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Depression: Moving from Darkness to Light
Depression: Moving from Darkness to Light
Depression: Moving from Darkness to Light
Ebook47 pages16 minutes

Depression: Moving from Darkness to Light

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Depression—I have experienced and battled it for most of my life. I have fought hard, done many things, talked to countless doctors, and prayed many nights to overcome this disease. This book is a written and pictorial look into my journey of moving from darkness to light. The writings in this book are the real thoughts and feelings that lived inside of me during my struggle. With the help of the brilliant photographer David Heitur, I tried to express my inside feelings outward through the lens of his camera. I felt that it was important to tell my story with as much honesty as possible. This was a hard project for me because I had to tap into the depths of despair that I felt when I was drowning in a sea of darkness. It has been a long time since I have felt those feelings, and I pray that I never feel them again. Mental illness is a disease that so many people suffer from. Suicide has become an overwhelming epidemic in this country, and people need to be aware of the importance of getting help. My hope is that my story will touch someone’s heart who is either suffering or knows someone who suffers from mental illness. If you are suffering, please reach out for help. If just one person finds strength and hope from this book, all of my suffering will have been worth it.
Release dateAug 7, 2018
Depression: Moving from Darkness to Light

Emmy Kavanagh

Emmy Kavanagh was born in Wilmington, DE on July 24, 1976. Her mother and father have been happily married since September 11, 1970 and Emmy is the youngest of their three beautiful children. She graduated from Wilmington High School in 1994. After graduating high school, she moved to San Diego, CA where she lived for one year. She left San Diego and moved back to Wilmington where she currently resides. Emmy works in the corporate banking industry and has been employed with the same company since January 25, 1999. Writing has been an outlet for her throughout her life. Her inspiration often comes sudden, through people, nature and her internal emotions at that time. She has battled depression and alcoholism for most of her life but has found hope and peace within. Through various channels she has established a love for herself and other people that she never knew existed. It is because of this love, she has decided to share this very personal story.

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    Depression - Emmy Kavanagh

    © 2018 Emmy Kavanagh. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/03/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-5345-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-5465-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-5346-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018909021

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