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Captured: By the Light of the Silvery Doom
Captured: By the Light of the Silvery Doom
Captured: By the Light of the Silvery Doom
Ebook411 pages7 hours

Captured: By the Light of the Silvery Doom

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Linda Grosenbaugh was an assassin for the Chicago crime syndicate. Her father had introduced Linda to the crime family at an early age. Daddy was “boss” of the human organ–harvesting operation in Lancaster, California, but made an unforgiveable mistake, making him and his family expendable. After the death of her parents, Linda was on the run. Having taken her father’s last words seriously, Linda arrived at a refuge known as We Ville. Once admitted to her safe haven, Linda became an important part of that community, later to learn this was all preordained destiny. The unique town is occupied by those with infinite powers, some strange and some wondrous. The government has taken notice of We Ville, and a congressman has decided to undermine everything and anything in hopes to acquire it for himself.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 17, 2019
Captured: By the Light of the Silvery Doom

Charles W. Pumphrey

Charles W. Pumphrey is a retired Master Sergeant from the United States Army and Viet Nam veteran. Residing in a small rural community in Dayton Nevada he is a avid animal lover. Chuck is a supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project. Residing with his wife Monique and his pit bull Lady Bug he adds this book to one of his latest novels "Seized."

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    Captured - Charles W. Pumphrey

    Copyright © 2019 by Charles W. Pumphrey.

    ISBN:                 Softcover                 978-1-7960-1090-9

                              eBook                      978-1-7960-1089-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 01/16/2019





    Chapter 1 Escape Clause

    Chapter 2 Who’s the Big Bad Wolf Now?

    Chapter 3 And The Beat Goes On

    Chapter 4 Good Girl, Bad Girl

    Chapter 5 Who’s Watching Whom?

    Chapter 6 Introductions

    Chapter 7 No time for Sergeants

    Chapter 8 The Welcoming Party

    Chapter 9 An Awkward Moment

    Chapter 10 Sleuthing 101

    Chapter 11 Oops!

    Chapter 12 The Gate

    Chapter 13 Unhinged

    Chapter 14 A Roll of Coins

    Chapter 15 Reunited

    Chapter 16 Rude Awakening

    Chapter 17 The Great Deception

    Chapter 18 Gift Wrapped Packages

    Chapter 19 Dark Times

    Chapter 20 Here We Go Again

    Chapter 21 The Dawning of A New Day

    Chapter 22 Another Fine Mess


    Escape Clause

    L INDA GROSENBAUCK WAS on a flight reflecting on recent events. Daddy Grosenbauck had sent her on a mission to take care of a problem in Chicago Illinois and her flight was to be just over five and a half hours. Linda had driven down to Bob Hope International Air Port in Burbank California from Lancaster California, located in the Antelope Va lley.

    Lancaster California is a suburb of Los Angeles about sixty miles from the Bob Hope International Air Port. Linda had taken the 14 Freeway South onto the I-5, Golden State Freeway, heading South and exited on Hollywood Way, taking the route to the airport entrance, where she had parked her Mercedes in the extended stay parking facility.

    Removing her one suitcase from the trunk, she barely noticed the golf club bag that had been Jim’s, but it was enough to remind her of her loss. The Mercedes had been a gift from her father to Jim for his performance in the wrecking yard where Jim had been the manager attending to Family business.

    Once checked into the flight Linda was seated in her first class seat and was served a glass of white Zinfandel while the coach passengers were being loaded like cattle into the aircraft. Linda had been provided a warm damp towel as she was seated and she had used it to refresh herself upon arrival at her seat. The seats were luxurious gray leather that could be fully reclined for a restful trip.

    During the drive down to the airport, Linda’s mind traveled back in time when she had first met Jim. He was very handsome and she fell in love at first site. They had something special and Linda knew it from day one. Daddy had been surprised by the whirlwind romance but had decided to take Jim Under his wing and make sure he could provide for his daughter in a manner with which she was accustomed.

    Bid Daddy Grosenbauck made sure Jim was in the right place at the right time for him to be noticed by The Family and he was assigned a sensitive position in the family business. Jim had performed admirably and was on the fast track to become Boss in the organization.

    Linda reflecting back to their relationship, her mind recalling Jim’s passionate lovemaking caused an increased stimulation making her nipples rise and harden. This much to the appreciation of her male seating companion who imagined it was her reaction to him seated next to her. He attempted to make some small talk, but when she glared at him contemptuously it because painfully obvious he was not the object of her arousal.

    The doors were shut and the attendants had given their instructional but boring rendition of flight safety and the plane was taxiing down the runway. Linda’s seat was in the full upright position and her seat belt securely fastened as her mind wondered over the events of her romance with Jim. The deep feelings of loss have never left her and she regrets the moment it became necessary to place Family over love. Nevertheless, family is family and a daughter’s duty is a daughter’s duty. She had never failed in her task as family enforcer and she did not intend to fail them in the future.

    Linda became part of the organization at an early age. She was only twelve years old but mature for her age. Daddy had just moved to the Pacific Palisades with her and her mother having been sent as Boss of the human organ harvesting operation in California. Big Daddy Grosenbauck hated the business of human organ harvesting but he wanted to be Boss and had worked his way up the crime ladder having been an enforcer himself for a number of years before finally being noticed and given this opportunity.

    Linda was enrolled in St. Matthew’s Parish School located in the Pacific Palisades. She was a straight A student and got along with her peers. Her teachers admired her aptitude for learning and she quickly rose in stature among the facility and was elected Student President of her class. Linda also was Managing Editor of the school newspaper.

    One afternoon Daddy, arrived as usual, to pickup Linda from school. "Honey I need to make a quick stop on the way home and take care of some business. It won’t take long wait for me in the car I won’t be a minute. Daddy Grosenbauck pulled over to the curb in front of an Italian restaurant, got out of the vehicle, and entered the building. Linda became impatient when her father took too long to return and she went into the restaurant.

    The place was deserted and so she walked back to the rear of the joint and walked into the kitchen where she saw her father being beaten by two men. There was a gun on the floor by Daddy’s feet. Linda picked up the first thing she saw, an ice pick, and charged the men. Her first blow with the ice pick was to the man with his back turned, she stuck him in the neck and then she hit the second man squarely in the heart. Daddy quickly picked up his gun and shot the man holding his neck.

    Daddy took Linda by the hand and the two raced from the scene. Linda still held the ice pick in her hand as they entered the vehicle and sped away. It took several minutes before Linda’s father could say something. Hon, I’m sorry you had to be involved in that mess. Forget it Dad that was the most exciting thing I have ever done, I had an orgasm. You what? I got my rocks off Pop, it was great!

    There was dead silence while Daddy considered what he had just been told. If there is ever a last thing you might think of in that situation, Daddy just got that very same last thing. Jesus Christ Linda are you saying you enjoyed killing those men? Yes, I guess I am. Well you quite possibly saved my ass in there and I really do appreciate that, let’s not say anything about this to your mother. Ha, ha, ha, te, he, he, she would shit a brick for sure Daddy. Big Daddy Grosenbauck chuckled at that and a new bond was formed between father and daughter.

    That next day Linda was enrolled in martial arts training and she began an intensive self-defense regiment that eventually progressed to offensive training and weapons usage. Linda continued to prize her ice pick and carried it everywhere.

    Linda found that you could buy an ice pick anywhere but she has always kept her original. On board the airliner, Linda felt a bit naked without her instrument of destruction but she knew she could fashion a weapon out of almost anything and that thought brought her comfort.

    Linda’s young innocent look was able to bring her to close contact in situations that otherwise might have been tricky. Big Daddy saw this as an opportunity and one day asked Linda if she felt she could use her ice pick to do him a favor. Linda could not believe her luck and she was so excited at the prospect that that evening in bed she climaxed just thinking of what she was about to do.

    The next evening she and her father went to a function raising money for a popular charity. In attendance were many social and political up and comers. Linda’s target was a political climber who if eliminated could push forward a more amenable candidate to the Family. It was known that her target was more than a little interested in underage females.

    Linda waiting for just the right moment approached the man and he immediately took up the bait. Well hello there young lady, and who might you be? My name is Amanda kind Sir and I would really like some of that Champagne. Well you are a bit young to be drinking alcohol aren’t you? I’m old enough to do all sorts of naughty things. Really, now you have got my interest up. If you get me a glass of the Champagne and meet me on the balcony I’ll help you get something else up. Wow you really want it don’t you? Yes, I do. Then Linda moved passed him brushing her hand across his zipper.

    Linda was waiting on the balcony when he arrived with the two glasses, and very excited. Here you are dear let’s move away from the window so you won’t be seen sipping the wine. Linda backed away from the double-glassed pained doors to a secluded area directly next to the entryway and near the metal decorative railing. Put your hand inside my panties. He cannot believe his luck as she is rubbing the front of his trousers. He slips his right hand down inside her pants under her panties. Once he has inserted his hand she hits him directly in the heart with her ice pick, using her right hand. His eyes are held wide open for a moment before he begins to go limp in her arms. Linda balances him removing his hand from her pants and once he is free she simply pushes him backwards until he is falling over the balcony landing behind the decorative shrubs below.

    Daddy, I picked a winner and I think it might be time for us to go. Yes dear I’m sure you are right, I’ve made a sizable donation to the charity, and so our business here is concluded.

    Once outside and in the car Well how did it go, is he lying on the balcony? Nope I dropped him over into the scrubs below, it might take awhile before they discover he’s missing or before they find the body. Perfect, I think it’s time for you to have a car, don’t you? Yes, Daddy that would be really nice. OK tomorrow I’m driving you to the dealership and you can pick out anything you like.

    Sixteen and in possession of a learners permit Linda chooses a sporty two door convertible Mercedes Benz and the system of do this for me and you will be rewarded is born.

    Would you like another glass of wine Miss? Yes, please Linda replies to the attractive flight attendant and Linda watches as she walks back up the isle to fetch another glass of wine. Linda is noting the shape of the flight attendant as she walks away and thinks to herself, I wonder if she is laying over? The flight attendant returns with the wine and as she bends over to place the glass upon the tray Linda brushes her with her hand and their eyes meet. The flight attendant smiles and Linda returns the smile.

    Noting the attendants’ nametag Say Julie is there any chance you might be laying over in Chicago? Why yes I’m laying over there for two days, why do you ask? Well Julie I have business for a couple of days in Chicago but not until the middle of the week and was hoping for someone to show me the ropes. Julie immediately picks up and says, Well I would be delighted to show you what I know. The guy next to Linda feels vindicated thinking that’s why she gave me a dirty look she is into women.

    Great why don’t we meet at baggage claim after the flight? Sure Linda I’ll meet you there. How do you know my name? Asks Linda, I looked you up on the passenger manifest. Really? Asks Linda. Julie places her hand on Linda’s Really."

    The rest of the flight was rather uneventful. Linda enjoyed the in flight meal and watched the in-flight movie. The landing at O’Hare was a bit bumpy but once on the ground Linda exited the plane and went directly to baggage claim where she met Julie who was waiting with her flight attendant bag on rollers.

    Without saying anything the two women, after securing Linda’s bag, head out the front door of the airport and got into a taxi. Where to Ladies? asked the cabbie. Hyatt Regency please. And the cab pulls away from the curb merging into traffic.

    Linda sitting next to Julie places her hand on Julie’s thigh and begins rubbing her leg up and down raising Julies skirt in the process. Julie lifts her hips allowing the skirt to rise above her waist and exposing her panties, Linda all the while focusing on the cabbie who is not looking in the rear view mirror.

    Linda whispers in Julie’s ear, Let’s continue this on a bed shall we? Julie replies Oh, a bed would be much more exciting and pleasurable. The cabbie pulls to the curb in front of the hotel, exits the cab, and opens the door for the women to exit. Once Linda and Julie are out of the car the cabbie removes their luggage from the trunk and places the bags on the curb.

    Linda pays the cab rate and the women enter the hotel, check in and go directly to the room. Once inside and after the door has closed behind them Julie takes Linda into her arms and kisses her deeply. A deep French kiss starts the fire burning. Linda fully aroused hears the telltale click of a switchblade and her martial arts training kicks into gear.

    Her assailant launches an angle of attack; Linda assumes and maintains a neutral stance. When the blade is close enough, she intercepts the motion of the knife arm and bends with the path of attack. Then she redirects it by spinning under her arm and seizing control using a Sankyo wristlock.

    Maintaining the hold, she spins once again and takes away the knife. Further off balancing the attacker, she follows up with a strike to the solar plexus using the butt end of the weapon. To finish, she controls her by applying pressure to her elbow with the knife handle as she pins her face down on the floor.

    Who are you really and why do you want me dead? Screw you bitch; I’m not telling you shit. Linda twists Julies arm until she hears a snap and a scream comes out of Julie. I’m only going to ask you one more time before I remove your arm from your body with this, the very knife you tried to use on me, who are you and who sent you?

    Linda applies more pressure to the already badly broken arm. OK. OK my name is Samantha and I was sent by the Chicago crime family. You lie! I am part of the syndicate from Chicago. You were until dear old dad screwed up. What are you talking about Daddy has never screwed up anything. Well the word I got was that he screwed the pooch when the harvesting operation went south in California and some detective named Williamson has put two and two together and is hot on pop’s heals."

    Linda takes a nanosecond to consider the information before cutting Sam’s throat. She rushes to gather her things, dresses quickly, and places a call to her father. Daddy’s cell phone is answered after an inordinate long number of rings Daddy always picks right up. Hello comes a strange voice over the line. Linda asks, Who are you and where is my father?

    My name is Detective Williamson and I’m in your parent’s residence as we speak. I’m afraid your parents are dead. Linda is in complete shock What? Williamson repeats himself I’m sorry to inform you that your parents are deceased and could you please identify yourself and inform us of your current whereabouts. Without thinking, My name is Linda Grosenbauck and I’m in Chicago Illinois at the moment. Then reality sets in and she realizes she has made a grievous error revealing her location to the very detective investigating the harvesting operation.

    She not only revealed her location but also over a non-secured line possibly taped by the crime syndicate who now knows their hit man has failed to remove her. Linda immediately hangs up the phone and grabs her suitcase and purse then takes the emergency stairs down to the first floor. She scans the lobby for anyone who looks out of place in the posh lobby and identified two individuals in cheap suits and who have a problem shaving properly.

    Shit they are already here and must know from the time elapsed that their hit man goofed the job. Linda knows that if she were to try to exit from the alarmed door leading to the outside of the hotel they more than likely have a man on the outside waiting for that eventuality.

    Leaving everything behind she goes back up to the second floor and opens the door, enters the hallway and finds the service elevator that will take her to the subterranean bowels of the building where all the mechanical equipment is located. Once inside the elevator and moving downward her mind is reflecting on her situation and the loss of her mother and father. In less than a minute, the elevator stops and the doors open to the noise of the equipment room.

    Exiting the elevator quickly Linda moves to the exit from the mechanical room, which will lead her to the alley behind the hotel. She slowly opens the exit door and walks up the small number of stairs peering just over the top of the exit exterior stairwell and spies a man leaning against the hotel wall smoking a cigarette. Damn, they have certainly covered all the bases.

    Removing her shoes Linda is going to make a run for it in the opposite direction when the smoking man is approached from one of the men who had been in the lobby and they hurry off. Linda leaving her shoes behind makes a run for it. She runs for all she is worth down the alley rounding the corner and blends into the human onslaught moving along the sidewalk heading away from the hotel.

    Once clear Linda begins the task of getting herself to a secluded and safe location. Her father has set up a small place on the outskirts of Chicago located in a small town called Romeoville just as a precaution in case something might go wrong while in Chicago. Linda knows there are forged new identity documents cash and weapons at that location and she checks her pockets for any loose money she might have shoved into her pocket. Forty dollars and some loose change she had received from a fifty-dollar bill given the cashier at the magazine stand in the airport shoved into her pocket as she was preparing to board the plane.

    Walking along the busy street Linda ponders her situation and realizes forty dollars will not get her to the desired destination. She sees a Salvation Army Thrift store and enters looking to buy a pair of shoes. Finds a pair of sneakers in her size for five dollars pays for the shoes and is about to leave the store when she sees an ice pick in the household items bin. Linda takes it as an omen, pays fifty cents for the ice pick, and tucks it into the waistband of the pants she had hurriedly donned during her escape.

    Next stop was a swanky bar for upscale business associates stopping for a few quick drinks prior to entering the subway and commuting back to suburbia. Linda takes a seat in the middle of the bar and is approached by the bartender What can I get for you miss? I’ll have a beer on tap please; make it a Bud Light if you have it.

    A man sitting just a few stools away says, I would have taken you for the Martini type. Well I usually am but I lost my purse and all my credit cards so I’m down on my luck at the moment. Well in that case please allow me to upgrade your drink miss? Oh yeah, my name is Linda and who might I inquire are you kind sir? William Buckley at your service, Linda.

    William moves over to the stool directly next to Linda. What brings you to the windy city Linda? Well I was here on business but it was canceled quite abruptly and to add insult to injury I was in the process of making arrangements to go home when my purse mysteriously disappeared.

    Sounds like something all too common in Chicago. Yeah, so I hear. The barkeep delivers a martini and William tells him, Put it on my tab. Linda takes a hard pull from the martini, Thanks I really needed that. She says with a broad smile. You are entirely welcome Linda. Say William is there anything I might be able to do for you to earn a little cash?

    Shocked but pleasantly surprised, Well yes there are a couple of things that come to mind. Are you staying here in town, William? As a matter of fact I am staying at the hotel just down the street; it’s a nice place, quiet, comfortable, and private. Sounds nice William why don’t you show me how nice your place is? William calls for the tab, pays and takes Linda’s hand leading her out the door down the street and finally into his room.

    Once in the room William attempts to kiss Linda. Hang on there a bit, buddy we need to talk some business first, what kind of two things had you in mind? Well to start with something oral and then move down town, how much we talking about for that? Well I usually get five hundred for those specialty items but because you were so kind and bought me a drink how does four hundred sound? Linda had noticed William had a fat wallet when he paid for the drinks.

    Sounds great and William approaches her and they exchange a passionate kiss. Linda considers giving him a break and just going forward with the sex for money deal when William pushes her down hard and unzips his zipper. He pushes himself towards her lips holding her by her hair.

    That was a fatal mistake. Linda fights back, the ice pick slid easily between his rib cage and he died. She took his wallet, checked his pockets and found a set of car keys.

    Linda went down to the parking garage and pushed the clicker on the key ring until a set of lights flashed on an early Chevrolet. Linda entered the vehicle and drove it out of the underground garage heading east to her new safe house location, Thanks Daddy.

    During her ride Linda reflected upon the current events, more often than not, tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of her losses. The loss of her beloved father pulled hard on the strings of her heart and mom, never a truly loving person, but still she was her mother. Even though Linda was instrumental in the demise of the only man, other than her father, she had ever loved; Jim’s loss was the largest loss of all. Linda had loved Jim deeply but his proposed betrayal to the family had made his disposal a necessity.

    Reflecting back over the new elimination order on her and her family, Linda regrets, even more, her action concerning Jim. I’m going to be your worst nightmare you sorry sons of bitches. You will live to regret your decision to mess with me.

    The ride was soon over as Linda turns, going down the dirt side road, heading down the private drive past the large trees and over a small wooden bridge crossing a small meandering stream. The hideout is an old log cabin with wooden porch and wooden covered veranda. The front door is locked with its red-checkered curtains hanging just inside.

    Her father had instructed Linda, over and over again, about the location of the retreat and what to do upon arrival. Linda reaches over the beam of the adjoining veranda and obtains the key unlocking the front door. She pauses; opening the door just a crack, disabling the trip wire with the attached grenade, then pushes the door fully open. Home sweet home. Linda utters as she walks through the cabin checking every inch for any signs of previous intruders.

    Satisfied that she is the only recent visitor, Linda enters the bedroom and tests the firmness of the mattress prior to lying down with her feet just over the edge, sleep takes her quickly.


    Who’s the Big Bad Wolf Now?

    L INDA AWAKENS TO the morning’s dawn. Slightly stiff and with her feet asleep from hanging over the edge of the bed, she sits up allowing for more blood flow to the afflicted area. In moments, the feeling returns to her legs and feet. Linda begins her morning routine of stretching and martial arts movements preparing for her day. She has performed this routine from a very early age and always feels refreshed and revitalized after comple tion.

    Going into the kitchen, Linda is famished, she investigates the cupboard and finds canned goods of nearly every sort imaginable but more importantly she pushes the hidden button opening the secret compartment located just behind the back wall of the cupboard. There in the one-foot deep opening she activates the latch opening the secreted area finding mounted on the pegboard hooks is every conceivable weapon. For now, Linda selects a 9mm Beretta and checks the mag, finding it fully loaded, even with one in the chamber. Linda puts the weapon behind her back in the waistband of her pants.

    Closing the hidden compartment Linda selects a can of pork and beans and opens the can with a can opener found in one of the kitchen drawers. She sits on the old Formica kitchen table with its chrome legs, red Formica tabletop, on the matching chairs. Having secured a spoon from the drawer as she discovered the can opener, Linda eats hungrily directly from the can. She recalls that the last thing she had eaten was on the aircraft that had conveyed her to Chicago from Burbank California two days previous.

    Reflecting on her narrow escape from the hands of the hit man sent to whack her and the thugs forcing her to flee with nothing but her wits, the anger rises and she sees red. Having completed her quickie breakfast Linda returns to the bedroom examining the closet containing clothing designed to be neutral in fit and design for male or female, she selects a pair of dark blue sweats.

    Opening several drawers Linda discovers panties and bra, socks, pantyhose, all still in the packages. Nice going Daddy as she lays out the clothing articles she has selected upon the bed. Next stop is to the small shed containing the generator and after just two pulls, the generator springs to life.

    Now Linda turns on the switch, which operates the water pump from the well to the house. Linda goes to the one car garage finding a 1999 Ford F250 V-10 Super Duty pickup truck. Opening the glove box she finds vehicle licensing and registration with proof of insurance in her new name. She checks the vehicle exterior to find a solar-powered trickle charger wire running to the vehicle. Disconnecting the trickle charger Linda enters the vehicle and turns on the ignition key at which time the truck starts immediately.

    Linda pulls the truck out of the garage then goes to retrieve the stolen Chevrolet parking it in the garage closing and locking the garage doors behind her. Linda makes a mental note to get rid of the vehicle at the earliest convenient time; it will obviously tie her to the murdered man that has, by now, been found in the hotel room.

    Returning to the cabin Linda checks under the sink of the bathroom to discover the red light is now on in the electric water heater warming the water for her most anticipated hot shower.

    Retrieving the lockbox from the top shelf of the bedroom closet and reaching above the back closet door casing for the key Linda opens the box finding an Illinois drivers license, passport, and insurance documentation in her new name. The pictures are outdated but they are passable. Also contained in the gunmetal box is ten thousand dollars all in hundred dollar bills.

    Linda says to herself Daddy you thought of everything, I guess you knew this day would eventually come.

    By now, the electric water heater has heated the water and Linda strips entering the shower. She turns on the water-mixing valve and receives a blast of cold water from the shower head at which she places her hand over the shower head to protect herself from the cold until she feels the warmth of the hot water that has finally run through the pipes reaching the showers location.

    Man that was cold. But the hot water begins to take away the goose bumps and Linda relaxes as the warm water cascades over her body. Taking up the bar of soap found in the soap holder in the tiled shower stall Linda begins to soap her body. She is soaping up and turning her back to the showerhead running the soapy liquid over her causing a pleasant sensation.

    Linda thinks, I haven’t had sex since Jim last made my eyes roll back in my head. After taking care of matters herself, Ah that’s better, it was not Jim but it was good none the less.

    Exiting the shower Linda takes the white terry cloth towel from the towel rack and dries. Walking naked into the bedroom, she slips into her bra and panties, dons the dark blue sweat suit, puts on her socks and tennis shoes. She thinks; there that completes the hick look and when driving the pickup truck I will fit right in here in Boonies Ville.

    Tucking her hair under a brimmed hat and putting on a pair of large sunglasses Linda is satisfied that her concealment is sufficient, should she be spotted by anyone looking for a well-dressed sophisticated woman.

    She stuffs five one hundred dollar bills into the pocket of the sweat suit, puts the ice pick in the front of the sweat suit pants and the 9mm behind her back covering them with the loose fitting sweatshirt.

    Taking the truck, and driving the twenty miles into the small burg of a town, there is a gas station combo grocery and fishing supply store, a small café and tiny no tell motel making up the bulk of the main part of the town. Linda decides that this is not a place where she can obtain the supplies she is seeking and so she continues the drive hoping to find a much larger location that will Hopefully have at least a Walmart.

    Continuing down the two-lane road, she passes a small church complete with belfry and peaked roof sporting a neon lit cross. The white washed exterior has seen better days. Several single-family residences showing signs of disrepair are passed along the way before Linda reaches the outskirts of the village. Once she has cleared the last of the populated area she drives along the tree-lined road passing a buck with a full rack of antlers that stands just off to the side of the road grazing the fresh green grass. Its head comes up as Linda passes the deer but then as if to say You are insignificant drops it’s head back to the chore of eating the green foliage.

    Thirty miles further into the drive, signs of real life begin to appear starting with a few modernized log cabins and some modular homes on lots. Linda supposes these are vacation residences. Then, as if springing to life the road opens up to a fair sized city.

    Finding a Walmart Super store Linda picks up some groceries and a purse that actually has a concealment compartment under the handbag for a weapon.

    After having paid for her purchases, Linda wheels the shopping cart to her awaiting truck loading the items into the front seat. Placing her purchases into the vehicle she is about to close the passenger side door when she looks up to see a figure she recognizes from having been in a crime bosses meeting with her father. What’s he doing here? Linda asks herself.

    Well, waste not, want not. Linda gets into the truck and follows the man driving away in his Cadillac Escalade. Not far down the road, the man parks his vehicle in front of Tony’s Bar and Grill and enters the establishment with what Linda perceives as a swagger, cocky bastard. Linda gets out of her truck confident that she will not be recognized and enters Tony’s taking a seat at the bar just down from the man she has followed.

    The barkeep asks what he can get her and she continues her ruse. Gemme a Bud.

    The barkeep accepts a five returning with her change. The gangster is shaking down the bartender for Protection money and has been handed an envelope. He throws down the double shots of Jack and picks up the envelope then heads off to the men’s room where he is standing in front of the urinal when Linda approaches him from behind What the … are his last words when the ice pick enters his heart from behind his back.

    Linda allows the man to simply fall to the floor then removes the envelope from his pants pocket and walks unnoticed from the men’s room, takes the Bud left on the bar and carries it out of the bar with her, dumping it in the trash container after wiping it clean of any prints.

    Linda takes the back roads and returns to the cabin where she examines the envelope. The sealed envelope contains one thousand dollars in various sized bills but more importantly, it contains a small packet of smack. Ah Ha says the spider to the fly, the bar is providing a sample of a drug locally distributed, is my guess, and the reason for the much needed protection.

    Thinking that the barkeep has discovered his contact in the men’s room with his pecker out, and the fact that a woman was the only other person

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