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The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic
The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic
The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic
Ebook114 pages1 hour

The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic

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The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic is a collection of simple real-world self-help techniques. We all enjoy visiting a healthy caf that offers tasty choices. You can now pick the items on a menu suited to your tastes that will help you move through life in an organic, fun, and fulfilling way!

The premise of The Miracle Menu is that everyone has something amazing to offer and that we are functioning at our highest level when we are most at peace and authentic in our minds and bodies. Other self-help books may offer good tips on how to succeed at business or be skinny or make lots of friendsbut oftentimes, you pass on those suggested servings.

This book allows you to explore and connect with your most genuine self, and this book will offer step-by-step choices in a fun and effective wayas we all love flipping through menus. So just relax, focus on your goals and dreams, and let the universe do the heavy lifting!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 13, 2018
The Miracle Menu: Your Guide to Daily Magic

Cathy Qureshi

Cathy Qureshi is a first-time author, but a long-term reader of self-help literature. She is now excited to share her personal strategies which have been time-tested in the field with friends, family and colleagues. As a busy mom and volunteer, she writes at night, and by day she works for a local non-profit, and juggles an ever-changing array of family and community responsibilities. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband Rif and tween-age children Max and Keira.

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    The Miracle Menu - Cathy Qureshi

    Copyright © 2018 Cathy Qureshi.

    Illustrations by Jeff Mishra-Marzetti

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0729-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0727-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0728-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907503

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/12/2018



    Chapter 1 Script Your Day

    Chapter 2 Live Your Values

    Chapter 3 Pre-Vision Your Future

    Chapter 4 Create Your Own Dream Factory

    Chapter 5 Examine Your Past, Present, and Future (and Free Your Mind)

    Chapter 6 Manage Your Goals as You Drive and Coast

    Chapter 7 Control Your Time with the Reverse Calendar

    Chapter 8 Conclusion–Give, Receive, and Grow

    About the Author

    To Rif, Max,

    and Keira, the miracles in my life.


    The Miracle Menu is a selection of easy life systems designed to compel you toward happiness and to help you identify and achieve your goals. Focused and disciplined imagination will lead you toward your heart’s desire. It will be a fun process and you will experience so much peace and feel so much Praise. Truly, your cup will runneth over.

    Small changes in how you think will change your life. You will expand, grow, heal, and develop in ways beyond your greatest imagination. Whether through dabbling or devotion, harnessing the powers of your Mind and your emotions will bring great joy, distinction, clarity, happiness, and wonder to your life.

    The methods that I will present are a thrilling and continual dance between objectivity and subjectivity. It is your FEELINGS about your circumstances that are your reality, not just the circumstances themselves. Authentic self-help should be a continual upward helix towards and beyond goals, and for life bliss.

    Happy moments will flow into happy days which will flow into a happy life. And your happy life will seep into happy moments. It’s a helix and a circle!

    Here is your checklist for Miracle Making and Daily Magic:

    ✓ An open and receptive Mind

    ✓ A genuine belief (or at least the beginning of one) that you are special, that you matter, that you have unique gifts to offer, and that you were put on Earth for a purpose

    ✓ Ideally, a word processor of some kind, but pen and paper work too

    ✓ A calendar of any kind

    ✓ This book!

    Your Mind is an incredibly powerful tool. It is by far the most magnificent tool at our disposal and, as humans, sets us so far apart from all other creatures. If used properly the Mind can bring to you everything that you truly desire, and even those things that you never consciously realized that you desired.

    I will show you many things that I have learned through reading and practice, and experimentation that you can do to harness the immense workings of your Mind to your advantage. Despite the fact that you will be fully immersed and that you will be meditating almost constantly, it will not interfere with your regular daily living. In fact, it will assuredly enhance it. You will be experiencing life on a new plane of existence. This guidance does not remove you from this world. It delightfully enables you to create the world that you want and to function at an optimum level within it.

    The information that I am going to present is consistent with all religions and even a lack of formal religion. I will present not only how to tap your own Mind, but also the Universal Mind. These tools work for all people who appreciate the concept of Something Bigger Than Themselves. You do not have to follow any particular doctrine to take advantage of this information.



    Almost one hundred years ago, my grandfather was walking on an old country road from Barboursville, VA to the county seat—Orange County. This would have been a walk of 15 miles or so. Shortly into his journey he passed a turtle who was walking in his direction on the path, and he didn’t think much of it.

    The day wore on and the sun beat down, but he was relatively protected by tree cover. Several miles into the trip he came upon another turtle. This one was walking toward him on the path. And what a moment that was. He realized of course that the two turtles would ultimately meet up. Their connection might take a lot longer than his day trip was destined to, but it was absolutely inevitable. Predestined. There was a powerful force bringing the turtles together.

    Those turtles didn’t know that what they were looking for was looking for them also! Or maybe they did! Maybe that is why they faithfully continued on their journeys.

    Faithfully continue on your journey, my friend, for what you are looking for is looking for you too!

    What you are looking for is looking for you too. Looking for a spouse? They are looking for you. Looking for a home buyer? Someone is looking for a beautiful home. Looking for wealth and abundance? Wealth and abundance is looking for someone to enjoy it and to be its trusted

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