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The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up
The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up
The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up
Ebook187 pages2 hours

The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up

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In the introduction to Ms. Shada Burks' The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune Up, the author shares her mission and purpose with the reader. Her goal is to continue to grow in spiritual strength and to help others by providing a "spiritual tune-up" for Christians who might have grown weary in their faith when facing obstacles, struggles, and challenges of everyday life. Burks reminds the readers that the spiritual goal for every Christian is to grow in faith, and this handy book provides a fun and clever way to refocus those spiritual energies.

Each chapter focuses on a different type of personality and gives guidance to those who have that disposition so that they can grow in their own faith.

— Pacific Book Review

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 9, 2018
The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up

Ms. Shada Burks

(I Am a Child of God) Ms. Shada Burks, and I am also a Self Published Author currently of 4 books. My Spiritual Journey, and my love of Poetry, lead me to want to start writing books. I started writing Poetry, when I was about 15 years old, in 1989. I started my Spiritual Journey in 1981, when I was 7 years old, that is when I started visiting my Grandmother’s Church, and I started having a lot of questions, about God, and his son Jesus Christ. My Grandmother Mattie Burks, she answered a lot of my questions about God. My Grandmother went to a Seven Day Adventis Church, Called Sharon Junior Academy, in Wisconsin, and they went to Church on Saturdays. I always prayed to God, and felt His Holy Spirit, and Presence with me. I was a very loving, curious, funny, and a fearless child. I wanted to become an Evangelist, and a Strong Woman of God. I was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin in September 1974. I became a Truth seeker, at the age of 18 years old, I really started looking to learn everything I could about God. I am a Spiritual being having a Human experience, right now in my life. I am still soul searching, healing, and educating myself, with God's Divine help. As I learn, I like to teach, because this is how I learn, to share the Gospel of God. Now my mission is to help others, by sharing with all what I have learned on my Spiritual journey, about the perfect will of God, and what is acceptable. The soul does grow weary at times, and it does need a spiritual tune-up, and God is The Soul Doctor, and it is He, that works through us, His anointed Children. I have become a Elder of the Church, that others can come to for a word of God's, Wisdom, advice, encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and I have a listening and very understanding hear, that will listen to others without judgement. I encourage others to vent and speak out loud, and to get those toxic feelings and emotions, and bad spirits out of their mind, thoughts, mouths, soul, spirit, and their bodies. My faith alone in God, is what gives me Supernatural Powers, Gifts, and Talents, to share with the World, because where we all eventually are going, it is not needed there. I Am a Born Again Saved Christian, A Child of God's, and I have been Baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost of God the Universe. It is God's Spirit that works in and through me, and I give all of the glory to God for my life, and for who I have become this very day. Thank you Father God I love you for everything you have done, doing, and are getting ready to do in my life. Thank you, and all of your Angels to that you allow to aid, protect, and assist me and my loved ones daily, yes I do believe, I am a firm believer in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, the Trinity, and the Bible from "Genesis all the way to Revelations".

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    The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up - Ms. Shada Burks

    For those in need of a life coach to diagnose the reason behind the spiritual fatigue and malaise that keeps the brain spinning into the early hours of the morning, Burks’ intriguing book offers medicine in the form of the written word for Christians who are struggling to maintain their faith and outlook on life. The book is chock-full of wisdom broken down into bite-size chapters that is both easy to digest and displayed in a variety of ways for the reader to consume. The insight that is given ranges from motivational biblical and esoteric quotes to personal experiences and questions that challenge the reader to look beyond themselves and confront their own spiritual pain.

    One of the memorable features of this book is that it delves into the multiple life paths that can define a person. The advice given to the reader is dependent on the life path that a person is on, as it is linked to specific attributes and shortcomings. Furthermore, besides the more traditional approach of quotes and questions, the author takes a fresh twist on Christian counseling by asking the reader to invoke a spirit animal that will help overcome their current difficulties and achieve a closer relationship with both God and those in their lives. Burk’s voice is both energizing and stirring, a spiritual coach to those who are desperate for healing. This book may appeal to those who desire a higher state of awareness of their soul’s health as well as their connection with others and God.

    -US Book Review


    Soul Doctor’ Spiritual Tune-up, in this book, I have compiled scriptures from the Bible, and words of encouragement, that will give the reader a instant increase of Faith. This book was designed to help the reader be healed from chronic pain, worrying, stressing, and doubting God and themselves. This book was designed to Doctor on the Souls of the readers, and to give a Spiritual tune-up to the reader, help tighten up somethings. This book was designed to help reduce crime, violence, suicide, and senseless killing rates. You can even accept Jesus Christ in this book, and be saved. God is going to give someone a healing, and a breakthrough, after reading this book. This book was written with many people and souls, lost and found in Christ, in heart, and mind. It is time for us all to unite, come together as one Body of Christ, and be healed, and made whole.

    Take a time out, for your soul’s sake and read this book readers, and believers it is food, and medicine for the soul. Weary Souls, Weak in Faith, and Non believers, is becoming a chronic condition, like a health condition or disease, that is becoming longlasting among the people. This is why it is imperative that everyone see about their Soul’s health too. Life is more than what it seems. There is an outer world, that we all live in, and deep within us, is our souls. We use the term Soul to mean an energy or awareness that connects us directly with a larger reality, even All-That-the Universe, whatever term you like to use. We have to learn how to connect with our soul’s inner wisdom, and guidance. Love is the Language of the soul, and God is Love. Little children you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the World. –1 JOHN 4:4, ESV…

    The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up

    Ms. Shada Burks

    Copyright © 2018 by Ms. Shada Burks.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2018912800

    ISBN:       Hardcover         978-1-9845-6248-7

                     Softcover           978-1-9845-6247-0

                     eBook               978-1-9845-6246-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    - scriptures are taken from King James Version

    -The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

    -THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    -Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition)

    Copyright © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 07/25/2019








    Chapter One

    Animal Spirits…..

    Speak Healings, Blessings and more life into your life daily!!!

    Animal Spirits……

    Father God is He? Yes! He is the best thing going, that is a proven fact.

    Knowledge is so Powerful, that people perish, simply because they have, a lack of it, not gained enough of it, or the right kind of it……..

    The Hidden Strengths of pride, and setting Inner Vows.


    Chapter Two

    The Authority of the Body Of Christ and Christians

    We all have to learn how to love without conditions.

    Trust, and Invest all that you are, and have in God.


    People are too DIVIDED, in this WORLD.

    Leaders/Agape Love

    Chapter Three

    Animal Spirits:

    Who do you think you came to this World to be?

    Be Nice, or just kill them with kindness!!!

    Above all, be honest!!!

    Love for God:


    Seriously please put down your Grudges

    Chapter Four

    Animal Spirits….

    Remember always, everything that is wise, and good.

    Gratitude List

    Stop Killing your Dreams, and Blessings

    Don’t be Evil, or Cruel.


    Wisdom chase after Her…….

    Showers of Blessings come and go like the seasons..

    Chapter Five

    Animal Spirits….

    Caring what others think will cause you to miss out on a lot.



    Money is a tool, not a person, it doesn’t need to be loved…

    Be the Best you!!!

    Chapter Six

    Animal Spirits….

    If we have a little, or a lot, we still need to live Holy!!!!

    What is the connection between us, and others in our life?

    How were you Raised up?

    Animal Spirits…..

    That Which Defiles

    Detach! Regroup!

    Chapter Seven

    Animal Spirits….

    You do you, and let God do Him



    What is the difference between a Real Christian and a Fake Christian?

    Keep your eyes on God, and the Sky!!!

    Dealing with Death

    God knows

    Today, God’s message

    Tame your Flesh, and your Tongues.

    Chapter Eight

    Animal Spirits….

    Every Act of Faith is a chance to demonstrate your love for God, and to show others that God matters to you.

    Light Workers, encourage yourselves!!!!!

    11:11— It’s Time to stand up and take the lead, and be accounted for.

    Chapter Nine

    Animal Spirits…..

    Chapter Ten

    Animal Spirits….

    Firm Believers

    Illuminations and Light…..

    My Personal Testimony/Prayer


    My endless supply, of Wisdom, comes from the Most High. All Glory Be to God.


    Chapter Eleven

    11 is a double digit considered to be a Master, Power, or Masonic Numbers.

    Animal Spirits…..

    Computer Brain

    Don’t Worry, just become a Prayer Warrior

    Animal Spirits…..

    Signs, Wonders, Hunches and Synchronicity

    Take Leap of Faith

    Intercessory Prayer


    (Isiah 33:15-17 NIV)

    15.Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil- 16. they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them. 17. Your eyes will see the king in his beauty.

    Lord your love covers the ugly parts of me. Lord your beauty and love covers my face SB


    (I Am a Child of God) Ms. Shada Burks, and I am also a Self Published Author currently of 4 books. My Spiritual Journey, and my love of Poetry, lead me to want to start writing books. I started writing Poetry, when I was about 15 years old, in 1989. I started my Spiritual Journey in 1981, when I was 7 years old, that is when I started visiting my Grandmother’s Church, and I started having a lot of questions, about God, and his son Jesus Christ. My Grandmother Mattie Burks, she answered a lot of my questions about God. My Grandmother went to a Seven Day Adventis Church, Called Sharon Junior Academy, in Wisconsin, and they went to Church on Saturdays. I always prayed to God, and felt His Holy Spirit, and Presence with me. I was a very loving, curious, funny, and a fearless child. I wanted to become an Evangelist, and a Strong Woman of God. I was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin in September 1974. I became a Truth seeker, at the age of 18 years old, I really started looking to learn everything I could about God. I am a Spiritual being having a Human experience, right now in my life. I am still soul searching, healing, and educating myself, with God’s Divine help. As I learn, I like to teach, because this is how I learned, to share the Gospel of God. Now my mission is to help others, by sharing with all what I have learned on my Spiritual journey, about the perfect will of God, and what is acceptable. The soul does grow weary at times, and it does need a spiritual tune-up, and God is The Soul Doctor, and it is He, that works through us, His anointed Children. I have become a Elder of the Church, that others can come to for a word of God’s, Wisdom, advice, encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and I have a listening and very understanding hear, that will listen to others without judgement. I encourage others to vent and speak out loud, and to get those toxic feelings and emotions, and bad spirits out of their mind, thoughts, mouths, soul, spirit, and their bodies. My faith alone in God, is what gives me Supernatural Powers, Gifts, and Talents, to share with the World, because where we all eventually are going, it is not needed there. I Am a Born Again Saved Christian, A Child of God’s, and I have been Baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost of God the Universe. It is God’s Spirit that works in and through me, and I give all of the glory to God for my life, and for who I have become this very day. Thank you Father God I love you for everything you have done, doing, and are getting ready to do in my life. Thank you, and all of your Angels to that you allow to aid, protect, and assist me and my loved ones daily, yes I do believe, I am a firm believer in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, the Trinity, and the Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelations.


    The Soul the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe. God sense. Soul is defined as one person, or is the spirit and essence of a person. An example of your soul is the part of you that makes you

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