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Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.
Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.
Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.
Ebook65 pages50 minutes

Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.

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Building your homeschool isn't about life revolving around school...
it's about school fitting into your life.

What was once considered counter culture is now bordering on trendy. Everyday, more and more parents are making the choice to invest in their child’s school years by keeping them home. If you are answering God’s call to homeschool with fear and doubt, you are not alone. In addition to providing encouragement, this book will give you guidance and direction on how to build your homeschool, including topics on:
• curriculum and learning objectives
• exposing your child to learning opportunities
• developing a schedule
• how to homeschool your high schooler

Using personal experience and practical teachings, Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce will empower you to be your child’s best teacher. Find your passion for homeschooling. Build a homeschool that best fits your child, your family, and your life. Live the life that God has called you to, and homeschool.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 7, 2018
Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.

Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce

Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce was raised in Branson, Missouri. She earned a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri in 2005. She then earned a Master’s in Counseling from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 2007 and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2014. Her career in higher education began as a Mental Health Counselor and Academic Advisor for a midwestern university. As she began doctoral work, her sights were set on leadership within higher education administration. She was named the Coordinator of the First-Year Experience, in addition to being an Adjunct Instructor teaching Psychology, Career and Life Planning, and Freshman Orientation. She met her husband, Travis, in 2004 and they were married in 2008. Her identity in the Lord has been shaped through becoming a mother and valuing her role as a wife and full-time homeschooling mom of their three children: Reagan, Truman, and Ingrid. She has a heart for mothers as they are finding their way in their motherhood journey. She enjoys speaking on subjects related to motherhood, including Postpartum Depression, pregnancy loss, joy in motherhood, and homeschooling. To contact Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce with questions or to schedule her as a speaker, contact her at:

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    Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool. - Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce

    Copyright © 2018 Dr. Natalie Trent Bruce.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4395-1 (sc)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/05/2018



    1 The Calling

    2 Finding Your Why

    3 Fear Debunking

    4 Jesus. Yoga Pants. Homeschool.

    5 The Curriculum Quandary

    6 Step One: Community

    7 Step Two: Creating YOUR Homeschool

    8 Step Three: The Home-Field Trip Balance

    9 Exposure Learning

    10 Scheduling and Structure

    11 Homeschooling Your High Schooler

    12 A Word of Encouragement

    About the Author

    To Reagan, my encourager,

    who taught me how to be a mom

    when I didn’t know if I was cut out for the job.

    To Travis, my rock, who supports me

    no matter what crazy journey I decide to take.

    To my Mom, my cheerleader, who always believes in me.


    This is not the story I had planned. With my Masters in Counseling and Doctorate in Educational Leadership, I envisioned myself making a difference to a lot of people. I envisioned a fancy office, lunch breaks, and using the bathroom without a toddler sitting on my lap. I expected paid vacations, promotions, and being referred to by my colleagues as Dr. Bruce instead of MOMMMMMMMM! I had a plan that was well thought out, full of achievement, and selfish. I also had a pretty average and privileged life, not rendering itself to much of a testimony. I always wanted to have some sort of testimony I could share. Then I got it.

    There is nothing like motherhood to break you and make you look at life with a fresh perspective. My entire testimony is my motherhood journey. God took this selfish, career driven woman who lived for vacations and molded her into a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom. The dress code isn’t as glamorous, the pay is nonexistent, but the benefits…Thank You, Lord. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to look at life and see what really matters. Thank You for giving me the ability to stay home with my children so they could teach me how to be a mother. Thank You for opening my heart to Your calling to keep them at home with me throughout their school years. Watching them grow up and learn about Your world is a privilege.

    It is also a choice. Choosing to stay home with your children for an extended number of years is a sacrifice of yourself. You sacrifice part of your income, and the extras that went along with that income. Your way of life may change due to less finances, such as a smaller home, older car, hand-me-down clothes, and couponing. Your vacations may be fewer or closer to home. Your heart may sometimes ache for adult conversation, recognition, or accomplishment.

    But your accomplishment is right in front of you. You are making a difference in the lives of your children, and the potential for the impact of their lives is limitless. Live with no regrets, my friends. And I promise you, you will never regret spending time with your children. You will never regret investing in them.

    Shortly after the birth of our oldest child, my husband’s work relocated us to a new town. I felt isolated and lonely, strangely lonelier with a new baby, I suppose because my

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