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Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach
Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach
Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach
Ebook317 pages2 hours

Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach

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About this ebook

This is a book of poems written over many years and inspired by sermons, friends, family, Bible verses, and circumstances. They review the thoughts from sermons, they teach the lessons from the Bible, and they reach out to those who are hurting and are distressed by things that happen to them. The poems are meant to bring comfort, insight, challenge, blessing, guidance, and information to readers.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 14, 2018
Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach

Dr. Paul A. Madsen

Paul Madsen at the young age of eighty eight is publishing his first book of poetry. He began writing poetry at the age of ten and has written poems for family, friends, school and church since. He has a Masters Degree in Christian Education from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, A Masters Degree in Supervision and Administration from Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC and a Doctor of Education Degree from Nova University in Ft Lauderdale, FL. He is a retired School Principal residing in Plant City, FL.

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    Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach - Dr. Paul A. Madsen

    Copyright © 2018 Dr. Paul A. Madsen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4419-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4418-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-4420-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018912991

    WestBow Press rev. date:   11/09/2018


    This book of poems is dedicated to God, the Creator and Sustainer, Who, through the Holy Spirit, inspired and gave me courage to write down the thoughts He gave to me; to Gerry, my wife of almost ten years, who encouraged me to publish my poems; and to J.G. Doc Hunter, whose computer skills and general advice made this published work possible.


    Introduction to Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach



    Thankful for Assurance



    Can Anyone Really Understand the Bible?

    My Word Brings Victory

    Psalm 91

    The Bible, an Art Gallery

    The Bible, a Mirror

    The Gist of Titus

    Words and Deeds

    Christian Life

    Abundant Life

    Be Not Afraid

    Faith and Works

    Friend or Foe

    Gird Our Hearts with Truth

    When Trouble Comes


    Celebrate Christmas?


    How Christmas Has Changed

    Provisions of God

    The Gift of Christmas

    The Gifts We Bring Our King

    The Music of Christmas

    The Shepherds in the Field

    The Shepherds

    What Can I Give to the King

    What Does Christmas Mean to Me?

    What Is Christmas?


    A Prayer for a Great Church

    A Successful Church


    Chapel Dedication


    Growing Together in Faith

    My Church Like Me


    Seeing Christ through Me

    The Missionary Pair



    Death, Life


    G. B. Drake’s Memorial Service

    God Knows What Is Best

    God’s Promises Are True

    Helen Masters Dead?

    I’m Not Alone

    In Loving Memory of Gilbert Reed

    In Memoriam

    In Memory of Boots Stone

    In Memory of Dr. Hugh Garner



    Not Yet

    Psalm 23

    Remember Jean

    Saying Goodbye

    Stronger than Death

    The End

    To Die Is Gain



    Seven Powerful Lessons from Passion Week


    The Meaning of Easter


    A Letter from the Father

    A Word for Father’s Day

    What Do You Expect?

    God’s Guidance

    A Pilgrim or a Settler


    Forget What Is Behind

    God Is in Control

    God Is Looking

    Jesus Has a Lot of Faith in You

    Make Your Dreams Come True


    One Step at a Time

    Small Decisions, Big Results

    Suffering with Him

    The Dark Road

    The New Year

    Using God’s Gifts

    Walking with God

    What God Wants to Do with You

    Whatever Comes

    Will It Be Worth It All?


    Heaven’s Home

    Looking toward Heaven

    Rejoice, It’s Written Down

    Living Cross

    God so Loved the World

    He Is Alive

    The Highest Price

    The Living Cross, 1990

    The Living Cross, 1992

    Living Cross, 1993

    The Living Cross


    No One Cares for My Soul

    The Soil


    Fiftieth Anniversary

    Anniversary Memories

    Be My Valentine


    Happy Fiftieth Anniversary to Helen and Vaughn Martin

    Happy Seventy-Fourth Birthday, Flo

    Memories of Iris Glover


    Remember Me

    Seventy Years

    Tragedy and Trust

    Young and Old


    Another Poem for Valentine’s Day

    Christian Paralysis

    Faith without Works


    Full Moon Love

    Give Your Best

    God’s Love

    How to Get the Job Done

    How to Live without Fear

    Looking at You

    Looking Forward

    Mighty Is Our Savior

    My Testimony




    Separation Brings Victory

    The Four Seasons

    The Game

    The Gospel Salad

    The Heart

    Third Anniversary


    Wave the Banner High


    A Mother, 1984

    A Mother Is Someone Special

    A Mother’s Day Poem

    A Mother’s Heart

    About My Mother

    For Flo on Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day,

    It’s Mother’s Day Again


    Mother’s Day Song

    Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016

    My Mother’s Day Dilemma

    Song for Mothers

    The Perfect Mom


    A Concert of Praise

    An Evening of Music

    Fall Keyboard Concert

    Good Friends, Good Food, Good Music

    Music for the Soul

    The Heritage of Our Faith


    Gifts that Bring Overflowing Praise

    Praise from the Heart

    Praise to God


    A Prayer for Every Day

    Christian Privileges

    Power in Prayer

    The Circle of Prayer

    What Is Prayer?


    Chosen, Set Apart, Empowered

    Lessons from the Potter

    Light and Darkness


    After the Resurrection

    The Potter

    Resurrection Peace

    The Resurrection

    What Is Next?


    Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life

    John 3:16

    New Birth from Above

    Psalm 34

    The Roman Road


    A Piecrust Promise


    Dreading God’s Call to Discipleship

    Honor Your Parents

    How Does God Speak to You?

    How to Really Love Your Spouse

    It’s Always Darkest before Dawn

    Jailed but Joyful

    On Getting a Second Chance

    Posthumous Living

    Remember, He’s Coming Back


    The Farewell Command

    The Second Coming of Christ

    The Valley of Psalm 23

    What Is Christianity?

    You Must Resist the Devil


    Be Ye Thankful

    Have You Thanked God Lately?

    Thank the Almighty

    Thank You, Lord

    Thankful for Our Home

    Thankful for Our Pastor

    Thanking God through Trials


    Why Be Thankful?


    Found Trustworthy

    Trust His Promises

    Trust in Him

    Trust in the Word of God

    Trust Jesus


    The Father Knows and Cares


    Can I Retire?

    Do You Know God?

    Give Me Strength

    What Can I Do?


    What Is Worship?


    Introduction to Poems That Preach, Teach and Reach

    I’d like to bring to you today

    Some sermons that I’ve heard

    That help us all to understand

    And follow God’s own Word!

    I’ve put them into poetry

    In the hope that they will reach

    The hearts of many others.

    And I call them poems that preach!

    So listen very carefully

    As these sermons come again,

    To heal the brokenhearted

    And to help some lives to mend.

    May the message come as clearly

    As the first time it was heard.

    May the short time that you listen

    Help you understand God’s Word.

    There are some other poems too

    That try to teach the Word.

    They’ll give to you a thought or two

    As in my life they occurred.

    So poems that preach and reach and teach

    Will all appear right here.

    I hope they’ll bring you closer to

    The one who I hold dear!


    How can I know that I am saved?

    Is it a feeling that I have,

    Or is there something more concrete

    That will make my faith complete?

    I know in chapter 3 of John

    That God has promised that His Son

    To us eternal life will give;

    If we believe in Him, we’ll live.

    I’d like to know and have no doubt

    That I am saved within, without.

    But what assurance can I have

    That Jesus has the power to save?

    The apostle John has written words

    That help us know that we’re the Lord’s.

    He says that He who has the Son has life

    And will be freed from sin and strife!

    So if in Christ you’ve put your trust,

    Then in His light to walk you must.

    And if your brother needs your love,

    You’ll give it if you’re from above.

    Then walk in light, and share His love.

    Delight yourself with those who have

    Joined the family that God has started.

    Your fellowship will never be parted.

    Can I know? Can I be sure?

    Yes, here’s the one thing you must do

    So your salvation will endure.

    Just trust in Christ to see you through.

    Believe the Word that God has told.

    He cannot lie; He’s in control.

    He’ll give you power to love your brother

    For He can do it as no other!

    He’ll also help you walk in light

    And keep you from temptation’s plight.

    If you confess your sin to Him,

    He’ll cleanse your heart from every sin.

    For Christ in the flesh has come

    And promised you a heavenly home.

    Believe that Word, and you will know.

    God’s promise is He loves you so.

    So know that God has saved your soul

    And through Christ’s blood has made you whole.

    Put all your confidence in His Word.

    My last thought is, Just trust the Lord!

    Thankful for Assurance

    There are so very many things

    That I am thankful for—

    Especially for God’s assurance

    That I’m saved forevermore.

    John tells us in God’s Holy Word

    That we can know for sure;

    Once we’re saved, we’re always saved.

    Our salvation is secure.

    We know of many promises

    Jesus gives us in His Word.

    Salvation is eternal, and

    That message must be heard.

    Everyone who trusts in Christ

    Lives eternally in His love

    For the Spirit bears us witness

    That our names are written above.

    So thank You for assurance, Lord.

    It means so much to me

    To know that I am eternally secure

    And that it lasts for all eternity!

    In My Book of Thanks in which I write what I am thankful for every day of the year.

    February 8, 2016


    When things grow dark and dim

    And you begin to question, Why?

    When you are looking for light and hope,

    And instead, you heave a sigh,

    Then it’s time to trust the Lord.

    God has a plan for you,

    And somehow in the turmoil,

    His plans will see you through.

    You may not understand it,

    But if you will follow along

    Through tears and disappointments,

    He’ll bring to you a song.

    His presence will go with you

    As the problems you endure;

    His comfort, love, and blessings

    Are all in life that are sure.

    So give to Him the glory

    That is due unto His name,

    And He’ll give peace and comfort;

    Never changing, He’s the same.

    Inspired by words from the book Let’s Roll by Lisa Beamer.

    February 7, 2003

    Can Anyone Really Understand the Bible?

    Too difficult to understand?

    Why, even little children can!

    Too many different translations?

    From the original came their interpretations.

    But the Bible is too old!

    It still applies today, I

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