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Keto Field Guide: Cookbook and 14-Day Challenge
Keto Field Guide: Cookbook and 14-Day Challenge
Keto Field Guide: Cookbook and 14-Day Challenge
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Keto Field Guide: Cookbook and 14-Day Challenge

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About this ebook

Welcome to your 14-day guide to resetting your metabolism and reaching your best health. Ketogenic eating can be intimidating, but SSOHealth is bringing you an easy solution with our Ketogenic Field Guide. Get up to speed on the basics of ketosis and the ketogenic diet with our carefully curated FAQs. Enter a state of ketosis quicker with less hassle by following our meal plans, grocery lists and recipes! Challenge yourself and track your progress through the 14 daily journal pages and meditations.
Also Included in this book is a guide on how to build muscle and stay in ketosis without injury, tips on eating vegetarian in ketosis, a 5-day no-cook option for busy weeks, and a restaurant/alcohol ordering guide for when you need to deviate from the meal plan.
Getting into ketosis is only half the battle. We want you to reap the benefits of ketosis for years to come! That is why our unique approach includes expert advice on how to make long-term changes that produce real lasting results. We share with you our secret to successfully tackling changes through our “Planning for Success” process. You will feel fully prepared, empowered, and excited to begin your challenge and change your eating habits for good.
We can’t wait to see you succeed!
Release dateOct 31, 2018
Keto Field Guide: Cookbook and 14-Day Challenge

Breanna Reeser

Breanna Reeser is an exercise physiologist and health behavior change specialist with 10 years of experience in preventative wellness and chronic disease management. She consults with healthcare providers and executive groups to improve techniques for facilitating health behavior and lifestyle changes. She also guest lectures on the science behind behavior change methods at universities and conferences internationally. She was awarded a scholarship through Arizona State University (ASU) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in fall of 2017 to complete her dissertation data collection in hospital systems throughout Southeast Asia. As a part of her research, she conducted an Integrated Healthcare needs assessment and consulted on quality improvement for disease management for hospital systems in Chiang Mai, Thailand. • BA in Kinesiology & Exercise • MA in Healthcare Innovation (MHI) • Ph.D. in Behavioral Health (Health Behavior Change)

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    Book preview

    Keto Field Guide - Breanna Reeser

    © 2018 Breanna Reeser. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

    or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/30/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-6447-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-6448-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018912325

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Table of Contents

    Author Bio


    Getting Started/Planning

    High-fat Nutrition FAQs

    Medical Concerns

    Lifestyle and Fitness

    Grocery Shopping Guide

    Metabolic Journal

    Week One Recipes

    Bulletproof Coffee

    Cream Cheese Pancakes

    Bacon & Kale Quiche Cups

    Quick Chicken Salad

    Quick Italian Chopped Salad

    Meatball Stirfry

    Chili Lime Chicken & Roasted Brussels

    Week Two Recipes

    Southwest Egg Muffins & Sausage Links

    Jalapeño Bagel with Avocado Mash

    Buffalo Chicken Salad

    Loaded Bacon Cheeseburgers

    Crispy Cheese Shell Tacos

    Creamy Asparagus Chicken

    Keto Desserts

    No-Cook Busy/Lazy Keto Options

    Fast Food/Restaurant Keto Options

    Vegetarian Keto Options

    Bulkers Guide to Gaining Muscle in Ketosis

    Author Bio


    Dr. Breanna Reeser is an exercise physiologist and health behavior change specialist with 10 years of experience in preventative wellness and chronic disease management. She consults with healthcare providers and executive groups to improve techniques for facilitating health behavior and lifestyle changes. She also guest lectures on the science behind behavior change methods at universities and conferences internationally. She was awarded a scholarship through Arizona State University (ASU) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in fall of 2017 to complete her dissertation data collection in hospital systems throughout Southeast Asia. As a part of her research, she conducted an Integrated Healthcare needs assessment and consulted on quality improvement for disease management for hospital systems in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

    Welcome to your 14-day guide to resetting your metabolism and reaching your best health. Ketogenic eating can be intimidating, but SSOHealth is bringing you an easy solution with our Ketogenic Field Guide. Get up to speed on ketosis basics with our carefully curated FAQs and enter a state of ketosis quicker with less hassle by following our meal plan, grocery list and recipes! Challenge yourself and track your progress through the 14 daily journal pages and meditations. Want to join our fast-growing online community for more support? Join our Keto Field Guide All Access E-Pass!

    The All Access E-Pass gives you an invitation to be a part of a virtual community where people just like you are making healthy choices in their lives using high fat nutrition. This is a great long-term solution to your busy and complex life. The All Access E-Pass is full of informative videos on a private YouTube channel, curated and vetted recipes on a private Pinterest board, and chances to win prizes through our quarterly challenges hosted on a private Facebook group. All content is updated regularly for you to participate in, pull from, and contribute to at your pace. Access to is managed on one easy to use sign-in page. To sign up for the KFG All Access E-Pass, go to

    Thank you to our sponsor and partnership with SSOHealth, who offers custom health coaching solutions for ketosis and also for health, fitness and exercise goals of all kinds.

    "What will you be able to accomplish

    when you reach your best health?"


    ~Where Fitness is a Mindset & Exercise is Medicine! ~


    My relationship with food has been all over the map. I have been everything from a binge eater to raw vegan and back again, all in the name of health. I recognize that some of my choices surrounding diet have been for health decisions, while others have been out of fear, ignorance, or vanity. I have not always treated my body right and I have even used health techniques in such unhealthy ways that I harmed my body. The bottom line is that knowing exactly what to eat is hard, even for a person who has devoted their career to health behaviors. There is a lot of information out there, most of it conflicting and not all of it truthful. No one can tell you exactly what to eat for a specific outcome, although they will tell you they can. We are all different and what will work for some won’t work for others. Hell, what worked for me years ago does not work for me now, and I bet you can relate. Food landscapes change, ingredients change, our bodies needs will change, and even our cultural and social needs change. There are a lot of things that go into choosing a meal, so if you are reading this right now and you are nervous and wondering if you are making the right decision, I am here to tell you that you are in good company. No one specific diet will fix you. No one product or habit will get you entirely to your goals. In fact, it is not even about that. Eating and the relationship we have with our food and our bodies should be about finding a balance to feel the best we can feel in the

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