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8,000 Years
8,000 Years
8,000 Years
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8,000 Years

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 22, 2018
8,000 Years

Paul A. Dougal

Paul Dougal was born in Cuyahoga County near Cleveland Ohio in the 1950s. , in the mid 60s after a Supernatural burning desire to know God struck him to ask his dad is there a God ? He accepted Jesus Christ as his savior ,after hearing his Dad answer him that there is a God later on he would go on to serve as a youth deacon in the COGIC while fellowshipping and experiencing different forms of worship with the Apostolic,Foursquare ,Full Gospel businessmen's, Catholics , Lutherans ,etc later on in the early 80s he would move his membership to the Church of God and there receive his formal training as an associate pastor from Lee University/MIP .,9 to 10 years later God would grant him another opportunity for his ministry to move onto TCCM as a liaison via his Mentor Bro.J.C.Warren from Great Britain and Dr. T.Eugeno from America .,he is currently working as Senior Pastor & founder on evangelist of Temple God Church & ministries.

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    8,000 Years - Paul A. Dougal

    Copyright © 2018 by Paul A. Dougal.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2018906867

    ISBN:                    Hardcover                        978-1-9845-3451-4

                                  Softcover                          978-1-9845-3450-7

                                  eBook                               978-1-9845-3449-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 10/05/2018






    Chapter 1     The Seventh man

    Chapter 2     The Tenth man

    Chapter 3     Too Much Water

    Chapter 4     Here comes the Ten Commandments

    Chapter 5     Temple House

    Chapter 6     Downhill for Isreal

    Chapter 7     The Moesha shows up

    Chapter 8     The Holy Spirit on the move

    Chapter 9     Techno Age

    Chapter 10   Jesus Reigns


    M y congratulations to the works of R.H. Charles on his books, the First book of Enoch the Prophet , and the book of the secrets of Enoch.

    Rutherford Platt, on his aggregated work of the first and second books of Adam and Eve.

    Also my thanks to the five important people whom, God used indirectly, to influence me to pursue this book venture.

    J. Abraham Braxton, who introduce me to two of the books back in Nov 2006 in whom God used to introduce these things, and later on in 2009 said God is showing me that, you are moving things around and putting them in place, where they should go.

    Rudy whose message from God to me back in 2009 stating, I see you reading more books, and writing.

    My appreciation to Dr. Eugeno Townsley who had the foresight, for allowing me the venture of time to share these wonderful ancient text’s in 2008.

    Along with William J. who said, in 2007 God is telling me that there are more books for you to read concerning the ancient texts.

    And finally my sons, Chris Dougal, and Willie Dougal for their strong support in seeing me through this entire project. Especially Chris Dougal.


    W eek 1. Allow me to start my introduction for the 1 st week, which beckons me and any other author to talk about God’s creativity. In some ways, if not in all ways, this forces me to say that no one has a patent on God, and in knowing his full creation, nor can any one of us file a sworn affidavit given to a judge against God because no secular court is interested in our testifying to what He has created. The beginning of God’s creation provokes some of us to submit a no contest statement, in the neighborhood of eternity, which encourages us at the intersection of time to ask questions about the Mayor of creation which is Jehovah or Yahweh, the self-existing one. Who can never deny his creation., The New Testament says that whether we believe it or not, he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself (2 Tim. 2:13).

    • And as for God’s heir of righteousness concerning his Son, the Lord Jesus, Enoch makes a statement about him: And there I saw one who had a head of days, and his head was white like wool, and with him was another being whose countenance had the appearance of a man, and his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels. And I asked the angel who went with me and showed me all the hidden things concerning that son of man who he was and once he was and why he went with the head of Days? And he answered and said unto me: This is the son of man who hath righteousness, with whom dwelleth righteousness, and who revealeth all the treasures of that which is hidden, because the Lord of Spirits have chosen him, and whose lot has the preeminence before the Lord of spirits in uprightness Forever. This can be found on page 36 in The Book of Enoch the Prophet. This ancient passage supports a well-known King James passage. One is in Genesis. It says, Let us make man in our image, and likeness, and the other one is found in the New Testament, which says, Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; (Colossians 1:15-19) Let me say the word us as stated in Genesis establishes the fact that there was more than one in the God head, that was involved with creation.

    As I continue this introduction, let me say that humanity is on a journey, a time- sensitive journey of a week and one day, which equals to eight thousand years, according to the apostle Peter’s understanding, he said, But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2 Peter 3:8) The Holy Spirit revealed to Peter, that the week as we know it, which has seven days was divided into increments of a thousand years a piece, meaning the first day is a thousand years, second day is two thousand years, third day is three thousand years, fourth day is four thousand years, fifth day is five thousand years, sixth day is six thousand, and seventh day is seven thousand years, which signifies a total of seven thousand years if we should add an extra day, making eight days to the week, it would total eight thousand years. On the other hand in comparison to Enoch’s revealed ten-weeks of events from God, adding up to eight thousand years divided by 800 year increments of ten is outstanding on God’s part. How he took two different men, accumulated the same amount of time, totaling it eight thousand years, and yet using different calculated words as day, and week as algebraic formulas, deserves a big wow! I found Eight Thousand Years was a challenge to write, then I struggled to name this book, A Week With God, God’s Ten Weeks, or Eight days, but I decided on 8,000 Years which I found that to be suitable to the time frame.

    Now that I’ve overcome the struggle for naming this book, I will proceed with the calculations for the 1st week, it all began in the year 1 after the fall of Adam and Eve, and ended in the year 800, when Adam was eight hundred years old, which now establishes our first time line for this week and its ending according to the solar-lunar calendar cycle or the orbital revolutions in our solar system but also advances the countdown from year 1 to the year 5,467 BC, which falls in the seventh week; however, the first week leaves us with nine weeks left before eternity begins for a redeemed humanity. The expansion of God’s eternity for creation began on day 1, when God created the day and the night, but the countdown for Adam being in a state of decay began after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit well after day 7, which some theologians started that he was in the garden for a week, the sequence of the calendar days according to the lunar-solar cycles of the planets, and stars in our solar system as a calendar calculation, along with Enoch’s calculation of 364 days making a year that counts up to 5,500 years, which is 728,728,000 days. The Lord is truly keeping time by the earth, moon, suns, and stars and their performance via their axes, rotations, cycles, and stations.

    Continuing after the Fall of Adam and Eve, we can see in their days that the only real word they had according to the king James bible shows that it wasn’t written for them but rather, They had a relationship with God a close encounter, and a supernatural experience as he came and spoke to them directly from time to time, often sending the Word to speak to them on what they should do.

    As time went on, others born later would come to know and have a greater awareness of God allowing Enoch and Moses’s writings to their generations to come in and be introduced including the Ten Commandments. We must ask ourselves this question: Would Adam tell Moses and his generation that it’s not the Word and it’s not written, or would Moses tell Adam that, that’s not God and that’s not the Word because God spoke to them in their dispensation without giving them the power to write and that it’s to the contrary? My point is this: God, in his infinite wisdom, grace, and power, knew that the generations would expand and grow over the course of time; and he would expand and grow his Word and writings so that each generation after the other would benefit via the writings, and letters or books of the individuals in their given time, and not just through real experience alone, which I will mention again in the later weeks.

    You see, Adam and Eve were no more aware of the Ten Commandments as Moses was no more aware of the relationship of Adam and Eve and their conditions, except God’s revelations to him as the leader of Israel. I will mention this again in the later weeks. Simply said, God had a plan to expand his Word for eight thousand years and beyond to all generations, and this is what we must realize. God’s Word advances with no end in sight. Had Moses, after receiving the Ten Commandments, canonized the Ten Commandments with no other way of receiving any more written and oral instructions from God, we would all be in trouble. It is clear to us all that due to the fact that Abraham was given a covenant that paved the way to the Ten Commandments and then to a newer covenant with Jesus or Yeshua the Anointed, this lead the way to a better life for humanity. I will mention this again later on in the next weeks.

    Now let’s look at the relationship or unity of Adam and Eve, after the Garden of Eden I’ll explain their marriage situation concerning the vow. In the beginning, God himself appointed who would be together and created them to be together without making vows. This is called a theocracy or a theocratic relationship because God appointed who, what, where, and when one should be with for each other; what one should do; and where one would dwell according to his sovereign will and care

    Let me emphasize more about Adam and Eve’s relationship and their marriage institution from

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