutes

The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia

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Meditation and relaxation have been in existence for a very long time. Our ancestors routinely practiced both - seeking a utopia to enhance their spirituality and be at peace with themselves and their surroundings. Today, the lifestyle of busy often leaves no time, which results in internal conflict. Internal conflict, when left unresolved, can manifest into much greater problems afflicting the mind body and spirit. When I was selected to facilitate a support group for individuals living with long term schizophrenia, meditation and relaxation proved to be effective when conducted in concert with a clinical treatment plan.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 12, 2018
The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia

Anthea Morne RN Ph.D LMHC CASAC

Anthea M. Morne RN, Ph.D., LMHC, CASAC came to America at the young age of 22. Originally from the Dominica, West Indies, she was among the youngest accepted into nursing school at the age of 17. After graduating from nursing school she worked as a registered nurse and nurse midwife in Dominica for one year and then came to America where she continued to work in the nursing field, pursued higher education and raised her family. Since early in life she has been interested in spirituality. She believes that to be healthy one has to work in healing the trio of mind, body and spirit.

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    The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia - Anthea Morne RN Ph.D LMHC CASAC

    Copyright © 2018 Anthea Morne, RN, Ph.D, LMHC, CASAC.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2153-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2154-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2152-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902457

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/11/2018


    Preface: My own path to meditation and relaxation


    The beginning of learning

    How is schizophrenia diagnosed?

    Who attended the group session?

    Promotion and set up of the group setting

    Evidence of the positive benefits of meditation and relaxation

    Effects of meditation and relaxation interventions on individuals diagnosed with long term schizophrenia

    Meditation and symptoms of schizophrenia

    Advantages of using meditation and relaxation interventions

    Improvement in quality of life

    Instill a sense of acceptance

    Disadvantages of using meditation and relaxation interventions to treat individuals diagnosed with long term schizophrenia

    The methodology

    Qualitative and quantitative research

    Respondents of the study

    Results and discussion


    Patient Case Studies



    For five decades I served as a registered professional nurse. My professional nursing training began at an early age on the small island of Dominica, West Indies. Shortly after completing my initial nursing training I immigrated to the United States to continue my nursing career and further my nursing education.

    Early on, I took advantage of opportunities to work in various healthcare fields. I studied maternity and child nursing, medical and surgical practice, pediatric care and neonatal pediatric care, geriatric care, and alcohol and other drug detoxification services. For the last thirty years of my career, my primary focus has been psychiatry. Specifically, working with individuals diagnosed with long-term schizophrenia.

    In 2002, I had the opportunity to facilitate a weekly group session for individuals living with long term schizophrenia. Prior to accepting this role I reflected on my experiences and observations over the years. I thought of the effective best practices used to engage individuals living with long term schizophrenia. It was not so much based on science, but most often on demeanor. I thought of my colleagues and mentors that effectively de-escalated crisis, promoted feelings of safety amongst the patients and most importantly made the patients feel like they mattered. Their demeanors were patient focused, compassionate, intuitive and kind. Their interactions promoted a calmness that resulted in positive outcomes. I decided to mirror their practices by promoting the use of meditation and relaxation techniques in a group setting.

    Evidence shows the use of meditation and relaxation techniques in a group setting can produce positive outcomes

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