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Relationships: from Darkness to Light: A Biblical View of How Men and Women Interact
Relationships: from Darkness to Light: A Biblical View of How Men and Women Interact
Relationships: from Darkness to Light: A Biblical View of How Men and Women Interact
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Relationships: from Darkness to Light: A Biblical View of How Men and Women Interact

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About this ebook

When confronting relationship problems, we often turn to friends or expensive counselors for advice when we’d be much better served by simply opening our Bibles.

Lindsy Rebec Vaiphei Brady draws on her career as a minister and her knowledge of the Bible to reveal important truths about how men and women can get along in this treatise.

The stakes are high as failed relationships can hurt children and an individual’s personal relationship with the Lord. It’s time to take back what was lost from Adam and Eve so we can govern and rule by the power of God.

The author, who was born and raised in a Christian home but was confused until God touched her and taught her that clarity is not about Christianity but about having a personal relationship with Him, explores topics such as the true foundations of life, choosing the right partner, understanding the secret of Satan, the rewards of the faithful, and more.

Whether you are a Christian or a non-Christian, you can make a difference by choosing the right way. Discover hope and the path to victory with the lessons in Relationships: From Darkness to Light.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 29, 2019
Relationships: from Darkness to Light: A Biblical View of How Men and Women Interact

Lindsy Rebec Vaiphei Brady

Lindsy Rebec Vaiphei, a native of India, married to Jason Brady from Mississippi. Immigrated to the United States of America in 2013. Her and her husband were ministers in Spring of Praise & CI while volunteering in various works of ministry. She prides herself in visiting nursing homes, hospitals, & helping the broken. Her and her husband has gone on several ministry trips like, Guatemala and India to bring hope, love and life. They both regularly conducts healing and deliverance at their home. In her spare time, she likes to research and spend time with her two rabbits. You can reach Lindsy @ the following: Facebook-Lindsy Vaiphei Email:

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    Relationships - Lindsy Rebec Vaiphei Brady

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019900337

    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/15/2019




    1 Men and Women Knowing and Understanding the Self: Foundations

    *     Men and Women: Differences and Responsibilities

    *     Self-Understanding from the Two Foundations:Self-Examination

    *     Desires and Wants: Dreams

    2 Meeting People: Choices

    *     How to Understand People and Choose the Right Friends or Partner: Freedom of Choice

    *     Sharing and Encouragement: Respect and Honesty

    3 Relationship Progress: Building Up

    *     Building Trust: Knowing Each Otherand Forming a Foundation

    *     Intimacy: Waiting on God’s Promises

    4 Commitment and Marriage: Sold Out

    *     Marriage: A Lifetime Commitment

    *     Unconditional Love and Respect:Cherish and Recognize One Another

    *     Commandments for Husbands, Wives, and Children, According to God: Decision-Making

    5 Challenges and Difficulties: Tests

    *     Temptations, Hardships, and Challenges:Misunderstandings

    *     Break the Ice of Misunderstanding:Communication and Sharing

    6 Divorce and Separation: Tribulations

    *     Understanding the Root Causes: The Secret of Satan

    *     Common Problems and Issues in Married Life:How to Handle Them

    7 The Reward of the Faithful: The Crown

    *     The Miracle of Those Who Walk in Faith Faithfully from Darkness to Light

    *     The Incredible Reward of the Faithful on Earth and in Heaven: Eternal Glory

    In loving memory of my mom and dad,

    the late Mr. and Mrs. Thangpi and Ngainu Vaiphei

    Following are my parents’ favorite verses:

    Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

    —Psalm 1:1–3 (NKJV)

    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

    —3 John 1:4 (NKJV)

    I love you, Mom and Dad.

    Your loving daughter,

    Lindsy Rebec Vaiphei Brady


    This book comes together from my experiences in the natural and as well as supernatural realms of the body, soul, and spirit. It took me many years to put this book together from what I learned and experienced and from what God revealed to me. Since the beginning of my life, I have always sought to gain knowledge and wisdom about life and understand how it works. As I have traveled through life, I have had many questions because of my lack of understanding. I believe there are so many people who question life just as I have done, wanting to know reality and to seek the kinds of answers that I have sought.

    At a very young age, the bad experiences I had, including the trauma I went through because of my parents, family, and friends and because of the surroundings I grew up within, put a big question in my head: Why? I especially wondered about relationships, which I continued seeking to understand for many years. Going through pain and oppression and facing various difficult situations made it hard to cope. I couldn’t understand anything back then, and there was no one I could ask. The people around me had their own struggles, with questions of their own. Being a Christian doesn’t give one all the answers. I was born and brought up in a Christian home, but nothing was clear until God touched me and revealed it to me. I came to know that clarity is not about Christianity; it is about having a personal relationship with Him.

    God is so gracious and so full of mercy and love. When I sought after Him wholeheartedly, from those broken and dark places, He rescued, healed, and restored me. He establishes me in His word when I seek Him daily with prayer and fervent cries. I seek Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. He has provided for me and given me the strength, through His Spirit, to understand my world and myself. He gave me the strength to forgive myself, my past, and those who hurt and who oppressed me. He blessed me with a beautiful, faithful, and humble husband who accepts me the way I am and who supports and stands by me. My husband has helped me put this book together so that I can express my experiences and the wisdom I have learned. My hope is to help others who face darkness and bring them to light.

    God also has revealed many things beyond measure to me while I’ve been learning about the meaning of human life. I want to share this wisdom and help others discover who they really are and how unique and precious every individual’s life is. It doesn’t matter where you stand right now. Whether you are a Christian or a non-Christian, you always can make a difference by choosing the right way.

    Without complete understanding, it’s easy to blame others—parents, family, friends. It’s also easy to blame circumstances. It’s easy to point out others’ shortcomings but hard to see our own. I used to blame others, God, and myself, because I was blind and deaf in spirit and didn’t know what the truth was. Until I sought after God, I was a victim of Satan and obeyed him along with what the world offered me. Examining myself in God helps me understand all I face in life, who I am, and how weak and strong I am. It helps me build myself up in God from the very foundation He gave me through Christ Jesus.

    In today’s world, people’s minds develop according to the nature of the world. They build upon a worldly foundation and upon broken relationships, living without knowing the full answers. Even though this modern world may be changing, the pain and hurt never changes. Pain is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It tears up so many lives, breaks apart families, and even takes away many lives prematurely. I’ve seen and faced such pain; it is so real, and nothing can heal it without Christ. Satan uses people minds by twisting them, turning them, and later condemning them, all without taking any responsibility. If anyone is lacking in wisdom and understanding, that is where Satan takes advantage. He tempts and later binds them without any hope, but there is always hope which is in Christ Jesus.

    Some are oppressed so much that they find it hard to grasp the lives they have and are still living within the bondage of guilt and shame. They may believe in God but still live under that shadow of the past. It’s time to see things from God’s perspective and not our own. God gave us the way to overcome the past and live in the present moment of our lives with total freedom. What Satan uses to destroy me turns into good; God uses it in developing my life the way He wants me to be. I thank God for those bad experiences in my past because I know who Satan is, and I know now how to fight against him. I have no fear of him. Wherever I go, he flees (the light shines and darkness flees) because of the power given me by my Almighty Father in heaven through Christ Jesus, my Savior.

    I wrote this book to tell people that there is hope, there is victory, and there is life in the Spirit. There is an answer to every question, and you can enjoy everyday life with peace, joy, and completeness. Satan is a liar, a twisted serpent who is the father of all lies, and he will not stop chasing everyone to try to pull us down and bring us to destruction. But God gives us the power and authority in our hands to fight against every demonic stronghold through Christ Jesus. If we don’t know that power personally, we become powerless and defeated. The power is already here on earth and is based in knowing and understanding the knowledge of God and wisdom of truth. So let us fight the good fight of faith, in truth, to overcome all lies, for the Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth" (Psalm 145:18 NKJV).

    Like the book of Acts, God chose me, To open people eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Acts 26:18 KJV)

    And I rested in God like Psalm said, I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. (Psalms 16:8-9 KJV)

    I love You, my God, my Redeemer!


    Without God and my husband, I would not have been able to complete this book. My husband stood beside me, helping me through each step. Thank you, my love, for your obedience to God and for your faith in me. Your love has been my strength and shield during every battle. I will forever be indebted and thankful to you and to God our Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.

    God has given me revelation upon revelation since the beginning of my life, and He guided me along the way to complete this book. It was difficult to put it together since I had never written a book before, but I really wanted to help others, especially those who had suffered as I did. It was really challenging at times, and I almost gave up, but God said to me, It is not your will nor your power but My will and My power. I knew right then that God wanted me to continue. With my faith in Him, I believed in my heart that this book would touch and restore millions of lives to give them hope, wisdom, and understanding and to set them free from every bondage. God really has strengthened me from inside and out.

    I also thank God for placing such wonderful people in my life to help me, stand with me, encourage me, and stretch out their hands to bring me to where I am today. I would like to thank

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