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Black Love Who Stole the Soul?: "In Search of Identity" Book Ii
Black Love Who Stole the Soul?: "In Search of Identity" Book Ii
Black Love Who Stole the Soul?: "In Search of Identity" Book Ii
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Black Love Who Stole the Soul?: "In Search of Identity" Book Ii

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In search of Identity explores the origins of the Black race clarifying the true identity of our people. The book uncovers the circular journey of a people who are doomed to repeat enslavement or ultimate destruction if they do not awaken to the truths about themselves. The author has always since childhood had a interest in the Whys of racism. Putting life aside to self- reach knowledge to find the truth of Why does racism exist? Its time to remove the blinders.
This book has You Tube references so the reader can better understand the topics addressed. This book is highly recommended for teenagers because the educational system does not address Black history and religion in the proper context.
Release dateJul 19, 2018
Black Love Who Stole the Soul?: "In Search of Identity" Book Ii

O’dera Ayodele

The authour is a native of Jackson, MS. She has always had an interest in the whys of racism. Even as a child. She put everything aside to research history of the races. This lead her back to the bible, world history, ancient religion and the uncovering of the races as they are in the bible and as they exist today. Eventually uncovering the whys of racism

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    Black Love Who Stole the Soul? - O’dera Ayodele

    © 2013 O’dera Ayodele. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/17/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4548-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4547-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-4546-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018906853

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Cover by Kevin Williams of WAK Art



    My Story

    Identity of Self—The Nubian

    Loss of Your Identity Slavery


    The Soul

    Losing the Hierarchy of Power

    Racism And Confusion

    The Basis For Racism

    A Mother’s Love

    Morality vs. Immorality

    The Silence of Women


    The World Can’t Take it Away

    Divorce According to Jesus

    Single Life Today and Sexuality

    African American Communities in Danger!

    Diseases and Vaccines

    Responses from Black Men and Black Women

    Responses from Black Women about Black Men


    Responses from Black Men about Black Women

    Living in Confusion

    Picture Credits


    This book has been written and published because I, the author, had many questions about the prevailing existence of racism. This lead to a research on the human race, God, religion and ancient histories that has lasted nearly 20 years.

    Since my entry into the first grade, the period of integration in 1967, I have always wondered what was wrong with white people. My registration began with a white woman yelling, I don’t want my child going to school with niggers. Since that day, if I heard or saw anything dealing with racism, I was concerned. I learned to use the dictionary very early, because I wanted to know what the word nigger, cracker, honky, and white meant. I looked them all up before the third or fourth grade. Now, as an adult, I don’t tolerate racism from anyone and have had to go on to other jobs because I put the racist boss in her/his place. Throughout high school, I heard statistics related to health on blacks. It seems that we always rank highest on any new illness or die earliest from anything. But now, I am a health professional and have learned that blacks die from preventable diseases, whereas whites carry and die from more genetic diseases than blacks. This is still racist, because they make us think we are sicker by reporting our preventable illness, but concealing their genetic deficiencies and promoting interracial marriages and relationships. So I ask, What’s up with this prevailing act of racism?

    I summed all my whys to one answer after research, history! This research sent me on a journey that has changed my life forever. Now, I want to share with you, African Americans, and those interested in the topic, the knowledge that I gained because of miseducation that continues in our schools. It’s hard to be positive and hold high self-esteem when you are continually deemed negative, socially. I can understand the changes in the attitudes of the young. Just like the ancestor of the past, we the descendants have to maintain strength and be proud of how far we have come through slavery and racism. We should continue to remember the God, the Creator, who has given us the strength to endure and always strive for a God mind, not a perverted and satanic mind. We know that among us, only the strong survive.

    The subjects, researched in this book and others to follow, were all necessary in order to understand the history of hatred and bigotry. How can people taken from their country, stripped of their culture, language, and their God be so hated even unto today?

    Lynching’s, beatings, castrations and more lynching’s. It almost surpasses human understanding how people can be so socially despised, and yet artistically esteemed. Degraded, and yet culturally influential. So ostracized, and yet a dominate editorial force in American life.

    Alamloc Harlem Renessance

    Taken from the song Black Butterfly by the Sounds of Blackness

    Because she has done what so many refuse to do, she did not settle for what the preacher or teacher taught. There were too many questions they could not answer, or simply, they often don’t live what they teach. Which, in the mind of a child, teenager then adult raises a lot of questions. Questions that have to be answered by self reaching of knowledge. Which requires reading numerous books, dictionaries and attending seminars of interest. So, the author has searched deep and self reached knowledge, which has been denied through miseducation of people of African descent by Europeans, White, and Caucasian, all the same. This information has been researched over and over, to name a few, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, John G. Jackson, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Na’im Arbar, Dr. Malachi Z. York, Shadrock and many, many more. I found I did not have to travel to Egypt and Africa to explore the libraries to learn truths that had already been done by many concerned like myself. The problem is, enough Nubians/black people don’t read and explore history beyond 2,000 years, for many, not even beyond 400 years. We continue with traditions handed down from slavery, which have been proven to be miseducation about ourselves and our religions taught by slave owners, mammon. The circle we travel only leads to destruction, and this is proven through history. We climb the ladder of success and we fall downward. Nubians, throughout history, have been in some type of bondage, therefore, we are often deceived because we live by traditions set by Americans Leaders. We live a lifestyle that we never question. So, we continue the tradition, a lie that we never question, a lie we never look into until sudden destructions comes upon us and it’s then too late to ask, why? You are in a concentration camp or guided by a whip, and this has occurred already, at least three times in history. The African slave trade was not the first, and if the people don’t change, it won’t be the last.

    Too many of us don’t take pride in our African history and native aborigine history. Many don’t see the slave master of the past at fault, and make them and their descendants accountable for not detailing history accurately. Too often we pat them on the back and hope to be like them. We were warned not to follow their ways when Abraham guided the Israelites to the land of Canaan. This is what I mean by detailing history accurately.

    According to Dr. John Henrik Clarke, "Introduction to African Civilization by John G. Jackson in which Mr. Clarke wrote the introduction. According to Mr. Clarke, as written:

    In the chapter on The Destruction of African Culture, Mr. Jackson has dealt with some of the main reasons that African history is so misunderstood, and that so many students of the subject get confused while trying to make an assessment of the available information. There has been a deliberate destruction of African culture, and the records relating to that culture. This destruction started with the first invaders of Africa, and it continued through the period of slavery and the colonial system. It continues today on a much higher and more dangerous level. There are now attempts on the highest academic levels to divide African history and culture within Africa, in such a manner, that the best of it can be claimed for the Europeans, or at the very least, Asians. That is the main purpose of the Hamitic and the Semitic hypothesis in relationship to African history. It is also one of the main reasons so much attention is being paid to the Berbes and the Arabs in Africa. There is a school of thought supporting the thesis that, if the main bodies of African history, culture, and achievement have no European origin, they must; at least, have a Asiatic origin. The supporters of this thesis have forgotten several important facts about Africa; if they ever knew them at all, the evidence of high cultures that the first invaders of Africa found, and to what extent these invaders destroyed a great deal of this culture. Every invader of Africa did Africa more harm than good. They destroyed the culture that they would later say never existed at all.

    So after exploring history, explained by the fore mentioned authors, it’s very easy to understand the backwardness, and disunity of people of African descent. Miseducation prevails in the schools and in the church. Most of us don’t realize we are in a race war at this very moment. Why do we live to be loved by Caucasians who continue on all levels to deceive and disrespect people of African descent, often using our own people to do it? It’s no wonder that we call our own that turn on us niggers. That’s what they created in slavery, and the attitude continues to linger in those of us who do not and have not learned to appreciate African history in its pure form. When your mind is no longer shackled by miseducation, you would hardly consider yourself black. Though black is the component of melanin, the pigmentation in our skin. Black is associated with negativeness, as defined by the Europeans. If you listen, everything associated with black is negative, even in conversation if there is a disaster. The smoke was black. The skin was burned black. They wore black to the funeral. It just turned black and died. Just listen to your conversations. It seems that when we took joy in saying, Black I’m Proud! The roots of negativism grew, and is now flourishing unknowingly in conversations and over the air waves. Black does not describe anything about us historically, just like white does not describe anything about Caucasians historically. But, if you research Caucasian, Caucus Mountains, and European, you would find information, you’ll find nothing under white.

    Miseducation of yourselves as Nubian, Cushite, Ishmaelite, Judean, Moor, African, and Negro African American. Miseducation of your linage, is what make the most of us, not our culture and race. Lack of respect for the institution of family and the institution of marriage devalues black love. This lack of respect for marriage and family started in the European enslavement of African peoples. It takes a nigger to know a nigger and if you are truly a nigger today, then you have the Europeans to thank. They, somehow forgot or chose to forget. They created the institution of slavery that devalues the institution of marriage and family. They got the nerve to complain 400 years later and form a contract with America(1994). They are the stupid government that created this wicked system in the first place. Founded wicked, still wicked. We live in an era in which, if we are living in darkness to truths, miseducated to truths. It is time to deniggerize yourselves, a better term, revolutionize. Don’t go riot and protest, get rooted in the truth. The truth will turn you to the soul of the Creator and you pray that the evil rulership will cease to no more exist.

    The current Babylon (America) is taken a turn for the worse, but the whore’s plan is to destroy as many non-white people worldwide before their ruler ship ends. There is death and destruction of non-white people worldwide. A planned effort by past Presidents, the United Nations, World Health Organization, Civil Liberties, and the first Congress. The New World Order, planned by past and present Presidents, are scheduled for completion by the turn of the century, the Millennium. This destruction of non-whites is carried out by the most unimagined ways. So, the question stands, did you sell your soul or did you just give it away? If you still have a soul, you better hold on to it. If you are not sure, soul search, educate yourself accurately, then educate the ones that want to know. In the chapters presented. I hope to shed light on the soul and why it is important to Nubiansi.e. people of color. Many may not want to know the truth. In the day of Noah, many were not concerned with the truth and when the time came, Noah shut the damn door and sailed into a new world. So, did Jesus say the last days would be? The end of the world only means the end of a system, the system of satanic rule. Satan goes against anything Godly. Does this world adhere to anything Godly? This world is a battlefield. There will be destruction over the earth, but in the end, there will be survivors. The beast will rule all four corners of the earth as prophesy foretells in Revelations. The spread of democracy, worldwide. Is an active enforcement by the beast? This is why you must be watchful in the last days. Don’t get caught up in divisions among yourselves, riots and loves of this world. Ever thought you would need a wood burning stove? Have to grow your own food? Just you wait, it may come to pass.

    By writing this book, I hope to encourage African Americans and all people of African descent to self-reach information about the New World Order, ancient histories explored by authors of African descent and religion as created by Europeans. To bring about change we must be the vegans of change. Man in the mirror.

    Slave history is important, but we must now focus on making sure we don’t repeat the cycle, which can happen by ever changing amendments of the constitution, which will bring about a New World Order. The people perish because they lack knowledge. Lacking knowledge of self, the Creator, and the enemy. KNOW THY SELF!

    My Story

    Since I am writing on such critical issues that affect Africans all over the world, I think it would be favorable to tell you about myself.

    I am 35 (revised from 1994 to current 2018) and the oldest of nine children. Both parents successfully reared nine children, disciplined and never hungry. I had a great childhood. My mother’s mother and her husband had 13 children, all living and healthy. My father’s mother and father had 8 children. I write this to show you I believe in family. I think children should be loved and allowed to play and be children; happy, discipline children and always loved.

    I have been divorced and have a son who is 13 years old and who is close to his father, even though we are apart. Boys need their father. I encourage this unity whether the father has money or not. Money can’t measure the love and friendship between a father and son, nor a daughter and father. I love my father and my mother. When you bring a child up in the way he or she should go, the child will never depart. I’ve seen this in all the generations on both sides of my family, and you can rest assured, when choosing your mate, the fruit don’t fall too far from the tree. So yes, I was brought up in a love filled home and one that required discipline and respect by the parents.

    When my mother enrolled me in the 1st grade in 1967 at Walton Elementary School, while standing in line this white woman shouts, I don’t want my child to go to school with these niggers. I looked at her with a stare as her child began screaming and hollering. This incident has stayed with me all my life, not a negative affect because even then I knew that was not my problem. I was a loved child. I don’t remember any other incidents accept 1 or 2 paddling’s in school. I failed the 2nd grade, which made me work harder with my son and he did not fail in the 2nd grade and he is now in the 7th grade. Got a medal in reading, 1993, and in 1996, he is an honor student.

    During this time, I did not know school integration was going on. I went to about 3 different elementary schools before my parents moved to a better neighborhood. When I was in the 5th grade, I noticed riots at the nearby high school in 1971 or 1972. My high school days in 1977-1979 were good. We had a 50/50% ratio black-white. We got along well. I received my Associate in Arts degree from Utica Junior College and transferred to University of Southern Mississippi, a real culture shock. I noticed a lot of unconcern teachers in the School of Nursing. They did not motivate students. It was common if you failed a test or a class, they tell you to change your major. Bad advice when choosing classes for one semester. I admit my grades were not perfect, but the attitudes of the Instructors did not help the stress I was under. I remember one day in my junior year, one of three incidents, an Instructor offered me a ride back to campus. On the way she stated, God blessed her to be born white and the Lord really shined on her. It must be hard to be black she stated. I said nothing. I was surprised she said that, even though I knew that several of the Instructors were prejudice. I’m a loved child and I have no reason to be ashamed of being black. I love my dark skin daddy. Being that I was confident with myself and my family history gave me identity and whoever had a problem with that, I felt they had a problem. Also, I was brought up in a Christian home. I accepted Christ and was baptized at age 10. I was a Sunday school teacher at 14 and I knew with all my heart that Jesus is love and I know that when people don’t know who I am and form an opinion, then they are lost and do not know Jesus themselves. The Instructor said the Lord smiled on her when she was born white. I really felt sorry for her. Racism continued even after I received my Registered Nurse license.

    One thing I could never understand is that with a long history of lynching and injustice by Caucasian men, why do black men marry Caucasian women in record numbers? Is there a mental block when it comes to history and reality? This topic on the Caucasian is one that I wanted to avoid. My interest was blackness and how to promote unity.

    The research kept crossing over into incidents in which a Caucasian was created became an instigator of troubles from Genesis to Revelation. It seems that in documented history, the white man has used the white woman to keep disunity among black men and women. It is the number one tool being used today and is working. It is becoming more prevalent to see black women with southern red necks and it’s not beyond reasoning because now we have a younger and more miseducated generation of northern and southern blacks. In 2018 interracial relations in being promoted in the media and commercials. Why such a push? The soul. Many non whites do not have a soul so they ritualistic engage in intimate relations with blacks to gain control of their soul. Biblically it is forbidden but blacks knowingly or unknowingly sale their souls for fame, love and fortune. Advertisement of interracial love is exploited in animated films and movies for children. The movement to divide Africans and African Americans by subliminal viewing (T.V./ Movies) is working primarily on the younger generation.

    It used to amaze me to see Klansmen on televisiono talk shows bragging about the fact black people destroy each other and they no longer have to do anything. We’re doing it for them. However, in a speech by Malcom Shabazz, he discusses how Caucasians instigate problem situations between races and act as a mediator. This is an old trick and our people are still falling for it. This is called living in darkness. I suggest you wake up to the light. The true light. It is sad that black men are labeled an endangered species, but it’s sadder to see the death and destruction of black men right before your eyes. This must STOP!

    I give you my story

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