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A Journey to the Light Within: Meditation for the Soul
A Journey to the Light Within: Meditation for the Soul
A Journey to the Light Within: Meditation for the Soul
Ebook115 pages1 hour

A Journey to the Light Within: Meditation for the Soul

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Welcome to Journey to Light: Meditation for the Soul. Your self-discipline, personal awareness, and confidence in your intuition will excel and be seen in all areas of your life. The journey will begin with conscious breathing and intention connecting you to the inner light of your heart chakra. As you go along, visualization, color, and sound through chanting the sacred sounds of the chakras will become natural as well as your connection to your highest self, God, and spiritual guides. Keep in mind that each journey is personal and sacred. Trust that your connection to your own spirit is sacred and personal. All you need is to commit to twenty minutes a day and trust that you are creating a natural and sacred time where your intuition can lead you in all choices and challenges, personally and professionally.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 21, 2018
A Journey to the Light Within: Meditation for the Soul

Beth Lynch

Beth Lynch is an Intuitive Consultant, Author, Medium for those calling upon her for healing and connection to loved ones crossed Lynch is a graduate of Delphi University/Patricia Hayes School of Metaphysics, Arthur Ford School of Mediumship. She is founder of Inner Light Teachings and has a private practice in upstate New York. As a medium for over twenty years she has helped families understand the communication is natural and through our grief we will learn to understand the relationship between us and those crossed continues. She shares with families the perception Spirit has to help us live to our highest potential, in other words, happy, healthy and abundant human beings. Lynch is dedicated to share the wisdom of what she has learned personally and as a intuitive helping others. Teaching the Spiritual and the Science of living as a spiritual and a human being.

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    A Journey to the Light Within - Beth Lynch



    Meditation for the Soul

    Beth Lynch


    Copyright © 2018 Beth Lynch.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0938-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0939-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  10/08/2018





    Lesson One Meditation Assignment


    Lesson Two Meditation Assignment

    Day One

    Day Two

    Days Three and Four

    Day Five


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    Day Two: Visualization and Sound Meditation

    Day Three:

    Day Four

    Day Five


    Lesson Four Meditation Assignment

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    Day Three

    Day Four

    Day Five


    Lesson Five Meditation Assignment

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    Day Two

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    Day Four

    Day Five


    Day One

    Day Two

    Day Three

    Day Four

    Day Five


    This book is dedicated to all of those who embark on the journey of understanding the depths of their Soul, embrace their Spirit and shine light to others, For it is in the light there will be peace on earth…

    Beth Lynch


    I remember as a child asking God, Why am I here? Looking up into sky seemed like the right place to send the question. But I never heard anything come back. Now I can smile at my innocence and understand my fear in that. At the time I thought, Why won’t God answer me. Is it a stupid question?

    The path of expectation, unworthiness and separation begins early!

    The answers will always be right in front of us, revealing to us through our life experiences, relationships, choices and challenges. The challenge would be to recognize and allow it. Of course as a child, we are embracing the physical expression of the journey, because that is what we are taught. We are at the mercy of the perception of who is raising us and their foundation, if they even have one. We must keep in mind we have chosen our race, personality; qualities and weaknesses (challenges we learn most from).

    There is one constant that I have come to know. That is the language of the Soul. This communication is often in metaphors and symbolic. It is constantly communicating through the energy fields of people, animals, air and all that is. It connects all matter and flows through us. We feel it through emotion and intuition. It carries a frequency which this creates the magnetic field around the physical body. It is this field in which we are in constant communication with people and all relationships. Imagine its force, connects, pulls and even repels all that is to us. Its language is for us to recognize and interpret and very importantly communicate with to our Self, Spirit and others.

    This language will often be through emotions, subtle or strong. It will flow through our intuitive channels or sixth sense.

    All senses are sensitive to this communication with the Soul, but because of the realm and subtle frequency the sixth is the most powerful. But do not exclude a vision, scent or voice. We must be open to all ways of this communication because we are Spirit and we are physical (matter).

    In the A Journey to the Light Within there are a couple ways to use it. As a daily read for inspiration and meditation or as a six-week program of lessons, I also offer it as a correspondence course. Contact me if you are interested in taking me on the journeys with you! Either way, you will learn how to understand, receive and interpret the language of the Soul. This will be achieved by intention (personal commitment, meditation and the interpretation of personal experience). It will nurture your relationship with your intuitive voice, God or your higher power. It will open you to higher states of awareness in your personal relationships, choices and challenges and very importantly your Self.

    Nikola Tesla’s quote really says it all. To understand the secrets of the Universe we must think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency. This is explaining the Law of Attraction, the magnetic force bringing to us, pushing or holding still all conditions based on our emotional frequencies we create by perception of life. The healing of the past, being active in our present will create our future. This is our Divine power and this is the Spiritual-Science of living.

    As humans we have created a moral structure of sorts, where right or wrong (judgment), is always being pointed out and if we do not follow, bad things will happen. The concept of hell, a place we are sent if we do not follow rules or a certain book. Why would a loving God create such a place? Just another question with a lot of fear and the foundation to blame someone, other than yourself. A concept I know I lived in fear with for the first two decades of my physical life. In the human concept of time it may not seem long but it felt longer.

    Our relationship with God is taught, the approach very mental and technical. As we get older our search becomes more of a need and it is easy to

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