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Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf: Book Two - Found
Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf: Book Two - Found
Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf: Book Two - Found
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Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf: Book Two - Found

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They knew it wouldn’t be too long before The Bastard found them and he did. He causes a lot more pain to this family. Seumas and Kevin both understanding their mates and have chosen to take the time to build their bond and both have said that they’re not ready for it.
Release dateJan 19, 2019
Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf: Book Two - Found

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    Scottish Vamp & the New York Wolf - J.C. Valentine

    © 2019 J.C. Valentine. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/18/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-7657-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-7656-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019900569

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    Two Weeks Later…


















    One Month Later…



































    To Be Continued

    Author’s note: This was a long process and I have gone back as far as I could without taking too much of the story away from the two main characters. This story is not to be reformatted in any manner what so ever without contacting me first.

    You, the reason this story continues



    O ver the last few weeks while Seumas and Jessie went to school, we were taking things to the new house and setting up. Everyone chose one room to paint and lay the carpet.

    Dad chose Seumas’ room. He painted the walls a soft blue-green combination. The top half was blue to look like the sky and the bottom was green to look like the grass.

    The ceiling was a dark blue with glow in the dark stars. By the window, he put a couch to match the color theme of blue-green.

    The bed is a full size canopy complete with the drapes. Then finally adding a couple of bookcases, a TV stand, and a desk cherry wood in color.

    Kieth set up Jessie’s room, making sure to add a window bench seat in a pale pink and an oak desk that my son chose. She too had a canopy bed complete with light pink sheers.

    Alec and Andrew’s room was black and blue. Black for Alec and blue for Andrew. Mine and Joe’s stayed purple with the walls a creamy gold color.

    Rod and Kieth both asked my son what he thought and he looked at the many different paint colors we had. He went to Kieth’s room first and selected the paint then the furniture. Next he went to Rod’s and did the same thing. They both went with his ideas.

    Taking different colors and mixing it up. He drew it out and I had to admit, it looked good the way he had thought.

    Seumas then chose the library since it was a huge room he was thinking that it would take him a little bit to set it up. He chose white for the walls and plush creamy tan carpet. Next he went to the pictures and chose which ones to hang on the walls to break up the white. I think some of the king’s paintings should be hung here like they were at the castle.

    Agreeing with him, I helped him put the nails in where he thought the pictures would look the best. He looked around and said Let’s leave them two walls for now. pointing to where the windows are.

    We stood back and he was satisfied with how the room was. The bookcases lined two of the walls, a cherry oak desk with a high back well padded chair, a black fabric couch and a cherry oak coffee table were placed near the center of the room.

    Finally getting everything painted and set up, we were now living there. Joe had started his new job as a cop on the night shift. His partner was Sergeant Rick Adams.

    On his first night, Joe told me that Rick took him under his wing since he was new. He’s a decent human. Most of the night we talked, getting to know each other. I told him about you and Seumas. My husband and my god-son.

    How did he take it hearing that yer gay? I asked as I watched him crawl into our bed.

    He has no problem with it. I thought you were paying attention?

    Shaking my head, I told him that Seumas had my attention. We were decorating the library since Jessie is denying him now. So we’re all doing what we can.

    He met my eyes in alarm and replied Shit, that’s not good.

    Agreeing with him, I watched as he fell asleep. King Bruce thought You alright lad?

    No, but I’ll be fine I thought then sat on our bed watching my male then decided to get a few more things from the store. Dad and Bruce went with me. I was thinking of acting up just to get Dad to smile some.

    King Bruce hearing my thoughts, turned, looked at me and thought You would do that, wouldn’t you?

    As I nodded Dad turned to me, narrowed his eyes and asked What are ye thinking, my boy?

    I acted innocent for a moment and said You’ll see, when it’s the right moment.

    He shook his head with a smile playing at his lips. King Bruce snickered as I looked around taking note of how many young were around while thinking Fake a hissy fit or just act up like a young? Hmm? What would get him to smile?

    Bruce replied Gods, yer a grown male and yer going to have a hissy fit?

    As I chuckled, Dad kept looking at me from the corner of his eye knowing I had something planned but not sure exactly what it was. He shook his head and continued to walk through the store as I debated on what to do. Dad soon broke the silence and asked Dose Seumas like his room?

    Aye, he does. He laid awake looking up at the stars for a few hours last night.

    He swelt with pride and after we bought the remaining furniture, we went for lunch. Sitting at the restaurant, I noticed there was no young.

    Dad looked to me with narrowed eyes Don’t even think about it.

    Too late. I replied chuckling quietly.

    The king shook his head and said I dare ye.

    Shrugging, I did. I was acting up so bad, Dad’s face turned red from embarrassment. Bruce laughed quietly as the employees looked at us. Dad said Tòmas Raibeart stop right now and eat yer lunch.

    Aye sir. I replied quietly then began eating my lunch.

    I met his eyes and he said You were planning that, weren’t ye?

    Nodding, I replied I wanted ye to smile. I was gonna do that in the store. I think it would’ve been funnier but there was too many young around.

    Getting out to the truck, they were still watching us. Dad said That actually made my day. I wondered what it would be like to see you act up.

    Ye smiled, that’s all that matters to me. The depression must end now. We’re close enough to see each other daily now.

    He nodded and said Yer right my boy. Our eyes met and we took a deep breath together. Both feeling better, I continued home with the back of my truck full.

    As I pulled into the drive way, Alec, Kieth and Rod came out to help unload the truck. Dad and Bruce were standing at the bed of my truck as Kieth looked over at the fence grabbing my attention.

    A male with auburn hair and green eyes was standing there. At first he just looked at us like he was scared until I said Hi, can I help ye?

    He shook his head slightly and said I was just coming over to welcome you to the neighborhood. My name’s Mark.

    As I walked over to the fence, he held his hand out and as I shook it, I introduced everyone that was standing there. The male looked shocked and asked A real king?

    Aye, our home was destroyed so we came here to be closer to my dad.

    He bowed his head in respect Your majesty.

    King Bruce looked over at him studying him for a moment and then nodded to him. Fucking humans. Ack at least this one knows respect.

    What ye mean? There’s some decent humans, is there not?

    Aye, I suppose yer right. There is a few and this one is one of them. I was meaning the ones at the different stores we went to this day, rude the lot of them.

    True, they were rather rude, some would define them as pompous pricks. Okay so I heard a few say that and I had to agree.

    I knew something was bothering him but I didn’t pry. Even with the link I still give him his privacy.

    Mark helped us to unload and I was quite surprised at how he was. Most would stand back and watch. Not him, he helped us take the stuff in. He was acting like he’d known us a while.

    Seumas was sitting at the dining room table doing his homework and Jessie came out of her room. I smiled and said There’s my boy.

    He set his pencil down and jumped up into my arms Athair!

    Resting his forehead against mine, I asked How was yer day?

    It was, he glanced at her and said A day.

    That doesn’t sound good my boy. What happened?

    Can we talk later about that?

    Aye, of course. Whenever ye want but I do want to know.

    He seen Mark standing there and pressed his lips shut then went to finish his work. I said That’s my son, Seumas. He’s shy around those he don’t know.

    Understandable. he gave Seumas a small, friendly smile.

    Seumas inclined his head to acknowledge his gesture. Joe got up finally, yawning Hey Tiger, Jessie how was school? Seumas pointed at me but kept his lips shut. He turned and said Hey honey.

    Hi. Ye okay?

    Aye, just getting used to the shift is all. I nodded and he said Why’s Tiger being so quiet?

    Turning him a little, I responded Neighbor came by to say hi.

    After they shook hands, he commented There’s more furniture?

    And still more out on the truck too.

    Let me get cofaidh and wake up then I’ll help ye. Just as he went into the kitchen, we heard a slight bang and Joe said Ouch, dang it.

    Seumas got up and opened the kitchen door slightly then asked Ye okay Joe?

    Yeah, I’m fine. Hit my foot on the cabinet again.

    He shook his head Be more careful.

    What’s wrong Tiger?

    Talk later, aye?

    Joe looked at me and when I shrugged, he nodded Alright.

    A little later, Seumas walked over to me I’m done my homework, I’ll help ye bring things in.

    Okay my boy. Taing.

    Welcome Athair.

    I heard Bruce talking to Jessie about her attitude, this distance she has with her warrior; my son and what she’s really doing to him emotionally. But it didn’t faze her. Nothing did. Before Joe left for work, Seumas looked to me Forgive me Athair, you’re needed tomorrow in school.

    Why? I asked looking into his eyes.

    Teacher wants to talk to you and I told her that I would tell you myself.

    Alright, Alec and I will both be there.


    A little later, I was offered a job working with the same human; Mark. I asked what kind of work and he told me Construction, I own the business.

    Alec and Andrew were both nodding and I remembered what they told me; Its boring here.

    Sounds good, thanks. I replied.

    The rest of the night, I watched Seumas as he helped to set the bookcases in the library. Emptying the many boxes of books and setting them in order on the shelves. He dusted each book before setting them on the shelf.

    Being uncertain of a few different set of books, he asked King Bruce. He looked at them and said I am not certain so for now just put them up there by color and later, I’ll take a look and rearrange them if need be.

    Seumas saluted and went back to the task of setting up the library. Scanning my son’s emotions he was hurt and confused. I knew this was Jessie’s doings. Ever since we had to flee for our lives she has been very distant and its angering me that much more.

    As Colin announced dinner was ready, Jessie wouldn’t come out of her room. Seumas took a deep breath and made her a plate then took it to her. He stopped as he was sensing emotions and said I may only be her warrior and not mean anything to her but she still needs to eat.

    Bruce nodded, showing he understood and was concerned Yer fine lad.

    I followed him just to watch and see what happens. I had hoped she wouldn’t deny my son’s duties. He tapped on her door and heard no response, opened the door slightly and said Jessie, I brought ye dinner.

    She was sitting at the window making no sound nor movements except breathing.

    He was hurt that she didn’t acknowledge him at all. Softly he said Alright, it’s right here on yer desk. I’ll leave ye. He bowed formally then shut the door. Turning around, he seen me standing there. She’s nae talking to me either.

    I can tell ye care for her.

    Aye, I do care. She’s hurt and that upsets me. But there’s nothing I can do nor will she allow me to even talk to her in comfort. I do nae know what else to do Athair.

    Not knowing what to say, I replied There’s nothing left, ye tried everything my boy. I’m proud of ye, now go eat yer dinner.

    Aye sir.

    We went back to the table and just as we sat down, we heard the sound of glass shattering. We all ran to her room and she had thrown the plate against the wall and broke it.

    Kelly seeing the wall was covered in chicken, rice, green beans and salad with ranch dressing. Shaking her head, she rounded on her daughter asking her what her problem was.

    With everyone in the room, I couldn’t see where the plate had broken. As my son ran from the room, I looked in the trashcan and notice he had already picked up the pieces of the plate and cleaned up the food.

    I shook my head and went to look for him. He was sitting on his bed rocking clearly upset. Sitting down beside him, he kept his head hung and softly said Why did I do that? Why do I even bother? She has nae emotions at all for me. It’s like I’m nae even there. So why did I clean it up? Why do I bother doing anything for her anymore?

    Yer her warrior. That’s one thing we do, even if they do nae wish us to.

    He shook his head and asked Why am I her warrior?

    Because Bruce chose you from all the lads. You were the fastest to get to her to comfort and protect her. I’ll show you the video of it. You had a busted lip from fighting at the age of three.

    Not right now, Athair. he replied.

    After getting him calm again, I went down and seen a few colored pages with Seumas’ name on them on the table. I took them up to him and he put them in a multi-colored folder with her name on it. Asking for more hurt, aren’t I Athair?

    What does yer senses tell ye?

    He put the folder on the shelf, sighed and said That I’m stupid and a glutton for punishment.

    Nae yer not. Yer neither of them. You have a big heart full of love and one day, you’ll find that right one.

    He sighed and shrugged I normally would never say this. But I doubt that. There’s this part of me that believes the only love I’ll ever get is the family’s and I’m happy with that.

    Watch and see, yer still very young. I met Joe when I was nine. Ye never know when love is going to find ye. Ye just have to be patient.

    He nodded and started to get his clothes ready for the next day I should’ve already had my bath and been in bed.

    I’ll run ye a bath and once yer done, I’ll read with ye till ye fall asleep.

    Taing Papa.

    After his bath, he came in and seen me sitting in the chair What’s wrong? he asked.

    Just thinking. I was offered a job working with Mark.

    He met my eyes You were? Where? Doing what?

    Nodding I replied I’ll be starting in a couple of days doing construction and that means less time with Joe since he works nights.

    What? Joe thought.

    Relax love, I have to calm him somehow.

    Seumas said Maybe he might come to yer job and bring ye lunch? I know I would.

    Damn right, I will be.

    Trying to get Seumas calm I had to ignore my mate’s thoughts. I smiled and said Maybe, just feels like he’s slipping away from me.


    Being frustrated that Joe didn’t understand that I was trying to comfort Seumas from being rejected. I know Joey, please calm down.

    Shaking his head, my son said Never know Dad, ye gotta be patient. I know he loves ye and my senses tell me things will work out for ye.

    Chuckling in my thoughts as I looked to my son. Took my own words, twisted a few and used them on me.

    Bruce laughed and checked on Jessie. She fell asleep with her lamp on. That’s my little girl. Love ye Jessie. Just wish you would stop with this attitude.

    I then thought to Joe See my loving male, he’s calm now. I knew what I was doing. Jessie is denying his duties and it pisses me off. I will nae have my son hurt as long as I can help it.

    I understand and yer right, he is calmer now.

    In the morning, I went with them to school and talked to the teacher. There’s something wrong and he won’t talk to anyone. Even Andrew has tried and he gets no where. However, Seumas will help them with the work but that’s it.

    I’ll talk to him. A little later, I whispered I’ll be back.

    Ms. Carson, Alec and Seumas nodded. I tried to walk down the hall quietly but the sound of my boots echoed through the halls. Walking into Jessie’s class room, I seen she was sitting there quietly doing her work. Her teacher looked at me and said Can I help you?

    Just checking on her. I’ll be in and out all class between her and my son.

    When she only nodded, Jessie called out Nae, don’t touch me. I seen her jump and move away from the other kids. Her eyes met mine and said Seumas.

    He’s in class, I seen it. Relax, aye?

    I want Seumas. she replied in a commanding tone.

    I took a deep breath and said Come here. She walked over to me and I whispered First Seasaidh, using her birth name Ye know better than to back talk. This is yer warning. Secondly; he’s still very hurt.

    She started crying But I need him, the sight of him calms me.

    In as much pain as he’s in from yer denial, no. Today all ye have is me and Alec. I will nae allow ye to hurt him anymore. Now go sit back down.

    Aye, sir. she replied in a pouting tone.

    One of the young asked Why doesn’t she like anyone?

    It’s not that she doesn’t like anyone, her parents are raising her to keep her hands to herself, haven’t yer parents told ye that? They nodded and I continued Ye don’t listen very well.

    Sensing my son and Alec behind me, I said Seumas, aren’t ye supposed to be in class?

    Aye sir. I heard her crying out. Had to come check and see if she’s alright.

    Her eyes locked on to him as he scanned her emotions then said Ye’ll be fine, my athair and Alec both are here. He left the room and began crying.

    I looked at her as she sat back down with her head hung. I went to the hall and picked him up holding him close. He whispered through his tears She’s killing me. I know not what to do. So confused. One minute she says she needs me then just now, her emotions were cold again.

    Aye, I know my boy. Keep yer chin up, I think the message is clear to her on how hurt ye are.

    "I don’t

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