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Still Holding on . . .
Still Holding on . . .
Still Holding on . . .
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Still Holding on . . .

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This book will take you on a journey, teach you to walk by faith, and entrust you with some of life’s most treasured moments. This book will build a faith in you—faith that moves mountains and moves God’s hands. This book will teach you to live this life with abandonment, giving you the freedom to walk in all his fullness and grace. This book will prepare you to be used mightily in this life for his glory. Perhaps you’ve already experienced your life being turned upside down, toppled without any control. Perhaps like me, you’ve found yourself wandering in the wilderness, watching his fire direct your every step by night, a cloud lead you by day. Perhaps you sense you are on the edge of the Promised Land—just waiting for him to give the command to take possession. And yet you are tired and weary. You’ve lost friends who don’t understand how you can continue to cling to a promise that is so obviously dead and gone.

You are so close yet feel so far away. You are struggling with temptations to just settle even though you know it is less than God’s best. You simply don’t know how much longer you can stand. You are not alone. I see God raising up a remnant of believers, those he knows will be obedient. He is looking for those with clean hands and pure hearts, those who will choose obedience even if it costs them everything this world has to offer. He is looking for those who will throw caution to the wind, those who believe that he has an abundant life (John 10:10) waiting if we will follow his ways. He is looking for those whose hearts have been purified, whose faith has been strengthened by the trials of this life (James 1:2). He is looking for those who will cling to his promises even when it seems there is no hope.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 30, 2018
Still Holding on . . .

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    Still Holding on . . . - Dr. Tony Cummings

    Copyright © 2018 by Dr. Tony Cummings.

    ISBN:                Softcover                978-1-9845-6988-2

                              eBook                     978-1-9845-6987-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 01/16/2019





    Grateful acknowledgment is given to the numerous contributors throughout my life and ministry and mentioned and unmentioned, who have poured into me, and believed in the call of God on my life.

    Myriads of people have encouraged me through the years by their example, vision, and lifestyle. My library is filled with incredible Cd’s and books that have changed my life and provided insight, wisdom, and revelation from historical men and women of God.

    I am student of Bishop D. Hines and Apostle Terry Cummings and Pastor John White and Bishop George Boone. I thank God for my rich heritage, the late Dr. Samuel Fluke and Pastor J. Bean provides me with standard of excellence by developing concepts and programs that have been mine to follow and duplicate.

    Apostle Terry Cummings is my best encourager; he believed in me and prayed for me when everyone else had given up. He imparted the spirit of giving it all into my life through his constant example.

    Most of all I would like to acknowledge my father and mother, John and Verda Cummings, innovators of programs that helped me get started in evangelism and restoration. Their imprint is on my life,

    Still Holding On…

    Consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.


    1.   When It Don’t Make Sense

    2.   I Want It Back

    3.   Fight Fire With Fire

    4.   Tarry Until Ye Be Endued

    5.   Ask For Rain

    6.   It’s Time For A Change

    7.   Something Good Is Going To Come Out Of This

    8.   It’s My Turn Now

    9.   Thou Art Loosed

    10.   Armed And Dangerous

    Chapter 1

    When It Don’t Make Sense

    The truth is life comes with problems built in. So you might as well understand. You’re not going to get through this life without trouble, without hardships without pain, without getting your heart broken at least once or twice. Without being lied on, persecuted, and despised. Then throw in some betrayal and deception into the pot, because that’s life.

    All you have to do is look in the Bible and you will see what I’m talking about. David was a great Man of God, a great King of Israel, a worshipper. But that did not exempt David from pain. If you study David life, you will see a man who endured much pain. Then look at Job, he was a righteous man, but he endured more grief and pain than would seem humanly possible.

    And I could go on and on,but I believe the point is clear. Sometimes life hurts. Sometimes you’re in the pit and sometimes you’re in the fire, Sometimes you’re on the Mountain calling fire down from heaven, and sometimes you’re in the cave hoping Jezebel doesn’t find you.

    There are just some things that happen to us all, just because we’re in the world. Then there are things that are demonic in nature, attacks straight out of hell. Your adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. John 10:10… The thief cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy. I said all of this to get to this point there will be times in your life when Praise don’t make no sense. When we talk about making sense of something, we mean that it is understandable, and that it is agreeable to what is before us, and it is logical and it is reasonable. But this man of God was doing something that just doesn’t make no sense. He was standing in the midst of chaos, of loss, of emptiness and confusion and disappointment and he did something that sent shock waves through hell and applause through heaven.

    He said, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Basically what he said was I have decided, I’m going to praise my God even when it don’t make no sense. I may be going through a season of sickness, or I may be grieving over the loss of a loved one. or I may be walking through the fire of divorce, or family turmoil. I may be crying myself to sleep at night over my prodigals.

    They may be threatening foreclosure on my house. The repo depo just towed my car away. My company says their downsizing and might have to let me go. Well man of God, woman of God, What are you going to do??? I tell you what I’m not going to do. (I’m not going to let my feelings and my emotions take over). I’m not going to go into deep depression.

    I’m not going to run to the fridgerator and try to drown my sorrow in food. I’m not going to overdose on prescription meds. I’m not going to get angry at God and accuse him of not loving me, and not caring about me. I’m going to do what David did, I’m going to encourage myself in the Lord. Then I’m going to get my praise on.

    I’m going to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I’m going to open my mouth and praise God. I’m going to give him the praise thats due his name. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name. God never promised us a problem free life. Isaiah 43:2 When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee, and when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Psalms 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord, delivereth them out of them all.

    I’m going to stop right here and tell you, the church is filled with Pretty Praisers. (People that will praise God when everythings Pretty, When the weathers nice, When the bills are paid. When all the children are saved. When their body feels good.) when they got money in the bank, they’re quick to give God that

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