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The Matrix of Co-Creation: The Shortest, Easiest Book About Fundamental Quantum Law of Everything, and Practical Use for Physical Reality Control
The Matrix of Co-Creation: The Shortest, Easiest Book About Fundamental Quantum Law of Everything, and Practical Use for Physical Reality Control
The Matrix of Co-Creation: The Shortest, Easiest Book About Fundamental Quantum Law of Everything, and Practical Use for Physical Reality Control
Ebook91 pages58 minutes

The Matrix of Co-Creation: The Shortest, Easiest Book About Fundamental Quantum Law of Everything, and Practical Use for Physical Reality Control

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This book is the easiest, shortest book you will ever encounter that explains the primary, fundamental law of everything. Simply written, it can be easily understood by all readers including kids in middle school and higher. It is logical and based on quantum physics knowledge.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 5, 2018
The Matrix of Co-Creation: The Shortest, Easiest Book About Fundamental Quantum Law of Everything, and Practical Use for Physical Reality Control

Elena Tsurkan RN BSN MBA

Elena Tsurkan is an immigrant from former Soviet Union who had unique experience as a child of very short clinical death and retained memory of that event. Since then she had strong desire to understand the world beyond present reality and what fundamentalist law is underlying everything. She discovered her connection to The Source and was able to understand the reality and the law it operates on.

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    The Matrix of Co-Creation - Elena Tsurkan RN BSN MBA

    Copyright © 2018 Elena Tsurkan, RN, BSN, MBA.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1309-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1311-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1310-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018911638

    Balboa Press rev. date:   10/04/2018


    PART I


    Let’s deal with idea of God.

    What is Creator and what are we?

    What Quantum Physics teach us about reality.

    Reality is just a collapse of quantum possibility that you are observing.

    Nothing exists, now what?

    How to think to create what you want.

    As above so below, as within so without. Emerald Tablet.



    Stop collapsing by default and start controlling your Matrix.




    What Quantum Law means for the reality.

    Question about shape of the Earth

    Was Jesus real?

    Do we reincarnate? Is there karma? What happens when we die?

    Can people predict the future? Are future tellers real?

    Is there one soulmate for everyone?

    To my daughter Natalie, thank you for choosing me as your mom. Nothing is ever too big for you.

    To my parents Nikolay and Sofiya, thank you for the best childhood a person can have. I am everything I am because of YOU.

    To my brother Sergey, thank you for being my sibling and the best brother a girl can have.

    To my sister-in-law Gala, thank you for your loyalty and love to Tsurkan clan

    To my niece Nicole and my nephew Phillip, thank you for being warm and loving, sky is not a limit for you.

    To Paul, thank you for being my partner in life and always being there for me and my family.

    To my friends and my readers, thank you for being there for me and for choosing to learn with me.

    To Our Creator, thank you for being patient with me and helping to write this book for the benefit of all.

    Part I


    2. "Whoever searches must continue to search until they find.

    When they find, they will be disturbed;

    and being disturbed, they will marvel and will reign over All"

    The Gospel of Thomas. (Inner Traditions, 2005).

    I am writing this book because when I wanted to know everything about everything book like this did not exist. I wanted something simple, that I could easily understand and that would go as deep as I was willing to go. Instead I had to dig through multiple occult knowledge books and other people talking about self development, the Torah, the Bible, Quantum Physics, and other sources and everything in between. Just for the note: occult does not mean bad all this word stands for is hidden. Yes all this knowledge, that I pieced together like a colorful quilt, is hidden knowledge for multitude of reasons. Because the few who had it did not believe the rest of humanity can handle the knowledge, and because they were afraid that common people will use the knowledge in a negative way, and because this knowledge gave 5% of people control over 95% of population. I will try not to go into five vs ninety five too much, in fact this will be the only place I mention it. Another reason is when I knew everything I knew I wanted everyone to know it. I almost pushed this knowledge down people’s throats but that did not go well because you cannot give people something they don’t want. It so counter to common beliefs that it literally shatters people’s world. Everything they know about themselves or the world goes to pieces and people do not want to go there until they are ready. Book looked like a good solution for that. For those who want to know will read it. I will give you the knowledge the details are up to you.

    What I will do is to give you the information in the simplest, digestible form possible. Something I needed once in my life about 20 years ago. I understand that if you are unfamiliar with all of this knowledge it will most likely sound very out there to you. For uninitiated all of this sounds like load of crap, sorry for my language. Modern western world has been conditioned on logic and science. Those of people who see issues with both go into religion and that is counterproductive as well. In fact all three were used to conceal the knowledge and successfully done so. In order for you to receive the knowledge you have to keep you mind wide open, let go of any preconceived notions on what world is and how it came about, and be prepared to have your world shattered to pieces. Yes, this is ultimate Red Pill that Neo received in the Matrix with the difference that it was a Hollywood movie, though very well made and with shrewd of truth, but this is the real deal. So you see, once you swallow and digest there is no turning back. I strongly suggest for you to think seriously if you want to proceed. If you like your life the way it is, if you are not prepared to loose all your beliefs about reality, if you are not prepared to go through all stages of grief of loosing yourself or your identity, may be its not for you. And I am serious here I am not challenging you. You

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