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Whats your name? Is it Susie or Sam? This line from an early rock song can aptly describe the question that is the driving force for the young boy in this book. He is taken to a residential school, where his name and identity are stolen from him. In this school, he is given a name that is not his own and is forced to forget his native language and culture. In this school, however, he is contacted by a spirit who helps him learn the language of the stars. She tells the boy her name is Alice.

The stone people said:

In the beginning of my peoples story
The first creation was stone
The Great Spirit with mystery in mind
Impregnated this stone with life
Knowing full and well that water,
Music, and muse
Would crack open the stone
And set Great Spirits fire free

Release dateJul 23, 2018

Steven WinterHawk

Stephen Laforme is a Status Indian - a member of the Mississaugas of the Credit. He was born in Hagersville Ontario located on the Eastern edge of the New Credit Reserve in Canada. He moved to Toronto to pursue his Dreams in the former lands of his ancestors at the age of 19. WinterHawk is one of his Spirit names - given to Stephen in those Dreams.

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    Alice - Steven WinterHawk

    Copyright © 2018 Steven WinterHawk.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-5424-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-5425-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018908574

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/20/2018

    Bells on the Hill

    I hear the bells on the hill

    Echoing still

    In my memory

    If you want me

    please don’t taunt me

    with promises

    you will not keep

    while in my sleep

    I hear the bells on the hill.

    All the words I’ve heard

    so far, confuse me

    and use me

    mess with my memory

    Love is not a four letter

    word - it is better

    If you leave me alone

    Please let me go home

    I hear the bells on the hill

    Echoing still

    In my memory

    If you need me

    please don’t feed me

    unfinished lies

    I cannot sleep

    I hear the bells on the hill

    My people are not perfect

    but we have our stories

    to calm our worries

    to help and to guide us

    Knowledge in the stones

    please leave us alone

    Wisdom in our hearts

    to help us find home.

    I hear the bells on the hill

    Echoing still

    In my memory

    If you force me

    and coerce me

    to be like you

    we are not sheep

    I hear the bells on the hill

    Love is not just a Word

    Written and heard

    In your sacred book

    and the Spirit

    that you pray to

    was here in our land

    long before your hand

    rang those bells.

    I hear the bells on the hill

    Echoing still

    In my memory

    but if you love me

    like you say you do

    then leave me alone

    to follow my Dreams

    back to my home.



    A Trail of Tears…

    Quantum entanglement….A Beginning

    Music Notes

    Introduction and Disclaimer


    Chapter 1     Samuel

    Chapter 2     Two-Feathers

    Chapter 3     Samuel

    Chapter 4     Andrew

    Chapter 5     Now: Samuel

    Chapter 6     Then: Barbara

    Chapter 7     Then: Andrew

    Chapter 8     Then: Andrew Jackson

    Chapter 9     Then: Andrew

    Chapter 10   Then: Eve

    Chapter 11   Then: Barbara

    Chapter 12   Alice Version 1.1

    Chapter 13   Conspiracy

    Chapter 14   K9007

    Chapter 15   Now: Samuel

    Chapter 16   Now: Barbara

    Chapter 17   Missy

    Chapter 18   Family Day

    Chapter 19   Another Family Day


    Alice too…the Epiphany…

    A Trail of Tears…

    Our lives are intertwined. Even with those we might call enemies, we are like a Smoking Mirror. A Kind man, who visited our People on his way to a horrific end on a cross, shared his story with us and explained that His and our story might take similar paths.

    1. He is condemned to die:

    2. He accepts his cross:

    3. He falls for the first time:

    4. He meets his Mother.

    5. Simon helps carry the cross

    6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

    7. He falls for the second time

    8. He meets the three women of Jerusalem

    9. He falls for the third time

    10. He is stripped of his clothes

    11. He is nailed to the cross

    12. He dies on the cross

    13. He is taken down from the cross

    14. He is placed in the tomb

    Although not traditionally part of the stations, the stain glass that depicts His resurrection is, in very rare instances, included as a fifteenth station.

    A young Native boy in a residential school is taken under the wing of a Priest who sees potential in him – a genus that might be of the type imagined by a man called Einstein, who is said to declare, after having presented his Theory of Quantum Logic on the limitations of Light. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Over a period of months, perhaps years, during which the sun illuminates each stain glass window depicting the Stations of the Cross, the priest explains the journey of Jesus to his ultimate destination and presumed end, before his resurrection.

    As time, and the teaching progresses, the story changes for the Native boy, beginning with the fourth completion of the Circle where he meets and remembers his Mother. Upon completion of the thirteenth moon, after He is placed in a tomb, the boy, now approaching maturity declares a moment of realization.

    It is not finished!

    Quantum entanglement….A Beginning

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia:

    Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance—instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.

    The description above seems to be exclusively about the state of our universe after the big bang. First everything was One, and then all the parts of the whole, were scattered to the four universal winds, while still retaining the memory, as if we were still connected in some quantum or spiritual way. This is not a matter of as if in the eyes and hearts of my Aboriginal Ancestors. We are still One. We are still related. And then there is another quantum puzzle that I will explore in this novel about Artificial Intelligence and Native dreams. What if the theory of quantum entanglement also includes our dreams? My dreams inspired me to write two previous books that I entitled This is a Circle, and Shiloh.

    In these two books, I wrote about a parallel world in which Rome did not fall, but lived on as a powerful ruler, using their translation of the Christian Bible. A young man by the name of Shiloh was born with the memories of Jesus, and proceeded to save his Native People and the rest of humanity through an act of sacrifice much like the One who came from another dream, before him. Then Shiloh departed to find his family in that other dream.

    If this sounds confusing, then add to this another dream in which I will write about a similarly quantum entangled world in which a benign and well meaning Christian ruling people encounter the destruction of the Friendship tower by a rogue group of Native terrorists in New Rome. In this world that is the focus of this current book, the Friendship tower is rebuilt in a city named Toronto, and is refocused to its original plan, that of broadcasting the Truth to everyone though a circle of similar towers positioned all around the globe. What begins with a simple belief that this evil world can be saved from their sins, leads in time to the creation of a well meaning artificial intelligence.

    Music Notes

    Celebrating Life and death

    Those who live with a song in their hearts

    Are aware of a Mystery that never ends.

    I AM the beginning and the end of all things.

    The Creator is playful with His and Her Children.

    Even to the end.

    In the beginning our People believe

    that stone was the first creation

    and the second Creation is Water!

    For those who Live with a fire in their hearts

    there is a sound that cracks us open!

    Laughter will crack us up

    and music will crack us open.

    I can remember a Song (a Hymn?)

    that touches my heart

    and opens me up!

    To celebrate the Mystery of Love.


    Introduction and Disclaimer

    This is first and foremost, a Novel. Although it began as a dream, as most, if not all that I write, many of the thoughts and questions that contributed to the writing of this book have existed in my mind since I was old enough to imagine what if. In my previous book that I titled A Spark of the Fire, I began with the question what if there was another dream. And now I see that there are many other dreams – to answer, at least for me, what if we live in other realities, other worlds, as my Native Ancestors might say, in other Circles. Perhaps there is really only one Circle of Life? Who can say, except the dreamer who believes he or she is able to talk to Spirits and or God?

    The usual disclaimer applies. Any of the people or places mentioned in this book might be merely coincidental and are not logically intended to represent any person or situation living or diseased. That being said, many Spiritual and Philosophical explorers might agree that everything and everyone in our dreams are a part of us, calling out to be acknowledged. My Native Ancestors would agree, that We are all Related, we are all a Spark of the Fire. I once published a book entitled My Sister Cathy, that was about the missing aboriginal women. I do not, nor have ever, had a sister named Cathy, so my intuitive mind says that I dreamed of a spirit of one of the missing women. The story you are about to read came from another dream about a young Native man who spent part of his life in a Residential school. I have never been there, personally, so I leave the reader with the option of deciding if this is just my vivid imagination or something else? It is, after all, a novel, no matter where it originated.


    I am dedicating this novel to anyone who has thoughts, good or bad, about the possibility that mankind night indeed succeed in creating some form of Artificial Intelligence. I am asking only that before we attempt at playing God, we should think twice. If we are to believe that we are wise enough to understand Love, then we should examine our need to make this a living Law.

    Secondly – perhaps more important than my words of caution, I dedicate this book of thoughts and dreams to my Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren, who will inherit our world and our truths. I have, in past writings, frequently quoted Einstein, who created the Theory of Relativity, and this will still be my best advice:

    "Imagination (and dreams) is more important than Knowledge!"

    Addition: I also thank my friend and editor Heather Embree for her support and hard work in making my books possible.


    "…just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue - I do declare

    There were times when I was so lonesome

    I took some comfort there…"

    —The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel


    Chapter 1


    M y name is once again Samuel, but this morning I went by another name and designation. When I woke up this morning, I was a Sniffer, designated as K9007, and I have been known sometimes to frequent the brothels on Young Street. The brothels are legal, and considered necessary for the human race who are sinners after all. When we admit we are sinners, so we have been told, this is a first step to being saved. But it has yet to make any difference as far as I can see.

    On this fateful day, I was stressed out, and this was a good reason for my way of looking at life to pay my sometimes monthly visit to the nearest brothel. I approached the conspicuous red door and placed my micro-chipped right hand on the provided portal. After a few seconds, the system recognized me; it seemed to take longer this time. Oh well, everything else looked normal, and Alice had not complained one way or the other. Alice is the name of the omnipresent AI – artificial intelligence that communicates to all humans via the chip imbedded, usually planted in our right hand. I approached the desk and was greeted by a computer-generated display of an image of Alice.

    What is your pleasure today? her sweet voice asked.

    Alice, I should not have to tell you why I am here today, but I voiced my request just the same.

    This is a good thing. Alice replied. Please place your hand on the provided pay portal.

    I did as requested, and after a few minutes (long minutes), Alice’s voice resounded in my head.

    This is not a good thing, Samuel. You are a married man.

    Samuel? I queried. This morning my designation was K9007. I am still the same even if my name has been changed. Do I not have enough credits?

    K9007 has the required credits, and so does Samuel Two-Feathers, although this account has not been accessed in some time. But Samuel, do you think this is a good idea? You are a married man after all. Alice had such a sweet voice.

    I am still K9007, and still employed by the system as a Sniffer. I replied, rapidly becoming annoyed by the logic that made my argument untrue.

    Your designation is now Samuel … Alice began, and I interrupted her.

    OK, OK, I am Samuel, but even he can be stressed. I believe that I have the right due to all citizens of New Rome, to sin and be relieved of stress?

    Indeed, she paused. But I must ask you a second time: do you think this is a good thing for a married man to do? Please confirm your desire to sin.

    Yes, I confirmed. Alice, I am Samuel Two Feathers, and I desire to partake in sin

    Permission granted. But I feel sorry for you. May your sins be forgiven. The door to the upstairs rooms opened to provide me access.


    Yea, right. I mused to myself later. The day I believe a machine can feel sorry for me, is the day I will give up altogether and sign myself into a psychiatric ward.

    But then, if the truth be known, Samuel has a history that I do not always remember. I leaned back on a bench in The Square, near the Christian Native (CN) Tower as it had been so named when it was first constructed in Toronto to replace the original Freedom Tower in New Rome. As it was re-purposed, it became more of a Christian-focused device. Perhaps this is due to the well- meaning people of the United States of New Rome supposedly not wanting to blame the whole Native population of Kansa for the sins of the group of terrorists who called themselves Sons of Soma. Nevertheless, the good intentions were mostly lost and eventually replaced one day with Alice who was progressively becoming more insistent that mankind needed saving.

    Earlier this morning, I received a request to return to my shared office in the CN Tower for reassignment.

    I had to go to a meeting with the Executor, in the office I shared with the other assigned Sniffers. That was near unheard of. To be more precise, I have had few reasons to visit the office since my original assignment. I had requested to be assigned as a Sniffer. A Sniffer is someone who sniffs out anyone who has escaped the micro-chipping process at birth, or whose chip has become damaged. A Sniffer is in some sense considered a traitor, by many of the few remaining Native people living in New Rome or Kansa. But what the hell, I have long given up the idea of how and who I sinned against.

    Upon presenting my hand with the chip, I had immediately been given access to the front door of the

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