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A Way to Freedom
A Way to Freedom
A Way to Freedom
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A Way to Freedom

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About this ebook

This is a book that has all the wisdom needed to set you free. It combines all world religions together, and from it, a truth is revealed that sets a person free. All of us wish to experience total freedom. As Jesus said, nothing but the truth can set you free. It is a guidebook to not only find God but also to become one with him and experience peace, love, and true happiness.
Release dateDec 7, 2018
A Way to Freedom

Simon Linton Sancto

Simon Linton Sancto was born on the 29th October 1982. At the age of 22 he had his spiritual awakening, that led him to experience the Divine. He graduated from the University of Malta in 2006 and obtained a B.A. Hons degree in Geography. He spent siz and a half years in prison in which was his best opportunity to start the inner journey of rediscovering himself. He battled his addiction problem for years, till he was set free by the Power of Jesus Christ, that today is the centre of his new life.

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    A Way to Freedom - Simon Linton Sancto

    © 2019 Simon Linton Sancto. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  11/30/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-8170-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-8169-5 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked JB are from The Jerusalem Bible, copyright © 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Reprinted by permission.



    Chapter 1

    What is happiness?

    The four feel-good chemicals in our brain

    Chapter 2

    Initiations, phases and stages to Mastery


    Four stages one must go through in moving from a

    beginner to living life as a Master

    Four phases we have to go through in life

    The seven chakras

    The heart chakra

    Kundalini and chakras activation


    Two paths for personal growth

    The hologram

    Chapter 3

    World religions and Belief systems



    Spiritual path

    Spiritual discipline







    The Sannyasin



    Jesus, Krishna and Buddha

    Trust in God



    Ancient Egypt




    The Spirit of Love

    Chapter 4

    The whole truth about Jesus

    The mystery of the conception of Jesus

    The mystery of the crucifixion and resurrection

    The mystery of the holy trinity

    The Essene community

    The Kingdom of Heaven

    The Second coming of Jesus

    Chapter 5

    The Catholic Church

    Spirituality and religion


    The church and Galileo



    The myth of hell

    The myth of the afterlife

    The Apocryphal new testament

    Chapter 6

    The Mind

    The conscious, subconscious, unconscious and beyond

    Mastering our mind

    The vertical mind versus the linear horizontal mind



    Stellar, lunar and solar consciousness




    Ocean and waves

    The 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions

    The 12 dimensions

    Chapter 7

    The Human Ego

    Our ego




    Being humble

    Life is all about change

    The spiritual ego

    Attachments and desires

    The inner divine child

    Chapter 8


    Einstein’s theory of relativity

    The present, the now

    The day of the lord

    Divine timing and synchronicity

    The days of transformation

    Indigo children, star-seeds and light-workers

    Feminine energy is changing the world

    Cycles in time

    New energies

    Chapter 9

    Body And Soul

    The aura

    Our five internal senses


    A beautiful body

    The glands in our body

    The photon belt and our light-bodies

    Twin flames and soul mates (the soul group)

    Soul Groups

    Twin Flames

    Our relationships

    Opposites attract

    The dance of the Ying and Yang energies

    The law of attraction

    Sacred sexuality




    Chapter 10


    The meaning of life

    The way to heaven

    Emptiness or zero



    Zen’s parable

    Freedom and prison are states of mind


    Women and men

    The lgbtiq community

    Our internal battle between good and evil

    Who am i? Why am i here for?




    According to St Paul, love is joy, peace, charity, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. Together, these make us the happiest person in the world.

    Everyone is searching for happiness but only a few people have found it. People look for happiness in money, sex, success, cars and possessions. Unfortunately, on this quest for happiness, many people from all areas of life not only end up sad and depressed but also commit suicide despite the fact that they lacked nothing in life, including money, fame, men and women. This is because we humans have a place in our heart created by God and reserved for Him to dwell in. We try to fill it up with material things and think that it is filled but after a short period of time we feel empty and lost again because we are only truly fulfilled when we give that small space in our heart to our Creator who is unconditional love.

    For our lives to change for the better, we need to readjust and rearrange our priorities. First of all, our top priorities have to be our love for God and, likewise, reflecting his unconditional love towards others. Then, all the other priorities fall in place on their own, and that’s when we really start feeling fulfilled.

    People go about their search for happiness in various ways. Immigrants from very poor or war-torn countries embark on dangerous journeys with thousands risking their lives by crossing hot and unforgiving deserts or riding in small and crammed boats in their pursuit of happiness and freedom. They are searching for their so-called ‘promised land’ where they are free to speak out and to believe in whatever or whoever they want to. They are in pursuit of a better life where they can live in peace and tranquillity and maybe also earn lots of money. They think that their journey to this so-called ‘promised land’ will turn their lives around and will lead to joy. However, for many, this drive towards material riches will never culminate in real happiness.

    The real ‘promised land’ is the one that Jesus taught in the Gospels. Jesus came to show us the way through unconditional love and forgiveness, and by surrendering ourselves to God. This is the true destination that one should risk everything for.

    Besides the above, a recent global study has shown that the things that make most people happy are the relationships they have.

    Acceptance is another important ingredient in our quest for happiness. If we are in the worst prison in the world but accept our situation, we will feel much better than someone who refuses to accept that he or she is there. Acceptance is the key to happiness in any situation in life. We become happiness itself and we will not need to say that we are happy. When someone says that he or she is happy, this may mean that this person is happy only on the outside and does not have internal joy.


    The brain has four feel-good chemicals that it produces and it releases. These are dopamine, endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin. These chemicals have a powerful effect on our state of mind and wellbeing.

    The chemical dopamine is released by the brain and gives us motivation to reach our goals, desires and needs. Most illegal drugs like cannabis and cocaine flood the brain with dopamine. That is why one feels happy when under the influence. When one stops taking the drug or when the brain runs out of the production of dopamine, one feels depressed and lonely and may go back to using the drug or even changing the type of drug for even more satisfaction. When the dopamine level in the brain is low, a person delays and postpones things and also experiences self-doubt and a lack of enthusiasm.

    The trick for releasing a moderate on-going flow of dopamine that is still effective is to set goals. It is important to have one’s sights fixed on an ultimate goal, which is to live a happy and peaceful life in a world full of love, peace and harmony. Many refer to it as heaven on earth or the kingdom of heaven while others prefer to call it their nirvana, utopia or even their 5th dimension. If we believe that we can attain this ultimate goal and work towards achieving it, we will always have some amounts of dopamine in our bodies but this can only be effective if we are living a spiritual life. People who only have material goals in life, like becoming a lawyer, a doctor, a film star, a singer, etc., cannot be happy as these things come to an end. It is only the kingdom of heaven that has no end as I will explain later in this book.

    Therefore, to keep dopamine flowing steadily towards this ultimate goal and not stopped by temptations or negative experiences, we need to set small goals, and quite a few of them to keep us going. It is essential that before reaching a small goal we need to set other small goals so that the flow of dopamine never stops. Every goal reached should be celebrated in some way or another, such as by rewarding ourselves. We also need to appreciate and value the effort made and this releases even more dopamine.

    Another feel-happy chemical in our brain is endorphin. This is released by the brain to help alleviate anxiety and depression in moments of stress and pain. It has an effect very similar to that of morphine. It acts as an analgesic (acts to release pain) and a sedative (calms us down). Its job is to diminish our perception of pain. Exercise is very important for the release of this chemical in large quantities because exercise puts pressure on our body and as a result this chemical is released. That is why we feel good after a session of intense training or exercise.

    Laughter is also another easy way of producing endorphins in the brain. Even the expectation of laughter releases endorphins. Laughter is crucial for a person’s mood and wellbeing. However, there are also other ways of releasing endorphins, like eating dark chocolate and smelling lavender.

    Life is not an easy game to play. It has its ups and downs but we should take life lightly even though it is not easy to do as we all have our burdens to bear in life. However, the suffering we have to go through will lead to our victory. It is like forging metal; it has to first go through fire to take the right form in the right way. Touching the bottom is the most painful part but then the only way is up. When we think that everything is over for us, that is just the beginning.

    Serotonin is released when we feel important and worthy. For example, Christmas is a time of great happiness for those who have family and friends. This is because people have an increased amount of serotonin in their brains from receiving Christmas cards, gifts and by being invited to meals and parties. They feel loved and worthy. When there is an absence of serotonin, people feel lonely and depressed. A way to release more serotonin is to look back at past achievements and triumphal moments and relive them in our minds because the brain cannot make the difference between reality and imagination so the end result is that it produces more serotonin.

    Acts of

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