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Words Without Music: —A Compilation of Poetry and Prose—
Words Without Music: —A Compilation of Poetry and Prose—
Words Without Music: —A Compilation of Poetry and Prose—
Ebook173 pages1 hour

Words Without Music: —A Compilation of Poetry and Prose—

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About this ebook

Life’s experiences often take the form of music, poetry, novels, or prose.

J. P. Polidoro—a New Hampshire novelist, songwriter, and poet—has compiled within, decades of verses that were intended to be inspiration for or lyrics for songs—reflections of life—and verses that by themselves stand alone.

In Words Without Music, Polidoro takes the reader on a visionary lyrical ride of love, love lost, often with personal elegies/odes using nature’s beauty as metaphors of life’s experiences both euphoric and tragic. The thoughts penned within are poems and prose that are often autobiographical but universal in nature. His lyrical creations over decades paint a picture in one’s mind, without need of the artist’s brush or support from a melody.

Polidoro purposely offers no table of contents so that the reader may open the book to any page and enjoy the compositions individually, or in total, at one’s leisure, much akin to an individual song. Readers may identify with his past and present emotions and his critical thinking of the day—especially in a world that is ever changing.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 27, 2018
Words Without Music: —A Compilation of Poetry and Prose—

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    Words Without Music - J.P. Polidoro

    Copyright © 2018 by J.P. Polidoro.

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    Rev. date: 09/25/2018







    Lay the Lyrics Down

    It’s Just a Matter of Time - Reign of Terror

    Do Something

    Autumn’s Nature

    The Stroke of a Pen

    New Years Eve 2016 – Reflect

    The Third Side of the Coin

    - (The Thin Blade)


    Sunshines of My Life

    Saving Face

    One Hundred-Forty Characters Do Not Change the World

    Dues Already Paid

    Ode to the Old Man

    It’s Sunday - I Stare

    What Chill is This?

    The New Year

    Father’s Day

    Ciao Dear Brother

    Remember Winter?

    The Broken Limbs Can Wait

    Just Enough

    Quiet Thoughts

    Spring May Come

    Winter’s Desire

    I Desire the Night

    Love Notes

    Soul Mates

    A New Year’s Eve Again - 2014

    The Rock Wall

    The Day After


    Winter’s Fantasy

    Christmas is Bittersweet

    A Week Has Passed

    The Remains Remain

    Hey Dog

    The Sun Will Shine

    Apollo and the Muses

    The Sun Still Shines

    No Love Remains


    You Now See Me as Useless?

    I Took a Shortcut

    The Heart Just Pumps Blood

    One-Hundred-Two Percent

    When You Don’t Look You Find

    Boston Massacre Revisited - a Finish Line Unfinished

    Who Called You Home, Old Man?

    Twenty Years

    Second Coming, Again

    Ode to Kimball Castle

    The Necessary Coup (The White House Whisperers)

    Neutral Moments

    Leave Me Alone

    Ode to Guy – A Hole in My Heart

    Dreary Days

    Hold Your Breath


    Time to Go

    Bless the Children

    And Mother Was a Beauty

    Ode to Susanne

    The Thorn and the Thicket

    Paid the Cost

    Love’s Refrain

    The Snowflake



    The Lady

    Scorch the Day

    Follow my Lead


    Ah, Bermuda!

    Ode to Esther Peters (1916-2014)

    Second Coming - 9/11

    The Dream

    Let it Ride


    Two Sparrows


    Glass Half Empty

    The Void


    Under the Apple Tree

    Turning on You

    Departing Phoenix

    A Daughter Mourns

    Look Away To the Window


    Sweet Surrender

    The Human Voice

    Oh Sweet Woman

    Diversity of the Earth

    A Ship of Beauty

    London Match Man


    The Resistance

    Bye Bye Eighty-Six Years

    The Boring Meeting

    Unrequited Love

    Love’s Door Left Ajar

    Black and White Justice

    Pumpkin Pumpkin

    I Can’t Find a Way

    If He’s Not Lovin’ You Tonight, Can I?

    The Mole

    Highway to a Memory

    Poetry and Prose


    For my children


    The author wishes to thank his daughter, Stephanie Lynn Polidoro for her assistance in the formatting and edit of the manuscript, and her love, support and encouragement throughout the production of this book. Residing in Burlington, Vermont, it is her serene summer photo of Moss Glen Falls in Stowe VT that graces the cover.

    Special thanks are extended to Katie Dobbins of Gilford, NH and Somerville, MA. Together, we co-wrote Highway to a Memory which became a song and a poem.


    There are many things that inspire creativity.

    It can be nature, nostalgia, life, love won, love lost, opinions of critical thinking, religion, politics, inspirational moments, grief, sadness, exultation or an epiphany.

    That is often how poems, prose, editorials and commentaries become ‘the written word.’

    Musical lyrics can be created from prose or poetry. Songwriters construct lyrics into songs, an adjunct to a melody that the mind has already created. In my case, song melodies generally precede the verse and chorus.

    Other times, words merely remain ‘independent’ of a musical backing; they become a statement which ‘stands alone’ in rhyme or prose, a novel or a journal. They are inner feelings expressed on paper and often based on personal experiences and life. I have dabbled in many forms of writing except for a formal journal.

    Over decades I have experienced creative moments, mostly to satisfy my own feelings - a therapy of sorts or catharsis when inner thoughts inspire verse profound or melancholy.

    The pen merely records words/ phrases while my mind is in neutral or daydreaming. One might say my mind is ‘thinking-deeply’ at that moment, but as the words form I’m not conscious of where they come from. They seem to fall from the sky, the fingers directed automatically to a pen or keystroke. In my early days, literary creativity took the form of ‘pencil’ on paper. That seems like only yesterday.

    I have little idea of how the poems form - the subconscious mind perhaps. The words that followed a melody ‘became music’; to date nine original albums of songs as an acoustic singer/ songwriter. Other literary works became eight novels - to me mere ‘expanded ballads’ without music. In this book I share through poetry and prose decades of life’s experiences while marching foreword through ‘the winter of my life.’

    Although there may be more creative moments for me to pen, this ‘compilation’ covers muses that inspired me from the 1970s to the present day. Some readers may identify with the thoughts or even find consolation in similar experiences; others may not…and that is okay. At the very least, those readers may be inspired to write their own moments to share.

    J.P. Polidoro, 2018

    Lay the Lyrics Down

    I wonder if Lightfoot felt this way

    When the mood sent his hand across the page

    What stimulus did he need to push the pen

    And lay down the lyrics I defend

    The drive which his lyrics instill

    Pass verses across my brain, somewhat against my will

    Some are set in ink while others find no pad

    Those of which pass beyond are never to be had

    The lyrics ring about me ever clearer every day

    Yet having been there I can say

    I know no better way

    I lay the pencil down to rest

    Between the thoughts that flow

    Perhaps he is my demigod

    Mortal though I know

    Could it be his life is engrained in my soul

    Identified only by recall?


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