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For This Purpose: Jesus Christ: Conqueror and Unconquerable
For This Purpose: Jesus Christ: Conqueror and Unconquerable
For This Purpose: Jesus Christ: Conqueror and Unconquerable
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For This Purpose: Jesus Christ: Conqueror and Unconquerable

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The devil is the lurking evil at the helm of 9/11, Columbine, the Las Vegas massacre, hurricanes, poverty, famines, wars, and atrocities—yet his deepest wile is to persuade us that he does not exist. God not only ensures us that the devil does exist; he also sent his Son, Jesus Christ, conqueror and unconquerable, to destroy the works of the devil.

In For This Purpose, author Louise Guillebeau Wade shares a riveting memoir that divulges the absolute truth that the devil is real and comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Louise offers invaluable insight into Jesus Christ’s superiority over Satan, and this insight can break the chains in your life as you witness Louise’s captivating, awe-inspiring triumphs in the face of evil. Jesus can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk, and he can bring sanity and heal any and all diseases. He can raise the dead, and angels await his command and demons tremble at his name.

With an overcoming faith and being able to face pain, you can find freedom when you become secure in Jesus Christ. You too can be more than a conqueror. So take off your shoes when you stand on this holy ground, for Father God is about to speak: “I have overcome the world. I have conquered Satan’s system. Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh—is there anything too hard for me?”

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 25, 2018
For This Purpose: Jesus Christ: Conqueror and Unconquerable

Louise Guillebeau Wade

Louise Guillebeau Wade is the author of For This Purpose. A retired registered nurse, she holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Logos Bible College and a doctorate of humane letters from Friends International Christian College. She and her husband of fifty years, Rev. Dr. George Wade, Esq., have four adult children, eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. She cohosted the television program Agape Speaks.

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    For This Purpose - Louise Guillebeau Wade

    Copyright © 2018 Louise Guillebeau Wade.

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    Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used with permission.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3474-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3473-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3475-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018908564

    WestBow Press rev. date: 9/21/2018

    Chapter 1, Andre Guillebeau’s Pain is fictionalized to enhance historical facts and historical family accounts. My knowledge is too small, nor was I alive during my forefathers’ lifetime.

    For some events, names of characters and places were changed in order that no story be offensive or harmful to any persons involved.

    This Book Is Dedicated to My Precious Family

    My beloved husband, Sonny: Your steadfast love for Christ has been a thing of great admiration. Oh, mighty man of God, you are truly a wonderful family man. Thank you for our children, for your support and leadership, and for sharing fifty years of being in love with me. Even after we move on up to our deluxe mansions in the sky, I will forever love you.

    My precious children, Geonard, Shawan, Sarra, and Isaac: You are the epitome of your daddy’s and my love, our greatest accomplishment. You are beautiful and designer originals, created uniquely by the Master’s hand. Fearfully and wonderfully made, the workmanship of God, on purpose for His purpose. Your father and I love you so very much.

    Geonard, our general: You are your father’s strength. As a child, you always led our family in how our vacation itineraries were going to go. You led us well. There is still more leading for you, oh, mighty king of God. Follow the direction of the Holy Spirit, and you will find just how much like your father you really are. What greatness your father has, already has been divinely placed in you. This was planned from the foundation of the world. As a man, all you wanted to do was take care of your children. For this, we are so proud of you. As a young black male, you stepped to the plate and worked so hard. You are an exceptional father, just like your dad. Thank you for giving us five beautiful grandchildren. Shawana, thank you for Geonard, Emonei, Paris, and Geonna. Nika and Corine, thank you for little Leah.

    Shawan, my precious daughter: When you arrived on the scene, you brought such a wonderful completion to our family. Daddy’s little girl and Mommy’s little princess. Our dream of everything beautiful and perfect. From a baby, you were always our sweet little lady. Thank you for helping me watch over Isaac. As a woman, you are one of God’s shining stars in our hearts and in this world. Oh, wise virtuous queen, demonstrating to all young black people that obtaining a master’s degree is possible. If that was not enough, you went on to get a PhD. You are an accomplished author. You did it all right, and we are so very proud of you. You are teaching me how to be the suburban mother you always deserved, by the extraordinary way you care for your children. Happiness and indescribable joy shall be your portion, our faithful daughter. Andre, you’re a fine man of God and a scientist, which shows us that our daughter makes excellent choices. Thank you for our beautiful grandsons, Aidan and Maceo.

    Sarra, our baby girl: You were our miracle baby, the one the doctors said would die. Oh, how awesome our God is, and how beautiful you are. As a child, you were smart as a whip and skipped a grade in elementary school. As a young woman, you can be anything you want to be, for you are royalty. From birth, Father God told us to name you Sarra, Princess. You too are a queen in the kingdom. Many will glorify God greatly when they see what Father does in you. Thank you for serving and teaching Destinne to do the same. You set your mind to caring for our beautiful granddaughter, Destinne, and your sacrifice and hard work is a thing of admiration to us. There is a newness of life opening up for you. Run for it and soar with Jesus; indescribable joy awaits you too. Let no one distract you, as Jesus desires to be the lover of your life. Lionel Cooper, Papa, and Momado, thank you for beautiful Destinne.

    Isaac, our laughter: You were our last precious earthly jewel. Your arrival into the world brought laughter at a most difficult time. I’ll always hold dear to my heart your rendition of the Boyz II Men song, Mama and your special tribute song you composed and sang for me. You brought much healing to my heart. Your sense of humor has always brought golden moments. Don’t let anyone steal your joy. People will always need you to make them laugh. Father God is going to make you laugh hilariously all the way to glory as you drink from the well of salvation. There is a greatness in you that God is going to unveil that will astound you. You also did well, graduating from Nyack Christian College. For this we are so very proud of you. You too are your father’s strength. Follow your dreams, oh mighty king of God, for they are dreams that Father God placed inside of you. God will direct and you will perform them.

    Children, we pass the baton to you run with the mandate that God has given us. The Wades, you are to wade in the storms of life and drag broken, hurting lost men, women, and children of all nationalities, cultures, and religious backgrounds to safety; drag them to Jesus.

    Acknowledging My Royal Priesthood Family

    In Christ, We Are More than Conquerors

    The Burns/Bowles, Guillebeaus, Wades, and Triumphant Family

    Mommy, Mrs. Virginia Burns Guillebeau, I would not be here if it were not for you. Thank you for your love and life. Mother in love, Mrs. Areitha Wade, thank you for my wonderful husband. My love to my sisters, Dr. Linda Guillebeau, Mrs. Christine Wilson, and Mrs. Virginia Allen, sis and bro in love, Debbie and Anthony Callender, Minister Boncellia (children: Othello, Elene) Lewis, Apryl Henry, Brother Glenn Wade, Brother Robert, Minister Angela Daniels (children: Troy, Terrance, Amber [child: Jewel]), Mrs. Carrie (children: Josalyn, Erin, Ashley) Deveaux, Michelle Ware, Brenda Cole, Brittany Kimlingen and Family, Uncle Willie Lewis, Aunt Myra, Aunt Margaret and all of the children and grands, Kiesha Guillebeau, Stacy Kendall (and children: Christine, Audra, Kyle), Evon Allen, Elexis McRoy, Tawanna (children: Jada, Haleem) Wade, Sharonda (child: Shamyel) Wade, Jenaya Wade, Talisa (children: Lia, Ani), Khalilah (child: Kyra), Raleasa (child: Skylah), Tasha (Pedro), (son: Chase) Wilson, Anahzsa Jones, Wally Wilson, Karim (Dawn) (children: Dior, Karim, Elexis Pride, Jamel (Somoy) (children: Justin, Jaquoia (child: Kyrie), Jamel Jr. Guillebeau and Emani Porteous & Dion Pierre), Rashawn (child: Breon)Woodley, Ronny Allen, Darius (daughter: Jasmine), Malik, Kyle (Quatavia) (children: Quadasia, Anahza, Naasson, Kiala, Nasir, Aria) Jones, Koshawn (Nicole) (children: Summer, Cairo, Dashur) Utley, Kareem (Basheen) (children: Ahmani, Mikaya, Jaylin, Jordan) Thompson, Dakar (child: Elijah) Callender, and their families.

    The Guillebeaus

    Uncle John (daughters: Joanne, Carol, Sandra, Mable) Guillebeau, Aunt Mary (sons: George, Ronald) Guillebeau-Callahan, Stephen (children:Tarty, Merlene) (sons: Stephen, Louis) Allen, Raymond (Brenda) (children: Denisha, Jason, Jarrett, Jessica) Allen, Denise Oliver (Omar) (daughter: Dawn) Kellie, Patricia Chatman (Fredrick) Allen, Sarah Jane Chatman, Irene Chatman, Sister Vick, and Mrs. Delilah Greene.

    The Burns/Bowles/Wades

    Aunt Mrs. Sadie and Uncle John Burns, Aunt Evelyn Burns, Uncle Superintendent Dr. Thomas E. Burns, Aunt Thelma Wade Porter, and Aunt Barbara and Uncle Dennis Thompson.

    A host of cousins and their children: Mrs. Cheryl (children:Marlese-[child:Nya], Melody) Yelardy, Mrs. Lorna (children: Kim, Kenny) Nahar, Kymani Nahar, Mrs. Gail (child: Marcus) Tucker, Ministers Bobby and Gwen (child: Ranae) Porter, Elder Brian and Nachon (children: Christian, Courtney) Chrichlow, Ron and Koa (child:Kushaiah), Robert Jr. (Edwena) (child: Robert III) Porter, Carl Wade, Mark Wade, Erick (Rhonda) Wade, Curtis Wade, Sharod Wade, Robin Wade Anderson, Russell Wade, Dominique Drumgoole, Julia Wade-Drumgoole, Georod Drumgoole, Nicole Wade, Tamara Wade, Lynette Wade, Morgan Buji Wade, Corinne Wade-Batts, Lynel Wade-Walker.

    Rev. T. L. and First Lady Cleopatra Barrett and their family, Joan Barrett Arnold, Rhonda Barrett, Kisha Barrett, Kim Barrett, Devon Barrett, Torrey Barrett, Adrienne Burns, Angela Burns, Brian (Deni) Thomas, Erick (Bernita) Thomas, Schaun (Tumeika) Thomas, Yolanda Anderson, Rev. James and First Lady Esther Pullings, Rev Jeffrey and First Lady Nicole Burns, Tyshinia Wright, Bishop Orrin and Dr. Medina Pullings, Randy (K. A.) Pullings, Pastor Joe and First Lady Cheryl Carpenter, Lamont Carpenter, Shawn Carpenter, Drs. Stephen and Kellie White, Rev. Joe S. Armstead, Deacon Terrance and Evang. Empress Henderson, Caliph Armstead, Deitra Wilkins, Diane White, Corretia White, Cornelius White, Rodney White, Whisper Robert, Destiny TopNotch White, Nicola White, Justin White, Latasha Williams, Martin Wilson, Messiah Equiano, Robert Burns, Veritta Shea Henry, Rosheika Smith, Doris Appleberry Goldsmith, Sharena and Ryan Frith, Pastor Ronald and District Missionary Marie Soutar, Pastors Johnny and Antoinette Pickett, Henry Appleberry, Patricia Appleberry Rawls, Linda Appleberry, Alicia Appleberry, Kalvin Appleberry, Shirley Appleberry, Doris Appleberry White, Miles Goldmind Appleberry, Daylon Appleberry, Gina Appleberry, Toya Burns, Carrie Burns, Taiheisha Burns Copeland, the Sekou Odinga family, Martha Burns Johnson, Bishop Zayd Burns, Tiffany Burns, April Alisa Marquette, Lamar Jason Morinia, Kathy King, Rosemary Johnson, Jocelyn Johnson Harrison, Jennifer Johnson Allums, Shenita Johnson Williams, Damani Scott, Tyrone Henry, Junior Daguizan, Fred Rosenau, Leandra Rosenau, Chrystal Rosenau, LaMesha Andrea Requelle Moore-Schutze, Brook Seay, Shalonda Walker, Willie Moore, Timothy Cox, Ezra Cox, Brianna Cox, Bishop Henry Rochford and First Lady Karen Armstead Rochford, Kim Cherie Smith, and Josh Picket.

    My Church Family

    My godchildren, Johnathan (Khadija) (child: David) Niles, Kiesha (children: Dairrik, Chenese Chiya) Tucker, Elaina (Dee) (child: Erin) Harvey, Christina (child: Aiden), Brian, Brandon (child: Jeremiah) Davis, Ezra & Eden Adofolo, Pastors Terri and Richard Adofolo, and Marvin Simpson (children: Harmony and son) and families.

    My spiritual children and family members of Triumphant Agape House: Pastor Sharon (child: Laren (grandchild: Bryce) Bierria and family, Elder Ron Smith and family, Mother Marie (children) Carolyn, Nettie,(grandson: Michael) Snipes and family, Mother Joyce (children: Lornell, Royce, Lorraine, Keion, Dana, Angie, Justine, Adon, JR, Shamiqua, Corey, Derrick, Royce Jr., Ahmoni, Jawaun, Janirra, Junior, Zynanah, Brea) Brown, Rodely Georgi (children: Rodely, Tiffany), Raymond Ricky (Adrienne) (child: Colette) Manigat, Tammy (children: Ariana,) Jordan, Tia Cancel, Taina Manigat, Don (Shanté) Chrichlow, Ronald Chrichlow, Shawn and Aquarianne (children: Samora, Amiyah, Nevaeh, Makayla) Brown, Kerice Ferro, Jocelyn, Bianca, Monique (children: Landan, Maia), Kari (child: Mariah) Chrichlow, Tammy (children: Kennedy, Taiquan), Deborah Chrichlow King, Rose Etienne, Jackie, Oscar, Nikia, Dana, Peaches (child:David) Hamilton, Pastors Donald and Haver (children: Daniel, Heather, Helen) Crosley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, Minister Kesley Andersen, Minister Virginia Johnson, Cliff Johnson and family, Dr. Merle Cann, Dr. William Garrett and Min. Vanessa Davis, Pastor Finette Angerville and family, Jean and Corrine Laurore and family, Judge Silvia Ash, Pastor Henry and Mrs. Miriam Lopez, Dave and Nurse Angelina Boodoo and family, Nurse Nicole Lamkin, Kassaundra Powell, Adelita Forbes, Theresa Fisher, Pastor Joan Polidore, Cheryl Parker, Monica Martin, Marilyn Leverett, Christine Leverett, Dolores White, Linda White, Alescia (children: Jaden, Jayla), Katherine Harvell, Anita Callaway, and the Manigat Family, Minister Cynthia Dublin, Minister Raymond and Prophetess Essie Bridges, Pastor Arcola Hall, Pastor Bryant and Pastor Georgianna Bryant, Angel Cooper, Tasha Cooper, Katrina Cooper, Justintyme Broadnax, Naz Cooper, Quaneesha, Azia, Nigel, Thalia Cooper, John D Wiggins, Kenneth and Mitzi Haddock, Ronald and Lorna Hunt, Margie Kelly, Judy Kelly, Harold Kelly.

    Triumphant Full Gospel Assembly under the leadership of my spiritual parents: Bishop Harold Joseph and Dr. Eleonora Joseph, Present Leaders My Bro and Sis Bishop and Apostle Dr. Lilia (children: Melito, Mark, Lamar) Bayne, Mother Catherine Graham and family, Bishop Roberto and Rev. Aurelia (child: Ashleigh) Jemmott and family, Pastor Jose Hyatt, Felicia (child:Anthony) Dixon, Min. Horacio Dawkins, Pastor Claudette Joseph, Ministers Frank and Susan Niles and (children Jackie and Matthew Johnson, Frank Niles Jr., Jeanette Dowell, Jessica Townsend, JoAnna Niles, Joshua Niles), Min. Cynthia Dublin, Mitzi Haddock, Elder Barbara McDuffy, Elders Pierre and Gail (children: Pierre Jr., Berniece) Regis, Min. Thelma Chandler, the Burkes, Nina Burke Hoy, Benjamin and Deborah (children: Rachel, Renee, Kristin) Stoner and family, Gerald and Roxane Davis, Alfred and Carla (children: AJ, Olivia, Lauryn) Hylton, Dwight Davis, Helen (children: Sabrina, Traci) Eaton, Pastors Richard and Miriam (children: Richard, James) Dobson, Pastor Daphne Turner, Barbara Hunt, Dawn Hunt, Ron and Lorna Hunt, Margie Kelly and family, Apostle Daren and Apostle Valerie Phillips, Shekinah Philips, Rashaad Lewis, Elder Alfred and Min. Marcela Lewis (children: Ghizsel Magalis, Lewis McCray, Jennifer Lewis Maxwell, Nick and Jenniece Lewis-Alcine), Candy Valena Licorish, Ingrid Bruce, Kenneth and Patricia (children: Michelle, Lucrece) Bruce, Vilma King, Keena King, Darleen Daley, Patricia Scott Simms, Byron Simms, Elizabeth Welsh, Sandra Rowe-Jackson, Pastor Michelle Covington, Pastor Jerry and First Lady Joyce Greene, Psalmist Wendy Nevers, Dr. Donald and Mrs. Yasmine Matheson, and Rev. Henry and First Lady Miriam Lopez.

    Cheryl Parker, Gwen Shamblee, Monica Martin, Marilyn and Christine Leverett, Mrs. Edna (Gail, Pam) Parker, Jackie Taylor and family, Pastors Julia and Joan Polidore, and Dr. Keston and family.

    I tried to name as many as I could and endeavored to leave no one out. If your name is not here, it was not done intentionally. I love my family and friends.


    Chapter 1     Word of Confirmation

    In the Beginning, Pain

    Chapter 2     Andre Guillebeau’s Pain

    Chapter 3     Pain My Frenemy

    Chapter 4     If You Don’t Come Home Now

    For This Purpose, Jesus Came, so that He

    Might Destroy the Works of the Devil

    Chapter 5     Geonna’s Battle, Destinne’s Triumph

    Chapter 6     Knowing God and Knowing Who We Are in Christ

    Chapter 7     Realizing Your Purpose

    Chapter 8     Set Free

    Valley of Loss

    Chapter 9     If It’s Your Last Breath

    Chapter 10     My Guy or My God?

    Forest of Danger and Tribulation

    Chapter 11   It Was No Accident

    Chapter 12   I Am Here

    Chapter 13   What Would You Have Me Do Today?

    Chapter 14   When the Doctors Say No

    Valley of Humiliation

    Chapter 15   You Are Not Loving Me

    Chapter 16   Suffering

    Chapter 17   If I Could Just …

    Chapter 18   He Is Too Real, and He Is Mindful of Us

    Fiery Furnace

    Chapter 19   Because He Delighted in Me

    Grave on the Mountain

    Chapter 20   Father Knows

    Chapter 21   A Time to Weep and a Time to Mourn

    Place of Anointing

    Chapter 22   God’s Will

    Chapter 23   He Is a Restorer

    Victorious New Name Given

    Chapter 24   I Am

    The Crucifixon

    Chapter 25   The Greatest Story Ever Told


    Word of Confirmation

    The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Has Conquered

    T his book is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. In December 1999, Father God spoke to me, and I began to write. On January 16, 2000, God confirmed to me that indeed He desired that this book be written. It took seventeen years to complete this project. The publisher was paid in full five years ago. Due to dire events in my life, as you will read about below, I had to stop writing many times. Then, in 2016, I lost the completed book in the computer. The file was corrupted and overwritten. I had to begin again to write. Agonizing over the loss of the book, Father brought great consolation. On October 28, 2016, at the end of a service honoring dear friends, I walked over to introduce myself to a pastor sitting across the room.

    As I hugged her, she leaned over and whispered, Books, books, books! Volumes of them. And you will teach from them.

    Glory to God. He is so faithful to His children. Father God would not let me rest until my assignment for Him was completed. The week before I planned to submit the book, I suffered shoulder pain and stinging and numbing in my left hand. Simultaneously, there was a battle raging in our family, and I was exhausted. During this time, I told myself that I would finish this assignment in the mighty name of Jesus, and I did. This is a must-read for all those the Father has ordained to read it. To God, I give all the glory now and forever more. He is the executive author of this book. You may ask why I wrote about all of my personal business. I did it because God told me to. The Bible says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by our testimonies. This is my testimony. By the grace of God, may it help you to overcome and endure to the end.

    I was in the deepest, darkest place in the soul that you could ever be. It was a nightmare straight from Hades. Years of rejections, agonizing heartbreaks, paralyzing disbelief, and heartrending humiliation left me a shell of a person. It was all orchestrated by Satan and his hierarchy. I awoke as these words obliterated the chains that bound me; the words catapulted me back to victorious spiritual reality. They were loving words from my King, my Savior, and my Father; they were faith-soaring words reminding me that the almighty God of all flesh was mindful of me. These were God’s words of confirmation, as spoken by Apostle Dr. Lilia Bayne, my sister:

    Pastor Louise, the Lord would have you to know that even as your husband has stepped into Goshen, because the two of you are one, even in the realm of the Spirit; you have stepped into the land of Goshen. Know that in the land of Goshen there is safety and protection for you, says the Lord. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that affliction shall not arise a second time. And the Lord would say unto you, For this is a season of blessing. And this is the season of divine favor. And this is a season where He is going to cause you to shine like you have

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