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Ascension Battlefield: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Inner Universe: Truth Seeker’s Manual for Personal Peace
Ascension Battlefield: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Inner Universe: Truth Seeker’s Manual for Personal Peace
Ascension Battlefield: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Inner Universe: Truth Seeker’s Manual for Personal Peace
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Ascension Battlefield: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Inner Universe: Truth Seeker’s Manual for Personal Peace

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About this ebook

Are you a truth seeker looking for a way to blend the magic of Eastern wisdom with Western logic? In Ascension Battlefield, author Angel Knight presents a guide for the independent thinker seeking clarity, for clearing spiritual and emotional confusion, and lighting up your inner guiding light.

Knight, a spiritual teacher and healer, embarks on an exploration into the inner universe, inspiring you to reflect on your own knowledge from a new, deeper, understanding. She tells about her own unexpected spiritual experiences and the answers those experiences unearthed. Sharing groundbreaking insights and long-held secrets, she brings together pieces of the spiritual puzzle from many disciplines across the globe.

Filled with inspiring, uplifting, and empowering examples, Ascension Battlefield utilizes the imagination to create mythology and parables for the inner universe. Weaving ancient wisdom and modern know-how, Knight puts words to that which is beyond human language and sparks new understanding in the process.
Release dateOct 30, 2018
Ascension Battlefield: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Inner Universe: Truth Seeker’s Manual for Personal Peace

Angel Knight

Angel is an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Transformation Teacher. Combining intuitive skills and logic to guide her clients to their inner knowing. In her regressions deep into the unconscious/subconscious mind, Angel’s clients find pieces of the puzzle which have eluded them. Suspending limiting beliefs without waking them up. Enabling her clients to transform unwanted beliefs and unconscious negative meaning, which they have given to a life experience, into an empowering influence for their everyday lives. To Angel, her work is a lifestyle. Continually uplifting and inspiring, and often healing deep-rooted emotional pain and stumbling blocks in a simple conversation. ‘The smile of relief on a person’s face is everything to me, every time.’ This first book is a book she says ‘had to be written.’ Angel’s first book marks an expression of moving past extreme challenge and reaching personal freedom. Understanding that everything which is in Angel’s outer reality and influencing her in any way is always a reflection of the inner reality, positive change must be made within for outer positive change to be lasting in a predominantly positive way. Both inner world and action in life matters have to be aligned. She says, ‘It is often not easy; however, it is simple, and it can be done. I am living proof.’

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    Ascension Battlefield - Angel Knight

    Copyright © 2018 Angel Knight.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1470-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1471-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  09/11/2018


    To my beautiful daughters

    And my wonderful sons

    I love you

    And to my past and present life partners

    Of whose genius, and positive influence in my life, I deeply appreciate



    Chapter 1     Light Of The Soul

    Chapter 2     Spiritual Being Having A Physical Experience

    Chapter 3     Our Multidimensional Self Continues

    Chapter 4     More Dimensions To Realize

    Chapter 5     This Is The Time Of New Beginnings

    Chapter 6     The Fifth Dimension

    Chapter 7     Spirit

    Chapter 8     Becoming A Whole Human Being

    Chapter 9     Ascension Battlefield


    I t’s time to bridge your conscious world with the higher knowing of who you are, allowing ascension to become a probability for you now. Achieving true inner peace in a modern reality is possible, and Spiritual Mastery is the way forward.

    A wealth of wisdom has awakened within me. A wisdom I never dreamed was possible. In this book, I write about my own unexpected Spiritual experiences and the answers these experiences have led me to. I reveal pieces of the Spiritual puzzle brought together from many disciplines across the globe, in a way that has never been done before. Groundbreaking insights and long-held secrets are about to be revealed.

    There are inspiring, uplifting, and empowering examples utilizing the imagination to create mythology and parables for the Inner Universe, putting words to that which is beyond human language, and sparking new understanding. Breathing life into the creative power imagination has to guide you home to your Soul. Enabling you to hear the whispering of your own Spirit. There is an energy held within the words which will light an inner flame.

    It is my intention to reach gently into the darkness of your unwanted experiences and feelings. To find a common ground without surprising and scaring the pain. Shining a light where it is needed most. Showing you the map to understanding your multidimensional self, and your own Inner Universe. It’s time to know ancient Truths for what they are. It’s time to be able to navigate your own way out of the maze of emotional pain, holding you away from being happy, at peace, and living your Soul purpose. The way to begin successfully molding your inner reality. Empowering you with the wisdom to lead yourself out of the maze and onto your path, creating a better outer existence.

    The inner world is a fascinating one. It is the secret garden which leads to our higher consciousness. My own experience of being manipulated with emotional blackmail, controlled, restricted, and abused, left much debris in the garden of my inner home. It showed up in many unwanted ways in my outer reality. Oh, there were plenty of flowers and lots of color in the garden.

    Luckily my outer reality had lots of love to bring color to my inner garden. There were many parts of my garden I avoided, though, for fear kept me away, and I trod carefully. But more than fear, I didn’t know what I have come to know now. I didn’t understand the true nature of reality and the inner world. I didn’t understand the multidimensions of the human being, the complexity, yet the simplicity of Truth.

    I did the best I knew how. We all did. It’s just we didn’t know, and neither did any of the professionals we sought help with. Spiritual teachers only had parts of the solution. Nothing treated the body, mind, and Soul in its entirety. It could have been so much better, but for me—it is okay now. I live with inner peace and love. I have the know-how. My world—both inner and outer—has been transformed into a world of love and freedom.

    Others are not so lucky—including some I love. My mission now is to shine a way for you who has chosen to read this book, so you will also know you can consistently shine your own light more brightly, and be who you wish to be, moment by moment by moment. Knowing just how possible it is for you now. Having a positive effect on relationships—whether professional, casual, or personal—an effect coming from the light of pure intent. Discovering your path of ascension into a world of inner peace and blossoming love.

    Like children, we sometimes unintentionally walk down a path which leads us back to an unwanted part of our inner world and get confused and lost. Anger, fear, resentment, and all the thorns which cause us pain, are in our inner world. These are parts of the inner secret garden we never really intend to visit. This book is a guide and the beginnings of an inner map. A whole new understanding and perspective will be born within you.

    To help you understand where the biggest turning point came for me—the biggest driver which has now led me to a place of being able to write this book—below I have written the details I will share. It will give you a basis of understanding, some of the background within the content of this book, and the personal internal stressors which were endured as a result.

    Twelve years ago, my journey of creating a new world began. I had forced my way to freedom. Freedom from the emotional blackmail, manipulation, and control. This changed my outer reality. I escaped my restricted world. Found my way through a crack into the beginnings of the creation of another inner reality. I had brought all my baggage with me. Some of that was connected to loved ones. Baggage of my past, which weighed me down. I didn’t know how to let it go—there were a lot of inner wounds.

    Then, one fateful night, my daughter tried to take her own life. It wasn’t her first attempt, but this time I had to act quick. There was not even time to call out for help. While she was blue and not breathing, I had to untie the noose around her neck. There was a blessing in those moments, because no matter what, every moment contains a blessing. In those moments, I was relieved my 19-year-old daughter was severely underweight from anorexia and bulimia because I could easily lift her. This is not something I share lightly—my body has begun to show me it is remembering the trauma.

    We cannot change our past, but I am fortunate I have come to know how to switch off the hormonal stress response, and I have healed the major wounds, and the grazes have healed and disappeared. Both my inner and outer world have since transformed. I share this story in little detail because it was the experience after these moments which gave me questions and more asking for know-how. It was the experience after these moments which gave me the faith of knowing and the belief there must be a way to understand. Understand how we can live with inner peace and deep love, be the light we wish to be, and create a world of harmony around us for ourselves and those we treasure.

    In distress, late at night, I knocked on my neighbour’s door. I didn’t know until then that she was a nurse. I trusted her judgment. She evaluated the state of my semi-conscious daughter. It was the moment my neighbour looked into my eyes and said my daughter would be okay.

    I found my awareness outside of my trembling body. My body was standing. I was awake. Aware. Outside of my body. The experience was an experience of extraordinarily profound bliss. An experience beyond words. Peaceful. Clear. Weightless. Divine. Loving. Eternal. In the middle of a trauma scene that had felt like a battle scene, I was experiencing divine peace. In those moments I knew the Truth of the words ‘I am a Spiritual being having a physical experience.’ This was an undoubtable Truth.

    Twelve years on, I am healed and at peace. I am confidently aware of more than I ever imagined I would be, could be. I have gathered pieces of the puzzle from many places and knew exactly what I had to do. To navigate the inner world, heal the wounds, and BE the LIGHT of unconditional LOVE.

    My world now feels perfect. The ride, the adventure of life is my ecstasy. I know that no matter

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