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God-He Ls My Flame to Fame: A Book of Reflections
God-He Ls My Flame to Fame: A Book of Reflections
God-He Ls My Flame to Fame: A Book of Reflections
Ebook49 pages39 minutes

God-He Ls My Flame to Fame: A Book of Reflections

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About this ebook

This book of memoirs depict the rough times that I was enduring in which God remained steadily in my path even when I didn’t know or just couldn’t see past the circumstances. He took a sinner, like me, and molded me so I could be used to spread His words to many, through all of my trials and triumphants. I was broken,misled, thought I had no value to be on Earth, but God meant what He said; He has created me intoHis image; I saw nothing but God knew I was going to be all that He has planned for me. I was the darkness that the light poured in and saved. As you read these memoirs, you will see how trusting and relying on God gets you through all things. Also, there will be encouraging prayers to get you through the toughest times. Every element, whether good or bad, was part of my life’s puzzle in which God took all pieces and made it all fit and work for His glory. There are limitless possibilities with God; just have a mustered seed of faith.
Release dateDec 30, 2018
God-He Ls My Flame to Fame: A Book of Reflections

lkesia Nunez

One can say that I am a God fearing women whom has gone through many turbulence throughout her lifetime in which God has given me the gift of encouragement. He is the one who places the different gifts and attributes among His people. My life started off rough with lots of hurts, pains,and sufferings; however, due to my faith and hope in God, through Christ, He turned all my sorrows into joy. lt took me awhile to understand the reasoning behind it all, but glory be to God for not leaving me in which He changed my life from spiraling into chaos. Truly, all things work out for the good of those who love God all according to His purpose for them. God has given me a great husband, two beautiful daughters,a grandson, good friends, wonderful in laws, and a family that continues to beat the odds, no matter what.

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    Book preview

    God-He Ls My Flame to Fame - lkesia Nunez

    Who Is Christ, and What Is His Purpose?

    Where do we begin on this subject? I would say that Christ is the reason for our being. The reason I say this is that without him, we would not have salvation from condemnation of our sins. He is grace given by God to free us from the bondage that holds us back from the world.

    First, let’s explain what the grace of God means. Grace is the unmerited mercy (favor) God gave to humankind by sending his Son to die on a cross; this delivers eternal salvation. What is salvation? Salvation is deliverance from sin and its consequences. What is unmerited mercy? It is undeserved compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone who is within one’s power to discipline.

    Now that we have an understanding of God’s grace, we can understand that Jesus is a gift to us from God so that we may be at peace and have faith and hope. Luke 2:10-11 says, I bring to you news that will bring great joy to the people. The Savior, yes, The Messiah, The Lord Has been born today in Bethlehem. This scripture says that our promised deliverer, the one who will save us from danger and has authority over us, has been born unto us and will bring us great joy. Notice it doesn’t mention great happiness, because this trait resembles your feelings about how the circumstance affects your emotion; it’s a fleshly or worldly trait. As for joy, no matter what occurs in your life, you will remain at peace because you know you are not alone in any situation; Jesus will fight your battles.

    Therefore, we must confess and believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. He is the one who will intercede for us to break away from chains that constantly hold us back, such as guilt, pain, past hurts, faults, self-loathing, and so forth—all the things that prevent us from moving forward towards what God has planned for us. Unless we invite Jesus into our lives, He cannot break these chains. He is the mediator between us and God. He sits beside God as an intermediary, giving us partnership with him. John 14:6 says, Jesus is the way, the life and the truth; no one gets to the Father except through the Son. This means that Jesus is the only way that we can have communion with God. He will work within us to break all our sinful natures so that we will begin to form a relationship with God.

    When we are born, we go through developmental stages. First, we babble and coo, and then we say our first words (most likely, Daddy). As we grow, our vocabulary grows. That’s how our Christian walk grows. First, we must confess Christ as our Lord and Savior. As he continues to minister and work within us, we become closer and closer to understanding him and our behavior begins to resemble his throughout our lives. After this relationship develops, we become closer to God, forming a relationship with him while Christ is with us.

    To sum it up, you must accept Jesus into your life so that he can save you from this world. Luke 19:10 says, "For the Son of Man came to seek and save

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