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Absolute Abundance: The Psychology Behind Wealth and Affluence
Absolute Abundance: The Psychology Behind Wealth and Affluence
Absolute Abundance: The Psychology Behind Wealth and Affluence
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Absolute Abundance: The Psychology Behind Wealth and Affluence

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There are more than seven billion people in the world, but only a small percentage have achieved their goals and have made their dreams into realities. Why? Why do so many people live their lives with unmet desires? Why do so many give up on reaching the summit of their lives?

Absolute Abundance shows you how through the power and purpose of your desire, you can reach the summit of your personal, professional, and financial ambitions. Author Ambarees Clever Zulu shares important secrets that can prepare you to discover how easy and simple it can be to create financial security and wealth. Absolute Abundance is meant to arouse and put into action those latent powers that are within us all, for we are all born to manifest the glory of God.

You too can unleash your astonishing powera power you never knew you had! These powers, when awakened, will revolutionize your life in proportions never imagined before, and they will propel you to greater levels of success.
Release dateAug 31, 2018
Absolute Abundance: The Psychology Behind Wealth and Affluence

Ambarees Clever Zulu

Ambarees Clever Zulu is a great man with a grand vision. He is prepared to think outside the box and discover his own unique brilliance by being an agent for change. He is a hospitality professional who believes that there is more to life than meets the eye. Born in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Ambarees Clever Zulu is dedicated to improving the quality of life worldwide, and he achieves this by creating products and services with like-minded people who have a common purposeto live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity. The result is an improved quality of service rendered to our families, our companies, our communities, and ultimately, our nations.

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    Absolute Abundance - Ambarees Clever Zulu

    © 2018 Ambarees Clever Zulu. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/30/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9723-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9724-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9740-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910304

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    Precept upon precept,

    Line upon line.

    A little here and a little there.

    —Isaiah 28:10 (KJV)

    My speech echoes through the barrel of my pen as I articulate without ceasing that abundance is for all. This is not a sacrosanct subject. It is a subject that is forever settled—if only we open the eyes of our understanding.

    I write with dexterity and great care as I seek to decipher and translate the polite formulae of the nobility into ordinary speech that can be understood by the layperson. I turn common, everyday thinking right-side up. This is a different book for a different time. It ushers in a new way of being, seeing, and doing. Please read it carefully, live it, do it, and experience it.

    After careful observation, I have come to the firm realization that anyone is capable of achieving greatness without limit. Anyone may be successful in any calling without limit. When you master your own thoughts and channel all your internal forces towards definite ends, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

    It is from this deep understanding that I have revised and expanded this book to help anyone who has a desire to make a difference in this world—regardless of colour, creed, religion, educational background, location, or anything that has stood between you and your worthy ideals. This book will ignite the divine spark in you in a unique way that will make you realize even your wildest dreams.

    Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and you are a whole lot more than what meets the eye. For once in your life, you too can make a change.

    Yes, you can!


    The Summit

    Personal Reflection

    The Golden Rule of Working Hard but Thinking Smart

    Chapter 1   Three Types of People

    Chapter 2   Attitude

    Chapter 3   Focus

    Chapter 4   Growth and Continuous Learning

    Chapter 5   Persistence

    Chapter 6   Iron Sharpens Iron—The Mastermind

    Chapter 7   Get Inspired

    Chapter 8   Loyalty

    Bonus Articles

    Vision Attracts Resources and People

    Big Ideas

    Creating Order Out of Chaos

    Absolute Abundance in the News

    The Summit

    The strength of the wise

    Lies in the vision of the mighty,

    And the soul devoid of understanding

    Quickly despairs.

    Even in the wilderness,

    The discerning are engulfed

    By pools of water,

    For deep calls to deep.

    Refreshed, reposed, and restored,

    So are the strides of the enlightened

    Ready for the uphill task.

    Each challenge is more than a step,

    Indeed, a quantum leap.

    Contrary to expectations,

    As we approach the summit, the gradient is lessening,

    And we are making greater progress –

    No doubt stimulated by our desire to finally get there.

    * * *

    A deep meaning is buried in The Summit. It first dawned on me as I sat quietly on one of the majestic beaches of North Island in the Seychelles archipelago. Follow your path carefully as the wisdom wrapped in that eloquence unfolds before you. You will be thrilled and challenged in a big way. In fact, what is the purpose of life if we are not driven by desire? Answer this question intelligently and faithfully: What are your most ardent passions and desires?

    When driven by desire, you can and shall scale the utmost heights; run through troops that stand between you and your goals, ideals, and dreams; and leap over the walls that keep your unique brilliance from shining like the stars in the heavens.

    Through the power and purpose of your desire, you can reach the summit. There may be more than seven billion people in the world, but only 5 per cent of the masses have their lives symbolized and characterized by the summit experience, where the nectar of success is the order of the day. This is a phenomenal experience. All people stand a chance of taking a quantum leap to the summit and demonstrating that abundance, wealth, and affluence are their birthright. This subject has been addressed in all ages. You are meant to live a life of abundance and achieve extraordinary results that can change the face of your generation once and for all.

    My friend, this has nothing to do with your education, family, clan, tribe, country, or anything that you have believed to be the reason why you settle for less. It may be that you are sick and tired of the status quo; you may be feeling worthless, and you have started losing your zest for life.

    Wait a minute and give me a chance to rekindle the dying flames. In this book, I articulate practical principles that I stand on and follow daily. Because of the overwhelming results, I have decided to share with you the secrets that have enabled only a few people to reach the summit. I am glad that you, as you read this book, are being offered an opportunity to reach the summit as well. Remember, as you reach forward, you are not alone on this journey. The entire universe is on your side, moving all resources and people towards you for you to reach your goals.

    All forces are moving with you, and soon the whole world will celebrate and congratulate you on your most astonishing accomplishments. Even your most stubborn critics, when they see you in your glory, will bow down and say, I knew you could do it! So what are you waiting for? Arise and shine. You have been waiting for this moment!

    Personal Reflection

    The following principles guide my decisions daily:

    ✓ Am I investing in the right set of tools and skills to help me become a success?

    ✓ Because I believe in the value and strength of my goals, I invest in the tools and skills I need to achieve success.

    ✓ I will not drag along a pile of scrap wood and rusted nails and expect to build my dream house. Instead, I will take time to draw up plans and make a list of all the supplies I need.

    ✓ I am careful about spending my money. I am willing to invest in quality supplies to create a house that is not only beautiful but can also withstand the elements and endure the test of time.

    ✓ I do the same in my

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