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28 Days
28 Days
28 Days
Ebook77 pages42 minutes

28 Days

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About this ebook

The title 28 Days was made because there are 28 days in Black History Month. Last year when the majority of the book was written, there were actually 29 days due to the leap year. Since it was, I included one extra page with just Haikus.
The topics in the book are inspired by real life experiences and untold truths. This book is not meant to divide, but unite ALL races by giving everyone a better understanding of each others perspectives. This is not solely a BLACK mans book its a HU-mans book told from the lips of a man that wants to change the world.
The purpose of this book of poetry is to reach a newer level of understanding by being able to identify with experiences we talk about every day in our communities. The poems in this book were inspired by real people and therefore some are addressed to certain categories of people. Such as to that black male public school teacher who feels unappreciated, to the black religious leader who is being challenged by the waning faith in the community, to the many black veterans who served paid the ultimate price for patriotism and even to mixed couples who deal with racism from their own races on a daily bases. If I can inspire you by just ONE poem in this book of 28 (with a bonus haiku page) then you have my thanks. Why you ask? Because to me, changing the world comes from just inspiring one person because positive change can spread like wildfire. So thanks in advance my reader for helping me change the world!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 14, 2018
28 Days

Joshua J. Mitchell

Growing up in a household of three and being the youngest and only male, I was raised with a strong sense of family and respect for women. Unfortunately I have had to wear glasses since I was 2 years old. Although these caused me to be teased throughout school, it helped me see and discover my passion for reading, writing, and music. I picked up the Alto sax at the age of 12 thanks to a free music program offered at the time. This opened a doorway to music that was unavailable due to my moms income as a single parent. In spite of being unable to officially buy me any supplies I needed for music and writing activities, her support was crucial to my development into who I am today. I later even picked up the Tenor and Baritone Saxes along with the trumpet. I currently dont have any children but I have a strong sense of family and as I continue working to pay for school, Im still hoping to reach new levels of success with my first of many books that expand outside of just poetry. Im a fan of science fiction and fantasy and I am currently working on a series that will blow your mind! I decided to make this book my first official product due to a combination of my experiences growing up not completely knowing what it truly means to be black in not only the United States but the world. Once the events in the media with police brutality, deaths, riots, etc. became more prevalent, I realized that these experiences and circumstances werent only unique to me. So just like I was able to identify with the atrocities that I was being shown in the media from all over the world, I realized that the world can be influenced and changed for the better when someone tells them about life events that still arent being recorded. I talk about a lot of these in the book and I really hope to one day be able to change the world through my words and talents.

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    28 Days - Joshua J. Mitchell

    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua J. Mitchell.

    Library of Congress Control Number:               2018906477

    ISBN:               Hardcover                 978-1-9845-3182-7

                              Softcover                   978-1-9845-3181-0

                              eBook                        978-1-9845-3180-3

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    Rev. date: 07/12/2018




    Dear Mom

    I know I may not always be the son u want me to be

    and even when i remind you of past issues of paternity

    I thank u for loving me

    I know it must not have been easy raising a son like me

    having to make decisions about my vision as early as 3

    but even when no one else believed in me

    u still loved me

    when my issues with anger affected my health

    you resolved to seek the answers yourself

    and unlike many who used to gawk at me

    u took the time to be kind and talk to me

    i can imagine how it feels to be unemployed

    with a house full of bills

    2 girls and a boy

    who got sickly every time the wind blew

    who ever knew

    the lengths of what you would do

    to see us through

    u sacrificed your health

    so that i can better myself

    and i thank you

    for being tolerant of the arguments we had that made me say i hate u

    although i was a child the fact still remains

    i would rather die than to intentionally cause you pain

    just knowing you are alive reassures my brain

    that everything will be fine

    because nobody in this world has a mother quite like mine

    who always tried to enlighten my mind

    one day at a time

    even through frustration

    u still remain my greatest inspiration

    some speak of a strong black woman

    but you are a living demonstration

    of what power someone can hold inside

    you are the main reason why i hold my head up with pride

    when they took everything from you

    you never gave up

    u stood alone

    by standing on your own

    and working your way out of the rut

    you taught me the value of women over sluts

    just another reason of many why i love u so much

    i could write a million words and it STILL wouldn't be enough

    I wish I knew what was

    Sincerely your son: jOsH


    1. Dear Mom

    Black Soldiers

    Ninja Please

    Your Cause


    Skin Tone


    Not About a Statue


    NOT Cool

    Finger Puppets

    Black Men’s Health

    Black Businesses

    Dear Media


    This Month

    Black Religious Leaders

    Black Women

    Authoritative Destruction

    Black Games

    Worldwide Racism



    American History

    Black Male

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