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A Vintage Love: (That Awakens the Soul)
A Vintage Love: (That Awakens the Soul)
A Vintage Love: (That Awakens the Soul)
Ebook201 pages3 hours

A Vintage Love: (That Awakens the Soul)

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About this ebook

Zoe Perez has everything she’s ever wanted—almost. She’s an attorney and partner at a big-time law firm. She has wealth and a nice home. She has it all, everything except love. She had love once, but she let it slip away and fears she might never find true love again. When two men enter her life, everything changes, and her longing for love becomes hard to ignore.

Bleu Simmons is a brilliant man with a bright future. Once upon a time, he let his job consume him, so he left the United States to start something fresh and new. The death of his brother brings him home, but the experience might make him want to never return. Tysin Du Boris is a rich guy searching for love in all the wrong places. He wants a woman who will love him for more than his bank account but believes that might be impossible.

All three want a vintage kind of love, far removed from the modern way of life. They’re looking for old-fashioned, true love, the kind that awakens the soul and plants a fire in the spirit. They want love that brings peace, that lasts a lifetime, and that is engraved on the heart and never erased. Zoe has been searching for this kind of love, and she may have found it—but she now deals with two men and might have to do the unthinkable.
Release dateDec 4, 2018
A Vintage Love: (That Awakens the Soul)

Lesa Randolph-Richards

Lesa Randolph-Richards was born in Wilmot, Arkansas at the age seven she moved to Kansas City, Kansas with her mother and siblings. Lesa attended Kansas City Kansas Community College for Business Marketing and Management. Lesa has been writing poems since she was ten. Lesa was encouraged by others to write a poem book. She wanted more that’s when she decided to start writing her first book entitled “A Vintage Love.”. With her big imagination she wanted her readers to feel like they were in the story. Lesa has dedicated herself to becoming a bestselling author. She also loves photography and says that writing isn’t the only way to tell a story, pictures can tell a story also.. When she’s not writing she loves using her creative skills to decorate and plan events. She now owns L.K.T Event and Party Planning L.L.C with her daughter Kei and niece Toya. One of her favorite things to do is make diaper cakes for expectant moms. Lesa is motivated by her husband David, four daughters Keivaughnna, Da’Lesa, D’Veionna and DaMi’y, grandsons Kadyn, Kyren, granddaughter Kylei and family and friends.

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    A Vintage Love - Lesa Randolph-Richards

    Copyright © 2018 Lesa Randolph-Richards.

    Author Credits: Ferlisha Richards and Loyalty Entertainment L.L.C.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6103-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6102-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018914245

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/03/2019


    About the Author



    A Vintage Love

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    About the Author


    Lesa Randolph-Richards was born in Wilmot, Arkansas at the age seven she moved to Kansas City, Kansas with her mother and siblings. Lesa attended Kansas City Kansas Community College for Business Marketing and Management. Lesa has been writing poems since she was ten. Lesa was encouraged by others to write a poem book. She wanted more that’s when she decided to start writing her first book entitled A Vintage Love.. With her big imagination she wanted her readers to feel like they were in the story. Lesa has dedicated herself to becoming a bestselling author. She also loves photography and says that writing isn’t the only way to tell a story, pictures can tell a story also.. When she’s not writing she loves using her creative skills to decorate and plan events. She now owns L.K.T Event and Party Planning L.L.C with her daughter Kei and niece Toya. One of her favorite things to do is make diaper cakes for expectant moms. Lesa is motivated by her husband David, four daughters Keivaughnna, Da’Lesa, Dā’Veionna and DaMi’yā, grandsons Kadyn, Kyren, granddaughter Kylei and family and friends.


    I want to give thanks to God for allowing me to be able to express my thoughts in writing. I am so blessed. I ask that you continue to give me the mindset so that I’m able to continually connect with my readers.

    I want to give a big thanks my husband for dealing with me on the late nights and early mornings when I kept him from sleeping. I literally made our room my thinking zone. My kids and grandchildren are my world, they keep me busy but I love them. To all of my family and friends that support me, and rooting me on along the way, thank you. To everyone that read my rough draft and gave me their true, honest opinion and gave me what I needed to get my book ready, thank you.

    To my momma Mary, you’re the best mother any child could ask for. Your strength and love for God has gotten our family through so many trials and tribulations. So many times your faith was tested especially after Paul got killed. Instead of us helping you, you held us up. When God gave us you HE gave us a Beautiful Queen.

    To my siblings Lynda, Leroy, Patrice, Demetrius, and Bert we may have lost one but we still have each other to help us along the way.

    To my Daddy Andrew and the Metcalf Family our journey through life will always be possible because we have faith and believe.

    I would like to thank my daughter Keivaughnna, with Tamon International Jones and Todd Jones for being the faces of my book.

    It is such a blessing to have all of you and my future readers in my life. You all have played a part in this process. It’s because of you, that this was made possible, thank you.

    Author Makeup done by Da’Lesa Blockmon (@Makeupbydalesa)

    Loyalty Entertainment L.L.C.

    Author Contact Information

    To send your comments, questions, feedback and remarks please use the following contact information:


    Facebook Fan page…Author Lesa Randolph-Richards Readers

    If you would like to arrange a book signing, book events, or speaking engagements you can contact the author at following:


    Facebook Fan page…Author Lesa Randolph-Richards Readers


    Our family was devastated when we lost our brother from a drunk driver. My mother had to bury her child. It’s not right for anyone to go through this type of hurt. Many may think it’s not a problem because you haven’t experienced it or some may say I know my limit. Alcohol affects people in different ways, you may think your fine until you find yourself in an unthinkable situation. Sometimes it can include killing yourself or killing someone else. It’s over 300,000 incidents of drinking and driving every day. Don’t let your name be added to list of the families that have lost a loved one, because you failed to have someone drive you to your destination. Be that one and put the keys away when you know you’re not in the position to drive. I wish the guy that killed my brother never got behind the wheel. A piece of our hearts our missing. All we have are memories. This is real and a lot of families are losing their loved ones to soon. Please drink responsibly.

    If you have lost a loved one to drunk driving and need a support group or to be involved, please call

    24-Hour Victim Help Line


    If you need help please reach out and call before it’s too late.

    Alcohol Hotline Support & Information: 1-800-331-2900


    I am dedicating my book to our brother who lost his life to a drunk driver.

    Christopher (Paul) Randolph Sr.

    March 20, 1971 –September 29, 2012

    Life is to short

    In life we are all given a date to be born and date to rest

    Our God doesn’t make any mistakes

    God takes our loved ones who need to be taken

    And let go who needs to be gone

    It always hard when we have to let our loved ones go

    to live in their heavenly home

    No matter what we might think and the things we may say

    Living without our loved ones is hard

    trying to go on day by day

    They say in time it will get easier

    But so many nights all I do is cry

    The suffering and pain and wanting to ask why

    So many things that run through my mind

    I wish that we had a little more time

    We didn’t know when we last saw you that

    it was going to be our last goodbye

    If we could turn back the hands of time

    We’d tell you that we love you

    God has you now

    Now you’re helping our other Angels watch over us

    Written by Lesa

    Life is to short make it right

    Life is to short. If you have issues with someone you love. It’s best to make it right. Don’t let situations come between lives. You may never get to tell that person you’re sorry or you forgive them. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. We’re so thankful that we didn’t have to experience that. Our mother taught us to love each other and each one of us know the only thing that will separate us is death. Our brother will forever be in our hearts.

    A Vintage Love

    Lesa Randolph-Richards

    A Vintage Love

    That Awakens the Soul

    Some people look for the wrong type of love when they’re in a relationship. It’s not the sex or what a person does for you. Nowadays, people are secure with modern-day love. But what about vintage love?

    What is vintage love? you might be asking. Vintage love is the kind of love that awakens the soul. It makes you reach for more. Vintage love plants a fire in your heart and brings peace to your mind. It is that old-fashioned kind of love that lasts for a lifetime. It’s love that’s engraved in your heart forever and never leaves. If a person can find the essence of your soul, that love is priceless. I prefer vintage love. What type of love are you settling for?

    Zoe Perez—a young, beautiful woman who had the love of her life, but she let him slip away. Her love clock is ticking and running low. She can’t find love to save her life. She has everything she wants in life. She’s an attorney and partner at a big-time law firm, wealthy, and childless and has a nice home. She has it all, except love. When she finally gets the love she has been longing for, will it be enough, or will she put herself in an unthinkable situation?

    Bleu Simmons—an intelligent man with a big future ahead of him. He let his job consume him. He left the States to start something new. But the death of his brother takes him back to a place he was trying to forget. When he finally returns home, will it send him away for good?

    Tysin Du Boris—a wealthy man searching for love in all the wrong places. He thinks he knows what the word love means, until he finds out it is just a word with no loyalty behind it. He’s willing to give all of himself to the woman who will love him for him and not what’s in his bank account. He wants a woman to express her love to him so that in return he can shower her with his love.

    Chapter 1

    I WAS WALKING DOWN THE PRETTY SAND BEACHES of Rio Jamaica, looking out over the bright blue water, when my mind started to drift to memories of the good times I had growing up. I soon found myself thinking about the guys I’d dated and the ones who hurt me deeply.

    I’d come to the point in my life when I wanted to focus on my career and myself. I had given up on love. It just didn’t live here anymore, I often told myself, and I found that the more I said it, the more I began to believe it. I had listened to my coworkers talk about their men problems and my good friend Milan talk about her man and how much shit he had put her through. A romantic relationship most definitely wasn’t on my agenda.

    I had a successful career that I loved. What thirty-year-old do you know who has made partner at the most powerful law firm in California? When I graduated from Harvard, I hadn’t wasted any time making it to the top. I wasn’t going to let anybody hold me back from becoming the next Johnny Cochran. Not only did I want to represent the big leagues, but I also wanted to be able to do some pro bono work for the less fortunate.

    I remembered it so well. When the college dean had called my name, Zoe Lorraine Perez, at the graduation ceremony, reality had hit. I had proudly walked across that stage with my head held high to receive my doctorate in law and business. I could hear my family as they shouted my name. They were so proud of me, and I was proud of myself. I had finally done it. Even then I had known I was going to go back to school and get my legum magister, more commonly known as an LLM. I had a statement to make. I was happy.

    When I got accepted into the internship at Metcalf Law Firm, I had just known I was going to the top. I loved everything about this place. It had style and class. Most of all, it had potential and lots of opportunities. I had worked day and night to prove to them that I had what it took to be part of the company’s legacy.

    After years of winning cases and bringing in top-dollar clients, it had all finally paid off. Most people would say it was a long time coming. The best day of my life was when I received a gracious recommendation to become a partner. I had gladly accepted the promotion. I had known it would be more intense because I would have to keep proving myself. But that hadn’t been a problem for me.

    I really didn’t have the social life most of the people my age had. My friend Delia was out partying and clubbing every night, while I was at home preparing for a case. Some days it seemed bittersweet. Now Delia had a set of twins and a lovely fiancé. I often looked at how happy she was and at times found myself admiring her life. She went to college, graduated with a degree, and had still managed to have a social life.

    And yet here I was, thinking about what I’d been doing wrong. I was thirty, beautiful, a successful attorney and had no children, my own place, and an outstanding personality, yet I couldn’t find a good man to save my life. I’d had relationships, some good and some bad. But my time was limited because my work consumed me.

    Bleu and I were in a relationship from high school all the way through college. Whenever someone had seen Bleu, they had seen me. He was a huge part of my life. We had continued to build our relationship through the years. When we had started spending less and less time together, that’s when we began to have problems. I hadn’t known how to juggle both my personal life and my work. So I ended up losing the man of my dreams.

    Bleu was everything I’d ever wanted in a man. I could actually say I still had love for him after all of these years. When we did talk after the breakup, he had said that I broke up with him and left him heartbroken. I’d never seen it that way. I had been young and didn’t have a clue what I wanted, even though it had been right there in front of my face. I could say that we left things on good terms. After the breakup, I saw him every so often, but it was just hi and bye. He ended up leaving the state, and we lost touch. I guessed he had moved on with his life and probably had a family now.

    Other guys saw me as a threat because of my job title. They didn’t know how to handle a woman like me. I didn’t treat them any kind of certain way. I never threw my weight around. I always thought it was so childish and immature when people did that. Your title doesn’t define who you are. I always knew how and when to be in attorney mode and how to be a lovely girlfriend, but it never worked out. The worst part was that I’d had guys see my title and try to use me. What they didn’t know was that game recognizes game.

    My daddy taught me well about these men out here. I gave men a fair chance to prove to me that they were worthy of a woman like me. I had a two-date rule: when I saw how the second date went, I knew how the rest would follow.

    A guy I was dating once had the nerve to ask me whether he could drive my Maserati. I usually didn’t trip about material things, but it

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