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Child of War Ll: Investment in Terrorism
Child of War Ll: Investment in Terrorism
Child of War Ll: Investment in Terrorism
Ebook285 pages4 hours

Child of War Ll: Investment in Terrorism

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A story about a runaway orphan, nearing the end of the Viet Nam conflict. Half Vietnamese / Half American. Taken in, and raised by a village elder. Taught the academics and fighting arts. Following his life through childhood, into early adulthood. Meets American, searching for his brother who never returned home. Mission takes him through Southeast Asia, where he encounters a mountain of action and adventure.

Into book two, where he is brought to America by his American friend. Charlie Zeto is now the head of a newly formed branch of the government. Their main function is to stop, and eliminate any terrorist threat to the United States. Here the story of Ki continues, with his mission in Central America. Loaded with fascinating characters; in a plot to rid Honduras of an evil sociopathic crime and drug lord.

Book one, and book two, cover the young Amerasian’s adventures to great heights. This author wrote these books, because it’s a story that he’d like to read. It’s a movie waiting to happen, and a movie that I would want to view. I loved the movies of the late forties / early fifties. This would be like one of those movies.
Release dateJan 11, 2019
Child of War Ll: Investment in Terrorism

Arthur Rabesa Jr.

Retired Public School Teacher- 10th dan Uechi Ryu Karate - Author of "Kumite" The Complete Fighting Text - "Explosive Karate" - Fought for many years and still train and teach martial arts - To write about fighting and the training comes easy to the author. He has been doing it for 55 years. He is also married with two daughters.

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    Book preview

    Child of War Ll - Arthur Rabesa Jr.

    Chapter One

    C HARLIE ZETO SAT in his newly decorated office, listening to one suggestion after another from his newly appointed staff. When he took this job, he had a secretary and an assistant right out of college. That was three years ago, when he’d returned from Southeast Asia after getting his brother out of that V.C. camp. Since that time his antiterrorist agency had grown tremendously. It was the most up to date department in D.C. Charlie Zeto was placed in charge of this agency by the President and the joint chiefs of staff.

    One face after another of this month’s bad guys flashed across his screen: known terrorists, or those that were tied to terrorist groups. Charlie made it top priority to know where these sweethearts were at all times.

    Charlie had a few of his people down there watching and listening. The major rumbling was coming from Honduras. The problems there were very clear and pronounced. There was much discontent with the citizens, as well as the law officials trying to keep the lid on the country. There were good honest politicians and police officials, but they were simply over-matched. Those that made the most noise were suddenly missing. The elections were a joke as well. Actually, there hadn’t been an election for any of the top offices in the country for quite some time.

    Crime was the biggest malignancy with gangs running rampant. There were drugs, murder, gangs, kidnappings, military corruption, and political upheaval. Problems that made this area a place to avoid. This was the sole reason Charlie’s agency was on high alert.

    The United States did not want to get involved in another Big Brother situation. There were too many countries suffering because of the inner workings of a corrupt government. Refugees from Honduras were finding their way into the U.S. When immigration questioned them, it was the same story. Honduras had become so dangerous that basic living was almost impossible. Gangs made it very dangerous to even walk the streets. It was a common occurrence to see someone murdered in broad daylight. This could happen anywhere in the cities of the country.

    Charlie’s attention was on San Pedro Sula. This city, located in the north of Honduras, was the financial and industrial center of the country. It was also considered one of the most violent, dangerous places to live on the planet. The question was always why doesn’t the U.S. put a stop to all this? This was becoming a very public international-relations nightmare for the U.S.

    The U.S. was the only country which could accomplish this, but didn’t want to be noticed doing so. The answer was Charlie Zeto’s agency. The Anti-Terrorist Division was becoming the government’s go-to answer concerning problems like this. Charlie Zeto met with the president and the top military minds in Washington. The President’s order was firm. I want what is causing this problem in Honduras to disappear. I also want no U.S. fingerprints on any of it. I don’t care how you do it, Charlie, just get it done.

    Charlie knew what he had to do as soon as he heard the President’s order to get the job done without lots of commotion. There was only one answer to this, and Charlie was ready to use it. Or rather, him – Ki.

    Charlie flashed back to Southeast Asia and his half-Vietnamese, half-American friend. He hadn’t seen Ki in over three years. Charlie would get a letter every once in a while letting him know how everything was going at the Sen company, where Ki had become a main component for Mr. Quang Sen’s company. Ki wrote about his anxious feelings of being behind a desk for the Sen Company.

    Charlie was getting pressure from the suits on the third floor. They were simply passing their pressure onto Charlie and his agency. Charlie was pissed off, and his staff was staying out of his way until he settled down.

    Charlie Zeto spent many nights at his office going over the tons of data on his desk, especially going over the rap sheets of two men in Honduras who were responsible for all the problems there. Paz Resende and General Ramon Alvarado were one and two. He wasn’t sure which of these two men was causing the most chaos. He couldn’t close his eyes without seeing their faces. He didn’t know if the termination of these two men would solve the people’s suffering, but it would be a great start.

    The Oval Office was beginning to look bad concerning this matter. There were different factions in Washington that made most problems seem worst. There were those that would solve any problem by simply having the entire location disappear, while others never wanted to cause any world damnation for their actions. Negotiation was their middle name. Charlie’s job was to find a solution that would please both sides. Namely to get rid of that which was causing the problem. However, it had to be without the U.S. being visibly involved.

    Charlie rubbed his head, leaned back in his chair and stared out the window. He saw people ending their working days and hurrying home to their families. He knew damn well he would spend another night here.

    He plugged in the Mr. Coffee and flopped back down in his chair. The building commotion began to fade away. Charlie’s mind was drifting from one idea to another. He opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out two letters, then read each one slowly and returned them to the drawer. He rubbed his face and scalp and stared at the pale green walls of his office. A slow grin began as he slid the typewriter over and put in his personal stationery. Charlie looked at the heading and began typing.

    Ki, my friend,

    I am sorry to hear of your growing despair with your employment. I too long for the freedom and adventure that you speak of. Sitting behind a desk is not what we are cut out for. I have something that may be of interest to you. It means that you come to the United States and work with me. Please let me know how you feel about this. Hope to hear from you soon. CZ

    He addressed the envelope and stuck the letter in. Charlie went out to his secretary’s desk and put the letter in the outgoing urgent box. He snapped off the lights in his office, locked the door, and went home. Charlie Zeto felt good for the first time in a long time.

    Another weekend of television and single’s clubs. Weekends were a royal pain in the ass for Charlie. It seemed that Saturday and Sunday were misplaced in the week somehow. After his divorce, he seemed to be just spinning his wheels. There were plenty of women, plenty of good sex, but no home. A nice apartment in Georgetown, but it seemed plastic to Charlie. The job caused the divorce. There were no kids, so it didn’t turn into any custody battle in court. June got most of the material things. Charlie had his clothes and the Volkswagen.

    Charlie downed his third scotch and swung around on the bar stool. He thought,

    "One more and I’m going to get myself into a shitload of trouble here"

    He elbowed his way out of the club and headed home to a late movie on TV and passing out on the sofa. Another typical weekend for Charlie Zeto, head of the most feared agency in D.C.

    Monday finally rolled around to end the agony. Charlie was in his office at 6:30 AM just like every workday. He checked the outgoing urgent box finding his letter still there. He scribbled a note reminding Tracy to get it out as soon as she came in.

    Charlie went into his office and flipped on the slide machine. He paused on the face of Paz Resende. Responsible for the many killings, kidnappings, extortions, drug trafficking, gang violence, and other acts that hadn’t shown up yet.

    Resende was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of an American diplomat and his wife last month. Paz Resende, muttered Charlie. He seemed transfixed on his face.

    Morning, chief, announced Williams as he strolled into the office. A real sweetheart we’ve got there, huh chief? Charlie knew he was there but continued staring at the screen. William shrugged his shoulders and went out to the reception area. He liked to brag to the girls about his weekend follies. They got a kick out of him making an ass of himself.

    The building began filling up with the many employees of the different departments as Charlie got ready for another staff meeting. This morning’s meeting would be much different. Charlie was set in his decision concerning Honduras and Resende. He wasn’t going to be moved off this decision by any alternative suggestions.

    He was well aware of the liberal groups in Washington that would come at him hard. Charlie knew damn well how to have Resende disappear. He knew for certain that involving the U.S. military was not the answer. He remembered Ki’s teacher Lau Trung saying, You do not need a hammer to kill a fly. A simple enough statement for most people. Lau Trung was no ordinary man, so people listened carefully to his words. Charlie smiled as he remembered this very wise man.

    Resende had his people everywhere, especially in the most powerful positions — the government, military, police, gangs, and Honduran elite. Resende used one simple method to accomplish all this — greed. He paid off everyone from the gang leaders to the most powerful men in the government and military. Charlie knew that it would take someone very wise and talented, with a fair amount of crazy, to get Resende. He had that weapon wrapped up in one person — Ki.

    Okay everybody, I’ve reached a decision concerning the situation down south. There are some of you that will oppose it right away. A few of you were added to my department as a check and balance. That seems to be the way everything operates in this city. Well, that philosophy sucks. I’m initiating a plan that’s the sure-fire way to solve the problem in Honduras. I’m bringing in someone who’ll get the job done quietly and completely. This person is the only solution that I can come up with. Okay, that’s it. Now don’t anyone try to confuse me with facts. My mind is made up.

    Charlie Zeto looked at the stunned faces seated at the large oak table and smiled that sneering smile that hadn’t surfaced since Laos. They all knew better than to start a discussion now. Even Jeff Williams was quiet, as he stared at the President’s picture on the wall behind Charlie’s desk.

    Frank Rivera was grinning right along with Charlie. Frank usually agreed with most things Charlie did or said, not because he was a kiss-ass, but because he really did feel that way. Frank shifted in his chair. You gonna let us know who this guy is, chief?

    Charlie liked and respected Frank but didn’t like to show it around the others. Well Frank, I’d like to clue everyone in on this individual, but that wouldn’t be the wisest move at this time. I wouldn’t want the suits on the third floor to try and get their hooks into him quite yet. I can tell you all this, though. He has no official identity; or records of any kind. He’s completely untraceable. He’s multilingual and carries around a large IQ. He has martial arts skills that surpass the best martial artists in the world. I’ve seen him in action and no one can do the things he can. He is also great with weapons and explosives. I’ve got a military force wrapped up in one person.

    A few chairs eased back from the table and glanced around at each other. They all wanted to jump at Charlie like reporters at a press conference. Finally, Williams couldn’t help himself. We, as a staff, should be brought in on this. It’s too important a decision for one person to make. No offense, Charlie. Charlie was up and leaning on the table with both hands, glaring at Williams.

    Every offense is taken, Williams. What the fuck do you know about any of this shit? You’re a rich-ass kid with connections and no balls. Now shut the fuck up and stay out of my hair. This barrage of Charlie’s had been a long time coming. It didn’t shock anyone that much. Frank turned away to hide his grin.

    We’ll see about that, Mr. Zeto, stuttered Williams as he stormed from the room. Charlie sat back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head.

    Well, Senator Blake should be making his appearance pretty soon I’d imagine.

    Bill Gary was pouring himself another cup of coffee as he caught Charlie’s eye. Okay to kick this around a little bit, chief?

    Charlie grabbed his yellow legal pad and took another sip of coffee. He nodded, grabbed his pen and took a seat at the large table. They discussed Charlie’s idea for most of the morning. Charlie rehashed past history with this one area of Central America. There had been numerous attempts to get something accomplished down there. The one thing that kept coming back to Charlie was simply being overwhelmed. Resende’s reach was massive in Honduras. It flowed into everything that enabled the country to operate. Charlie’s agents felt that they were simply unable to dig up any intel on Paz Resende.

    I’m bringing in someone that will turn the tables on all of this. The advantage will be in his hands, and not Resende’s.

    By 1:00 PM they all agreed to go with Charlie’s plan.

    Don’t we get to at least know his name? asked Bill Gary.

    Charlie took the red felt marker from the table and drew a large question mark over Central America. That’s his name, Charlie said.

    Two days later, Tracy Evans came into Charlie’s office with the mail and notes from various politicians looking for favors. Charlie sifted through the mail as part of the job. Most of it ended up in the circular file next to his desk. He stopped suddenly and snatched an envelope from the pile. It was from Senator Blake’s office and was handwritten. Took him long enough, he mumbled.

    I beg your pardon Mr. Zeto. Charlie looked up and smiled that crooked smile of his.

    Oh, just thinking out loud, Tracy. Thanks, that’s all for now.

    Tracy Evans returned his smile, spun on her very high heels and walked slowly back to her desk.

    How can someone be so intelligent and move like that? Charlie snapped back from his small fantasy and ripped open the envelope. He read the message from the Senator, crumbled it up and dropped it into the wastebasket. Who’s he shitting? I’ve got enough on him to put him away for a long time, if his wife doesn’t kill him first. Charlie grabbed a sheet of paper from his drawer and slid it into his trusty old typewriter, which he’d had since high school. He looked at the paper and hit the keys.

    My Dear Senator Blake,



    Charlie knew damn well that Williams went screaming to Senator Blake. Blake had had Williams placed in Charlie’s department as a political favor to his father, and everyone knew it.

    The Sen Export Company address on the upper left corner suddenly jumped out at him. He grabbed the letter opener and slid it across the envelope. Charlie pulled the paper out slowly. He walked over to the window and began reading.

    "Charlie, my friend,

    I have been thinking about your offer with great excitement. I find it difficult to give you a firm answer. My obligation to Mr. Sen is something I must honor. My desire to join you in America is strong. Mr. Sen has business in Los Angeles and New York in two weeks. I have convinced him to take me along. We could meet in New York to discuss your offer if you wish. It would be better if Mr. Sen is with us to go over your proposal. We will be at the Americana on the fifth of next month. I hope to see you then, my friend. –––- Ki

    He placed Ki’s letter in his floor safe and poured himself another mug of coffee.

    Chapter Two

    C HARLIE PULLED OUT the red folder with the large black H from his files. It contained photos of various people in Honduras that his agents deemed dirty — people that had dealt with Resende in one capacity or another. Not all the photos were men. There were a few women who’d caught the attention of Charlie’s agents.

    He pushed the yellow button on his phone. Yes, Mr. Zeto, answered Tracy.

    Tracy, round everyone up and get them in here right now, please… On the spot meetings were a normal thing for Charlie, so this didn’t raise anyone’s blood pressure. They all walked into Charlie’s office calmly, including Jeff Williams.

    "Blake got my message, I see, thought Charlie. He looked Williams into his seat and glanced at the rest of his staff.

    Okay; let’s get this show started. I’ve made contact with the one I’m bringing in. Nothing is certain yet but I’ll be meeting with him shortly. Hopefully, he’ll climb on board so we can put things in motion. I have added a few more faces for us to look at. Our guys down there feel that these characters are people of interest.

    "Our old friend Paz Resende heads the list, obviously. Directly under him is someone who might be as dangerous. We are looking at General Ramon Alvarado. The general has full control of the army and all its posts in the country. These two sweethearts, working together, pretty much have the entire country under their thumbs. Nothing happens that these two don’t know about. Nothing down there operates without their involvement. They are not only ruthless, but highly intelligent as well. Resende graduated from Yale with honors. Mommy and Daddy are very wealthy land owners and part of the Honduras elite. This makes Resende very dangerous.

    "General Ramon Alvarado is not unlike Resende. He is very intelligent and a graduate of the School of the Americas in Panama. That’s a military university down there that schools the students in the fine art of dictatorship. Now here is the real kicker. Many classes were taught by the U.S. Army. That ought to tell you something right there.

    Alvarado, like Resende, graduated at the top of his class. He rose fast in the Honduras military. He was head and shoulders above all officers in military tactics and knowledge. Resende and Alvarado are also similar in their greed and need for power. One more important fact here. They’re fucking psychotic bastards. That is why I am making this investment in terrorism. If my investment pays off, we can kiss these two pricks goodbye. In the meantime, I’d like everyone to dig into everything there is to know about Honduras and Central America in general. I want to know as much as I can to put together the most solid plan possible. Pay particular attention to San Pedro Sula in the north. That’s where our two friends call home. It’s also known as the murder capital of the world. Study the coast along the Caribbean Sea, especially near the town of La Ceiba. We know about the drug corridor from Mexico into Honduras. Run that down and locate all the hot spots along the route, including the fleet coming out of Columbia and the boats loaded with coke and smack on their way to Honduras.

    Charlie looked at each one intently.

    This is an important assignment guys; don’t fuck it up. Go wherever you have to go to get your information. Our agents down there tell me that this is where we should focus our attention. Until I have definite info on my investment, this is to be your sole assignment. Frank, see to it that each person has his research assignment. I want to be able to paste everything together into a package of solid intel. Okay that’s it; hit the bricks.

    The two weeks that Ki had mentioned in his letter were almost up.

    Charlie snatched his jacket from the back of his chair and left his office. He moved to Tracy Evans’s desk and leaned on it with both hands. He spoke softly and looked directly into her eyes. I’d like you to get a memo out to all staff. I’m not to be notified for any departmental matters until I return. Sign it as usual and get it right out, please.

    Tracy wrote as he spoke, and reached for the memo pad before Charlie lifted his hands from her desk.

    It was the day of their arrival, and Charlie was still going over his pitch at the Americana. He went over the way he would bring up Ki’s want for freedom and adventure. How Quang Sen had helped him recover his brother in Laos. Charlie would let him know how eternally grateful he was. He would focus on Ki’s Vietnamese American heritage. Everything had to fall into place neatly for this meeting to be successful. Quang Sen was a bright and reasonable man, and should see the open truth and honor of his request. Their meeting would accomplish two very important things for Charlie Zeto: to see these two friends that meant so much to him, and to bring his agency up to a higher level of productivity.

    The flight to Kennedy was right on time. Charlie was slightly apprehensive about seeing his friends after three years. Flashes of the small war he and Ki waged in Laos ran through his thoughts. He remembered Lou dying and waving goodbye at the top of that bloody hill. Charlie would never forget the two South Vietnamese, Lou and Tung, and their amazing courage. Ki almost dying when a bullet tore into his chest; the aid he received from the people of the villages and the deplorable condition his brother and the other captives were in. All these images were streaming through his mind as the flight attendant opened the jet-way door.

    Hugs and screams of joy met some of the passengers as they made their way into the waiting area. Charlie scanned the mass of bodies flowing toward him like a school of fish. He spotted some Asians but not the right ones.

    Suddenly he saw them in the stampede: two very well-dressed men with leather attaches and travel bags slung over their shoulders. Quang Sen seemed a little greyer, but still had a bounce to his step. He appeared to have added a few pounds to his short frame. The one walking with him was almost a stranger to Charlie. It was Ki all right, but not a kid any more. He was a head taller than Quang Sen and was noticeably wider at the shoulder. He had some Asian features, but an all American frame. Even at a distance, Charlie could detect the light eyes and curly hair. Most every female took notice as Ki went by.

    Charlie stepped out into their path and walked directly at them. The look

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