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The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You
The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You
The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You
Ebook75 pages1 hour

The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You

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About this ebook

The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You is about finding that one special person who makes you laugh, smile, and just have fun. Discover what it takes to find and keep a man. Many women move from one relationship to another without figuring out what went wrong. Are you tired of

being single,
struggling in your relationship or marriage, or
considering marriage?

We recommend reading this book before you do anything else.

You will discover the fundamental principles to stay in a long-term, fulfilling relationship whether you are single, married or even want to remarry. With our secret keys to having a successful relationship, honey, you are guaranteed for it to last. Why go through life alone when you can go it together with someone special?

When you do find bae, honey, he is going to be everything you wanted and more. In this book, I will teach you the

different types of men in the dating process,
where you are going wrong, and
having a deeper connection with your bae.

Upgrade your relationship status to a whole new level as you learn why some relationships break and others remain solid.
Release dateAug 25, 2018
The Complete Bae: Find a Bae Who Spoils You

Suella Suzan

Suella Suzan is the founder of Suella Suzan poems. It is an online poetry business which provides personalised poems nationwide. She spends her day writing poems for people who want to express themselves to their loved ones. She lives in London with her family.

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    The Complete Bae - Suella Suzan

    © 2018 Suella Suzan. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/27/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9552-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9551-8 (e)

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    Make that all important decision

    You are worth it

    The complete Bae

    Find a bae who spoils you

    Self Love


    I would like to acknowledge my awesome friend Kannie for the inspiration and motivation he has given me in the writing of this book. He has taught me a lot about women and men in relationships. As a woman I have grown to discover more about myself and also un-earthed some hidden gems. Thank you for listening to me and giving me advise through those difficult days. Most of all thanks for accepting me as I am. You are a friend indeed.

    I would also like to thank my awesome friends for supporting my dreams, coming to my book launches and buying your tickets. You guys are simply the best and without you none of this would be possible.

    I also want to thank my Father and mother in the Lord Uebert Angel and Bebe Angel who continuously encourage me to follow my dreams. They just amazing spiritual parents and I thank God for them.


    I am so excited about this awesome book and the tips you are going to learn from it. My mission it to help many men and women have healthier relationships by educating and equipping them with the necessary tools to have this. There is a raise in singleness and broken relationships. Women are jumping from one relationship to another or getting their hearts broken. Or even worst just being used for sex and nothing more so you come away feeling like a piece of meat. Why experience all this when it can be prevented? If you first relationship broke and the next one breaks why not just learn from it. Stay single for someone time and give yourself time to heal from the brokenness. Remember if you put a lot into a relationship, you have invested your time, resources and energy. So you are going to need time to build these back up honey. So this book will help you avoid these mistakes and find that one person who will certainly spoil you honey. Spoil in every sense of the word because you are worth it. Be the girl he shows off to his friends, on social media and to the world. Be that it girl that all the ladies will envy and wonder why he got you. Now let me give you a bit of background about myself. I came from a single parent home. I came with good news that it is possible to find a bae who spoils you this is the complete bae. I draw from years of broken relationships in my life and those around me. I have also spent time learning and speaking to married couples. They have given me so much wisdom and knowledge and I just want to share these secrets and tools with you. I came from a single parent home. So as you can imagine we did not have many role models growing up. My uncles and aunties had multiple partners I could not keep up. The perception I had of relationship was derived from these experience. It was normal for a man to have a woman for 3 month to 5 years and then leave her. Then they would find another woman like it was nothing. So this was my normal. You can find someone if it does not work out just leave then and find another one. There was no sense of stability in relationships and I never saw this. Even my married uncles who loved their wives still cheated. However, I did have one uncle that is still married to his wife and they are very rich. So how you grow up shapes how you view relationships. What is your story I would be interested to know and would love for you to share with me? So going back to my story it was a little different growing up. Women were the bread winners in my family doing both roles of a man and a woman. You can imagine the stress and then having to bring up children on top of it too. This can be very taxing and trying on a woman. Now what would cause a man to leave his children or his spouse? These are the questions we will explore through out this book. In our 21st generation divorce has became more popular than social media. We live in a generation in the western world where sex is like fast food. There is no longer a value on this sacred act between a man and woman. So what I wanted to do with this book is teach women the reasons why they are failing in relationships and how they can improve these as well. You can be a serial dater, heart broken person, single, or even in a relationship. Whatever your relationship status just know I am here to help you get better at it. I will provide you with tools and tips to teach you go out and have a long lasting relationship or even better the create one. So let us help you find the complete bae who spoils you in the process.


    If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on earth, you need to treat it like the most amazing thing on earth- Anonymous

    Let us first try to understand what a bae is or why we use this

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