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The Avocado Affair: Discover Avocado’s Most Delicious Partners in Health Through Ancient Rejuvenating Secrets and 70 New Recipes
The Avocado Affair: Discover Avocado’s Most Delicious Partners in Health Through Ancient Rejuvenating Secrets and 70 New Recipes
The Avocado Affair: Discover Avocado’s Most Delicious Partners in Health Through Ancient Rejuvenating Secrets and 70 New Recipes
Ebook209 pages2 hours

The Avocado Affair: Discover Avocado’s Most Delicious Partners in Health Through Ancient Rejuvenating Secrets and 70 New Recipes

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About this ebook

Avocados are an ancient fruit full of nutrients and healthy fats that generate energy, enhance neurotransmission, maintain our vascular system, and play a key role in weight regulation. Studies have shown that avocados are not only tasty, but also pair well with many nutritionally appealing partners including cacao, citrus fruits, nuts, berries, tropical fruits, seafood, and peppers.
Foodie Alba Martin and Dr. Claude Martin-Mondière M.D. Ph.D. share over seventy international avocado recipes from around the world, going beyond the traditional avocado toast and inviting us all to try various healthy combos that help to build brain cells, lower the risk of chronic diseases, and extend life expectancy. This diverse collection provides an array of dishes for various different cooking levels from ridiculously simple to more sophisticated: chilled avocado soup, stuffed red peppers, Mediterranean salsa, fried cod with GABA rice, saffron avocado shrimp, creamy kiwi smoothies, chocolate vegan milkshakes, etc.
The Avocado Affair shares over seventy international recipes that encourage foodies of all kinds to pair the legendary fruit with nutritious ingredients to create delicious dishes.
Release dateDec 19, 2018
The Avocado Affair: Discover Avocado’s Most Delicious Partners in Health Through Ancient Rejuvenating Secrets and 70 New Recipes

Alba Martin

Alba Martin learned to read on a cookbook and made her first recipe age 5. After a brief “nutrition for the healthy” course in France and a short internship at the Texas Heart Institute, she turned towards Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, studying between the UK, the US and Ireland while keeping a foot in the health and culinary world through a little of bit of food writing. Throughout the years, she’s been a fervent meat eater, vegetarian, and raw vegan, and now back to being an omnivore. Dr. Claude Martin-Mondière M.D. Ph.D. is a Physician by vocation. She obtained her MD and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Paris, France before receiving a grant for international post-doctorate studies in the Brain Research department of the University of Chicago and Baylor College in Houston. She won the Lipha prize in France and the innovation award from ASAIO meeting in Dallas for a device she designed to test shear stress on endothelial cells. She was granted an American patent for an ECMO blood pump. Parallel to this, Claude combined her laboratory and medical skills with her first-hand knowledge of Parisian food culture and culinary discoveries while travelling to Spain, Italy, Saoudi Arabia and Japan among others, to develop a new kind of healthy everyday cooking. Her expertise in immunology and biochemistry allowed her to achieve personal recovery through nutrition.

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    The Avocado Affair - Alba Martin

    Copyright © 2018 Dr. Claude Martin-Mondiere M.D. Ph.D.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    Image credit: Stock-Adobe, Dreamstime, Martin-Mondiere

    Cover image: Graphic design by S. David Forrest II for Supmatrix Artistry

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-5949-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-5950-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018936491

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 12/31/2018





    Table of Contents




    Health benefits


    Avocado Friends


    1. 100% Unadulterated Guacamole

    2. Chilled Avocado Soup

    3. Smoothie 2.0


    Why Avocado and Cacao Should be Married

    1. Montezuma’s Elixir

    2. Chocolate-Avocado Juice

    3. Choco-Matcha Juice

    4. Andalusian Hot Chocolate

    5. Tangerine Truffle Sorbet

    6. Sacher Slices

    7. Chocolate Vegan Milkshake

    8. Chocolate pudding

    9. Chocolate mousse and strawberries

    10. Green Neapolitan ice cream.

    11. White Chocolate Face Mask


    Nuts about Nuts

    1. Walnuts Asparagus soup

    2. Nutty Bites

    3. Avocado Martino

    4. Nutty Mousse

    5. Praline Pudding

    6. Nutavo

    Pepper Passion

    1. Vegan Pasta-Free Lasagna

    2. Stuffed Red Bell Pepper

    3. Gaspavo

    4. Basque Guacamole

    5. Texan Mayo

    6. Anti-inflammatory Smoothie

    50 Shades of Green

    1. Cream of Spinach Soup

    2. Spinach & Asparagus with a Mustard Kick

    3. Dandelion Rolls

    4. Kale salad

    5. Sexy Arugula Salad


    1. Avolive dip

    2. French Avocado Halves

    3. French-Mex Dip

    4. Mediterranean Salsa

    5. Grilled Tuna with Green Relish


    A. FLORA

    1. Asian Slaw

    2. Colorful Caesar with-Dulse Dressing

    3. Guacarama / Guacalina

    4. Raw Maki Rolls

    5. Sea Burrito


    1. Morning Herring

    2. West Indian Féroce d’avocat

    3. Avocado Mousse with Ikura

    4. Saffron Avocado Shrimp

    5. Seabass Avocado Carpaccio

    You Say Tomato…

    1. Avo-Pesto Salad

    2. Guacafire

    3. Sweet guacamole

    4. Green Caprese

    5. Fried Cod & Gaba Rice

    Pulp Fiction

    1. Sweet and Spicy Soup

    2. Gran’s Key Lime Pie

    3. Ever fresh Avocado Soup

    4. Orange & Fennel Salad

    5. Grapefruit & Granola

    Torrid Tropics

    1. Tropical Milk-Free Milkshake

    2. Tropical Fool

    3. Mango Pineapple Salsa

    4. Tropical Butter

    5. Spicy Mango Relish

    6. Passion Butter

    Berry Sexy

    1. Avoberry Juice

    2. Berry Perfect

    3. Berry Fool

    4. Gojimole

    5. Ants on the Log: Red & Black Edition

    6. Roseberry Cream-Sorbet


    1. Mushrooms: Crispy Avocado Quesadillas

    2. Beets: Root Vegetable Gratin with Herb Mayo

    3. Sweetcorn: French Corn Salad

    4. Dates: Crema di Datteri

    5. Dill: Creamy Cucumber Salad


    1. Creamy Kiwi Smoothie

    2. Pomegranate Yogurt

    3. Breakfast Shakes: green, blue, red, recovery

    4. Savory Oatmeal

    5. Buckwheat Waffles


    F. Cooking words from the Doctor

    G. Glossary


    About the Authors

    How to use this book:

    As you begin to read, you will find nutritional information at the beginning of each chapter, followed by a series of matching recipes. The recipes aren’t in the usual Appetizer, main course-dessert order, as some can be used as snacks, appetizers, or main courses, while others are equally breakfast and dessert (we’ll usually write suggestions for each).

    You will also find a few acronyms under each recipe, so here’s what they all mean:

    GF: Gluten Free (most of our recipes are)

    NF: Nut Free

    DF: Dairy Free

    Raw/Vegan/Vegetarian option: This means that you’ll be able to make the recipe raw, vegan or vegetarian with minimal effort. Usually by altering no more than one ingredient/technique.

    The idea here is also to enable a group with different dietary needs/preferences (egg, meat, fish, vegan) to easily share a meal.

    Pescatarian fish or seafood

    Low Fodmap: suitable for people on a low FODMAP diet (Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols). This could be your situation, if you suffer from digestive issues such as IBS or Crohn’s disease. If you are on a low fodmap diet, make sure you respect your diet’s daily portions.

    We’ll also be using a few utensils more often than others:

    • Hand mixer (to blend/mash ingredients in a pan or a bowl). When you use it, make sure your pan/bowl isn’t sensitive to metal, or that your blade is plastic.

    • Blender: we use this a lot. It can be annoying to clean, but recently a lot more practical with the arrival of mini-blenders you can bring to work with you and use as a glass.

    • Grinder (the utensil, not the app!): if your blender doesn’t have a grinder option, they’re sold separately. Coffee grinders usually work for nuts too.

    • Mortar: very handy for a traditional guacamole, or a rustic pesto.

    • Airtight containers: avocado oxidizes quickly, so these are key.

    • Bain-Marie/Double-boiler: you can buy a bain-marie pan, or place a smaller saucepan above a larger one partially filled with water. This will be used for very low heat (almost raw) cooking, especially to make chocolate/chocolate sauce. It leaves your chocolate paste smooth and keeps more nutrients intact.

    Note: though quite a few of our recipes are raw, you won’t need a dehydrator.

    ….Speaking of raw food:

    Many of our recipes are raw for mainly two reasons:

    1. Eating raw food will increase your nutrient intake, as more vitamins, minerals and even proteins will remain intact. Thus, more for you to absorb!

    2. Chopping a few ingredients to toss them in salad bowl, a blender, or in a roll, tends to be very quickly done. Often quicker than microwaving frozen meals.

    Note: when you prepare raw food, make sure all ingredients and utensils are washed and rinsed properly.

    Avocado is highly recommended for raw vegans, because it contains essential nutrients found mostly in animal products as CoQ10.

    That being said, if you’re not the raw type, you will find non-raw recipes too.

    Finally, we have a glossary towards the end of the book if you need to look up a few words, like, for example, Low FODMAP, biotin or duxelle.

    So bonne lecture (happy reading) et bon appétit!





    2 genders + 2 flowers = 1 super fruit since the tertiary era.

    Before we introduce the many foods in avocado’s tumultuous love life, let’s get a better sense of this fruit’s complex personality.

    First, avocado (Persea Americana) is a fruit, not a vegetable.

    It belongs to the Lauraceae family and is therefore related to bay leaf and cinnamon.

    Dichogamy with cross-pollination

    Avocado’s flower needs cross-pollination.

    It is very unique in the known botanical world.

    There are 2 types of flowers A and B.

    Both flowers open as female and if not pollinated close and change to reopen as male overnight.

    Day 1: Flowers are female. A flowers open in the morning, B flowers open in the afternoon.

    Day 2: If not pollinated they change gender overnight to open male, A flowers pollinate in the afternoon, B flowers pollinate in the morning.

    A flowers are pollinated by the B flowers in the morning and the B flowers are pollinated by the A flowers in the afternoon.

    Once the flowers have been pollinated, the fruit grows.

    The fruit is diploid with 2 genetically different haploid origins, one from a flower of A type and one from the B type.

    It doesn’t matter which gender has

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