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#Miracle Magnet: A Spiritual Guide to Releasing Your Fears & Becoming a Girl Boss
#Miracle Magnet: A Spiritual Guide to Releasing Your Fears & Becoming a Girl Boss
#Miracle Magnet: A Spiritual Guide to Releasing Your Fears & Becoming a Girl Boss
Ebook116 pages1 hour

#Miracle Magnet: A Spiritual Guide to Releasing Your Fears & Becoming a Girl Boss

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About this ebook

#Miracle Magnet is a call to join the movement of millions being enlightened by the glory of God. Its a step-by-step womans guide to begin the process of healing and transformation. This book empowers women to overcome their fears and adversity and Boss Up in every area of their lives.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 18, 2018
#Miracle Magnet: A Spiritual Guide to Releasing Your Fears & Becoming a Girl Boss

AJ Williams

AJ Williams is a Mom, Business Woman, Feminist and Spiritual Teacher. She loves to share the love of God and help people mend their broken hearts and spirits. She runs Judahs Foundation, an outreach ministry designed to inspire all women to reclaim their power. Shes also the CEO of Body Logic, a Plant-based Skincare and Wellness Company.

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    #Miracle Magnet - AJ Williams

    Copyright © 2018 AJ Williams.

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    Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used with permission.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2830-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2831-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018905581

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/11/2018



    Chapter 1 Finding Your Purpose

    Chapter 2 You Must Show Up To Glow Up

    Chapter 3 Dating Down aka Unyoked

    Chapter 4 God Is Not A Statue

    Chapter 5 Fearless As A Raging Lioness

    Chapter 6 The Battle Over Your Mind

    Chapter 7 How To Be A Miracle Magnet

    Chapter 8 The Power Of Fasting

    Chapter 9 When I Pray, I Slay

    Chapter 10 Taking Dominion & Authority




    The Miracle Magnet

    Love is by far the greatest gift to ever be received or given.

    It’s magnetic, intoxicating, liberating, and soul stirring, .

    There’s no one that ever ex-isted that never loved or felt an act of love somehow, some way.

    Love is the most powerful force that ever came to be.

    Love is tenderness, it’s devoted and unconditional and it will forever be, until the end of time.

    Choose Love

    AJ Williams

    My intention is to inspire and call you to a higher sense of inner awareness, strength and leadership. This book will help you determine whether you’re a lion or a sheep and to decide which one you’ll remain. Sheep are easily lead while lions are fierce and courageous. It’s time to be fearless, rise up and fight back. God anoints us to take no prisoners and devour our enemies until they’re no longer a threat. We must stand in full armor and slaughter them with the word thats sharper than a double edged sword. It’s easier than you think if you simply trust God and give your cares to him.

    He’ll do all the work. You’ll learn how to come through the fire without burns but rather finely polished and attract incredible miracles.

    It’s my sincere prayer and goal to help you curate a path to emotional greatness, spiritual fitness and physical wellness. Through my experience, and evidence in scriptures you’’ll be properly equipped with the tools to harness your dreams and organize your visions. You’ll get a clear and deeper understanding of who God really is and what a phenomenal life you could lead serving him.

    I’m delighted to share Gods love sprinkled with battle strategies and girlfriend talk. I’m here to say that you’re loved, very precious and can achieve anything, no matter how scary it may seem. This is a call to action to transform lives in the world around you while transforming your own life. You can have more than you ever dreamed possible if you only believe.

    You’ll also learn the power of manifesting daily miracles and increasing your finances. You’ll indeed begin to fortify yourself, improve your self-care and ignite your self awareness. Most importantly you’ll finally find your voice and shine your light and shout from the highest mountaintops your deepest heartfelt roars. You are steps away from becoming a miracle magnet and gaining life’s most vital tools. This will empower you in winning the toughest challenges you’ll ever face. So grab a cozy blanket and curl up with a warm cup of tea and enjoy.


    An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs; an extremely outstanding or unusual event, a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law


    Finding Your Purpose

    Who are you really? Have you decided? Are you still figuring it out? That’s fine welcome to the club. The world is full of millions who are imperfect still trying to figure it out. We all still push through just to put one foot in front of the other, everyday. No people have perfected themselves or their lives. So there’s still time for you to get it right. I’ve recently come to the realization that my true purpose is not to sit in silence but to stand in strength and rise to the occasion for the oppressed. To not hide and be timid but to positively and fervently contribute to humanity. To not talk about it. To not shake my head in judgement but put my talents, money and my hands where my heartfelt thoughts are.

    Poverty, racism, sex trafficking, and the aids epidemic are just a few of the injustices we are plagued with globally. It’s a lack of awareness, knowledge and fear that keeps us on the sidelines and in the shadows while our brothers, sisters, and family members suffer unnecessary tragedies. It cost nothing to pray or raise our voices to speak for the silenced. It cost nothing to lend a helping hand if we can. I can admit I too was blinded by the paradigm of lies that we’ve been programmed into by society, family history, and religion. This formulates a robotic lifestyle of being a judgmental, insensitive, unhelpful society-trying desperately to fit in, not asking questions, accepting whatever propaganda is given and going with the flow.

    This is not the time to be timid. The world is in a state of dire emergency, and we can all be the change that we need.

    To have a true shift in your awareness and stand firm in your belief is true freedom. This is the ultimate test of what you’re made of and if you were born to be forgotten or do epic things. Once your heart is opened and your soul is stirred, you will become spiritually fit. Living consciously creates an intense and magnetic call that can’t be ignored. It’s a call to worship and a urge to reposition each other to win. God placed us on this planet to respect our bodies, follow christ, live well and strengthen family and friends to do the same.

    At times we must call our loved ones to vibrate higher so that we can enjoy a high quality life all together. To live long, blessed and happy lives. According to Genesis 6:3, we’re typically supposed to live about 120 years but that doesn’t happen anymore. It’s not because God went back on his word but because we’ve cut our own life spans by the food we eat and the choices we make spiritually. This earth is our temporary home, just like our bodies, since our spirit and soul reside within.

    Your body is just a vessel to be used and operated by your deepest intentions and inner demeanor. You will only get one body, so take care of it and it’ll take care of you. It’ll take you wherever you want to go on this planet.

    Eat, pray, love is a true analogy for a few life requirements. It’s good to develop a spirit of love not only for loved ones but for your haters, and strangers alike. I know it’s not always that simple, but it can be done. God commands us to operate from a loving perspective daily. Having a loving, merciful attitude towards difficult people becomes less painful after we make an honest effort; then it becomes a consistent habit.

    This doesn’t mean it’ll be easy because of course, difficult people make things difficult. And surely they make it harder to love and forgive them. But eventually you start to see the bigger picture when you realize that operating in love is better for you-and it’s what Gods commands us to do. It’s bigger than your ego and your pride. It’s bigger than being right and looking good. It’s about satisfying your soul and having real peace in your heart to be able to successfully move forward in accomplishing your goals.

    Even when I tried to take the high road, it really wasn’t the high road because I was only being sarcastic and facetious. I was trying to win and look good. We’re always trying to look good in an argument or to various people. We even suffer to look good physically and to come across as emotionally strong. Some people die in sickness trying to look good by not sharing what’s going on with loved ones. We want to look strong and put together all the time because the opposite is looking weak. Well, why not actually be strong and be together for real? Don’t fake it, because that’s the actual weakness. It shows that you’re not strong enough to truly stand tall in your truth, whatever it may be. I’ve felt that, and it doesn’t feel good. In fact it turns secret battles into agonizing realities because you’ve just

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