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Four Views of I: Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention
Four Views of I: Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention
Four Views of I: Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Four Views of I: Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention

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About this ebook

Four Views of I delves into the individual, using words that start with the letter I.

Stephen Rousseau pays particular attention to instinct, intellect, intutiion and intention, urging readers to move past the trilogy of body, mind, and soul to consider another dimensiontime.
His lively collection of thoughts and ideas concerning various aspects of the nature of reality, being human, and spirituality, will appeal to anyone with a philisophical or spiritual bent.

He shares that the more he learns, the more he realizes he doesn't knowand he reveals lessons from his lifes greatest teachers, including movies, books, lectures, concerts, and more.
The author also examines topics such as nutrition, immigration, the brain, soul and spirit, truth and facts, and more.The narrative is comprised of short sections grouped by topic, and the blend of serious philosophy and lighthearted writing is entertaining and thought-provoking.

Inspect the whole you, rotate the view, and look at every angle with the insights in this book.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 10, 2018
Four Views of I: Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, and Intention

Stephen Rousseau

Stephen Rousseau, AKA Stever, is back at ground zero in belief. Not disgruntled... just wary. He intends to encourage everyone to QUESTION EVERYTHING and to THINK ABOUT IT! Know that you are responsible for only one person, YOURSELF! After his long life on the treadmill as a manufacturing engineer, test engineer, project manager, etc. ended unexpectedly when sacrificially fired, he jumped into life. A lifelong fascination with storytelling, particularly through multi-media - movies, television, etc. is leading this desire to help people streamline workflow as well as find the value in each step they take. Helping others discover their individuality and worth by sharing what he has learned along the way, helping others avoid pitfalls of life. Lets all help each other grow abundantly.

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    Four Views of I - Stephen Rousseau

    Copyright © 2018 Stephen Rousseau.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    The Holy Bible: International Standard Version. Release 2.0, Build 2015.02.09. Copyright © 1995-2014 by ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission of Davidson Press, LLC.

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0859-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0857-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0858-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018908470

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/09/2018


    Inception—Four Words









    Integrate—Mind the Gap



    Individuate—Intrastate or Interstate

    Individuating Integration—Action Plan

    About the Author

    Inception—Four Words

    Allow me to speak of the inception of this book while attempting to help the reader understand a little about who I am. I believe if you know the source, you will have a better understanding of the material.


    Escheresque Trinity

    When younger, I was a bit obsessed with the Holy Trinity and how it represented me, one made in the image of God. I often sketched triangles and other iconic representations of the Trinity while contemplating. I eventually started repeatedly sketching an Escheresque triangle, which I felt captured the mystery instilled in the Trinity. One day, my worldview was challenged while I was thinking about time and it being the fourth dimension.

    I had also been challenged with a Bible verse that implied (or from which I inferred) another level. To me, it spoke of more than three somethings—breadth, length, depth, and height or, as I surmised from this musing, body, mind, soul, and spirit.

    Therefore, this book is about four words:





    As I live, breathe, read, and experience, I find that the more I know, the more I know I don’t know. It is said many of the greatest advancements and discoveries were made by people who were standing on the shoulders of giants. I would like to share the view from atop the giants I have climbed.

    The giants I climb take many forms—movies, books, television series, lectures, overheard conversations, seminars, concerts, theater performances, and so on. I am not bound to any genre or theme. I truly enjoy everything, and when I find something I don’t like, I try to find out why. I have a rigid facade I wear, but if you get to know me, you will find I have a soft, chewy center.

    While listening and discussing, I often skew non sequitur quotes and lyrics.

    Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    The Great and Powerful Oz

    You may find some hints of that in this book.

    This book is a result of many years’ contemplation. After a decade or more, and after I had written most of the book, a friend interjected how similar it was to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s talk on the four quadrants. She had come to the same conclusion—that everyone is made up of four different aspects: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. I was not aware she had said anything about this. It is comforting to know there is another giant I didn’t even know to climb.

    My Intention

    Through this book, I intend to share concepts and ideas I have gleaned from my life so far. My sharing should be munched on like salty chips, making you thirsty for more. Keep in mind these are my perceptions and may be skewed by my life choices and experiences.

    This book is not intended to be a textbook, and any resemblance to one is unintentional. Don’t look for detailed references in what I am sharing. Please view this book as a conversation between me and you. I am simply sharing what I have discovered and learned along the road of life so far.

    My advice to you, the reader, is to be serious but don’t take it too seriously. Allow the ideas and stories I tell to give you a different perspective. I have learned much and have much more to learn. I always encourage people to question everything. There are good people who do bad things and bad people who do good things. It is not as black and white as you’d like. Test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Before we move on to the book, let me tell you a story so you may begin to get to know me.

    My View of Authority—Inception

    My first lesson in authority occurred during kindergarten at Arlington Elementary in Toledo. (I guess everything I needed to know I really did learn in kindergarten.) Because my birthday is mid-January, I started school a little older than most kids in class. I already knew how to write my name, my address, my phone number, and so on. I was not scared of school—I was excited to be with others and learn. At the time, I went to bed at seven every night and slept well until morning, so the morning naptime in class was alien to me. It was a novelty for the first few days—and of course, I never slept. I had to learn how to look around the room without looking like I was looking. The two teachers were very strict about naptime.

    Here is a good spot to insert the fact that my twin sister was in the same classroom, and she suffered the same nap insomnia. As her elder (I was born ten minutes before her), I was held responsible. So I was occasionally punished for not sleeping during naptime—or, more specifically, not allowing others to sleep during naptime (read, my sister). Punishment in this class was separation from the other kids—solitary confinement in the cloakroom.

    The cloakroom stretched across the entire back of the room, with a doorway on each end to enter. For a closet, it was a big walk-in one. The heat came in through the cloakroom first and then through a vent into the classroom. (I surmise this was to dry the coats and boots during the school day.) It was nice and warm—and quiet, with the acoustics from the coats hanging on all the walls. It was a nice place to be. My buddies had all been banished to the cloakroom from time to time, and one of them discovered you could climb into the vent duct and look out into the classroom through the grate. Occasionally, we would hide behind a long coat to make it hard for the person sent in to fetch us.

    One day, near the end of the school year, the whole class was scheduled to visit a first-grade classroom to see how different it would be—a preorientation of sorts. Because of this anticipated field trip, I was extra antsy during naptime. No surprise, I was sent to the cloakroom. It was a busy time, you know, to indoctrinate the children with rules of walking down the hall into the other class, staying in line, being silent, and so on.

    Well, the time had finally come, and one teacher led the children out of the door. The other stayed behind, sweeping the floor, cleaning up clutter, and so on. I was a bit miffed because I was missing out on the field trip. Occasionally, I would peek out the vent to see the teacher sitting quietly in the room. It seemed like forever I was in there. Then, I heard the teacher get up from her chair. Looking out the vent, I watched as she walked to the door, looked around the room one last time before turning off the light and then, she left, slamming the door shut behind her. I waited for a few minutes and then realized they had forgotten about me. I creeped out of the cloakroom, moved across the room, and peeked out the door into an empty hallway. All the classroom doors were closed, and it was very quiet. I wandered down the hallway to the front door of the building and looked out. Nobody was around. So, I walked home.

    When I arrived at the house, my mother and her mother (Gran was visiting from England) were sitting on the front porch chatting. Gran saw me first and asked my mother what time it was. My mother looked at me and asked what I was

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