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Eight Skulls of Teversham
Eight Skulls of Teversham
Eight Skulls of Teversham
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Eight Skulls of Teversham

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This story is centered on the seventh century and is based primarily in Scotland. It concentrates on witchcraft and the ancient art of divination and folklore. The main character, Eric Butterworth, was seeking revenge after his entire family was killed by witches. Only he survived the horrific event, and he swore to pursue them and destroy their wickedness. But would he be a match for such powerful magic that had existed for thousands of years, and what was the secret that the witches possessed for all those years? The answers lay with eight witches in caves in the highlands of Scotland.
Release dateJul 20, 2018
Eight Skulls of Teversham

SR Sutton

Stephen Robert Sutton has been writing ever since he was a child, although he has dyslexia he never let it beat him. In fact it seemed to make him stronger and more determined to fight for what he wanted, which was to be an inspired author of fictitious books. Stephen has always had a vivid imagination, spending time inventing characters and story lines about ghosts, witches, vampires and any other strange creatures. Stephen studied at Netherstowe comprehensive school the teachers there said he would never get anywhere and classed him as a dreamer. He classed himself as an ambitious dreamer with a set direction to go in, he was always drawing picture that helped to describe the characters in his drawings, this included cartoons in comic style formation. But it wasn’t until Stephen went to University that he finally decided to write seriously and started the outline for cracked porcelain based on his own ward experience as a nurse, Ruth who was the main character in the story was a female version of himself, with a similar past. Since writing the series cracked porcelain Stephen has written many books under various names including Sarah Ruth Scott and Simon Robert Sinclair, his books include Blood trail across time, For the love of Charlotte, Understanding Jodie, The Harrington curse and many more. Stephen hopes to do screen plays and see his stories portrayed on the big screen, is he still a dreamer or will this be a reality for the writer with dyslexia, who knows this could be a success story waiting to happen. Stephen does claim that cracked porcelain was written partly by a female ghost called Sarah who haunted him in Sweden, she inspired him to write the story. He also claims that For the love of Charlotte was written in a similar way, inspired by ghosts who related aspects of the story to him through spirit writing.

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    Eight Skulls of Teversham - SR Sutton

    © 2018 SR Sutton. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Art work by Stephen Robert Sutton

    Book cover design by Stephen Robert Sutton

    Cover model is Bethany Jade Carter

    Back cover photograph is taken in the highlands of Scotland

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/22/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9426-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9427-6 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Part One   Eight Skulls Of Teversham

    Chapter One   Hunted

    Chapter Two   Justice

    Chapter Three   Fear Of The Witches

    Chapter Four   Resurrection

    Chapter Five   Condemnation

    Chapter Six   All For Love

    Chapter Seven   Rosa

    Part Two   Resurrection

    Chapter One    Legend Of The Witches

    Chapter Two   Discovery

    Chapter Three   Possession

    Chapter Four   Kidnapped

    Chapter Five   Legacy

    Chapter Six   Forfillment

    About The Author

    I wish to thank everybody concerned with the artwork and production of this book, particularly my daughters Gemma and Jeni Sutton for their input.

    Thanks to Anja and Ulf for their friendship and hospitality

    Thanks to all my friends and colleagues at Hawksyard priory

    Thanks to my friends in Lichfield and Manchester

    Thanks to friends past and present including Geoffrey Kay and Dorothea Goodwin


    This story is centred on the seventh century based primarily in Scotland, it concentrates on witchcraft and the ancient art of divination and folklore. The main character Eric Butterworth is seeking revenge after his entire family were killed by witches, only he survived the horrific event and swore to pursue them and destroy their wickedness. But would he be a match for such powerful magic that had existed for thousands of years, and what was the secret that the witches possessed for all those years? The answers lay with eight witches in caves in the highlands of Scotland.





    It was a cold dark night in October with a full moon in the sky; it was the sort of night where no one would venture out unless they were mad or had a cause to. For the village of Teversham was certainly cursed that night, as the villagers hid away in their houses, listening to sound of night birds such as owls, making the occasional sounds amidst the silence. Suddenly the silence was broken by terrible screams coming from the village as the Druids searched for innocent souls and virgins, looking for those they could sacrifice and in the chaos there stood the silhouettes of eight ugly women holding broomsticks all watching the village from a hill. They were eight witches who had stood outside the villagers homes chanting spells and cursing the ground that they walked on. The witches were known as Albelenda, Florina, Babeth, Nabara, Renilda, Rosalinda, Jeliana, and Passara. As they circled the family they swept their broomsticks across the floor making a ring in the dirt Pity on you for you will die a certain death Albelenda said speaking for the others I am Albelenda and you must fear me and my friends, for we seek to avenge those who killed my family. Dread the darkness and fear the ones who will take your lives this very night

    Albelenda was the leader of the witches, she had long black scraggily matted hair a long nose and a wart resting on her chin. The other witches looked similar except for Passara who was shorter than the others and was badly scarred on the left side of her face. Babeth was slightly thinner than the others and Rosalinda was a little larger than the others. Each one of them were as wicked as each other but Nabara was exceptionally bad and hardly ever spoke, but she hated all non witches and wanted any excuse to use her magic and destroy people.

    A female villager walked bravely towards the witches and tried whispering to them. Nabara grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward her saying, Speak to me if you know what’s good for you Nabara held her firmly spraying her saliva in the woman’s face.

    The woman wiped her face with her hand that was shaking with fear, as she stood looking into Nabara’s wicked eyes.

    Speak! Nabara yelled

    The woman pointed to the last house of the village in the distance and spoke nervously The family that you seek live there, but please don’t harm the other villagers She said pleading with Nabara.

    Nabara raised her wand and pointed it in the woman’s face, she had hatred in her eyes, then gave a wicked smile.

    I suppose you want rewarding for your information and betrayal of your friends? Nabara asked

    No, just for me and my family to be safe The woman pleaded.

    With one swish of Nabara’s wand the woman flew in the air and then landed in a heap on the ground.

    I really hate kindness She said laughing

    That was mean even for you Nabara Babeth said in disgust.

    Enough Albelenda shouted This village of Teversham is about to experience an awakening, at the hands of the witches who have lost so many due to the persecution and constant witch hunts that have taken place around the woods, the Mayor of Teversham town will know what its like to suffer.

    Albelenda are we going to kill all the family? Florina asked

    Yes, all the Butterworth family must die, Father, Mother and children She replied

    Yes, kill them all Nabara insisted.

    When do we do this? Renilda asked.

    When the moon is full, on this very night Albelenda explained We attack on my command, be ready to ride your brooms and approach from the sky She instructed them all. They all went back into the forest and waited for the clouds to clear from in front of the moon, and then each one of them mounted their brooms and flew into the sky. They were silhouetted by the moon and descended onto the Butterworth’s cottage sweeping around it and waving their wands causing explosions. The Butterworth snuggled together all but Fredrick (Eric) who was in the cellar sweeping the floor, one of the explosions knocked the grandfather clock over which landed on the cellar door. The witches entered the cottage and killed the family one by one, starting with the parents; Nabara killed the youngest child Rosa as she lay asleep in her bed. All Eric could hear was screaming and loud explosions; he stood nervously below and wet his trousers in the process. Everything went silent; Eric listened for any sounds that would indicate that the witches would enter the cellar and find him. Suddenly he heard movement the cellar door began to creek open, and the shape of a woman appeared at the door. He began to shake with fear as the figure got closer to him, and then he sighed with relief as the woman spoke.

    Eric, it’s me Martha Martha was his neighbour

    Eric hugged Martha but did not speak, he was in shock, Martha turned to face her husband Basil and began to cry.

    My god, Basil what do we do? She said trying to make herself understood.

    Let’s take him to our home He advised

    But how are we going to get him out of here? she asked thinking about the devastation and all the family lying dead upstairs.

    Cover him in my cloak and lead him out of the front door Basil suggested

    Martha did as he instructed and helped Eric up the stairs into what was left of the cottage, there were gaping holes in the walls, scorch marks and the bodies of his family lying dead around the floor, Rosa was on the bed with scorched sheets over her dead body. Eric was almost at the door when he managed to look through a gap in the cloak and noticed his mothers body, her eyes were looking up at the ceiling.

    Mother He shouted and broke away from Martha running to her side, Basil was close behind and caught hold of Eric’s arm.

    Come lad, stay with us He could see the sadness in Eric’s eyes Come on, you can’t help them now.

    Martha felt helpless and just wanted to hug him, she wanted to tell him everything would be alright, but in her heart she knew that wasn’t true. If the witches knew he was alive they would hunt him down and kill him, he was destined to spend his whole life looking over his shoulder.

    Eric remained with Martha and Basil Bakewell and from that fateful night when he was a mere eight years old, he grew up with their son John aged nine, Basil was a soldier who had fought for England. He taught Eric to defend himself, fighting with many weapons including the sword and long bow, he also showed him how to use his skills with a cross bow. Eric became skilful and cunning in fighting, he knew that some day he would have to face the witches who killed his family and avenge them. Eric had nightmares for years about that night, he relived the events although he didn’t actually see them killed, He remembered the screams and saw they’re dead bodies lying dead everywhere.

    Eric celebrated his twenty first birthday in a banqueting hall in the town of Teversham, quite a few people attended including Martha and Basil, it was a fine feast, with various meat dishes, pies and other savoury delights. Eric was delighted by the feast and in meeting so many people, some he knew others were friends of Basil, some of them were soldiers. He was considered old enough to be a soldier, he showed great discipline and leadership skills, and he was proving to be quite skilful with the sword and cross bow, he also learned to ride a horse.

    Meanwhile in another town close to Teversham the eight witches decided to terrorise the village, kidnapping children and murdering innocent people. Albelenda led the witches into the town at night and it was then that she was made aware of Eric’s existence, she was furious to find that one member of the Butterworth family had survived and ordered the witches to find him. She expressed her feelings as the witches coven sat around the cauldron; she hated the family and would not rest until they were all dead.

    A new Mayor had been elected in the town of Teversham and he was keen to find the witches who caused so much chaos in the town and surrounding village. Unusually so Teversham was the name of the town and the village, this confused the people from outside the area. The people all knew about the Butterworth family and how they were slaughtered by the witches, people were frightened to go out at night or venture into the woods.

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