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Healing to Wholeness
Healing to Wholeness
Healing to Wholeness
Ebook266 pages4 hours

Healing to Wholeness

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Dr. Westhoff received training as a healing prayer minister at Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida, and served for five years, seeing many people healed. She shares what the Holy Spirit taught her during this time. She gives four types of healing: generational, occultic, inner, and physical. Part II includes actual prayers to release any spirits causing psychological or physical sickness. Part III shows how to walk out our healing so that we can attain wholeness. Revelation chapters 2 and 3 call for all seven churches to repent and be an overcomer. Part III gives examples of how wholeness was obtained in appointments. It provides a scriptural background to become an overcomer and live a godly relationship in order to have a Christ-centered relationship with mankind. We need to heal our country, and this healing has to begin within family unity.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 15, 2019
Healing to Wholeness

Dr. Bonnie L. Westhoff

Bonnie Westhoff and her husband, Ronnie, worked at the same international corporation while raising their son. In retirement, Bonnie attended Logos Christian College and Graduate School in Jacksonville, Florida, earning her Bachelor’s in Leadership/Administration, her Master’s in Christian Counseling, and her Doctorate in Ministry/Theology. She was ordained in 2003. Her husband went to be with the Lord in 2009. She feels she has been called to minister wholeness. Recently she moved to Palmer, Alaska with her son Ron, and his wife Jennifer. She has three grandchildren: Hollie, Stephanie and Amy. Her biggest regret in life is that she lived at the opposite ends of the United States and has missed living close to her family. But God has been so faithful to allow her to draw close to her family before her life is complete. She visions the last page in her life book to read, and she lived happily ever after. Visit her website

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    Healing to Wholeness - Dr. Bonnie L. Westhoff

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/15/2019




    PART I

    Healing To Wholeness

    Chapter 1 Our Best Day

    Chapter 2 The Bible Is A Spiritual Book

    Chapter 3 Scriptural Principles For Listening To The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 4 The World Is Evil

    Chapter 5 Jesus Is Our Deliverer


    Healing Prayers

    Chapter 6 Generational Healing

    Chapter 7 Occultic Healing

    Chapter 8 Inner Healing

    Chapter 9 Physical Healing


    Living Out Our Wholeness In Christ

    Chapter 10 Be An Overcomer IN CHRIST

    Chapter 11 Go Past Forgiveness IN CHRIST

    Chapter 12 Live A Godly Relationship IN CHRIST

    Chapter 13 Have A Spiritual Relationship With Mankind IN CHRIST


    Appendix A  Healing Scriptures


    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to Diane Demers who was my prayer partner for more than five years at Christian Healing Ministries (CHM). I feel that if she didn’t encourage me I never would have had the confidence to think God could use me. It actually took three years for me to stop asking her after every appointment if God was pleased. Over and over, in every venue, she would tell others that I had God’s wisdom. I heard it but I didn’t have enough self-worth to believe that God’s wisdom could come through me.

    Finally, I was challenged by God to study pride. Pride is when we think we are different than others. I didn’t have the gift of tongues, and although I knew that it truly was a gift, I thought I wasn’t as gifted as the other prayer ministers. Diane would encourage me and tell me that God certainly speaks to you because He gives you the root cause for the recipients immediately. Finally, when ministering in soaking prayer, someone asked me to pray in tongues. I said, The Holy Spirit speaks to me in English. Where did that come from? The Holy Spirit confirmed in my spirit that I was hearing from Him and that He gives us the gifts that He desires us to have. English is a language and I know the Holy Spirit speaks to me through it. I accept this. Acts 1:8 says that I shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon me; and I shall be a witness to Christ…to the end of the earth. I can never doubt this promise from Jesus. The words that He speaks to me are spirit and they are life (Jn 6:44). I truly want and pray for the gift of my prayer language but I know that when God wants me to have tongues, it will be for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 tells me, For it is God Who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. In the mean time, I realize that I am gifted to pray vocally with people and give them the special verses from Scripture that God gives me to share. I am so blessed.

    One day when I was anointing Diane to receive what the Holy Spirit had for her, the Holy Spirit convicted me that the reason He worked so profoundly when I prayed with Diane was because she hosted His presence. Truly, I don’t know another soul like Diane. She knew what she wanted as a girl and God was so faithful to give her a loving, supportive husband and two children that she honors in Christ. I had the privilege of meeting her mother Estelle who lives in Maine. Her mother is very spiritual and her life revolves around ministry, as well. Diane has always been a Catholic and listens to the Holy Spirit to bring healing into that church denomination. But what is so amazing about Diane is that she spends so much of her time in the presence of Jesus when she is home alone. Prior to her husband retiring, she was spending five hours being filled in His presence. But even after her husband was at home more, she still spent at least three hours in His presence before going to healing prayer.

    As a team, Diane had the gift of physical healing and I had the gift of inner healing. Her left hand got hot and when she laid her hand on someone the power of God came into that person and they were healed. Maybe not always to wholeness, but they always received a degree of physical healing. She asked them what was the number of their pain from ten to one; ten being the greater. Many times people said eleven. After a few minutes of laying on of hands, they would say it reduced to two. After praying to heal the body, she continued the laying on of hands for physical healing. I often continued with the inner healing. Diane would sense any change and ask, How is the pain? So many times, the person would say, Oh, my, it is gone. We got so excited! Sometimes her hand got hot when she was just speaking with an individual, so she would ask them if they needed physical healing, and then proceed as they indicated. Now she just hosts His presence from the back of the room when people are gathered, knowing that His power is healing someone in the room. God wants supernatural healing to be the norm in the world today.

    Diane and I attended a wedding for Emily, one of the prayer ministers, and at 10’oclock at night here we were as prayer partners praying for the people at our table. We went out to dinner every Tuesday night that we had open prayer and reached out to bring Jesus wherever we went. Diane even came to my church to join me in praying for physical healing. Also, I encouraged others from my church to go to CHM to be prayed for by Diane for physical healing. When we had days of healing prayer, I would point out individuals to Diane who had cancer or severe physical challenges so she could pray for them. She would point out to me people that the Holy Spirit had indicated needed special inner healing with relationships. We never stopped being a team.

    The Holy Spirit convicted Diane to dance with a veil during worship. She said that the Lord wanted MORE in worship – so I’m giving Him more. How precious. She told me the veil symbolically opens the heavens and creates a portal, inviting the Holy Trinity into the atmosphere releasing healing. Scripture reveals that every symbolic action directed by the Holy Spirit has a corresponding heavenly reaction inviting the manifest power of the Lord.

    God placed Diane and I together as prayer ministers. We pray for each other, as well. I know she prays for me because every time we get together she follows up on whatever I was experiencing the last time, so that she can continue to intercede for me. This is the greatest friend, one who encourages when she is with you and intercedes when she is not with you.

    I so thank You Jesus for my mentor, Diane. This little girl within me has grown to be the bride of Christ, one who has learned that Jesus raised me up to be privileged to host His presence to see inner healing, and now even physical healing. I know who I am in Christ and the calling He placed on my life. He has shown me my gifts and they are numerous. I know that it is the Holy Spirit’s presence that brings forth the miracle, not the gift I received. Second Timothy 1:6 tells me to stir up the gift of God which is in me through the laying on of hands. The gifts of the Spirit operate by faith in God. My ability to succinctly deliver someone in such a short time is a testimony. I no longer ask if God is pleased because I know that I have asked to surrender my mind to the mind of Christ and that the Holy Spirit is in control. My thoughts are His thoughts. To doubt this would be to doubt the Holy Spirit. I know He is faithful. I laugh if someone asks me what I said because it really didn’t come from me. God is faithful to deliver others through me. I know that Christ dwells in me for Matthew 28:20 says lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Thank you Diane for saying yes when God sent you to help transform me to be the prayer minister that He knew I could be.

    My favorite time with Diane was when we jumped up and down with the joy of the Lord after each ninety-minute appointment. We gave God all the glory and celebrated what He had done. When I left CHM to go home I was so pumped that I couldn’t keep quiet during the hour drive. I kept thanking Jesus for what He had done. After every appointment, Diane and I would debrief how the Holy Spirit moved during the appointment. We learned with the uniqueness of every situation. That is what I believe Diane and I have in common – always listening, learning and sharing God’s revelations.

    I pray God’s greatest blessings upon you, Diane, and your family.

    Praise You Jesus!


    I’m not a medical doctor. I have my doctorate in ministry. What makes me think I am qualified to write a book on healing – healing to wholeness, no less. This is such a big topic that only God knows any of these answers. My pastor Wes Slough always preached that if we think we know something, then it isn’t God. So as I embark on this journey, I am guided by the Holy Spirit who is inspiring me to write the big picture He is giving me.

    I am a healing prayer minister. Prayer is communication with God as Christians respond to the love of God for them. God’s love is revealed through the marvelous incarnation and life of Christ, His atoning provision at the Cross, His resurrection, as well as His continuing presence through the Holy Spirit. The incarnation is a theological term for the coming of God’s Son into the world as a human being. The term itself is not used in the Bible, but is based on clear references in the New Testament to Jesus as a person in the flesh (Rom 8:3; Eph 2:15; Col 1:22). The capacity of Jesus to reveal God to us and to bring salvation depends upon His being fully God and fully man at the same time. Jesus lived out His human life by experiencing all the pressures, temptations and limitations that we experience (Heb 2:18; 4:15; 5:2, 7-8). Jesus showed in practical terms the full meaning and possibility of human life by living in obedience to God. His full humanity is also the basis on which it is possible for Him to represent us – indeed, take our place – in dying for us. Lockyer⁷ wrote regarding prayer, "Effective prayer must be a scripturally informed response of persons saved by grace to the living God who can hear and answer on the basis of Christ’s payment of the penalty which sinners deserved. As such, prayer involves several important aspects: faith, worship, confession, adoration, praise, thanksgiving, dedicated action, and a specific request. Most positively, God has promised to answer our requests when we:

    • start helping the hungry and afflicted (Is 58:9-10),

    • believe that we will receive what we ask (Mk 11:22-24),

    • forgive others (Mk 11:25-26),

    • ask in Christ’s name (Jn 14:13-14),

    • abide in Christ and His words (Jn 15:7),

    • pray in the Spirit (Eph 6:8),

    • obey the Lord’s commandments (1 Jn 3:22), and

    • ask according to His will (1 Jn 5:14-15).

    "Until we have properly responded to God and His Word, He cannot entrust us with His powerful resources. Prayer is a request to a personal Lord who answers as He knows best. We should not think that we will always have success in obtaining the things for which we ask. In His wisdom God hears and answers in the way that is best…The Bible declares that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (Jas 5:16). Prayer meets inner needs. One who prays will receive:

    • freedom from fear (Ps 118:5-6),

    • strength of soul (Ps 138:3),

    • guidance and satisfaction (Is 58:9-11),

    • wisdom and understanding (Dan 9:20-27),

    • deliverance from harm (Joel 2:32),

    • reward (Mt 6:6),

    • good gifts (Lk 11:13),

    • fullness of joy (Jn 16:23-24),

    • peace (Phil 4:6-8), and

    • freedom from anxiety (1 Pet 5:7)."

    Although prayer is specific, we can’t put God in a box. For instance, we can’t pray for a specific person to marry our child, but we can pray that God would provide a spiritual partner for our child that would lead them to a life experiencing God’s love and blessings. Praying for God’s will, on the other hand, can be too open ended. We know God’s will is that His children would prosper and be in good health (3 John 1:2). We know God’s will is that His children would be blessed and not cursed (Deut 28). We know that God’s will is that we stay in His presence and avoid the temptations of Satan’s involvement (The Lord’s prayer in Mt 6:9-13). Praying God’s will is usually requested when someone is terminal. To give God the glory, we pray from God’s prospectus, not a worldly one. Maybe God has a bigger plan. Maybe God has a mission for our loved one in heaven. Our life changes when we lose a loved one. Our faith is shown by how we go through every circumstance. We always pray for God’s mercy and then embrace His merciful actions. God never does anything against His children, but so they can be blessed as they see His glory revealed, moment-by-moment. Many people who seek healing prayer are mad at God because He took their child or didn’t give them children. Some feel that God cheated them and it isn’t fair. However, we never know what those children might have encountered in life and have to believe that God protected them from Satan’s clutches; and in heaven our children only experience the blessed life.

    Prayer and healing go together. Prayer is the way to Jesus and Jesus is the Healer. The answer to prayer comes down to one thing: we believe that God wants something more than we do because everything we pray for is to the glory of God. We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus prayed He delivered people from evil spirits and they were made well. He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick (Mt 8:16). Jesus delivered; then healed.

    Jesus said He only did what the Father did. We do what Jesus did; we deliver and then heal, always through Jesus. Healing is bigger than the medical field, and bigger than man’s ability to understand spiritual healing. Healing isn’t from anything we do; it is because Jesus wants it more than we do. It is never about us; it is always about Jesus.

    This book comes as a result of my experiences as a prayer minister. My training was with Christian Healing Ministries (CHM) in Jacksonville, Florida. CHM was founded in 1980 by Francis MacNutt (a former priest with a PhD in theology) and his wife, Judith MacNutt (a psychotherapist), to give general biblical perspectives on healing with the ultimate goal of restoring supernatural healing to the Church, all Christian denominations. CHM is well known, nationally and internationally. I highly recommend their training because we are healed as we go through the schools. To become a prayer minister through CHM, three levels of training are required. Presently, that means spending three weekends (Th, F, Sat) in Florida and yet having time to implement what we learned before we come back for the next level. Levels 1 and 2 can even be taken online. However, level 3 is required class style so that one can experience being prayed for as well as praying for others. The instructor’s share that we are practicing but God isn’t. God is always at work. We won’t find those basics for healing in this book, but once we become a prayer minister, this information might help to apply what was learned. All of my experiences are solidly formed from these teachings which are all based on the Word of God. All prayer is done through the Holy Spirit.

    Francis MacNutt is well known as one of the original authors of this century to revive the knowledge of evil spirits and give an approach to healing through overcoming them. His teachings are based on the truth of the Bible. Mark 16 tells believers to cast out demons and heal the sick. Francis emphasizes the need to follow this great commission. The Lord sought Francis, just as other great men and women of God, in season, to publish books on God’s supernatural works for today. His books are called classics.

    At CHM there is no specific process and all appointments are turned over to the Holy Spirit. They have example prayers for deliverance and healing. When we go to college, we learn the basics but when we enter Corporate America, there is always a process to apply what we learned. I seem to be a person who needs a process. In my career, the first thing I did was create a procedure manual and I needed to do the same thing at CHM. As I recorded principles that the Holy Spirit revealed, appointment after appointment, I realized a pattern formed to break heavenly spirits first in order for the recipient to be freed to overcome strongholds. This probably was in the CHM training but for me as I wrote down the process and became an experienced prayer minister my training became a reality. CHM gives the four types of healing below and I realized how they had to be implemented in that order. First to break the predispositional heavenly spirits, those big spirits that can even dominate cities and special areas. For instance, the spirit of leviathan is the spirit of pride that can be over a whole church and dominate their members. Only after those spirits are broken do we cast out the stronghold earthly smaller demons that affect our thoughts like the spirit of fear. We can see how we have to get to the top of Satan’s organization of spiritual order to be able to weaken his authority over us. We have to include the whole physical realm of humanity that God has created. Without attending to the wholeness of mankind, we cannot be totally healed.

    Generational Healing (Spirit)

    Generational DNA begins at conception and carries the spiritual sins of past generations to the next generation. When Christians come to Jesus, they don’t usually ask for the generational sins of the fathers to be broken. Yet, in Exodus 20:5 the Ten Commandments says that the sins of the fathers are passed down to the third and fourth generations. Our world is sick! These spiritual sins continue and most Christians are not even aware of them, nor do they know how to get rid of them. Humankind is born in spiritual sin under the evil influences of Satan (see chapter 2 for how this happens). We have to be born again (Jn 3:3) to become dead to Satan’s influences and allow God’s Holy Spirit to rule and reign (Romans chapter 6). Later on in chapter 6, prayers are presented to break generational spirits and help us know that the Holy Spirit resides in us and that we are ready to be healed to wholeness.

    DNA affects our spiritual and physical wellness. We need to understand the anatomy of the brain and the mind so that we can release ourselves to the Holy Spirit to be cleansed. Only God has the power to remove the flash backs of PTSD and bring healing, not just to the military but to everyone who has gone through trauma. The medical description for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder includes rape victims and those that were brought up in environments that were so difficult they don’t even know how to reach out for help. They don’t know how to trust. These generational spirits are causing young men and women to want drugs that turn on their brain chemicals to crave sex

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