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The Descendants of God: Book 5: Inside Information
The Descendants of God: Book 5: Inside Information
The Descendants of God: Book 5: Inside Information
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The Descendants of God: Book 5: Inside Information

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Bishop Dalton G. Burnett is a man of the Word who has the desire to see the plan of God comes to maturity in the lives of his people. The expansion of the kingdom of God is Bishop’s main business. With his beautiful wife, Pastor Sandra Burnett, Bishop pastors Harvestime Evangelistic Ministries in London, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Jamaica, and Pakistan. “We believe that the Blessing is being manifested every day in every way.” Luke 14:17–23—“Come for all things are now ready”—is the benchmark for the ministry that God assigned to Bishop Burnett.

He believes that years of tradition has kept the church from fully understanding who we are in Christ, our position in the kingdom of God, and the power of God’s Word in our mouth. The ministry is intent on bringing hurting people to Jesus, ensuring that they understand who they really are in Christ Jesus so they can experience total freedom in Christ. Bishop Burnett travels extensively, ministering the word of faith. In this book 5, Bishop reveals inside information into the life of victorious living in Christ Jesus while we are on earth. You will become empowered to fulfill your purpose and your divine destiny!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 19, 2018
The Descendants of God: Book 5: Inside Information

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    The Descendants of God - Bishop Dalton G. Burnett

    Copyright © 2018 Bishop Dalton G. Burnett.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3925-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3927-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3926-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910799

    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/18/2018


    Chapter 1 Inside Information

    Chapter 2 You Must Induce Your Miracle

    Chapter 3 Greater Is He That Is In You. 1 John 4:4

    Chapter 4 And God Blessed Them Gen 1:28.

    Chapter 5 No Margin For Error In God’s Word.

    Chapter 6 Supernatural Accountability

    Chapter 7 You Are Under Blood Contract

    Chapter 8 Faith Pressure Must Be Applied

    Chapter 9 The Invisible Eternal Law Of Confession

    Chapter 10 Unbelief Is A Dangerous Demon

    Chapter 11 Daily Faith Confessions

    Chapter 12 Scriptures to build your faith daily

    All translation of scripture is from the King James Version

    This book is

    dedicated to Stanley Davies my Son in the faith who went to be with the Lord. RIP Stanley.


    Bishop Dalton Burnett is a true man of God, a demonstrator of the word/power of God. He has been preaching and teaching the Word since he was 17. He has developed a wealth of experience in the ministry and his desire is to see the things of God come to fruition around the globe. The expansion of the Kingdom of God is bishop’s main business.

    The Lord always confirms his Word with powerful signs following, when spoken by Bishop Burnett.

    Even the blind and the deaf are now being healed when he prays the prayer of faith for them. The insight and wisdom that God has given to him is amazing. Bishop Burnett now empowers people within the body of Christ with the Word of God, and believes in being a demonstrator of God’s word to his generation.

    With his wife Pastor Sandra Burnett, they pastor Harvestime Ministries UK in London, Luton Jamaica and Pakistan, one church in various locations. Harvestime Ministries has grown into thousands of people between Pakistan and the UK. They have three wonderful children, Nigel, Sabrina and Sarah who are all in Christ, who has given them 7 grandchildren. Luke 14:17-23 "Come for all things are now ready" is the basis for the ministry that God assigned to Bishop Burnett. The main goal of the ministry is to go bring the halt, the lame, the maimed and the blind into the Kingdom of God.

    Bishop Burnett is an accomplished author of a series of books called ‘The Descendants of God’, all of which can be used as a great manual for Bible Study.

    In book 1 He teaches the believer ‘Who we are in Christ’. It has been reported that while reading Book 1 people around the world are being healed by the power of God.

    In book 2 Bishop Burnett reveals by the Holy Spirit the position of the believer ‘seated in their heavenly places in Christ Jesus’ and that we are in the kingdom not simply when we die and leave this world, but right now in the here and now we are in the kingdom.

    We are already in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. For those who want to be empowered they come to understand that they can step into their purpose and divine destiny in Christ Jesus right now.

    In book 3 he teaches that God has already spoken our healing, the believer is already healed in Christ Jesus and has to receive and hold onto their healing.

    Book 4 is about demonstrating the power of the Lord.

    Book 5 unveils: Inside Information from the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ.

    One cannot read these books and remain the same they are inspired by the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ.

    Bishop Burnett has been mentored over the last 40 years by some of the most outstanding men of God within the body of Christ. He has read over 1000 books and believes reading and studying the Word of God every single day of his life, in order to become successful and be an achiever.

    He has studied the work of Kenneth E. Hagin

    F. F. Bosworth, John G Lake, E. W. Kenyon.

    Dr. Morris Cerrullo, Kenneth Copeland, Gloria Copeland, Fred Price, Creflo Dollar, Charles Capps, T.L Osborn, AA Allen Mathew of KICC, and many others over the years.

    Bishop Burnett has a bachelor of Theology Degree and a Doctorate in Ministry. He was the general secretary for the United Pentecostal Church of God having more than 14 branches within the UK. Bishop has won many souls for the kingdom of God over the years. He is a man of faith and Godly principles in Christ Jesus. He truly believes that God urgently wants us to understand who we are in Christ Jesus and for the church to fully embrace our position in the Kingdom of God and value the power of God’s word in our mouth.

    The ministry intent/focused is bringing hurting people to Jesus Christ and empowering them with the word of faith. Harvestime Ministries is a growing word of faith church, in the heart of London/Luton in the United Kingdom reaching out to the nations all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Bishop Burnett is on Internet radio and Internet TV preaching and teaching the word of God. Great reports are coming in of people being healed and empowered by the word of God. His TV show with his dear wife Pastor Sandra is The descendants of God.

    The call is for Bishop Burnett to spread the gospel of the kingdom in all the regions of the world via TV, Internet radio, books, DVDs, CDs and by whatever new means that is invented in this modern age.

    This book is dedicated to Rev. Stanley Davis Bishop’s radio partner who went to be with the Lord recently.


    Bishop Dalton Burnett is a man of the Word who has the desire to see the plan of God comes to maturity in the lives of his people. The expansion of the kingdom of God is Bishop’s main business. With his beautiful wife, Pastor Sandra Burnett, Bishop pastors Harvestime Evangelistic Ministries in London, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Jamaica, and Pakistan. We believe that the Blessing is being manifested every day in every way. Luke 14:17–23—Come for all things are now ready—is the benchmark for the ministry that God assigned to Bishop Burnett.


    I am blessed to be asked to write this forward by one of God’s Generals, Bishop Dalton G. Burnett. He and His wife Pastor Sandra Burnett, the Senior Pastors of Harvestime Ministries, I can truly say are outstanding Ambassadors for Christ who have a passion to see the Kingdom of God expanding.

    They continually reach out into the community focusing and speaking the Word of God, teaching and inspiring through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I can certainly see that walking by Faith has been the very foundation of their walk and God has continued to speak, inspire and give them the Wisdom to feed His people.

    I met Bishop around 17 years ago I am still overwhelmed by the love, warmth, and care He shows to others. I have seen Bishop Burnett grow so much spiritually during the time that I have known him and it has been a great pleasure to work with and serve under his leadership. His books have been such an inspiration to my spiritual journey and have opened the door wide into the Kingdom of God for me.

    The Descendants of God Book Series have changed my thinking and perception of God. This present Book 5 has given me the knowledge of God’s Word, living by the principles of Faith, the power of Healing, the power of God’s Word on my tongue, my position and capabilities in the Kingdom of God and so much more. Wow! I no longer think, talk or live the same. The Word of knowledge in Book 5 taught me so much about Faith Filled Words. This book is a gem. This inside information given to Bishop Burnett lets you know and understand that you are at an advantage.

    It proves that although we live in a natural world we must always operate from the spiritual and as I’ve grown in Him reading these books I’ve learned to develop a lifestyle of faith using heavenly language like Christ while observing certain principles the Father gives as He speaks to me in the Word daily. Being consistent in Faith is vital. God operates through faith by faith

    Bishop Burnett the writer lets you know that everything you will ever need is in you already, through the Word of God. God’s word does not lie nor does it fail. The Word is the blessing and it was placed in you when you said Yes to Jesus Christ. When you read and confess the Word of God you increase more of the power and the ability of God within you.

    Bishop Burnett has helped me to understand as believers we are unstoppable with the blessing power, we must be consistent in applying pressure by reading, praying, believing and by confessing Gods word with the authority of Jesus Christ always. Be aware of where you reside and the authority in which we should operate. Even if you don’t see changes in the natural, your trust and confidence must rest in the Word until you see the changes you want and expect.

    As you read you will gain inspiration, insight, and foresight (this Inside Information comes from God). You must believe you receive all that God is saying to you in His Word.

    Everything that you will ever need in this life is inside of you, in your spirit. It is in the Word of God, which is in your spirit. You will have to take action; you will have to take what you want and need by force, take the Word of God and speak out what you want to see, being confident in Christ and consistent.

    What I believe the writer is trying to put across to the reader is that, because Christ the hope of Glory lives and dwells inside of us daily, He can speak for us, work with, through and for us if we let Him through the Word of God. The writer also gives you examples of how to speak completely in line with what God says about you.

    As soon as you begin to do this you will see changes, you will see miracles, you will see the things that you have asked for, and doors open to you that you never thought would open. As you read this book you will increase. Boldness will come upon you, your confidence will grow, your language will change and you completely rely on the Holy Spirit and God’s Word day. When you experience challenges they will no longer faze you. Your faith will increase. The Descendants of God enlightens you to do exceedingly abundantly above and more with the Christ in you (with the power and help of the Holy Spirit). Guaranteed if you live your life daily in this realm of faith and knowledge, God will daily use you and use you to help others.

    The Descendants of God, Book 5 is another inspiring read. It is another winner … This book helps you to understand the Inside Information of God’s word. I will be reading this one again!

    I appreciate and I’m extremely proud of the work Bishop Burnett has done through these writings.

    Outstanding series of books

    Rev. Claudette Brown

    Thank you Lilly without you this book would not go viral to the nations. We are forever grateful. To my super new Grand-Child Selah Ali, I love you.


    Inside Information

    The Descendants of God book 5

    Sub Title: Inside information!

    Scriptures declare:

    Now the just shall live by faith but if any man draws back my soul shall have no pleasure in him.Heb.10: 38

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith the elders obtained a good report. Heb. 11:

    Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb.11: 6

    Inside information

    Faith is the foundation law of the Spirit world where God lives forever. The faith realm is the real power realm.

    The Mightiest forces in the world are spiritual they are not in electricity nor Dynamite but the unseen and silent powers of the Spirit of God.

    This staggers our minds to understand that a spirit created the material world we all live on. This can only be accepted by faith in the heart of man. Through faith we understand.


    This Unseen ability brought mountains metals trees and flowers into being by just saying LET THERE BE it’s time for us to realise that spiritual forces are mightier than anything that our senses have ever realise.

    Spiritual forces are the greatest forces of the world. Real power is spiritual power. Spiritual forces control natural

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