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My First One Hundred Poems
My First One Hundred Poems
My First One Hundred Poems
Ebook164 pages1 hour

My First One Hundred Poems

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About this ebook

This is a poetry book Ive been working on for thirty-five years, and these poems are of real-life events, situations of day-to-day reality.
Release dateJul 20, 2018
My First One Hundred Poems

Robert Ernest Rhines

Robert E Rhines currently a carpenter and have been for thirty five years. I've built houses all over Washington state, Oregon state and California state. I currently reside in Arlington Tennessee and live with my two best friends which happens to be six year old German Shepherds named Thelma and Louise. I have been writing poetry for thirty plus years and have decided it was time to share them with the world. I was born in Mesa Arizona in May 1966 and grew up on the Oregon coast. My parents are deceased, though I have family members which are still living, I have always been a loner of sorts. I am however living at my Sister's house here in Arlington Tennessee USA. My girlfriend who I have been seeing for a few months and one of her son's stays with me and she has been a huge inspiration for me to write. We all attend church on Sundays all five of us, as far as being a father of my own children, I have three of my own two boys and they are residing in Washington state and they are ages 34 and 32 and both have children of there own and I am a grandpa six times, and as for my daughter she resides in Oregon state in my home town and the hometown where she was born and still resides, and wanting to be and studying to be a nurse.

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    My First One Hundred Poems - Robert Ernest Rhines

    Copyright © 2018 Robert Ernest Rhines.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4760-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4761-9 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/19/2018


    52 year guy

    1000 mile blind date


    Altering change

    A man, just a man


    Beyond Damaged




    Choose wisely

    Close those Eyes



    Deep Within




    End of the Day

    Everyday Peace

    Final Rest

    Fire Storm

    For Love

    Fourth of July

    Going Through It


    Gun In Hand

    Hanging On

    Hold your own

    I Have Seen



    Impact of loss


    Innocence lost

    I Stand

    All Gone

    J- Cat’s Everywhere

    Jesus Say’s

    Let Me

    Little or Lot

    Judgments a comin

    Let me not Sway

    Look down on Me

    Love and loyalty

    Love Strong

    Made by you

    My Mind

    My Prayers

    My Song

    Next Life

    Nightmare solutions

    Not Made

    Oh Father

    On the Road

    Our Lord, Our God

    Over Again

    Pointing back

    Pretty Eyes

    Rare Elements

    Resolution of Grief

    Sad but Truth


    Seven letter word

    Shame is Lost


    Sleep Walker


    Songs about

    Soldier Man

    Spirit of the Mind

    Standing Out

    Stainless steel

    Still Fake


    Take, Take, Take

    The Police

    The Story

    There’s Many

    Til Then

    Time never ends

    The Devil

    The Voice

    There’s day’s

    The Struggle

    Tiptoe or Run


    Troubled Past

    Two Things

    Two X girl

    Unforseen Peace

    Remember when


    We Fit

    We lose

    We pass by


    You and God

    You Can’t

    You can’t outwit God

    52 year guy

    52 two years, living a blind eye,-

    Who am I, what kind of guy.-

    Been places,-

    Stared into the eyes of evil faces.-

    From parking lot fights, to barroom brawls,-

    Been there, done that, all.-

    Collapsed lungs, from being stabbed with a knife,-

    One inch longer, or a rib, boom out goes my life.-

    Notice things, how they are, not as you see,-

    A twist within me.-

    I have lived…..

    I have given…..

    I have died…..

    I have risen…..

    Been thinking more and more lately,-

    If women love me, and men hate me.-

    Four knotches on my life, four times I’ve died,-

    Some by accident, others I tried.-

    Some thoughts, got me thinking,-

    Free from drugs, of all kinds, and no drinking.-

    I feel, I’ve been here, not just now,-

    Just can’t put my finger on it, I don’t know how.-

    To many deja vu,-

    To many things, I know how to do.-

    To many things, I still want to try,-

    A bucket list, for a 52 year old guy.-

    Diving from the sky, diving in the sea,-

    Vacation in Australia, on a walk about, works for me.-

    I can’t do everything this time round,-

    And I won’t be lost, now that I am found.-

    For you Father, of the land,-

    Your return, is in high demand.-

    We all sit and wait,-

    Recollection, no set date.-


    Written by: Author and Poet

    Robert E Rhines

    January 20, 2018

    Copyright applies

    1000 mile blind date

    Tennessee to Texas, the longhorn State,-

    On a 1000 mile blind date.-

    Closer you get, heart races to its own beat,-

    As the mile markers flyby, you lay back in your seat.-

    Though we have lived in the same hometown,-

    First formal meeting, live Friday as the sun sets down.-

    On the walkway to the door,-

    Meeting first time, of many more.-

    Reaching out, ringing the bell,-

    Door opens quickly, what the hell.-

    Just a kidder you’ll see,-

    Try not to laugh to hard, your pants you’ll pee.-

    Hugs and kisses, let get something to eat,-

    A pizza place right up the street.-

    We giggle looking at each other, acting shy,-

    A tear of joy, enters the eye.-

    Laughter rolls, smiles are lit,-

    A 1000 mile blind date, this is it.-

    Eating a pie, conversation all the while,-

    Definitely worth the wait, seeing your smile.-

    The kiss, fingers in the hair,-

    Ending the night, exchanges we share.-

    After the night, morning we awake,-

    Kisses first thing, the love we make.-

    The timing was perfect, well worth more, than the wait,-

    We pulled it off, on a 1000 mile blind date.-


    Written by: Author and Poet

    Robert E Rhines

    December 6, 2017

    Wheels rolling

    ~Expressing the Rooster~


    Woman and children, everyday abused,-

    No reason, no excuse.-

    Called ugly, called a fool,-

    Everyday verbally abused.-

    Kept a prisoner, in your own home,-

    He won’t leave you alone.-

    No where to go,-

    Abused little, by little it begins to show.-

    You want to tell someone, but who’ll care,-

    He slapped you around, and pulled your hair.-

    Names are called,-

    Your eyes have not just cried, but bawled.-

    Hold it together, your the glue,-

    Depend on yourself, your kids need you.-

    Put down,-

    Kicked around.-

    He doesn’t deserve you, he’s mean,-

    He’s lowered your self worth, your self esteem.-

    Black shades, to cover your eyes,-

    To hide abuse, to hide your cries.-

    Is there nothing to help with the pain,-

    Will you ever be the same.-

    Think about running, Its no use,-

    So you stay, you take the abuse.-

    Trauma in the long run, has set in,-

    Damaged, but repairable my friend.-

    He’s torturing you still, from the grave,-

    Don’t let him win, now your safe.-

    You have people that care,-

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