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Tree: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Tree: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Tree: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Ebook371 pages3 hours

Tree: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

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Something in me stirred and only shook me awake
when I got home that I miss you
from nowhere you came, from my heart you have flown.
Over distant realms, petals, planes, and bottle shells.
Perfect punctuation and petals and pubs and please no alliteration.
Tears and spilt remains serpents rise and win again.
Booze seeks no gain mystery wretches
at lifes most beautiful deadline
reversed ragtime burst whisper
vanilla handkerchiefs and lots of vinegar.
My weary shell,
I dont farewell. Miss a Mrs.
a bit of cheek and home by midnight
not wasted, not tasted, not hasted, not tasted.
Just miss you, Ms. Priory Gates.
Release dateAug 4, 2018
Tree: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Our life experiences don't define us, but build the foundation for who we need to be happy. I was lucky to have found the most incredible life philosophy of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (www.sgi-uk) and only at 47 feel like my life has possibility. We chant nam myoho renge kyo to fight against our human fundamental darkness of greed, anger and foolishness. I would like to be well run a Buddhist community centre and a animal rescue centre. Health wealth and happiness.

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    Tree - Joolz

    © 2018 Joolz. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Note: Spelling mistakes unintentional

    Illustrations by Joolz. Jupiterimages from ThinkStock

    for the cover image. All Rights Reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse  08/03/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8726-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8725-4 (e)

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    Chapter 1   Hope

    Molycom of Desires

    Shooting Fruit Der Merr





    Shirley’s Blue Gin

    Words Come Through My Veins

    Wearywebb Of Cosmic Light When Will You Catch Me


    Hands Of Fate

    No Subject

    Happy Valley

    See If I Still

    Wish For More!

    Bonfire Story

    Myriad Story

    The Mirror

    Once Upon A Hill

    Chapter 2   Clarity

    Seas The Pearl

    Once Upon A Time A Rhyme



    Something Nice Happened

    Conflict Between True Self


    One Day At A Time




    Once In A Lifetime


    Book 3 Lesbian Myths & Legends

    Sasha’s Birthday Book 3 Part Two

    Chapter 3   Kindness


    Dear Dyke Diary

    We Can

    Drown Drown Nword in A Bed Mist of Tea

    Once upon an Ulcer

    Once in a Lifetime


    So Let

    Old Bag



    Blue Moon Rolling

    Blackberry Wines


    Me The Wicked Witch I See Before Me

    Chapter 4   Hate

    Yikes Bikes And Kites

    Overloaded Fills My Brain With More Isolation Desp.doc

    Im Engaged To Be Married

    Youre A Loser

    Lesbian Lesbian Where Are You

    Life Love


    Half Moon St Clements Thursday


    I Used To Want You Back

    Describe As Blind I See



    Story Plotting

    Stories Don’t Fade Memories Go


    No Subject

    Story Sorcerer. Part One

    Elfy Part 2

    Elf 3

    Story Part Four Try Harder

    Book 3 Gargoyles Part A

    Book 3 Particle B

    Gargoyles Part C

    Gargoyles D

    Gargoyles E

    Gargoyles Party F

    Gargoyles Get Good Go

    Deepen your confidence in your own Buddha

    Shine in your own unique way

    Enlightenment and the sufferings of Birth and Death are Nirvana

    Take the dog for a walk

    How I feel, Carp Diem

    Draft in My Mind Book 3

    No Subject

    Care Work Saved Me

    Book 3 Torn Apart Born Free

    Been Ok Book 3 Part 1

    Bestseller Jo & KerANjalina Book 3 Part 2

    ..Witz End Book 3 Part 3

    ..Book 3 Kerinjalina Jolie Part 4

    ..How Did She Feel? Part 5

    …She haven book 3 Part 6

    Book 3 Gave Onto Thee Part 7

    Easier To Disassociate Book 3 Part 8

    Imagine Recovery

    The to and

    Ice castle of Doom

    Mythical life stories

    Lesbian Myths & Dragons Book 3

    Story Me Away

    Jamie Short Verse For You &

    Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing - Teamwork

    Honinmyo: translation: new sheet: start from now: it’s a new day: you’re okay

    Truth Slayer

    Honey Hell Spells


    Focus on the Star You Are


    Ghost Story



    Joolz:Re: $ decide on adding this Tuesday on call

    Pass the Sauce

    Story Sunday Part 3 for Me

    Story Sunday


    2. Moon&star




    Mad House


    Hi ya l for love

    To sleep I write

    My story to sleep I wake

    Book 3 Fairy Tales

    Back to the mirror

    Oh goodness I thought I died


    Get over it

    Ghost in the mirror

    I love you


    My immortalness

    This mountain goat

    Mirror decide

    Escape Plot B

    Fleeting Glance Adversity

    Most Diificult Day Irreplaceable

    Escapist Fantasy

    Demon is the darkness

    Recalibrate me

    Seasonal.escapist Disorder


    Escape into my Self

    Escapism and me what a luxury!

    Demonic fairy


    Escape from me for a Bit


    Story Teller

    Just A Movie! Brown Sauce Makes Being Poor Taste Nice

    Tick toxk 22:46 + 46 seconds 3 May 2018

    Story Teller

    Sailing story



    Ocean Waves



    Book 3 Fresh Start

    Lord’s Prayer

    Book 3 Scared Of Me

    Love Story Book 3

    End of Stories

    Story to make me Rich

    Invisible Words

    Invisibility ii.


    In Visible Apart 3




    Book 3 Love Story Puke

    Beethoven Bees & Me


    Change the Subject

    Trolls Armpits and Grannies Fannies

    Love Story Part 1

    Book 3 Zebra love Part 2

    Book 3 Zebra Love Story Part 3 Cont..

    He was Dreaming:

    Stacey was thinking:

    Tam & Stacey Book 3 Gargoyles Part 4

    Stacey & Tam

    Tam.&Stacey C

    Stacey and Tam

    Stutter Staceyno Butter

    Stacey to Tam Part 5


    Keep going!

    Chapter 1



    Molycom of Desires

    Molycom of desires Funeral pyres Symphony of phantoms Spectres and bantoms

    Stereo sinatra and orchestral pilava Satin drains and empty pains Sitcoms satire sapphire and bullfrog Saliva ringworm saddles and lost spit

    Wriggle in riggle Lost tea icicle Ricecycal


    Full stop findincom

    I don’t know where the stains

    the loose rains the bits in the chains

    the censor in my brains

    the panic button at the reins, reigns, pains,

    frog frog this bullfrog,

    empty the puss out of my brains,

    the headache from my relic

    the insecurity from my insanity

    the sanity from my engine,

    the petrol from my heaven

    the foreign body in my teeth,

    the ghost in my armpit

    the money in my pocket

    the stolen time in my seat

    the destined cheat the love cheat

    the mixed up head the world is dead.

    once in the ditch in the hedge

    on the wall in the hall

    in the cosy armpit of know it all

    I die again

    I don’t want to think about work again.

    I serpent of time

    cesspit of destiny

    duality of doom

    dragons gate

    and thrown of emperor

    cuckoo spit

    toothie whale of fortune

    grinning back at me.

    whalepit of shark infested

    impregnated lobsters and caviat for tea.

    harpsichord rhapsodhy

    stereo mysogyny

    tresspassing fortune cookie

    and bear bearded monsoon tapestry.

    raging at the infurnaces of my mind

    my burning cave my long lost mind.

    remind me of what I didn’t cave in

    remind me of what I didn’t see again.

    remind me of what I miss the most

    a great substitute honey and toast.

    so replacing my mistaken identity

    don’t just see the negatives i gave onto thee.

    I succumb to under the thumb

    I succumb to under the gun

    under the staple

    under your belt

    under your pelt

    under your instruction I see again.

    The rhymes

    the fists of time

    chasing you down the years

    infested edited your reindeers come home

    she is taking you home. the new years cheer

    the billowing guilt parties

    the lost Mrs

    the new tears

    the more or less empty years.

    The phantom in the post

    the answer phone message you don’t hear when

    you croak.

    I’ve died a million times in my fantasy and fears

    the bus run me over I never saw my book published

    the tears will not rain for me

    I was lost long ago

    I rumble around because genetics tell me so.

    My obituary will read she died

    as she lived bravely loved

    not missing her fears.

    she has the forest

    she has the technology

    to see her through the lighter years,

    the heartbeat goes ungratefully on

    the oven half mast

    light continually on

    unblinkered unaware

    the cold of the grave standing there.

    I got to track off work

    think yellow think pink think

    white think black think circus

    think mine think gold think

    purple think metal think gold

    think its 2am in the morning

    I’m glad I’m not cold but

    could do with a weary cake

    smile and hold.

    the years hold the tears

    hold the storm hold

    the rut hold the time

    hold on hold back hold back hold back

    love comes beating on the door

    the ghost doesn’t bang.

    walks through you once more.

    the ghost trespassing on my toes

    but curious as moats

    and faster than coyotes toast

    funeral fun escapes and

    miseries grosely

    grey ghosts spectres

    bears and repenters.

    staring loose canons fathoms

    any glance and steel eyed yes m’am

    sprayed on some mint in my rhyme

    as long as I make a dime m’am.

    I don’t care either

    I’m a one track punt

    a one thought phoney

    a funny thinker

    an insanity blinker

    a teacher

    a swab

    a forecaster

    a stinker

    a lover

    an electron

    a missile

    a due one

    a boaster

    a shy one

    a tellyforecaster

    a really shy one.

    im anyone you want me to be

    I’m yours

    I’m him

    I’m time

    I’m me

    I’m more than that

    I’m misanthropy

    I’m trying to sleep

    I’m nostalgic sympathy

    I’m nuclear

    I’m rhyme

    I’m insecticide

    I’m thyme

    I’m rumble

    I’m tible

    I’m due back at 9

    Make it ate no 8

    and call it a date

    coz I’m dreading you stinker you swine you sinker:

    you bring out the worst in me and it scares me

    you see and you talk so rudely

    it irritates me

    go serpent doom somewhere else

    I’m content to be I’m home

    I’m happy I’m mischief

    I’m love

    I’m allowed

    I’m welcome

    I’m timed out

    I’m out


    Shooting Fruit Der Merr

    Shooting fruit der merr. Shooting fwutethe slur. shooting frucking muwking newquingim frustrated as chopin without a piano I’m as orchestrated as micheline tyres on oil in naked lesbos with no heating on no tosh and no bish bash bosh. I’m heated on the rear view mirror Mrs. Dubweeggberts no invite to dinner. if I did I loose canon my rod as I split my robe and shove you lot on the rubble as you kindly take the trouble to invite the orangutang for tea just mind the fuzz she has a reminder of polite society. Just there seems to be a hiccledy pickledy hob oh my God wild something inside my fried brains. There seems to be Tarzan biting at the rains or my inner wild child chomping at the differentiated grit it, what’s the word biting at the lip, no horses stirrups in the mouth biting at the girth. no biting at the lid nobiting at the bonkers coconuts I meant hazlenuts, no horsechestnuts. Biting at the chomp say nought or o my goodness it will spill out like a waterfall. Screaming torrent not rage just the life I compress inside what doesn’t seem to fit in any cupboard that doesn’t seem to fit into society. I don’t know what they think will pop out of my mouth? It’s nothing more sordid than aftermath aftermouth after mass after concentrated ascetelin and assymmetric fossilised candy on cheaters anonymous don’t post that. Leave me to my frostbites frustration cacooned inalienationdid I bangmyself onthe automatic door or did it put me there to swing by and ask her for tea coz she liked me but my brain froze with coy shy nerves I huddle my nerves.

    The jury’s out

    I’m so unspent

    I got 800 pounds and no date this isn’t lent

    It’s Tuesday

    it’s me for tea

    its frigging eternity saying no

    and doing the right thing conscientious

    conscience heirloom to boredom.

    No you are married

    no your my boss.

    No your my patient.

    No your my Porsche.

    No your my mum.

    No your my boyfriends mum.

    No your my next-door neighbour

    No let’s take it slow.

    No don’t let me use you.

    No you have a boyfriend.

    No you have a husband

    no you have a husband

    no you are my ex and it broke my heart

    no you have a boyfriend

    It is doing my head in. Diminishing dementia disinhibited fried rabbit chicken focus and nosh the Nash dribble at the foam mayhem unknown fuse unblown sonic requiem and hose unknown.

    Doing the crossword after tea. Frog celibacy. I can’t cling to singledom any more I’m getting what’s going and I don’t mind if its still.

    Though I was waiting for my wife she said no nice try. She said you are always crying always blubbering on my floor. That’s not the slug trails. It is you. Stop dripping on my floor. Wipe it off and let Habbah bake you a cream cake. Frog off my crevices numb. He won’t mind he is good lookingand more froggingfun.

    Frog it yeah it was wet with suntanned tears and I cursed you with every rhythmic thrust that made me shout hallululah. I only wished you were there.

    Freak you know it. You so weak. Ecstasy as I’m happy you are not the one I’m excited by. I fancy the thought of him not you its misty making pulling you through the rug of time. You bought. He knew you wore it out with him. He thought of you not ever filling what is empty and missing. Is not the thought of you cascading through the horse ripped sheets. It’s just cement block that they keep trying to bring you back to life. Who will win you? Frozen toad you lay x



    Everything feels okay then one day your world is blown away a balloon lands and takes you away where pixies and elves make laughter all day. They really do live on the fly agaric and when it rains the shelter takes the pelts and wait for another day.

    The pixie said hi joolz, what’s new?, well I’m still depressed but it hasn’t got worse yet, so that’s new. That’s good he said as we are watching over you. We know your heart is beaten and blue, we know the day is long and we wait for you. There is a rainbow and treasure in life galore of course it’s not all glittered gold but sparkly lights cheerup the day it’s true. They don’t have to cost a bob or two just mend the wires and push in the bulbs and we set the sights on a fairy go round, that dazzles and glitzes and brings joy abound. The days don’t have to be dull jewelz its beating the blues, its a swim in the fountain it’s a deer on the mountain it’s why your so depressed and so don’t say that word alone, were you happy when you just got stoned. Well the fields are changing more houses are dwelling, the horses field trees died long ago, that night is not forgotten. Moonlight, mist on the field carpet, horses surrounding us on the one sheep skin rug, my first kiss, our millionth date, the two chestnut trees died, the horse owner got sick of rspca, Rachel never saw her again, now to concrete that memory the bulldozers will eradicate the day I sat in the sun on my own and spun my own dreamweavers blissful summers day. The horses hooves like thunder as he sped over for an apple. Tom, weary and gone, the brown horse with wild temperament, who bucked me off more than once. But sometime I had a horseback ride, just a walk around the field. What happens to those memories well, like a big drink we forget everything, it all goes in the melting pot of destiny, and to Rachel, ever graceful, fat funky and chunky, well, I’m glad I don’t miss her any more, but do still think of her and wonder how she is and why that kind of friendship doesn’t now readily or easily just exist. How did we meet anyway the older chick at school on her moped and with her car with a can of k cider I could get into her bra?

    I really can’t remember how I met her, though it comes back to me slightly now, at the village youth club I reckon, and she was new it started there.

    Long term friends, amanda, cherie, rachel, lee. Amanda, don’t know where she is her dad died of cancer bloomin well rich. Cherie, on facebook she has a new fellar, coz I don’t talk to clare I miss my two best friends terra firma. Rachel, I got clingy and she ran a mile her loss really I really liked her smile. I suggest a walk us countrybumkins and get ourboots muddy.

    Now memory lane is so personal and extreme the walks with the dogs the horizon, the jogs the streams, the natures heartbeat calculating rhythm. It’s synapsis of syllabuls it’s a essay hangover, it’s a walkin the park, its a frostbite sandwich it’s an ocean apart it’s a world of insanity it’s a world of bubbles its a world of angels it’s a heartbeat it’s psychosis it’s a cellular rhythm of nerve endings and miracles.

    Supernova and spaceships and cupcakes for tea, hangups and hangings and perverts on tv. Surfers and sprigs of holly it’s the festive seasonagain, bring the light in why can’t I let someone in.

    I saw someone today I liked her style, confident and well placed and in her own strength she didn’t need to smile, a gentle stroke of her hair kind of made me aware she had noticed the crow lady huffing and blasting about

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