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The Lord Is My Everything: He Is the Air That I Breathe—Volume I
The Lord Is My Everything: He Is the Air That I Breathe—Volume I
The Lord Is My Everything: He Is the Air That I Breathe—Volume I
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The Lord Is My Everything: He Is the Air That I Breathe—Volume I

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This book helps Christians understand the uniqueness of their temples and know that they are peculiar people of God that receive peculiar favors.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 14, 2018
The Lord Is My Everything: He Is the Air That I Breathe—Volume I

Vivian A. Nesmith M.P.A.

Vivian A. Nesmith, an “EMERALD,” placed on the top shelf as a jewel that gives her fruit to many and watches it flourish. The illumination of God’s glory shines upon her as she walks and succeeds in her journey with Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost molded and chose her as the apprentice for sharing the Gospel. Vivian keeps it honest and delivers the message of God to those who NEED it. She celebrates everyday accomplishments and is determined to push through twists and turns. Like a GPS, Vivian follows God’s directions in front of her, hoping to reach her destination. And as she went through her journey, she wrote down many stories, ideologies, and poems and put them in the form of a book. In May 2018, after losing her mother and Queen, Vivian released “The Lord Is My Everything, He Is The Air That I Breathe,” Volumes I and II by November 2018. She encourages “True Believers” to understand the uniqueness of their temples and to know that they are peculiar People of God that receive peculiar favors. With love and charisma, Vivian shares the importance of “keeping it moving, and do not let the struggles of others dictate your future.” She cherishes laughter, peace, and charity and believes that exemplifying such fruit draws others closer to serving Jesus Christ. Later in November 2020, she released “From Boot Camp to the Pulpit,” expressing the tests she had to pass to attain the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Through this, she shares her testimonies and offers advice to others in achieving their vocation in the House of The Lord. Also, she released “The Lord Is My Everything; He Is The Air That I Breathe,” Volumes III. Vivian is a Pastor under the leadership and guidance of her mentor Fred Willis, Senior Pastor and Teacher at Gospel Fellowship Church “On The Move For Christ.” The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost have ordained her to preach the gospel of Christ entirely. Her educational background includes an A.A. in Accounting from Miami Dade College, B.A. in Business Administration, and an M.P.A. Master’s in Public Administration from Nova Southeastern University. Today, Vivian attends Seminary School to receive her Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies. Most importantly, Vivian inspires every person to be true to themselves and always seek the hand of God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Study the Scriptures, ask The Holy Ghost for understanding, and live according to the Biblical principles of Holiness. Vivian A. Nesmith is a Sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, Pentecostal Woman of God. Nothing in this world matters without “The Lord, who is her everything. He is the air she breathes, and there is nothing in this world she can do without Him.”

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    The Lord Is My Everything - Vivian A. Nesmith M.P.A.

    Copyright © 2018 Vivian A. Nesmith, M.P.A.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4432-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4431-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4433-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018913105

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/07/2018

    This Book Belongs To:



    People are introduced into our lives for a short period of time. Either they are there to contribute by planting seeds of wisdom or to test our faith in Christ. I’ve had the privilege to meet both types of people and I must say that they have all contributed and enhanced my growth in Jesus Christ.

    Some may not realize the role they’ve played by pushing and shifting me in the right direction for Christ to do the impossible in my life. At times, I thought to have lost my mind; Christ kept it in perfect peace. As I’ve navigated my thoughts through the oracles of God; His anointing dissolved the complexity of life’s turmoil. From a nine-year-old child with no one to love to a mature woman in body and spirit. Christ has proven Himself in more ways than I can utterly say, and I thank Him from the depths of my soul.

    When it appeared as if the walls of defeat were tumbling; Jesus provided a tunnel for escape. I hope that as every soul journey to find their place and calling in the vineyard; this devotional guide and journal would encourage their hearts. Always remember, that living holy takes a lot of effort, will power, and determination. Never give up on your salvation; keep it moving and keep on praying. Maintain your faith in Jesus Christ and never take your eyes off the prize.

    Apostle Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:2

    Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

    Always look to Christ for a resolution to all problems. He is the provider and the author of your life’s story. As the author, He wrote your life’s plan and perfected it according to His will, power, and authority. Hence, without taking a deep breath to reside within His Presence, we falter. Unknowingly, we quietly invite imperfections that stings for a lifetime. Although, these faults may appear to overwhelm these vessels of clay; Jesus Christ can perfect all that He has created. As we continue to rehearse the phrase, The Lord is My Everything; He is the air that I breathe. Proclaims total dependence upon our Master. The One, that has all the power to erase sins.

    Often, we lose sight of the things that have greater value. Because, we have become accustomed with trying to make something fit into nothing. Since, Jesus is all so familiar with our mishaps, He is waiting for the opportunity to converse with you. Therefore, the heart must trust and abide in the Book of the Law; treasuring every Word and applying the precepts daily. Know that, Righteousness will support growth. But, our Faith will give us the tools for total submission. We as Saints look to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith and for His wisdom to do what is pleasing unto Him. Although, we are called and chosen to share in the gospel it is our duty to mimic the Walk of Jesus Christ and learn of His glory and honor.

    The love and kindness that he so willingly portrayed on behalf of a dying world is evident that we are more than simple creatures. He lovingly breaths upon the frailty of His people and pleads for all to return to Him. God Bless you, look up and live in Jesus Name.



    Keeping It Simple and Sweet

    The Image of You

    Finding You in Jesus Christ

    Time Wasted Cannot Be Reclaimed

    Put A Song in Your Heart

    What If

    No One Cares

    What Is Required of Me?

    The Mind of Christ

    Understanding True Wisdom

    Mind over Matter

    Triumph Through Self-Discipline

    Wearing the Image of Christ

    The Depiction of God

    Because God Said So

    Understanding Who You Are

    Houses of Clay

    Because of You, I Am Here

    Defining Friends

    Tailoring Your Perfection

    Memories Compared to Ashes

    Unwise Counsel

    My Sheep Knows My Voice

    Do You Really Know How to Wine and Dine with the LORD?

    Questioning the Father

    He Brought Me Up

    Shields Up

    Guard the Word In Your Heart


    No Holds Barred

    Do You Really Know What You Are Saying?

    The Enemy is Attacking

    Build up Your Foundation

    Seeing Reality in The midst of the Storm

    According to Your Faith

    Restoration Power

    Making and Molding Temples of Clay

    It is Jesus The Potter

    It Is Impossible to Strive with God

    Same Substance Visualization in the Spirit


    The Holy Spirit Envisions Just Right.

    Define the Problem


    The Potter

    Receive According to the Word of God

    The Father’s Creation (You) Predestined from the Womb

    Your Resources

    By Any Means Necessary

    JESURUN A Peculiar Name

    Listen, People!

    Blessings from Heaven

    If It is Written in Stone, God Wrote It

    The Word Gives Us Strength

    The Heart A Table of Testimony

    How Solid Is Your Foundation? Did you build it on The Rock or On Sand?

    Gossiping Conversations

    What is it to Tell?

    What Do You See and Hear

    Genesis Said that Moses Wrote Her

    The Dusty Bible


    Receive Your Portion in Jesus Christ

    Peculiar People Receives Peculiar Favours

    Remember When You Jumped Ship

    Disobedience and Chastisement

    What is TRUST?


    The Age for Glorification

    Satisfaction through Obedience


    Stand-up and Receive

    Speak Truth

    Presumptuously You Went Up

    Seasons of the Heart

    Keep It Together

    Every Day Is Sunday

    What Caused You to Leave Your First Love Spoiled Children

    No One Asked For Him

    The Battle Is Now

    Armed and Ready for Victory

    No One Holds the Key to Your Tomorrow

    You Made Me Curse

    Learning Obedience

    Why Do Our Children Stray?

    Use the Right Tone of Voice

    Personal Life Experiences Teaches Us

    They Laughed at Me!

    Who Do You Say I Am?

    I know…

    Ignorance Is not a Virtue

    Did You Feel The Presence of The Holy Ghost?

    Whatever May Have Been, Can Change


    Talk With Jesus Christ

    Epic Failures

    Do Not Worry About How Others May See You

    For the LORD, Not Men

    Salvaged by Grace

    Pleading for Restoration

    Christ Declares Ownership

    Build It Stronger Than Before

    Wisdom and Folly

    The Greatest Disappointment

    Christ Showing His Love to The Church

    You Better Recognize

    Chose To Serve The LORD Jesus Christ

    Grace Goes to School

    Aren’t You GLAD

    Building Upon A Rock

    There Is No Slipping and Sliding In The LORD

    Ravenousness Manner

    What happens…

    Sovereignty and Compassion


    Broken Dreams are Broken Promises

    Think It Not Strange

    Wolves in Sheep Clothing

    Positioned a Certain Way

    Surely as The LORD has thought, So Shall It Come to Pass

    What Now?

    Hearing the Voice of God

    His Word Is True

    The Ice Breakers

    Rivers of Living Water

    Forgotten by the World, But Remembered by Christ


    Predestined, What Should We Say

    God is the Rock with the capital R

    The Adopted

    Jesus Christ’s Adopted Family

    Did You Know that We Were Adopted?

    Spiritual Heritage and The Sovereignty of God,

    Training A Child

    To Reign in Wisdom

    Keeping A Child From Failure

    Fruit of the Womb

    Finding the Connection of Righteousness within Your Family

    Distinctive Values

    Ask for Wisdom

    As They Grow! Churched Out

    No Respect of Person

    Teaching the Younger Generation

    What Else Is There To Know

    It Is Not Over Yet

    When God Separates You

    Have You Ever Asked Jesus for His Autograph? It Seals The Deal

    Inheriting Secular Wealth

    Defender of The Weak


    Entrusted to Flesh

    Born in This World; But, Not A Part of It

    Why Ask For An Increase In Faith? Just Believe.

    Inspiration, Spiritual Utterance, Blessings Pronounced


    Who Takes Counsel against the Godly?

    Perpetual Pains

    Stuck Up

    The Labors

    Reaching Out for Acceptance by Men

    Walking Through Deceitfulness

    Waiting on the Manifestation of The Power of God

    You Just Don’t Know!

    Have You Heard?

    Perfection and Holiness

    We Forgive, But We Never Forget

    You Are Blessed

    What Now?

    Our God Is Flawless

    Storm Tested Faith

    The Principles of Holiness

    Not Ready

    Proposed Perfection

    Giving The Word

    What Is The Delay!

    Keeping It Simple and Sweet

    Psalm 119:130

    The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

    The Image of You

    Finding You in Jesus Christ

    Time Wasted Cannot Be Reclaimed

    Sweat slowly streams down the sides of the face, the heart beats in a rhythm fit for worries and pain. Nonetheless, every effort is made trying to clear the mind and focus on the most important things at hand. To no avail, it seems as if things are getting worse than before. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea putting so much effort into molding people or piecing together dead relationships; that in the end was going to fail.

    If you think about it, those are times and seasons wasted that will never be retrieved. As women, we love without limitations and it’s expected from others that we find a solution to all issues. Our families visualize us as the moral fibers that can keep it all together. When, the perfect solution wasn’t produced by our brilliant minds; but, it was the Living God that provided the answer. Also, we desperately try to show kindness to all; only to be rejected in the end.

    So, people wonder why we wear life struggles on the countenance of our face. Some women have chosen to wear their scars as decorations of honor; to serve as testimonial memoirs. Then again, others tend to face the world with a smile while hiding their scars deep within. In years past, "Church Mothers of old would probably say Smile" even when the hurt is unbearable. Never let anyone see you cry. But, what happens when you can no longer smile through the hurt and pain. What old traditional remedies can be applied?

    Time wasted trying to figure out ways to express love towards others and desperately trying to be accepted is gone. At this moment, I’ve realized that I’ve forgotten about the most important person in the equation; Me. I’ve forgotten to learn how to love me. When I think on the tears that I cried; the crying was the effects of some pain caused by another. What woman finds pleasure in crying and what is the reasoning? From personal knowledge the tears did not make me stronger, but it was the after effects of thinking about what caused them to flow.

    Put A Song in Your Heart

    I’ve read that there is an old faithful remedy that’s good for the heart.

    For example, King David wrote in Psalm Chapter 40 verse 3, that the LORD had put a new song in his mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.

    Why worry about circumstances or situations that will never change? The problem is defined as it is a problem and resolving the problem is called a resolution. The resolutions to solving the problem was always there and the introduction of warning signs served as perfect alerts. Unfortunately, the warning signs weren’t important. But, what was important was having love for another, their emotions and feelings. So, it was easier to lock-up or shut-out personal feelings; striving to please flesh and everything that is associated with it.

    In disregard to the circumstances and whatever appears to prevail against you; put a song in your mouth that ascends to the ears of God. For every old and new situation gives the soul a reason to rejoice. Moan that song within your soul until it bellows from the depths of the belly. That’s a true remedy that is good for the mind, body and soul.

    What is there left to do? Instead of sitting and starring off into space, letting your mind wander off into some far distance; allow God to put a song in your mouth that speaks volumes. Or, utter prayers of gratitude such as; God, I thank you for breathing on me, for waking me up to see another good day. LORD, you are my Joy…my Strength… and I need you to help me to move forward. This is a short prayer that I recited daily, and Jesus gave me joy to smile through all the pain and he allowed me to make it through.

    What If

    Sometimes, your thoughts are centered on a lot of what ifs. What if I’ve had prior knowledge of a person or circumstance; would I have done things differently. That is a mystery that goes on without proof or without saying. We would never understand that statement. Count it up to Jesus; it is He that has designed your life’s plan, and granted it unto you, He knew the beginning and it’s he that knows the outcome.

    It is my belief that every person deserves to be happy. Their happiness is not based on guilt trips, remaining on life’s merry go rounds; neither is it based on the propagation of third and fourth chances to those that never deserved them. What if, none of that makes a person happy? Understanding the love that Christ has for you, knowing that his love is real; provides the strength to endure whatever hurt. Moreover, you must understand your identity in Christ and understanding your purpose in Him will enlighten your heart and fill your days with hope. Find happiness deep within. Allow your mind to rest on the many blessings that Christ has bestowed upon you. Think long and hard as you meditate on His Word and watch God bring you through.

    No One Cares

    The struggles in life does not determine your ending. They weren’t sent to destroy; but to buildup faith in a living an AWESOME GOD. When it seems as if there is no HOPE in the face of adversity; we must learn to encourage ourselves. Therefore, we stand hoping not to waiver, often falling short and striving to move forward. Sacrificing everything until there is nothing left to sacrifice and only to find out in the end that folks never cared.

    No one came to your rescue; neither did they try to minimize the struggles. They have walked away and dare not to look back. Guilt rises, the thoughts down memory lane plagues your mind and now it’s obvious, that all those rides on life’s never ending merry go round had nothing to offer; all of it had no value. You’ve poured out so much and no one has ever thought about pouring in unto you. There is not a soul willing to invest in your future.

    The struggles aren’t the affairs of life; for life is full of unwanted sorrow. Every day, we struggle with maintaining faith and pleasing God. Through experience, it gets easier as you commend your strength, courage and faith in Jesus Christ. He’s the One that has granted the opportunities to go through, provided many ways of escape, bottled every tear and mended every broken heart. Although, some people may still choose to make the ultimate sacrifice to human flesh; we must all understand that it is the Love of God that keeps us from failures.

    What Is Required of Me?

    Romans 12:1

    Diligently, the apostle pleads with Christians concerning duties and godliness. God’s people are eccentric vessels possessing his mercy and bearing witness that our bodies reflect the principles of holiness. Unlike those attained to secular principles, Christ’s people are dependent upon him for all things. Therefore, we seek to glorify him with our bodies by completely surrendering it for service in ministry. Through Christ, we can voluntarily dedicate the members of our body for sacrificial atonements.

    By denouncing the old man the pleasures of common

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